18 research outputs found

    Tracking the transition to agriculture in Southern Europe through ancient DNA analysis of dental calculus

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    Archaeological dental calculus, or mineralized plaque, is a key tool to track the evolution of oral microbiota across time in response to processes that impacted our culture and biology, such as the rise of farming during the Neolithic. However, the extent to which the human oral flora changed from prehistory until present has remained elusive due to the scarcity of data on the microbiomes of prehistoric humans. Here, we present our reconstruction of oral microbiomes via shotgun metagenomics of dental calculus in 44 ancient foragers and farmers from two regions playing a pivotal role in the spread of farming across Europe—the Balkans and the Italian Peninsula. We show that the introduction of farming in Southern Europe did not alter significantly the oral microbiomes of local forager groups, and it was in particular associated with a higher abundance of the species Olsenella sp. oral taxon 807. The human oral environment in prehistory was dominated by a microbial species, Anaerolineaceae bacterium oral taxon 439, that diversified geographically. A Near Eastern lineage of this bacterial commensal dispersed with Neolithic farmers and replaced the variant present in the local foragers. Our findings also illustrate that major taxonomic shifts in human oral microbiome composition occurred after the Neolithic and that the functional profile of modern humans evolved in recent times to develop peculiar mechanisms of antibiotic resistance that were previously absent

    Aqueous extract of tiririca, bio-stimulant and micronutrient in beet productivity and quality parameters

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    The use of stimulants in the beet crop can serve as a complement in the production and quality of the final product. In order to compare and evaluate the effects of physiological activators and aqueous extracts of tiririca on the parameters of beet quality and productivity, an experiment was conducted at the field in the municipality of Formosa do Oeste (Paraná, Brazil), in a typical dystroferric RED LATOSOL. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four treatments (T1 - control, T2 - Stimulate® 0.004%, T3 - tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.) 10%, T4 - Starter® 0.004%), with seven replicates. The seedlings were kept in the soil for 24 h in each treatment and then taken to the field and planted in beds. Leaf height (cm), number of leaves, stem length (cm), root diameter (cm), slight effects (%), serious effects (%) and productivity (t ha-1) were evaluated. Micronutrient application increased yields by around 5 t ha-1. The aqueous extract of tiririca and biostimulant presented a larger root diameter in the beet

    Multipronged dental analyses reveal dietary differences in last foragers and first farmers at Grotta Continenza, central Italy (15,500–7000 BP)

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    This paper provides results from a suite of analyses made on human dental material from the Late Palaeolithic to Neolithic strata of the cave site of Grotta Continenza situated in the Fucino Basin of the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The available human remains from this site provide a unique possibility to study ways in which forager versus farmer lifeways affected human odonto-skeletal remains. The main aim of our study is to understand palaeodietary patterns and their changes over time as reflected in teeth. These analyses involve a review of metrics and oral pathologies, micro-fossils preserved in the mineralized dental plaque, macrowear, and buccal microwear. Our results suggest that these complementary approaches support the assumption about a critical change in dental conditions and status with the introduction of Neolithic foodstuff and habits. However, we warn that different methodologies applied here provide data at different scales of resolution for detecting such changes and a multipronged approach to the study of dental collections is needed for a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of diachronic changes

    Growth of Neanderthal infants from Krapina (120-130 ka), Croatia

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    Modern humans have a slow and extended period of childhood growth but to what extent this ontogenetic pathway was present in Neanderthals is debated. Dental development, linked to the duration of somatic growth across modern primates, is the main source for information about growth and development in a variety of fossil primates, including humans. Studies of Neanderthal permanent teeth report a pace of development either similar to recent humans or relatively accelerated. Neanderthal milk teeth, which form and emerge before permanent teeth, provide an opportunity to determine which pattern was present at birth. Here we present a comparative study of the prenatal and early postnatal growth of five milk teeth from three Neanderthals (120,000-130,000 years ago) using virtual histology. Results reveal regions of their milk teeth formed quickly before birth, and over a relatively short period of time after birth. Tooth emergence commenced towards the earliest end of the eruption schedules displayed by extant human children. Advanced dental development is consistent with expectations for Neanderthal infant feeding

    Early life of Neanderthals

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    The early onset of weaning in modern humans has been linked to the high nutritional demand of brain development that is intimately connected with infant physiology and growth rate. In Neanderthals, ontogenetic patterns in early life are still debated, with some studies suggesting an accelerated development and others indicating only subtle differences to modern humans. Here we report the onset of weaning and rates of enamel growth using an unprecedented sample set of three late (~70-50 ka) Neanderthals and one Upper Paleolithic modern human from Northeastern-Italy via spatially-resolved chemical/isotopic analyses and histomorphometry of deciduous teeth. Our results reveal that the modern human nursing strategy, with onset of weaning at 5-6 months, was present among these Neanderthals. This evidence, combined with dental development akin to modern humans, highlights their similar metabolic constraints during early life and excludes late weaning as a factor contributing to Neanderthals' demise

    The COVID-19 pandemic: a letter to G20 leaders

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    Virtual histology of archaeological human deciduous prenatal enamel through synchrotron X-ray computed microtomography images

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    Virtual histology is increasingly utilized to reconstruct the cell mechanisms underlying dental morphology for fragile fossils when physical thin sections are not permitted. Yet, the comparability of data derived from virtual and physical thin sections is rarely tested. Here, the results from archaeological human deciduous incisor physical sections are compared with virtual ones obtained by phase-contrast synchrotron radiation computed microtomography (SRµCT) of intact specimens using a multi-scale approach. Moreover, virtual prenatal daily enamel secretion rates are compared with those calculated from physical thin sections of the same tooth class from the same archaeological skeletal series. Results showed overall good visibility of the enamel microstructures in the virtual sections which are comparable to that of physical ones. The highest spatial resolution SRµCT setting (effective pixel size = 0.9 µm) produced daily secretion rates that matched those calculated from physical sections. Rates obtained using the lowest spatial resolution setup (effective pixel size = 2.0 µm) were higher than those obtained from physical sections. The results demonstrate that virtual histology can be applied to the investigated samples to obtain reliable and quantitative measurements of prenatal daily enamel secretion rates