461 research outputs found

    EvaluaciĂłn del desplazamiento del sobreengrasante en jabones blandos

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    The metathesis that occurs in soaps superfatted with fatty acids is studied, verified and evaluated. The analysis deals with soaps in solution (shaving creams), in which the problem is showed clearly due to the hydrolysis of the soap. The study is concern on the main fatty acids of the analyzed samples. Knowing the fatty acids distribution, the expected theoretical concentrations of the fatty acids were estimated and were compared with those found by Gas Chromatography.Se estudia, comprueba y cuantifica el fenĂłmeno de la metĂĄtesis que ocurre en jabones reengrasados con ĂĄcidos grasos. El anĂĄlisis se refiere a jabones en disoluciĂłn (cremas de afeitar) en los cuales el problema es mĂĄs patente debido a fenĂłmenos de hidrĂłlisis. El estudio se centra en los ĂĄcidos grasos mayoritarios de las muestras analizadas. Conociendo la distribuciĂłn de los ĂĄcidos grasos se estimaron las concentraciones que teĂłricamente debĂ­an ser encontradas y fueron comparadas con las concentraciones halladas por cromatografĂ­a en fase gaseosa

    Determinación cuantitativa de bactericidas en cosméticos "dermoprotectores"

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    A rapid, easy and reproducible method is described for the quantitative determination of the usual antimicrobial preservatives used in the cosmetic industry in the Spanish market with a dermoprotector claim. The method is also useful for soap bars and for surfactant solutions, in this last case the method of extraction is the only change. Gas Chromatography has been chosen as the analytical process for the set up of this method because it is a rapid and available technique, and it allows the simultaneous resolution of all the studied preservatives.Se describe un método råpido, sencillo y reproducible para la determinación cuantitativa de los bactericidas mås utilizados en la industria cosmética del mercado español con fines dermoprotectores. El método es aplicable tanto a jabones sólidos como a disoluciones de tensioactivos, variando en este caso tan sólo el método de extracción. Se ha elegido la cromatografía de gases para la elaboración de este método por ser una técnica råpida y asequible, ademås de permitir la resolución simultånea de todos los bactericidas estudiados

    Factors modulating herbivory patterns in Cymodocea nodosa meadows

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    In coastal marine food webs, seagrass-grazer interactions play a fundamental role in ecological processes by regulating the structure and functioning of plant communities. Therefore, assessing the strength of these seagrass-grazer links and identifying the mechanisms that regulate these relationships are crucial to increasing our understanding of community and ecosystem structure and dynamics. Herbivory on the temperate seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was evaluated in four locations with contrasting abiotic and biotic factors (i.e., depth; meadow size; seagrass shoot density, productivity, and leaf traits; and herbivore presence) using cross-transplantation experiments carried out once per season to account for seasonal variation. Patterns of feeding rates on C. nodosa meadows showed high temporal variability, with peaks occurring in spring and summer. Results indicate that between 46.59% and 74.08% of the annual leaf production is lost to herbivory at the locations sampled in this study. Herbivory rates increased with higher nitrogen content and shoot density for all types of consumers (mesograzers, fishes, and sea urchins). This work highlights the need to integrate the abiotic and biotic factors modulating herbivory patterns, particularly in a foundation species like C. nodosa, for which changes in plant traits and grazer abundance may trigger trophic cascades with far-reaching consequences for associated species.This study was funded by the Spanish national project CTM2011-24482 (SEA-LIVE), by the Junta de Andalucia Excelence Project PRODESCA (P12-RNM-3020)) and by Ser-Cady project (FEDER-UCA18-107451) cofinanced by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. We thank Carmen Henares for field assistance

    Analysis of the dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish.

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    The zebrafish has the capacity to regenerate its heart after severe injury. While the function of a few genes during this process has been studied, we are far from fully understanding how genes interact to coordinate heart regeneration. To enable systematic insights into this phenomenon, we generated and integrated a dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish and linked systems-level properties to the underlying molecular events. Across multiple post-injury time points, the network displays topological attributes of biological relevance. We show that regeneration steps are mediated by modules of transcriptionally coordinated genes, and by genes acting as network hubs. We also established direct associations between hubs and validated drivers of heart regeneration with murine and human orthologs. The resulting models and interactive analysis tools are available at http://infused.vital-it.ch. Using a worked example, we demonstrate the usefulness of this unique open resource for hypothesis generation and in silico screening for genes involved in heart regeneration

    Incidence and risk factors for nonmelanoma skin cancer after heart transplantation

