701 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of the largest asteroids associated with Taurid Complex

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    We obtained spectra of six of the largest asteroids (2201, 4183, 4486, 5143, 6063, and 269690) associated with Taurid complex. The observations were made with the IRTF telescope equipped with the spectro-imager SpeX. Their taxonomic classification is made using Bus-DeMeo taxonomy. The asteroid spectra are compared with the meteorite spectra from the Relab database. Mineralogical models were applied to determine their surface composition. All the spectral analysis is made in the context of the already published physical data. Five of the objects studied in this paper present spectral characteristics similar to the S taxonomic complex. The spectra of ordinary chondrites (spanning H, L, and LL subtypes) are the best matches for these asteroid spectra. {\bf The asteroid} (269690) 1996 RG3 presents a flat featureless spectrum which could be associated to a primitive C-type object. The increased reflectance above 2.1 microns constrains its geometrical albedo to a value around 0.03. While there is an important dynamical grouping among the Taurid Complex asteroids, the spectral data of the largest objects do not support a common cometary origin. Furthermore, there are significant variations between the spectra acquired until now.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Distribution of the Object Oriented Databases. A Viewpoint of the MVDB Model's Methodology and Architecture

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    In databases, much work has been done towards extending models with advanced tools such as view technology, schema evolution support, multiple classification, role modeling and viewpoints. Over the past years, most of the research dealing with the object multiple representation and evolution has proposed to enrich the monolithic vision of the classical object approach in which an object belongs to one hierarchy class. In particular, the integration of the viewpoint mechanism to the conventional object-oriented data model gives it flexibility and allows one to improve the modeling power of objects. The viewpoint paradigm refers to the multiple descriptions, the distribution, and the evolution of object. Also, it can be an undeniable contribution for a distributed design of complex databases. The motivation of this paper is to define an object data model integrating viewpoints in databases and to present a federated database architecture integrating multiple viewpoint sources following a local-as-extended-view data integration approach.object-oriented data model, OQL language, LAEV data integration approach, MVDB model, federated databases, Local-As-View Strategy.

    A breach in plant defences: Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae targets ethylene signalling to overcome Actinidia chinensis pathogen responses

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    8openInternationalBothEthylene interacts with other plant hormones to modulate many aspects of plant metabolism, including defence and stomata regulation. Therefore, its manipulation may allow plant pathogens to overcome the host’s immune responses. This work investigates the role of ethylene as a virulence factor for Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), the aetiological agent of the bacterial canker of kiwifruit. The pandemic, highly virulent biovar of this pathogen produces ethylene, whereas the biovars isolated in Japan and Korea do not. Ethylene production is modulated in planta by light/dark cycle. Exogenous ethylene application stimulates bacterial virulence, and restricts or increases host colonisation if performed before or after inoculation, respectively. The deletion of a gene, unrelated to known bacterial biosynthetic pathways and putatively encoding for an oxidoreductase, abolishes ethylene production and reduces the pathogen growth rate in planta. Ethylene production by Psa may be a recently and independently evolved virulence trait in the arms race against the host. Plant- and pathogen-derived ethylene may concur in the activation/suppression of immune responses, in the chemotaxis toward a suitable entry point, or in the endophytic colonisationopenCellini, Antonio; Donati, Irene; Farneti, Brian; Khomenko, Iuliia; Buriani, Giampaolo; Biasioli, Franco; Cristescu, Simona M.; Spinelli, Francesco;Cellini, A.; Donati, I.; Farneti, B.; Khomenko, I.; Buriani, G.; Biasioli, F.; Cristescu, S.M.; Spinelli, F

