147 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing analysis of the meanders migration in the Mamorecillo River between 1985 and 2012, Bolivia

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    The morphology of a channel, in a space-time resolution, suffers with sedimentological processes of erosion, transport and deposition. Processes that are more accentuated in meandering channels. In the present work the objective is to analyze, identify and discuss the changes occurred in spatial and temporal sequence in the form of the meanders and river bed of a section of the Mamorecillo River between the provinces of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz - Bolivia. Characterized by being an extensively meandering river - characteristic of the river basin in which it is inserted, the Amazon Basin, the present study, through remote sensing resources, seeks to discuss and correlate the changes occurred in the channel in a period of twenty-seven years (1985-2012). As well as understanding the processes of migration of the meanders that this section of the Mamorecillo River suffered through the sedimentological processes of erosion and deposition and consequently understand the processes in the Amazon basin. For the accomplishment of the work, the studied area was delimited and allied with geoprocessing tools such as software and aerial images, the main geomorphological features were identified and their changes discussed during the studied period. In this work, we intend to correlate and verify the inter-dependence (referring to the sedimentological and / or hydrological contribution) that exists between the Mamorecillo River and the Chimoreacute; and Ichilo rivers

    MCHO – A new indicator for insulation conditions in transmission lines

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    AbstractConventionally monitoring operating conditions of a power transmission line is accomplished by periodic inspections along this line. This monitoring allows corrective maintenance by finding faults during the inspection. But in more efficient maintenance, predictive techniques that are characterized by real-time monitoring should be employed. Such predictive techniques allow for verifying the working status of the line by using normal working models to detect faults and fault models for diagnosis. This paper presents a study that used a mathematical model appropriate for application to predictive maintenance of transmission line segments at low cost, without the need for sensors distributed along the line, and presenting a new indicator of transmission line operation conditions. By tracking the leakage current of transmission lines, this model allows for estimating the current line insulation status. Once the current line insulation status is known, it is possible to compare it against other future status and verify the progress of the insulation conditions of that line. The model uses a new indicator, called MCHO, which can detect and diagnose both normal and abnormal operating conditions of a power transmission line. This new indicator is the capacitance of the harmonic frequencies of the transmission line leakage current. The model was validated through measurements obtained on a stretch of transmission line

    The role of intratumoral lymphovascular density in distinguishing primary from secondary mucinous ovarian tumors

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    OBJECTIVE: Ovarian mucinous metastases commonly present as the first sign of the disease and are capable of simulating primary tumors. Our aim was to investigate the role of intratumoral lymphatic vascular density together with other surgical-pathological features in distinguishing primary from secondary mucinous ovarian tumors. METHODS: A total of 124 cases of mucinous tumors in the ovary (63 primary and 61 metastatic) were compared according to their clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical profiles. The intratumoral lymphatic vascular density was quantified by counting the number of vessels stained by the D2-40 antibody. RESULTS: Metastases occurred in older patients and were associated with a higher proportion of tumors smaller than 10.0 cm; bilaterality; extensive necrosis; extraovarian extension; increased expression of cytokeratin 20, CDX2, CA19.9 and MUC2; and decreased expression of cytokeratin 7, CA125 and MUC5AC. The lymphatic vascular density was increased among primary tumors. However, after multivariate analysis, the best predictors of a secondary tumor were a size of 10.0 cm or less, bilaterality and cytokeratin 7 negativity. Lack of MUC2 expression was an important factor excluding metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: The higher intratumoral lymphatic vascular density in primary tumors when compared with secondary lesions suggests differences in the microenvironment. However, considering the differential diagnosis, the best discriminator of a secondary tumor is the combination of tumor size, laterality and the pattern of expression of cytokeratin 7 and MUC2

    Crystal structures and Hirshfeld surfaces of four methoxybenzaldehyde oxime derivatives, 2-MeO-XC6H3C=NOH (X = H and 2-, 3- and 4-MeO): different conformations and hydrogen-bonding patterns

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    The crystal structures of four (E)-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde oxime derivatives, namely (2-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde oxime, 1, 2,3-di-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde oxime, 2, 4-di-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde oxime, 3, and 2,5-di-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde oxime, 4, are discussed. The arrangements of the 2-meth-oxy group and the H atom of the oxime unit are s-cis in compounds 1-3, but in both independent mol-ecules of compound 4, the arrangements are s-trans. There is also a difference in the conformation of the two mol-ecules in 4, involving the orientations of the 2- and 5-meth-oxy groups. The primary inter-molecular O-H(oxime)⋯O(hy-droxy) hydrogen bonds generate C(3) chains in 1 and 2. In contrast, in compound 3, the O-H(oxime)⋯O(hy-droxy) hydrogen bonds generate symmetric R22(6) dimers. A more complex dimer is generated in 4 from the O-H(oxime)⋯O(hy-droxy) and C-H(2-meth-oxy)⋯O(hy-droxy) hydrogen bonds. In all cases, further inter-actions, C-H⋯O and C-H⋯π or π-π, generate three-dimensional arrays. Hirshfeld surface and fingerprint analyses are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of effortful swallowing on cardiac autonomic control in individuals with neurogenic dysphagia: A prospective observational analytical study

