339 research outputs found

    Finding first foliation tangencies in the Lorenz system

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from SIAM via the DOI in this record.Classical studies of chaos in the well-known Lorenz system are based on reduction to the one-dimensional Lorenz map, which captures the full behavior of the dynamics of the chaotic Lorenz attractor. This reduction requires that the stable and unstable foliations on a particular Poincar e section are transverse locally near the chaotic Lorenz attractor. We study when this so-called foliation condition fails for the rst time and the classic Lorenz attractor becomes a quasi-attractor. This transition is characterized by the creation of tangencies between the stable and unstable foliations and the appearance of hooked horseshoes in the Poincar e return map. We consider how the three-dimensional phase space is organized by the global invariant manifolds of saddle equilibria and saddle periodic orbits | before and after the loss of the foliation condition. We compute these global objects as families of orbit segments, which are found by setting up a suitable two-point boundary value problem (BVP). We then formulate a multi-segment BVP to nd the rst tangency between the stable foliation and the intersection curves in the Poincar e section of the two-dimensional unstable manifold of a periodic orbit. It is a distinct advantage of our BVP set-up that we are able to detect and readily continue the locus of rst foliation tangency in any plane of two parameters as part of the overall bifurcation diagram. Our computations show that the region of existence of the classic Lorenz attractor is bounded in each parameter plane. It forms a slanted (unbounded) cone in the three-parameter space with a curve of terminal-point or T-point bifurcations on the locus of rst foliation tangency; we identify the tip of this cone as a codimension-three T-point-Hopf bifurcation point, where the curve of T-point bifurcations meets a surface of Hopf bifurcation. Moreover, we are able to nd other rst foliation tangencies for larger values of the parameters that are associated with additional T-point bifurcations: each tangency adds an extra twist to the central region of the quasi-attractor

    Histidinol dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa

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    Histidinol dehydrogenase from Neurospora crass

    Involving users in OPAC interface design: Perspective from a UK study

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    This is the post-print versoin of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2007 SpringerThe purpose of this study was to determine user suggestions for a typical OPAC (Online Public Library Catalogue) application’s functionality and features. An experiment was undertaken to find out the type of interactions features that users prefer to have in an OPAC. The study revealed that regardless of users’ Information Technology (IT) backgrounds, their functionality expectations of OPACs are the same. However, based on users’ previous experiences with OPACs, their requirements with respect to specific features may change. Users should be involved early in the OPAC development cycle process in order to ensure usable and functional interface

    Modelling of Mass Transfer Resistances in Non-uniformly Washcoated Monolith Reactors

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    There are various methodologies to account for mass transfer within non-uniformly distributed washcoats in monolith reactors in 1D models (axially). However, 1+1D models (axially/radially) fail to capture local variations in mass transfer from different coating thicknesses or cracks. In this paper, we present a novel way to account for local material properties in a washcoated monolith reactor. The suggested method uses an existing 1+1D modelling framework and sectionalizes the washcoat into multiple tangential segments which are solved independently. Intelligent gravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy are used in combination to calculate local effective diffusivity as an input for each simulation. The new model is compared to the original 1+1D model using NO light-off simulations. The new model predicted increased conversion at elevated temperatures, where mass transfer limitations are present, due to the higher porosity in the corners. The simulation time for each model was similar due to the parallelizable nature of the new model

    Rapid determination of N-Methylpyrrolidine in Cefepime by combining direct infusion electrospray ionisation-time-of-flight mass spectrometry with field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry

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    The determination of N-methyl pyrrolidine, a potential impurity in the cephalosporin antibiotic cefepime, by direct infusion ESI combined with field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (ESI-FAIMS-MS) is demonstrated. The addition of a chip-based FAIMS separation prior to detection by time-of-flight mass spectrometry enables selective transmission of NMP in the presence of cefepime without interference from NMP formed by CID in the mass spectrometer interface. The limits of detection and quantification of NMP in cefepime were 0.011% (w/w) and 0.036% (w/w) NMP in cefepime respectively, well below the 0.3% (w/w) threshold concentration for NMP in cefepime. The % relative standard deviation was 3.9% with linearity for standard additions in the range 0.005 – 0.5 μg/ml NMP. Novel Aspect (ToC) FAIMS separation prior to mass spectrometry enables selective transmission of NMP in cefepime without interference from NMP formed by in-source CID

    Virtual embedded librarianship for information literacy teaching.

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    This paper, reports on the planning and preliminary results of an action research project undertaken for the redesign of an online distance learning information literacy (IL) module on the basis of virtual 'embedded librarianship'. The research project, which followed an action research design, brought together the IL module coordinator and an Academic Liaison Librarian, working at different institutions to collaboratively redesign the assessment and teaching of the module. Data were collected via a qualitative analysis of students' work and a series of open-ended questions addressed to students on the value of the approach followed. Students reacted positively to the embedded librarianship design and engaged constructively in situated learning. Challenges included time-zones differences, the contribution level of students and lack of confidence. The paper puts emphasis on educating future information professionals as embedded information literacy partners, promoting the development of transferable skills and a collaborative/sharing online working ethos

    Open-access mega-journals: A bibliometric profile

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    In this paper we present the first comprehensive bibliometric analysis of eleven open-access mega-journals (OAMJs). OAMJs are a relatively recent phenomenon, and have been characterised as having four key characteristics: large size; broad disciplinary scope; a GoldOA business model; and a peer-review policy that seeks to determine only the scientific soundness of the research rather than evaluate the novelty or significance of the work. Our investigation focuses on four key modes of analysis: journal outputs (the number of articles published and changes in output over time); OAMJ author characteristics (nationalities and institutional affiliations); subject areas (the disciplinary scope of OAMJs, and variations in sub-disciplinary output); and citation profiles (the citation distributions of each OAMJ, and the impact of citing journals). We found that while the total output of the eleven megajournals grew by 14.9% between 2014 and 2015, this growth is largely attributable to the increased output of Scientific Reports and Medicine. We also found substantial variation in the geographical distribution of authors. Several journals have a relatively high proportion of Chinese authors, and we suggest this may be linked to these journals’ high Journal Impact Factors (JIFs). The mega-journals were also found to vary in subject scope, with several journals publishing disproportionately high numbers of articles in certain sub-disciplines. Our citation analsysis offers support for Björk & Catani’s suggestion that OAMJs’s citation distributions can be similar to those of traditional journals, while noting considerable variation in citation rates across the eleven titles. We conclude that while the OAMJ term is useful as a means of grouping journals which share a set of key characteristics, there is no such thing as a “typical” mega-journal, and we suggest several areas for additional research that might help us better understand the current and future role of OAMJs in scholarly communication

    Toxic Metals (Pb and Cd) and Their Respective Antagonists (Ca and Zn) in Infant Formulas and Milk Marketed in Brasilia, Brazil

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    In non-ideal scenarios involving partial or non-breastfeeding, cow’s milk-based dairy products are mainstream in infant feeding. Therefore, it is important to study the concentrations of potentially neurotoxic contaminants (Pb and Cd) and their respective counteracting elements (Ca and Zn) in infant dairy products. Fifty-five brands of infant formulas and milk sold in Brasilia, Brazil were analyzed. The dairy products came from areas in the central-west (26%), southeast (29%) and south of Brazil (36%) extending as far as Argentina (7%) and the Netherlands (2%). For toxic Pb and Cd, median concentrations in powdered samples were 0.109 mg/kg and 0.033 mg/kg, respectively; in fluid samples median Pb concentration was 0.084 mg/kg, but median Cd concentration was below the limit of detection and overall values were below reference safety levels. However, 62% of these samples presented higher Pb concentration values than those established by FAO/WHO. Although the inverse correlation between Cd and Zn (Spearman r = −0.116; P = 0.590) was not statistically significant, the positive correlation between Ca and Pb was (Spearman r = 0.619; P < 0.0001). Additionally, there was a significant correlation between Pb and Cd. Furthermore, the study also revealed that provision of the essential trace element Zn in infant formulas can provide adequate amounts of the recommended daily requirements. Infant formulas and milk sold for consumption by infants and children can be an efficient tool to monitor neurotoxic metal risk exposure among young children

    Biodegradation kinetics of 4-fluorocinnamic acid by a consortium of Arthrobacter and Ralstonia strains

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    Arthrobacter sp. strain G1 is able to grow on 4-fluorocinnamic acid (4-FCA) as sole carbon source. The organism converts 4-FCA into 4-fluorobenzoic acid (4-FBA) and utilizes the two-carbon side-chain for growth with some formation of 4-fluoroacetophenone as a dead-end side product. We also have isolated Ralstonia sp. strain H1, an organism that degrades 4-FBA. A consortium of strains G1 and H1 degraded 4-FCA with Monod kinetics during growth in batch and continuous cultures. Specific growth rates of strain G1 and specific degradation rates of 4-FCA were observed to follow substrate inhibition kinetics, which could be modeled using the kinetic models of Haldane–Andrew and Luong–Levenspiel. The mixed culture showed complete mineralization of 4-FCA with quantitative release of fluoride, both in batch and continuous cultures. Steady-state chemostat cultures that were exposed to shock loadings of substrate responded with rapid degradation and returned to steady-state in 10–15 h, indicating that the mixed culture provided a robust system for continuous 4-FCA degradation