    Time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy

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    Dual-comb spectroscopy can provide broad spectral bandwidth and high spectral resolution in a short acquisition time, enabling time-resolved measurements. Specifically, spectroscopy in the mid-infrared wavelength range is of particular interest, since most of the molecules have their strongest rotational-vibrational transitions in this "fingerprint" region. Here we report time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy for the first time, covering ~300 nm bandwidth around 3.3 {\mu}m with 6 GHz spectral resolution and 20 {\mu}s temporal resolution. As a demonstration, we study a CH4/He gas mixture in an electric discharge, while the discharge is modulated between dark and glow regimes. We simultaneously monitor the production of C2H6 and the vibrational excitation of CH4 molecules, observing the dynamics of both processes. This approach to broadband, high-resolution, and time-resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy provides a new tool for monitoring the kinetics of fast chemical reactions, with potential applications in various fields such as physical chemistry and plasma/combustion analysis.Comment: 21 page, 6 figure

    A breach in plant defences: Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae targets ethylene signalling to overcome Actinidia chinensis pathogen responses

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    Ethylene interacts with other plant hormones to modulate many aspects of plant metabolism, including defence and stomata regulation. Therefore, its manipulation may allow plant pathogens to overcome the host’s immune responses. This work investigates the role of ethylene as a virulence factor for Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), the aetiological agent of the bacterial canker of kiwifruit. The pandemic, highly virulent biovar of this pathogen produces ethylene, whereas the biovars isolated in Japan and Korea do not. Ethylene production is modulated in planta by light/dark cycle. Exogenous ethylene application stimulates bacterial virulence, and restricts or increases host colonisation if performed before or after inoculation, respectively. The deletion of a gene, unrelated to known bacterial biosynthetic pathways and putatively encoding for an oxidoreductase, abolishes ethylene production and reduces the pathogen growth rate in planta. Ethylene production by Psa may be a recently and independently evolved virulence trait in the arms race against the host. Plantand pathogen-derived ethylene may concur in the activation/suppression of immune responses, in the chemotaxis toward a suitable entry point, or in the endophytic colonisation

    Complex genetic patterns in closely related colonizing invasive species

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    Anthropogenic activities frequently result in both rapidly changing environments and translocation of species from their native ranges (i.e., biological invasions). Empirical studies suggest that many factors associated with these changes can lead to complex genetic patterns, particularly among invasive populations. However, genetic complexities and factors responsible for them remain uncharacterized in many cases. Here, we explore these issues in the vase tunicate Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea: Enterogona: Cionidae), a model species complex, of which spA and spB are rapidly spreading worldwide. We intensively sampled 26 sites (N= 873) from both coasts of North America, and performed phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on one mitochondrial fragment (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3–NADH dehydrogenase subunit I, COX3-ND1) and eight nuclear microsatellites. Our analyses revealed extremely complex genetic patterns in both species on both coasts. We detected a contrasting pattern based on the mitochondrial marker: two major genetic groups in C. intestinalis spA on the west coast versus no significant geographic structure in C. intestinalis spB on the east coast. For both species, geo-graphically distant populations often showed high microsatellite-based genetic affinities whereas neighboring ones often did not. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear markers provided largely inconsistent genetic patterns. Multiple factors, including random genetic drift associated with demographic changes, rapid selection due to strong local adaptation, and varying propensity for human-mediated propagule dispersal could be responsible for the observed genetic complexities

    Optimization and performance testing of a sequence processing pipeline applied to detection of nonindigenous species

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    Genetic taxonomic assignment can be more sensitive than morphological taxonomic assignment, particularly for small, cryptic or rare species. Sequence processing is essential to taxonomic assignment, but can also produce errors because optimal parameters are not known a priori. Here, we explored how sequence processing parameters influence taxonomic assignment of 18S sequences from bulk zooplankton samples produced by 454 pyrosequencing. We optimized a sequence processing pipeline for two common research goals, estimation of species richness and early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS), and then tested most optimal models’ performances through simulations. We tested 1,050 parameter sets on 18S sequences from 20 AIS to determine optimal parameters for each research goal. We tested optimized pipelines’ performances (detectability and sensitivity) by computationally inoculating sequences of 20 AIS into ten bulk zooplankton samples from ports across Canada. We found that optimal parameter selection generally depends on the research goal. However, regardless of research goal, we found that metazoan 18S sequences produced by 454 pyrosequencing should be trimmed to 375–400 bp and sequence quality filtering should be relaxed (1.5 ≤ maximum expected error ≤ 3.0, Phred score = 10). Clustering and denoising were only viable for estimating species richness, because these processing steps made some species undetectable at low sequence abundances which would not be useful for early detection of AIS. With parameter sets optimized for early detection of AIS, 90% of AIS were detected with fewer than 11 target sequences, regardless of whether clustering or denoising was used. Despite developments in next-generation sequencing, sequence processing remains an important issue owing to difficulties in balancing false-positive and false-negative errors in metabarcoding data

    Partially trombosed glomus type spinal arteriovenous malformation: Case presentation

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    Spinal AVM are very rare vascular lesions and most o the studies give reports on only a few cases. Given their localization between the spinal tracts and the gray matter core of the medulla and their multiple feeders from posterior and anterior spinal arteries they are amongst the most difficult surgical pathology in the nervous sistem. We present the case of a 60 years old male with a glomus type T10-L2 spinal AVM that presented with motor deficit in the lower limbs and urinary incontinence. The partially thrombosed lesion was completely resected without previous embolisation, and the patient was walking with assistance at discharge. This is a rare case that presented with progressive neurological deterioration consistent with an ischemic rather than a hemorrhagic event. Microsurgery is a better option than conservative treatment in these rare cases of spontaneous occlusion of intramedullary arteriovenous malformations

    Statin therapy in patients with diabetes and hepatitis C

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of statin therapy (atorvastatin) on serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC). A number of 77 patients with T2DM and CHC were selected, treated with atorvastatin, 20 mg, for 6 months, who underwent anthropometric measurements and biochemical tests (including fasting serum glucose, lipid profile, liver profile, cytokines profile) at baseline, after 1 month (clinical and biochemical profile for safety) and after 6 months of treatment. The patients’ average age was 52.53±9.7 years. Plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (-32.4 mg/dL), triglycerides (-29.7 mg/dL), total cholesterol (-32.8 mg/dL) decreased (p<0.05), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (+3.04 mg/dL) increased (p<0.05), after 6 months. Atorvastatin treatment was associated with decreases of AST, ALT, and also leptin and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels (all p<0.05) but we did not find any effect on plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) (p=0.119). Atorvastatin was an effective and well tolerated treatment for lowering total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides in patients with CHC. Among patients with CHC there was no significant elevation of liver enzymes during statin treatment, and we even noticed an improvement of hepatic profile

    Evaluating the genetic consequences of population subdivision as it unfolds and how to best mitigate them: A rare story about koalas

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    The genetic consequences of the subdivision of populations are regarded as significant to long-term evolution, and research has shown that the scale and speed at which this is now occurring is critically reducing the adaptive potential of most species which inhabit human-impacted landscapes. Here, we provide a rare and, to our knowledge, the first analysis of this process while it is happening and demonstrate a method of evaluating the effect of mitigation measures such as fauna crossings. We did this by using an extensive genetic data set collected from a koala population which was intensely monitored during the construction of linear transport infrastructure which resulted in the subdivision of their population. First, we found that both allelic richness and effective population size decreased through the process of population subdivision. Second, we predicted the extent to which genetic drift could impact genetic diversity over time and showed that after only 10 generations the resulting two subdivided populations could experience between 12% and 69% loss in genetic diversity. Lastly, using forward simulations we estimated that a minimum of eight koalas would need to disperse from each side of the subdivision per generation to maintain genetic connectivity close to zero but that 16 koalas would ensure that both genetic connectivity and diversity remained unchanged. These results have important consequences for the genetic management of species in human-impacted landscapes by showing which genetic metrics are best to identify immediate loss in genetic diversity and how to evaluate the effectiveness of any mitigation measures