1,329 research outputs found

    Las obligaciones de medios y de resultado: Recepción de la distinción por la propuesta CESL

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    La distinción entre obligaciones de medios y de resultado constituye una cuestión que preocupa al Derecho privado europeo, como lo demuestra la constante mención a esta dicotomía en los textos académicos europeos. Ello justifi ca que este trabajo se centre en analizar la recepción de esta distinción por la Propuesta CESL. Sobre esta base, se valora críticamente la regla que la Propuesta CESL dedica a la materia, comparándola con las aportaciones sobre obligaciones de medios y de resultado de otras iniciativas armonizadoras internacionalesThe distinction between obligations of means and obligations of result is a matter of concern to European private law, as evidenced by the constant reference of this dichotomy in European academic texts. For this reason, this paper focuses on the study of the reception of this distinction by the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL). It is on that basis, this work assesses the general rule that the CESL Proposal applies to the subject, and compared it with the contributions on obligations of means and result of other harmonizing international initiative

    Estudio de la autoestima y el autoconcepto en un aula de 2º de Educación Primaria

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016-2017En el presente Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG), se ha estudiado la importancia de la educación emocional en el desarrollo integral de las personas. Más concretamente, se ha trabajado la autoestima y el autoconcepto del alumnado de 2º de educación primaria, en un determinado centro. A través de la observación directa se detectaron diversas inseguridades que les condicionaban su día a día. Para abordar dicha problemática, se ha creado un cuestionario que, aunque no posee una validación científica, ha sido diseñado teniendo en cuenta las necesidades reales del aula en cuestión. Para ello, se ha trabajado en base a cinco ámbitos de intervención (emocional, físico, social, familiar y académico), prestando especial atención al autoconcepto emocional y académico. Con dicho cuestionario, se detectaron qué áreas debían ser reforzadas y se diseñó un plan de intervención, compuesto por una serie de dinámicas en las cuales se empezó a trabajar desde el ámbito intrapersonal hasta llegar al interpersonal. Después de cinco semanas de actuación, los alumnos han vuelto a realizar el cuestionario. En él, se reflejan los beneficios de la educación emocional a nivel personal, social y académico

    Comunicación no verbal: influencia en la calidad de la atención y bienestar del paciente en quirófano

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    [Resumen] La comunicación terapéutica es el proceso mediante el cual el personal sanitario establece una relación con el paciente. La comunicación es una necesidad primaria en cualquier ámbito y ante cualquier comunidad dada nuestra necesidad de compartir nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos y nuestra sabiduría. Los cuidados desde la llegada a quirófano deben incluir comunicación afectiva no solo verbal. En la mayoría de las ocasiones los profesionales de la salud al interaccionar con los pacientes, mediante el lenguaje no verbal pueden llegar a transmitir intenciones más profundas. Objetivo principal: conocer tanto la perspectiva de los profesionales de enfermería de quirófano como la de los pacientes tras su intervención. Metodología: investigación cualitativa de enfoque fenomenológico, a través de la realización de entrevistas en profundidad con los participantes y la observación. La población que se incluirá serán profesionales de enfermería de quirófano y pacientes tras su paso por esta unidad.[Abstract] Therapeutic communication is the process by which the nursing professional establishes a relationship with the patient. Given our need to share our thoughts, feelings and our wisdom, communication is a primary need in any field or community. Care from hospital arrival to the operating theatre should include affective, not just verbal, communication. In most cases, by interacting with patients using non-verbal language, health professionals can convey deeper intentions. Main objective: to explore both the perspective of surgical nurses and that of the patients after their procedure. Methodology: phenomenological approach to qualitative research, through in-depth interviews with the participants. The population included will be surgical nurses and patients after their passage through this unit.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2016/201

    Anglicism and taboo: axiological values of the pure Anglicism

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    La influencia del inglés en la lengua española en el ámbito del erotismo y la sexualidad ha dado lugar a un número considerable de anglicismos crudos para la designación de conceptos de la esfera sexual. Es el propósito de este trabajo examinar los valores axiológicos que el anglicismo presenta en el vocabulario sexual en el español europeo. Para ello, analizaremos los valores eufemísticos, disfemísticos y cuasieufemísticos que el anglicismo de naturaleza sexual presenta en un corpus léxico de anglicismos crudos extraídos del Diccionario gay-lésbico (2008) y del Diccionario del sexo y el erotismo (2011). El análisis realizado demuestra que las voces anglicadas utilizadas en la esfera sexual no sólo buscan atenuar los tabúes lingüísticos, sino que también se usan para ofender y degradar e incluso para que un grupo social monopolice una serie de voces alusivas a conceptos vitandos.The influence of English on Spanish within the field of eroticism and sexuality has led to a considerable number of pure anglicisms to designate sex-related concepts. In this regard, it is the aim of this paper to examine the axiological values that anglicisms present in Spanish sexual vocabulary. To this end, we will explore the euphemistic, dysphemistic and quasieuphemistic values that sex-related anglicisms present in a corpus of pure anglicisms excerpted from two dictionaries: Diccionario gay-lésbico (2008) and Diccionario del sexo y el erotismo (2011). The analysis reveals that English borrowings do not only veil the so called linguistic taboos, but they are also used to disparage and degrade and even as a sign of cohesion within a group

    Autophagy is activated and involved in cell death with participation of cathepsins during stress-induced microspore embryogenesis in barley

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    Microspores are reprogrammed towards embryogenesis by stress. Many microspores die after this stress, limiting the efficiency of microspore embryogenesis. Autophagy is a degradation pathway that plays critical roles in stress response and cell death. In animals, cathepsins have an integral role in autophagy by degrading autophagic material; less is known in plants. Plant cathepsins are papain-like C1A cysteine proteases involved in many physiological processes, including programmed cell death. We have analysed the involvement of autophagy in cell death, in relation to cathepsin activation, during stress-induced microspore embryogenesis in Hordeum vulgare. After stress, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell death increased and autophagy was activated, including HvATG5 and HvATG6 up-regulation and increase of ATG5, ATG8, and autophagosomes. Concomitantly, cathepsin L/F-, B-, and H-like activities were induced, cathepsin-like genes HvPap-1 and HvPap-6 were up-regulated, and HvPap-1, HvPap-6, and HvPap-19 proteins increased and localized in the cytoplasm, resembling autophagy structures. Inhibitors of autophagy and cysteine proteases reduced cell death and promoted embryogenesis. The findings reveal a role for autophagy in stress-induced cell death during microspore embryogenesis, and the participation of cathepsins. Similar patterns of activation, expression, and localization suggest a possible connection between cathepsins and autophagy. The results open up new possibilities to enhance microspore embryogenesis efficiency with autophagy and/or cysteine protease modulators.España, MINECO AGL2014-52028-R and AGL2017-82447-

    Absence of Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase BCSOD1 reduces Botrytiscinerea virulence in Arabidopsis and tomato plants, revealinginterplay among reactive oxygen species, callose and signallingpathways

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    Plants activate responses against pathogens, including the oxida-tive burst. Necrotrophic pathogens can produce reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) that benefit the colonization process. Previously, wehave demonstrated that tomato plants challenged with Botrytiscinerea accumulate ROS and callose, together with the inductionof genes involved in defence, signalling and oxidative metabolism.Here, we studied the infection phenotype of the Dbcs od1 strain inboth tomato and Arabidopsis plants. This mutant lacks bcsod1,which encodes Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD). This enzymecatalyses the conversion of superoxide ion (O–2) into hydrogen per-oxide (H2O2). ROS play a protective role and act as signals inplants. Dbcsod1 displayed reduced virulence compared with wild-type B05.10 in both species. Plants infected with Dbcsod1 accu-mulated less H2O2and more O–2than those infected with B05.10,which is associated with an increase in the defensive polymer cal-lose. This supports a major role of fungal SOD in H2O2productionduring the plant–pathogen interaction. The early induction of thecallose synthase gene PMR4 suggested that changes in ROSaltered plant defensive responses at the transcriptional level. Themetabolites and genes involved in signalling and in response tooxidative stress were differentially expressed on Dbcsod1 infec-tion, supporting the notion that plants perceive changes in ROSbalance and activate defence responses. A higher O2–/H2O2ratioseems to be beneficial for plant protection against this necrotroph.Our results highlight the relevance of callose and the oxylipin 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) in the response to changes in theoxidative environment, and clarify the mechanisms that underliethe responses to Botrytis in Arabidopsis and tomato plants.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Scienceand Innovation (AGL2010-22300-C03-01-02 and AGL2013-49023-C03-01-02), co-funded by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF)and by Generalitat Valenciana Grupos de Excelencia PROMETEO/2012/066. J.L.-C. and O.C.-S. were recipients of research contracts from thePROMETEO/2012/066 grant. E.F.-C. was the recipient of research con-tracts from grant AGL2010-22300-C03-01. J.L.-C. is the recipient of aresearch contract from grant AGL2013-49023-C03-01

    Denitrification Enzymes-Based Biosensors: the Case of Haloarchaeal Enzymes

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    In the last two decades, the increase in the use of artificial fertilizers and the disposal of industrial wastes have been the main factors responsible for the progressive increase in nitrate and nitrite levels in groundwater and soil. A variety of analytical strategies have been developed for nitrate and nitrite detection but electrochemical biosensors, which are simple, cheap, easily miniaturized and suitability for real-time detection, are proved to be a powerful tool. Various types of biosensors based on the use of whole cells or on the immobilization of denitrification enzymes have been developed, but their use is limited in environmental analysis under extreme conditions such as brines, acidic or basic wastewaters, salted soils, etc. Extremophilic denitrifying microorganism are good candidates for the development of new nitrate and nitrite biosensors and, in particular, haloarchaeal based biosensors would have advantages over bacterial based biosensors since the microorganisms and the purified denitrifying enzymes tolerate a wide range of temperature and salinity. This work summarizes new highlights on the potential uses of denitrifying haloarchaeal enzymes to make enzyme-based biosensors.This work was funded by research grant from the MINECO Spain (CTM2013-43147-R)