283 research outputs found

    Assessing the Influence of the MJO on Strong Precipitation Events in Subtropical, Semi-Arid North-Central Chile (30°S)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00679.1.Annual precipitation in subtropical, semiarid north-central Chile (30°S) during rainy years comprises a few (3–5) strong events in the fall and winter, which are presumably modulated by the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). Precipitation from 1979–2009 was recorded daily at three stations along the Elqui Valley. The relationship between the MJO and precipitation is investigated from two perspectives: 1) examining a MJO index (MJOI) based on the actual precipitation events and 2) examining the likelihood of precipitation based on a favorable MJOI. About 80% of the strong precipitation events at the coast in La Serena are related to an active MJO near the central equatorial Pacific. These events are often typified by broad, slow moving synoptic systems in phase with the MJO propagation. Blocking in the far southeast Pacific is associated with precipitation 75% of the time, while deep troughs make up the rest. A relationship between a MJOI and strong rainfall suggests that, though it could be used as a potential diagnostic, the number of cases where there is a favorable MJOI but no precipitation (i.e., false alarms) limits its utility. Additional criteria such as the Southern Oscillation (SO) and Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) phases were used to reject false alarms. Rejecting cases with positive values of the SO index reduced the number of false alarms from 70% to 58%, leaving about two false alarms for every correctly diagnosed event. The AAO index could not discriminate between false alarms and real cases. While a favorable MJOI increases the likelihood of precipitation in the Elqui Valley, false alarms remain problematic

    PRISMA: Model-driven development of aspect-oriented software architectures

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    This summary presents a methodology for supporting the development of AOSAs following the MDD paradigm. This new methodology is called PRISMA and allows the code generation from models which specify functional and non-functional requirements

    Percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo como herramienta en el control de la intensidad en la actividad de ciclismo indoor

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    A un total de 133 sujetos entre 22 y 64 años (38 hombres y 95 mujeres) pertenecientes a un centro deportivo privado, se les evaluó el porcentaje de la intensidad de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva alcanzada y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo(RPE) durante una sesión real de ciclismo indoor. La intensidad media alcanzaday la RPE manifestada en la fase principal fue de 80,60 ± 6,74% (intensidad alta) y 15,11 ± 1,90 puntos (intensidad alta) en los hombres; y de 80,85 ± 7,54%(intensidad alta) y 15,49 ± 1,51 puntos (intensidad alta) en las mujeres (p > ,05). Se encontró una significativa y baja correlación entre la RPE y la FC media de reserva obtenida en la fase principal de la sesión (r= ,24; p < ,01). En conclusión, el ciclismo indoor es una actividad de alta intensidad. La RPE de Borg no es un instrumento válido para el control de la intensidad en esta actividad.One hundred and thirty-three subjects between 22 and 64 years old (38 males and 95 females) from a private sport centre participated in this study. Mean percentage heart rate intensity (%HRR) and overall ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured during an indoor cycling session. Mean %HRR and RPE shown during the main phase were considered as high intensity in male and females. The correlation value between %HHR and overall RPE was low but significant. In conclusion, indoor cycling is a high-intensity activity. Borg's RPE is not a valid instrument for controlling the intensity of effort during indoor cycling activityA um total de 133 sujeitos entre 22 e 64 anos (38 homens e 95 mulheres) pertencentes a um centro desportivo privado, foi avaliada a percentagem da intensidade da frequência cardíaca de reserva (%FCR) alcançada e a percepção subjectiva do esforço (RPE) durante uma sessão real de ciclismo indoor. A intensidade média alcançada e a RPE manifestada na fase principal foi alta, tanto em homens como em mulheres. Foi verificada uma significativa e baixa correlação entre a RPE e a FC medida de reserva obtida na fase principal da sessão. Em conclusão, o ciclismo indoor é uma actividade de alta intensidade. A RPE de Borg não é um instrumento válido para o controlo da intensidade nesta actividade

    Microparticle movements in optical funnels and pods

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    Three-dimensional microparticle movements induced by laser beams with a funnel-and tubular pod-like structure, in the neighbourhood of the focal plane of an optical trapping setup, are experimentally studied. The funnel and pod beams constructed as coherent superpositions of helical Laguerre-Gaussian modes are synthesized by a computer generated hologram using a phase-only spatial light modulator. Particle tracking is achieved by in-line holography method which allows an accurate position measurement. It is experimentally demonstrated that the trapped particle follows different trajectories depending on the orbital angular momentum density of the beam. In particular applying the proposed pod beam the particle rotates in opposite directions during its movement in the optical trap. Possible applications of these single-beam traps for volumetric optical particle manipulation are discussed. © 2011 Optical Society of America.The financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under projects TEC2008-04105, TEC2009-5545-E/TEC are acknowledged. J. A. Rodrigo and A. M. Caravaca-Aguirre gratefully thank a “Juan de la Cierva” grant and fellowship from “Obra Social Ibercaja (Beca Ibercaja de Investigación 2010)”, respectively. The authors appreciate valuable comments from J. R. Arias-González.Peer Reviewe

    Complexity and project management: a general overview

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    As projects have become more and more complex, there has been an increasing concern about the concept of project complexity. An understanding of project complexity and how it might be managed is of significant importance for project managers because of the differences associated with decision-making and goal attainment that are related to complexity. Complexity influences project planning and control; it can hinder the clear identification of goals and objectives, it can affect the selection of an appropriate project organization form, or it can even affect project outcomes. Identifying the different concepts associated to project complexity, its main factors and characteristics, the different types of project complexity, and the main project complexity models, can be of great support in assisting the global project management community. In this paper, we give a general overview of how complexity has been investigated by the project management community and propose several ideas to address this topic in the future

    Pilates: efecte sobre la composició corporal i les variables

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    L’objectiu d’aquesta revisió sistemàtica fou analitzar el disseny, les característiques de la mostra, els programes d’intervenció i els resultats dels estudis que han investigat els efectes de la pràctica del mètode Pilates sobre els paràmetres antropomètrics i la composició corporal. Es seleccionaren 9 estudis experimentals o quasiexperimentals. Es veié que la majoria d’estudis segueix un disseny de pretest i posttest amb grup control, incloent-hi majoritàriament dones adultes. Els programes d’intervenció utilitzats són molt diversos, tot i que els que sembla que tenen efectes millors sobre el component gras, els plecs i els perímetres són els que duren 8 setmanes o més, amb una freqüència de 2 a 4 dies per setmana. Tanmateix, degut a la diversitat de les mostres i als programes d’intervenció cal continuar fent investigacions en aquest àmbit

    Efficacy of the tissue regenerating agent (RGTA) in the treatment of neurotrophic corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial defects

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    Purpose : To report the results obtained in a series of 58 eyes with chronic corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial defects resistant to conventional therapy and treated with 0.01% poly-carboxymethylglucose sulfate (RGTA, Cacicol®). Methods : A prospective study was made of 58 eyes of patients with corneal ulcers and persistent epithelial lesions secondary to neurotrophic disorders, caustic damage, ulcerated metaherpetic lesions, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, peripheral ulcerative keratitis and severe dry eye, among other conditions. The ulcers were essentially chronic and slow-evolving, with mean vertical and horizontal diameters of 2.4 and 2.7 mm, respectively (range 1-5.5 mm). All patients had been previously treated with classical tear substitutes, and some had also received blood products, topical cyclosporine, corticosteroids, amniotic membrane coverings, therapeutic contact lenses and/or a vitamin-based eye ointment. The patients received an initial dose of one drop in the morning every 48 hours during 10 days. After evaluation of the effects of treatment, new dosing schemes were prescribed for those patients who had improved their clinical condition though without complete resolution of the disease. Results : Important variation was observed in the time to recovery of corneal integrity, ranging from a few days to some weeks, depending on the severity and etiology of the case. Full healing was recorded in 50 patients. The patients with large neurotrophic ulcers showed improvement of the lesions, with a decrease in lesion size after 15 days of treatment. Eight eyes did not achieve complete healing. In the case of severe ulceration and when a positive effect was observed after one month, treatment was continued with spacing of the applications until complete healing was achieved. All patients reported subjective improvement. The drug showed immediate efficacy in 11 eyes with epithelialisation disorders following PRK or trauma, with recovery of tissue integrity after the first treatment period. Conclusions : The tissue regenerating agent (RGTA, Cacicol®) is an interesting and effective topical adjuvant product for the treatment of severe and chronic corneal ulcers resistant to conventional treatment. Its efficacy remains to be confirmed in the context of double-blind, randomised clinical trials

    Pilates: efecto sobre la composición corporal y las

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    El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue analizar el diseño, las características de la muestra, los programas de intervención y los resultados de los estudios en los que se han investigado los efectos de la práctica del método Pilates sobre los parámetros antropométricos y la composición corporal. Se seleccionaron 9 estudios experimentales o cuasi-experimentales. Se encontró que la mayoría de los estudios siguen un diseño de pretest y postest con grupo control, incluyendo mayoritariamente a mujeres adultas. Los programas de intervención utilizados son muy diversos, aunque los que parecen tener mejores efectos sobre el componente graso, los pliegues y los perímetros son los que duran 8 semanas o más, con una frecuencia de 2 a 4 días por semana. No obstante, debido a la diversidad de las muestras y los programas de intervención, es necesario seguir realizando investigaciones en este ámbito

    Two cases of accidental dislocation of the silicone sleeve of an extrusion cannula into the vitreous cavity

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    Background: fluid-air exchange during vitreoretinal surgery is often used as a tool for subretinal fluid endodrainage. Soft-tipped flexible extrusion cannulas are commonly used to aspirate the posterior subretinal fluid. Methods: this is an observational two-case series describing two patients who underwent 20-G pars plana vitrectomy complicated by the accidental fall of the silicone sleeve of a soft-tipped extrusion cannula into the vitreous cavity. In the first case, the cannula had inadvertently been subjected to sterilization process. Results: while withdrawing the soft-tipped extrusion cannula from the eye, following internal drainage of transvitreal and subretinal fluid, the loose silicone sleeve probably got entangled at the inner lip of the sclerotomy and finally fell on the retinal surface. In both cases, the silicone sleeve was held and removed with an intraocular forceps. Conclusions: this rare complication has been reported in the literature only once previously. Sterilization of disposable subretinal fluid cannulas is not advisable because of the risk of dislocation of the silicone sleeve into the eye. Besides this, it is important to check the integrity of the silicone sleeve before and after surgery