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    [Abstract] Introduction. The incidence of skin cancer in heart transplant (HT) patients is higher than in the general population, reversing the proportion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) with a predominance of the former. The etiologic role of new immunosuppressants is not well known. We sought to ascertain the incidence of SCC and BCC in HT patients and the risk factors for its occurrence. Patients and Methods. We report the incidence of all types of post-HT skin cancer, SCC, and BCC among adult HT patients in Spain (4089 subjects) as well as the influence of gender, age at heart transplant, immunosuppression, and sunlight exposure. Results. The incidence rates of SCC and BCC, per 1000 persons/year, were 8.5 and 5.2, respectively. Males had a higher risk of SCC but not BCC. Induction therapy increased the risk of SCC and BCC. The relative risk of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was 0.3 (0.2–0.6; P < .0005) and azathioprine (AZA) 1.8 (1.2–2.7; P < .0032) for SCC, whereas tacrolimus and cyclosporine showed no difference. The relative risk of BCC was not affected by any immunosuppressant. Conclusion. Age at transplantation >45 years, induction therapy use, and high sunshine zone were risk factors for both SCC and BCC. Different immunosuppressive agents have different risks of nonmelanoma skin cancer, as AZA increases the risk of SCC and MMF is a protective factor. The relative risk of BCC was not affected by any immunosuppressor

    The prognosis of noncutaneous, nonlymphomatous malignancy after heart transplantation: data from the spanish post-heart transplant tumour registry

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    [Abstract] Introduction. Malignancy is a major complication in the management of solid organ transplant patients. Skin cancers show a better prognosis than other neoplasms, but not all others are equal: Ideally, patient management must take into account the natural history of each type of cancer in relation to the transplanted organs. We sought to determine the prognosis of various groups of noncutaneous nonlymphomatous (NCNL) cancers after heart transplantation (HT). Methods. We retrospectively analyzed the records of the Spanish Post-Heart-Transplant Tumour Registry, which collects data on posttransplant tumors in all patients who have undergone HT in Spain since 1984. Data were included in the study up to December 2008. We considered only the first NCNL post-HT tumors. Results. Of 4359 patients, 375 developed an NCNL cancer. The most frequent were cancers of the lung (n = 97; 25.9%); gastrointestinal tract (n = 52; 13.9%); prostate gland (n = 47; 12.5%; 14.0% of men), bladder (n = 32; 8.5%), liver (n = 14; 3.7%), and pharynx (n = 14; 3.7%), as well as Kaposi's sarcoma (n = 11; 2.9%). The corresponding Kaplan-Meier survival curves differed significantly (P < .0001; log-rank test), with respective survival rates of 47%, 72%, 91%, 73%, 36%, 64%, and 73% at 1 year versus 26%, 62%, 89%, 56%, 21%, 64%, and 73% at 2 years; and 15%, 51%, 77%, 42%, 21%, 64%, and 52% at 5 years post-diagnosis, respectively. Conclusion. Mortality among HT patients with post-HT NCNL solid organ cancers was highest for cancers of the liver or lung (79%–85% at 5 years), and lowest for prostate cancer (23%)

    Lung cancer after heart transplantation: results from a large multicenter registry

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    [Abstract] In this study we analyzed Spanish Post-Heart-Transplant Tumour Registry data for adult heart transplantation (HT) patients since 1984. Median post-HT follow-up of 4357 patients was 6.7 years. Lung cancer (mainly squamous cell or adenocarcinoma) was diagnosed in 102 (14.0% of patients developing cancers) a mean 6.4 years post-HT. Incidence increased with age at HT from 149 per 100 000 person-years among under-45s to 542 among over-64s; was 4.6 times greater among men than women; and was four times greater among pre-HT smokers (2169 patients) than nonsmokers (2188). The incidence rates in age-at-diagnosis groups with more than one case were significantly greater than GLOBOCAN 2002 estimates for the general Spanish population, and comparison with published data on smoking and lung cancer in the general population suggests that this increase was not due to a greater prevalence of smokers or former smokers among HT patients. Curative surgery, performed in 21 of the 28 operable cases, increased Kaplan–Meier 2−year survival to 70% versus 16% among inoperable patients

    Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing

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    Many critics raise concerns about the prevalence of ‘echo chambers’ on social media and their potential role in increasing political polarization. However, the lack of available data and the challenges of conducting large-scale field experiments have made it difficult to assess the scope of the problem 1,2. Here we present data from 2020 for the entire population of active adult Facebook users in the USA showing that content from ‘like-minded’ sources constitutes the majority of what people see on the platform, although political information and news represent only a small fraction of these exposures. To evaluate a potential response to concerns about the effects of echo chambers, we conducted a multi-wave field experiment on Facebook among 23,377 users for whom we reduced exposure to content from like-minded sources during the 2020 US presidential election by about one-third. We found that the intervention increased their exposure to content from cross-cutting sources and decreased exposure to uncivil language, but had no measurable effects on eight preregistered attitudinal measures such as affective polarization, ideological extremity, candidate evaluations and belief in false claims. These precisely estimated results suggest that although exposure to content from like-minded sources on social media is common, reducing its prevalence during the 2020 US presidential election did not correspondingly reduce polarization in beliefs or attitudes

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure
