118 research outputs found

    The well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for self-interacting vector fields

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    We point out that the initial-value (Cauchy) problem for self-interactingvector fields presents the same well-posedness issues as for first-orderderivative self-interacting scalar fields (often referred to as kk-essence).For the latter, suitable strategies have been employed in the last few years tosuccessfully evolve the Cauchy problem at the level of the infrared theory,without the need for an explicit ultraviolet completion. We argue that the verysame techniques can also be applied to self-interacting vector fields, avoidinga number of issues and "pathologies" recently found in the literature.<br

    A network-based structure-preserving dynamical model for the study of cascading failures in power grids

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    In this work we show that simple classic models of power grids, albeit frequently utilized in many applications, may not be reliable for investigating cascading failures problems. For this purpose, we develop a novel model, based on a structure-preserving approach, to obtain a network-based description of a power grid, where nodes correspond to generators and buses, while the links correspond to the physical lines connecting them. In addition, we also consider classic voltage and frequency protection mechanisms for lines and buses. Considering the Italian power grid as a case study of interest, we then investigate the propagation of an initial failure of any line of the power system, and compare the predicted impact of the failure according to different assumptions in the model such as the presence or absence of protection mechanisms and a simplified description of the system dynamics. In particular, it can be observed that more realistic models are crucial to determine the size of the cascading failure, as well as the sequence of links that may be involved in the cascade

    Kemeny-based testing for COVID-19

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    Testing, tracking and tracing abilities have been identified as pivotal in helping countries to safely reopen activities after the first wave of the COVID-19 virus. Contact tracing apps give the unprecedented possibility to reconstruct graphs of daily contacts, so the question is: who should be tested? As human contact networks are known to exhibit community structure, in this paper we show that the Kemeny constant of a graph can be used to identify and analyze bridges between communities in a graph. Our 'Kemeny indicator' is the value of the Kemeny constant in the new graph that is obtained when a node is removed from the original graph. We show that testing individuals who are associated with large values of the Kemeny indicator can help in efficiently intercepting new virus outbreaks, when they are still in their early stage. Extensive simulations provide promising results in early identification and in blocking the possible 'super-spreaders' links that transmit disease between different communities

    Optimized energy and air quality management of shared smart buildings in the covid-19 scenario

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    Worldwide increasing awareness of energy sustainability issues has been the main driver in developing the concepts of (Nearly) Zero Energy Buildings, where the reduced energy consumptions are (nearly) fully covered by power locally generated by renewable sources. At the same time, recent advances in Internet of Things technologies are among the main enablers of Smart Homes and Buildings. The transition of conventional buildings into active environments that process, elaborate and react to online measured environmental quantities is being accelerated by the aspects related to COVID-19, most notably in terms of air exchange and the monitoring of the density of occupants. In this paper, we address the problem of maximizing the energy efficiency and comfort perceived by occupants, defined in terms of thermal comfort, visual comfort and air quality. The case study of the University of Pisa is considered as a practical example to show preliminary results of the aggregation of environmental data

    A Comparison of Centrality Measures and Their Role in Controlling the Spread in Epidemic Networks

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    The ranking of nodes in a network according to their centrality or “importance” is a classic problem that has attracted the interest of different scientific communities in the last decades. The current COVID-19 pandemic has recently rejuvenated the interest in this problem, as it informs the selection of which individuals should be tested in a population of asymptomatic individuals, or which individuals should be vaccinated first. Motivated by these issues, in this paper we review some popular methods for node ranking in undirected unweighted graphs, and compare their performance in a benchmark realistic network that takes into account the communitybased structure of society. In particular, we use the information of the relevance of individuals in the network to take a control decision, i.e., which individuals should be tested, and possibly quarantined. Finally, we also review the extension of these ranking methods to weighted graphs, and explore the importance of weights in a contact network by exhibiting a toy model and comparing node rankings for this case in the context of disease sprea

    Degenerate higher order scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski up to cubic order

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    We present all scalar-tensor Lagrangians that are cubic in second derivatives of a scalar field, and that are degenerate, hence avoiding Ostrogradsky instabilities. Thanks to the existence of constraints, they propagate no more than three degrees of freedom, despite having higher order equations of motion. We also determine the viable combinations of previously identified quadratic degenerate Lagrangians and the newly established cubic ones. Finally, we study whether the new theories are connected to known scalar-tensor theories such as Horndeski and beyond Horndeski, through conformal or disformal transformations

    Compact objects in scalar-tensor theories after GW170817

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    The recent observations of neutron star mergers have changed our perspective on scalar- tensor theories of gravity, favouring models where gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. In this work we consider a scalar-tensor set-up with such a property, belonging to a beyond Horndeski system, and we numerically investigate the physics of locally asymptotically flat black holes and relativistic stars. We first determine regular black hole solutions equipped with horizons: they are characterized by a deficit angle at infinity, and by large contributions of the scalar to the geometry in the near horizon region. We then study configurations of incompressible relativistic stars. We show that their compactness can be much higher than stars with the same energy density in General Relativity, and the scalar field profile imposes stringent constraints on the star properties. These results can suggest new ways to probe the efficiency of screening mechanisms in strong gravity regimes, and can help to build specific observational tests for scalar-tensor gravity models with unit speed for gravitational waves.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Post-lockdown abatement of COVID-19 by fast periodic switching

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    COVID-19 abatement strategies have risks and uncertainties which could lead to repeating waves of infection. We show—as proof of concept grounded on rigorous mathematical evidence—that periodic, high-frequency alternation of into, and out-of, lockdown effectively mitigates second-wave effects, while allowing continued, albeit reduced, economic activity. Periodicity confers (i) predictability, which is essential for economic sustainability, and (ii) robustness, since lockdown periods are not activated by uncertain measurements over short time scales. In turn—while not eliminating the virus—this fast switching policy is sustainable over time, and it mitigates the infection until a vaccine or treatment becomes available, while alleviating the social costs associated with long lockdowns. Typically, the policy might be in the form of 1-day of work followed by 6-days of lockdown every week (or perhaps 2 days working, 5 days off) and it can be modified at a slow-rate based on measurements filtered over longer time scales. Our results highlight the potential efficacy of high frequency switching interventions in post lockdown mitigation. All code is available on Github at https://github.com/V4p1d/FPSP_Covid19. A software tool has also been developed so that interested parties can explore the proof-of-concept system

    Resonant decay of gravitational waves into dark energy

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    We study the decay of gravitational waves into dark energy fluctuations \u3c0, taking into account the large occupation numbers. We describe dark energy using the effective field theory approach, in the context of generalized scalar-tensor theories. When the m33 (cubic Horndeski) and 3c m42 (beyond Horndeski) operators are present, the gravitational wave acts as a classical background for \u3c0 and modifies its dynamics. In particular, \u3c0 fluctuations are described by a Mathieu equation and feature instability bands that grow exponentially. Focusing on the regime of small gravitational-wave amplitude, corresponding to narrow resonance, we calculate analytically the produced \u3c0, its energy and the change of the gravitational-wave signal. The resonance is affected by \u3c0 self-interactions in a way that we cannot describe analytically. This effect is very relevant for the operator m33 and it limits the instability. In the case of the 3c m42 operator self-interactions can be neglected, at least in some regimes. The modification of the gravitational-wave signal is observable for 3 7 10-20 64 \u3b1H 64 10-17 with a LIGO/Virgo-like interferometer and for 10-16 64 \u3b1H 64 10-10 with a LISA-like one
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