55,263 research outputs found

    L'Esperit rejoveneix i vivifica. Una pneumatologia conciliar a la llum dels Pares de l'Església

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    A redós d’un text capital de sant Ireneu, en l’estudi que segueix, volem presentar el ric fonament patrístic dels passatges centrals del Concili Vaticà II referents a l’acció rejovenidora i vivificant de l’Esperit Sant en la vida de l’Església. El treball s’endinsa en el contingut teològic dels mateixos, on trobem essencialment tres aspectes importants: 1) L’Esperit que actua en la vida eclesial es troba íntimament unit a Crist, és «comunió amb Crist», porta cap a Crist, perquè és «l’Esperit de Crist». 2) L’Esperit rejoveneix i renova constantment la vida eclesial perquè és «Esperit vivificant». 3) L’Esperit, «donador de vida» eterna, mena a la incorrupció, a l’esperança d’arribar a la llum que no té posta, en la unió perfecta amb Crist


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    The Art of Costuming: Interpreting the Character Through the Costume Designer\u27s Eyes

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    Creating a believable illusion through costume design is a very important aspect in a theatrical production. Every production in theater is the culmination of a collaboration of creative individuals who each have a very explicit role to play. Part of the success of a production depends on set designers, lighting coordinators, directors, producers, props masters, actors, etc. The idea is to create a believable new world that relates to the audience. The costume designer’s job is to use all of the tools that are within their grasp to both research the best option for costuming and to actually construct the costumes. In order to do this, they must conduct research while working with the needs of the production team and the constraints that their products place on the costumes. The relationship between research, construction tools, and the abilities of creative peers gives the costume designer all that is needed to help define the characters in a production. All of these tools are used by the costume designer to polish off the character which helps to ensure the audience’s correct interpretation of a production

    Notícia d'unes Exclamacions sobre la Passió de Crist (BC, ms. 473): i la seva relació amba l'Arbor d'Ubertí de Casale

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    En aquest treball es publiquen unes inèdites «Exclamacions sobre la Passió de Crist» procedents del manuscrit 473 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, probablement confegit a Sant Jeroni de la Murtra a finals del segle xv. Les Exclamacions es relacionen literalment amb un text català ja conegut, inclòs a la «Vita Christi» d’Eiximenis i al manuscrit 451 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, i al seu torn inspirat en l’«Arbor vitae crucifixae Jesu» d’Ubertí de Casale i en les «Meditationes vitae Christi». Sembla que les «Exclamacions» són en substància una amplificació retòrica d’aquest text català, que transmetia ja un esquema de contemplació basat en les parts del cos de Crist en braços de la Verge. Les «Exclamacions», en canvi, aprofiten aquest esquema al llarg de la Passió, hi afegeixen altres motius i una llarga secció sobre les set paraules de Crist a la creu

    LeMerton E. Crist

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    An obituary for the Iowan attorney and senator LeMerton E. Crist

    Analysis of the profile characteristics of corn and soybeans using field reflectance data

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    The typical patterns of spectral development (profiles) for corn and soybeans are presented, based on field-collected reflectance data transformed to correspond to LANDSAT-MSS Tasseled Cap coordinates. Reasonable variations in field conditions and cultural practices are shown to significantly influence profile features. The separability of the two crops is determined to be primarily related to the maximum value of the reflectance equivalent of Greenness, and to the plateau effect seen in corn Greenness profiles. The impact of changes in conditions on separability is described. In addition, association is made between profile features and stages of development for corn and soybeans. Corn is shown to peak at a stage well before tasseling or maximum LAI, while the characteristics of the soybean profile are shown to be unrelated to any particular stage of development

    Association of spectral development patterns with development stages of corn

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    Association is made between the development stages of corn as defined by Hanway and the temporal-spectral development pattern of corn in a transformed data space derived from Landsat-MSS band reflectance values, using field-collected reflectance and associated data. Results indicate that the spectral vegetation index used (a reflectance equivalent of Tasseled Cap Greenness) reaches a maximum well before the stage at which corn is expected to achieve its peak leaf area index. Possible physiological and canopy geometry related causes for this and other results are presented

    Cristóbal Acosta (Tànger, 1515- Huelva, 1594) i la flora de les índies orientals

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    Cristóbal Acosta (Tànger, 1515- Huelva, 1594) i la flora de les índies oriental
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