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    Considering that neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia is a prevalent condition with or without cardiac disease we should contemplate issues surrounding cardiovascular difficulties during rehabilitation. This study aims to evaluate the effects of effortful swallowing maneuver (ESM) on heart rate variability (HRV) in subjects with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. We studied 22 individuals [8 Stroke and 14 Parkinson Disease (PD) subjects aged between 41 and 75 years old] with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia regardless of gender. HRV was assessed under two circumstances: spontaneous swallowing versus ESM. Surface electromyography of the suprahyoid muscles was undertaken to measure the swallowing muscle excitation, which then confirmed higher muscle activity during ESM. We attained no changes in HRV between the two swallowing events [HR: spontaneous swallowing 78.68 ± 13.91 bpm vs. ESM 102.57 ± 107.81 bpm, p = 0.201; RMSSD (root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in a time interval): spontaneous swallowing 16.99 ± 15.65 ms vs. ESM 44.74 ± 138.85 ms, p = 0.312; HF (high frequency): spontaneous swallowing 119.35 ± 273 ms2 vs. ESM 99.83 ± 194.58 ms2, p = 0.301; SD1 (standard deviation of the instantaneous variability of the beat-to-beat heart rate): spontaneous swallowing 12.02 ± 1.07 ms vs. ESM 31.66 ± 98.25 ms, p = 0.301]. The effortful swallowing maneuver did not cause clinically significant changes in autonomic control of HR in this group of subjects with oropharyngeal dysphagia

    Alternative communication technology applied inlaryngectomized people due to head and neck cancer

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    Study design: Integrative literature review. Aims: To summarize the main results of research and publications related to the use of alternative communication technologies for people with restrictions on their communication skills, particularly those laryngectomized with head and neck cancer. Method: This study was based on bibliographic research in electronic databases: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO and CINAHL through the use of the following descriptors: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” and “Communication” , their corresponding in Portuguese and their crosses. Results: Selected 14 articles published in the period from 2004 to 2014, categorized into two units of analysis: I: Illness and treatment impact on quality of life and physical aspects, functional and symptoms (N = 5), II: Psychosocial aspects related to the treatment of head and neck cancer (N = 9). The articles indicated that the disease and the treatment of cancer cause body changes, at times traumatic, with important impacts on the functional and esthetic aspects, with speech, nutrition and physical appearance alterations, besides affecting the psychological factors. The laryngectomy is highly stressing and compromises the communication and social interactions, particularly in relation to their families and the health team. The consequences are manifested in everyday life of these subjects, including emotional responses ranging in a singular way to each individual. The use of alternative communication resources can encourage active social participation by people with communication difficulties and favor therefore their quality of life (QoL). Conclusion: The use of alternative resources for communication, by partial or total laryngectomized favors the exercise of the autonomy, maintaining communication skills, active social participation and improves QoL in person’s with cancerModelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e publicações relacionados ao uso de tecnologias de comunicação alternativa por pessoas com restrições de sua capacidade de comunicação, particularmente daquelas laringectomizadas por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Método: estudo baseado em levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados eletrônicas: PubMed, LILACS, SCIELO e CINAHL, através do uso dos descritores: “Head and Neck Neoplasms”, “Head and Neck Cancer”, “Quality of Life” e “Communication”, seus correspondentes em português e seus cruzamentos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 14 artigos, publicados no período de 2004 à 2014, categorizados em duas unidades de análise: I: Impacto do adoecimento e do tratamento na qualidade de vida e aspectos físicos, funcionais e sintomas (N=5), II: Aspectos psicossociais relacionados ao tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço (N=9). Os artigos indicaram que o adoecimento e o tratamento do câncer causam alterações corporais, por vezes traumáticas, com impactos importantes sobre os aspectos funcionais e estéticos, com alterações da fala, da alimentação e aparência física, além de afetar fatores psicológicos. A laringectomia é altamente estressante e compromete a comunicação e as interações sociais, particularmente em relação a seus familiares e equipe de saúde. Essas consequências manifestam-se na vida cotidiana desses sujeitos, incluindo respostas emocionais que variam de forma singular a cada individuo. O uso de recursos de comunicação alternativa pode favorecer a participação social ativa por parte de pessoas com dificuldades de comunicação e favorecer, assim, sua qualidade de vida (QV). Conclusão: O uso de recursos alternativos para a comunicação, por parte de laringectomizados parciais ou totais, favorece o exercício da autonomia, a manutenção da capacidade de comunicação, a ativa participação social e melhora da QV da pessoa com cânce

    Caregivers burden in people in palliative care: an integrative literature review

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    Modelo do estudo: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Objetivo: sintetizar os principais resultados de pesquisas e analisar criticamente as evidências científicas relativas ao tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos. Método: Busca bibliográfica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL e na biblioteca virtual SciELO, com os cruzamentos entre os descritores: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Terminal Care”, “Hospice Care”, e as palavras-chave “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Resultados: Foram selecionados 23 artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais, no período de janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2014. Foram categorizados em três unidades de análise: a tarefa de cuidar e as consequências para a vida do cuidador (N=7); a sobrecarga do cuidador diante da proximidade da morte (N=8); programas e serviços de apoio aos cuidadores (N=8). Os artigos indicaram que a sobrecarga do cuidador varia de acordo com sua vivência da tarefa de cuidar e a evolução da doença da pessoa cuidada; o cuidador necessita ser acolhido em suas necessidades e ter acesso a recursos da comunidade e serviços de saúde para diminuir a sobrecarga e melhorar tanto sua qualidade de vida, quanto da pessoa cuidada. Porém, as evidências científicas são consideradas fracas, com níveis 4 (65,2%) e 5 (21,8%) e apenas 13% dos estudos apresentam evidências consideradas fortes. Conclusão: O tema da sobrecarga de cuidadores de pessoas em Cuidados Paliativos é relevante para a pesquisa e para a prática clínica, mas há necessidade de estudos com melhor qualidade metodológica e evidências científicas que alicercem o cuidado a essa populaçãoStudy design: Integrative literature review. Objective: To summarize the main research findings and critically analyze the evidence on the burden of caregivers of people in Palliative Care. Method: Bibliographic search in the electronic databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL and the virtual library SciELO, with crosses between the descriptors: “Caregivers”, “Palliative Care”, “Hospice Care”, “Terminal Care” and the keywords “Burden”, “Supportive Care”. Results: 23 articles were selected, having been published in journals between January 2004 and June 2014, categorized into three units of analysis: 1. the task of caring and the consequences to the life of the caregiver (N=7); 2. the caregiver burden before the approach of death (N=8); 3. programs and support services to caregivers (N=8). The articles indicate that the caregiver burden varies according to their experience of care task and the evolution of the cared person’s illness; the caregiver needs to be received on your needs and have access to reduce the burden and improve both caregiver’s quality life as the assisted one. However, scientific evidence is considered fragile, with levels 4 (65.2%) and 5 (21.8%) and only 13% of studies present evidence considered strong. Conclusion: The issue of burden of caregivers of people in palliative care is relevant for research and for clinical practice, but there is need for studies with better methodological quality and scientific evidence to support the care for this populatio

    Gestão escolar, situações de conflito e violência: campo de tensão em escolas públicas

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    Resumo Este artigo tem o objetivo de apreender o que pensam diretores escolares sobre situações de conflito e violência, por meio de um estudo qualitativo realizado com 43 diretores de escolas da rede estadual de ensino de São Paulo, unidades que estão inseridas no Sistema de Proteção Escolar, programa implementado pela Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo desde 2010. Compõe pesquisa mais ampla que busca analisar a relevância que o tema das situações de conflito vem logrando no campo das políticas públicas de educação. Como conclusão, o estudo aponta para a existência de número significativo de respostas cautelosas e contraditórias, o que pode indicar que os diretores não se sentem preparados para enfrentar os desafios postos pelas situações de conflito; para a não oferta de formação continuada condizente com a necessidade de construção do conhecimento sobre a legislação que envolve adolescentes e jovens em situações de conflito; para a ausência significativa de respostas dos diretores nas questões referentes às ações que foram adotadas em situações de conflito e violência, porém, quando estas são citadas se referem a chamar a família, os responsáveis ou os próprios alunos; a acionar órgãos colegiados escolares; à realização de palestras e projetos alternativos; a mobilizar a equipe de gestão e os Professores Mediadores Comunitários. Os recursos externos como órgãos de segurança e rede de apoio são acionados quando os recursos anteriores foram esgotados

    A problem-based learning experience with undergraduate marketing students

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    O presente artigo descreve a implementação da metodologia de aprendizagem baseada em problemas (ABP) no âmbito da unidade curricular de Publicidade e Relações Públicas, do 2.º ano da licenciatura em Marketing. A ABP é considerada uma abordagem global que tem sido reconhecida pelos académicos. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia ABP tem resultados similares entre diferentes grupos. Todos os grupos de alunos estavam fortemente motivados, à exceção de um grupo que não demonstrou essas evidências por não ter a assiduidade suficiente para aproveitar o acompanhamento do professor. Em geral, todos os alunos puderam melhorar a colaboração entre os seus pares, bem como capacidades de comunicação. Demonstraram também evidências de uma postura ativa e de um trabalho autónomo. A inovação e a criatividade foram evidentes nos resultados finais. Em conclusão, a abordagem ABP pode influenciar os alunos de uma forma positiva.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio