66 research outputs found

    Brand equity within business networks : the case of Innoenergy

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    Mestrado em MarketingEsta investigação visa estudar o valor da marca dentro das redes de negócios através do caso da KIC InnoEnergy, uma entidade europeia que promove a inovação na área da energia sustentável. Com base em conceitos como redes de negócios, brand equity e comportamento de compra organizacional, pretende-se avaliar o valor da marca da empresa na sua rede, bem como entender as necessidades do seu ecossistema e o que mais valorizam. Os dados foram recolhidos através de métodos qualitativos e a amostra incluiu alguns dos stakeholders. Concluiu-se que a InnoEnergy tem um forte valor de marca entre o ecossistema das start-ups, bem como entre os seus parceiros, enquanto a educação é a linha de negócios em que as associações da marca precisam de ser mais trabalhadas. Concluiu-se também que as semelhanças entre Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) podem ser prejudiciais para a saliência da marca no seu ecossistema. De uma perspectiva teórica, sugere-se a inclusão de um novo bloco na adaptação do modelo de Keller para business-to-business, que teria o nome de "network". Futura investigação deve centrar-se em cada relação com os diferentes atores e linhas de negócio, o papel da marca neste contexto e as consequências práticas das semelhanças em termos de branding das diferentes KICs.This research aims to study brand equity within business networks through InnoEnergy's case, a European entity that promotes innovation in the sustainable energy field. Based on concepts such as business networks, brand equity and organizational buying behavior, it is intended to evaluate the brand equity of the company in its network as well as to understand the needs of its ecosystem and what they value the most. To this end, data was collected through qualitative methods and the sample included some of the stakeholders. It was concluded that InnoEnergy has strong brand equity among the start-up's ecosystem, as well as among its partners, whereas Education is the business line in which the associations need to strengthen the most. It was also concluded that the similarities between Knowledge and Innovation Communities can be harmful to the salience of the brand in its ecosystem. From a theoretical perspective, it is suggested the inclusion of a new block in the Keller's model adaptation to business-to-business, called "networks". Further research should focus on each relationship with the different actors and business lines, the role of branding in this context and the practical consequences of the similarities between KICs branding.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The portuguese schools’ evaluation programme : a sociological approach to the participation of social actors

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    This article analyses the current Portuguese Schools’ Evaluation Programme, implemented since 2006 in all state schools, as a social construction. The article focuses on a particular topic of the external evaluation the participation of social actors in school life, as well as on school principals’ perceptions of the process. Our research is based on a content analysis of schools’ evaluation reports conducted in three different regions (Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve) and a series of semi-directive interviews with the principals and chairpersons of the General Councils of 20 schools. While it is important to consider the evaluation programme in the light of international political tendencies (e.g. New Public Management), it is also relevant to understand the impact of such policy on schools. We highlight the contributions of this approach to a wider reflection on evaluation processes. Keyword

    Ties and inequalities in later life: welfare state regime and the role of social networks in health inequalities in later life in Europe

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    Cross-national comparisons on health inequalities have puzzled health researchers in the last years. Contrary to what is theoretically expected, Northern European countries, known for their advanced welfare state regime and universalistic policies in health and social protection, do not present smaller health inequalities than other European nations. Within the debate triggered by these surprising results, some authors consider the possibility that the differences among the welfare state regimes may be shaping the relevance of specific pathways or mechanisms underlining the association between socioeconomic position (SEP) and health. This research addresses this hypothesis by comparing the contribution of social networks to health inequality in later life across different welfare state regimes. Mediation effects between SEP and health by social networks variables are compared across four different welfare state regimes, using data from Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe. Findings suggest that the socioeconomic advantages in health are partially explained by the differentials in social integration and quality of social ties. Welfare state regimes appear to shape the contribution of social networks in health inequality concerning the implications of the exchanges of social support in health.This paper uses data from SHARE Wave 4 (DOI: 10.6103/SHARE.w4.500). The SHARE data collection has been primarily funded by the European Commission through FP5 (QLK6-CT-2001-00360), FP6 (SHARE-I3: RII-CT-2006-062193, COMPARE: CIT5-CT-2005-028857, SHARELIFE: CIT4-CT-2006-028812) and FP7 20 D. CRAVEIRO (SHARE-PREP: N°211909, SHARE-LEAP: N°227822, SHARE M4: N°261982).Additional funding from the German Ministry of Education and Research, the U.S. National Institute on Aging (U01_AG09740-13S2, P01_AG005842, P01_AG08291, P30_AG12815, R21_AG025169, Y1-AG-4553-01, IAG_BSR06-11, OGHA_04-064) and from various national funding sources is gratefully acknowledged (see www. share-project.org

    How to face uncertainties amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e Tecnologia (FCT) - Doctoral Grant SFRH/BD/115382/2016, UID/04413/2020, UIDB/0006/2020 and UIDP/0006/2020. Funding Information: Funding This study was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) -Doctoral Grant SFRH/BD/115382/2016, UID/04413/2020, UIDB/0006/2020 and UIDP/0006/2020. Competing interests None declared. Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were involved in the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research. Refer to the Methods section for further details. Patient consent for publication Not required. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Studies which focus on the process of acculturation in the lifestyles, nutritional status and health of immigrants from the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) in the Iberian Peninsula are still scarce. This study aims to explore the influence of the acculturation process and dietary acculturation on the lifestyle and nutritional and health status of CPLP immigrants in Portugal and Spain, focusing on two Iberian contexts: Lisbon Metropolitan Area and the Basque Country. A mixed methods sequential explanatory design, combining cross-sectional studies and semistructured interviews. Official data will also be analysed. Primary data will be collected through a questionnaire and assessment of nutritional status and body composition. The estimated samples sizes are 1061 adults (≥18 years old) in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and 573 in the Basque Country. Time-location sampling will be used for the quantitative component and non-probabilistic sampling for the qualitative component. If safety conditions are not guaranteed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online studies will be conducted. The semistructured interviews will complement the questionnaire data and extend knowledge about the process of acculturation of CPLP immigrants and their relationship with eating habits and physical activity. Thematic analysis will be used for qualitative data. Triangulation of data derived from different methods will be carried out. An integrative approach will be used to address potential discrepancies in findings and limitations inherent to the study design. As inter-method discrepancies may occur, triangulation protocol will be used, elaborating a ‘convergence coding matrix’ to display findings emerging from each component of the study. Ethical approval was obtained through the IHMT Ethics Council (Doc No 20/2020), Portugal, and it was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the UPV/EHU (Doc No under revision), Spain.publishersversionpublishe

    Well-Being Inequality in Europe

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    This paper aims to study the consequences of social inequality in the well-being of Europeans. How individuals differ in well-being in the European space? Do categorical and distributive inequalities influence well-being? We explore the well-being inequalities in Europe building upon the OECD Framework for Measuring Well-Being and Progress. Taking European Social Survey as the main empirical source, the interplay between key distributional (education, income) and categorical (gender, social class) dimensions of social inequalities in well-being was studied, under two levels of analysis of the OECD European social space – transnational (across individuals) and national (across countries). Social inequalities on well-being scores and well-being profiles were identified. Higher education, higher income, and belonging to a more privileged social class positively influence well-being; men tend to present higher well-being than women. The four well-being profiles identified among Europeans were shown to be clearly structured by social inequalities, opposing higher- and lower- qualified socio-occupations, and males and females' life circumstances. At a country level, profiles are mostly defined in terms of volume of well-being, mainly expressing regional affiliations and asymmetries of class, income and education. The developed analysis confirms the existence of multidimensional intersections between categorical and distributive social inequalities and well-being

    Regulação de procedimentos na escola pública: entre o centralismo formal e a apropriação informal

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    A presente análise propõe uma reflexão sobre a forma como os processos de coordenação do trabalho nas organizações escolares, ao nível da conceção e planeamento educativo, são enunciados nos relatórios de avaliação externa das escolas e pelas respetivas direções. Tem como base informação contemplada nos relatórios da avaliação externa das escolas de três regiões distintas em Portugal — Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Alentejo e Algarve — e entrevistas realizadas aos dirigentes de 20 escolas. Esta abordagem permite conhecer modos de formalização dos instrumentos estruturantes e destacar a importância dos processos e mecanismos de apropriação informal (ajustamento mútuo) que têm lugar, tanto ao nível da construção como da operacionalização dos processos de regulação formais na gestão das escolas portuguesas (estandardização).The analysis examines and reflects on the way in which the work coordination processes in school organisations, namely in terms of the conception and planning of education, are set out in the external evaluation reports of schools and by their respective boards. It is based on information in the reports of the external evaluation of schools in three distinct regions of Portugal: Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, Alentejo and Algarve, and on interviews conducted with the governors of 20 schools. This approach sheds light on the ways in which the structuring processes are formalised; it also highlights the importance of the informal appropriation processes and mechanisms (reciprocal adjustment) that take place in both the construction and operationalisation of the formal regulation processes in the management of Portuguese schools (standardisation).Cette analyse propose une réflexion sur la manière dont les processus de coordination du travail au sein des établissements scolaires, au plan de la conception et de la planification éducative, sont énoncés dans les rapports d’évaluation externe des écoles et par leurs directions respectives. Elle se base sur l’information contenue dans les rapports d’évaluation externe des écoles de trois régions du Portugal: Lisbonne et Vallée du Tage, Alentejo et Algarve et les entretiens réalisés avec les directions des 20 écoles. Cette approche permet de connaître les modes de formalisation des instruments structurants et de souligner l’importance des processus et des mécanismes d’appropriation informelle (ajustement mutuel) qui ont lieu, tant au plan de la construction qu’à celui de l’opérationnalisation des processus de régulation formels dans la gestion des écoles portugaises (standardisation).El presente análisis propone una reflexión sobre la forma en como los procesos de coordinación del trabajo en las organizaciones escolares, al nivel de la concepción y planeamiento educativo, son enunciados en los informes de evaluación externa de las escuelas y por las respectivas direcciones. Tiene como base información contemplada en los informes de la evaluación externa de las escuelas de tres regiones distintas en Portugal: Lisboa y Valle del Tajo, Alentejo y Algarve, y entrevistas realizadas a los dirigentes de 20 escuelas. Este abordaje permite conocer modos de formalización de los instrumentos estructurantes y destacar la importancia de los procesos y mecanismos de apropiación informal (ajuste mútuo) que tiene lugar, tanto a nivel de la construcción como de la operacionalización de los procesos de regulación formales en la gestión de las escuelas portuguesas (estandarización)

    Centa. Na periferia da periferia : avaliação de um projecto de ducação artística em contexto escolar

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    O Projecto de Formação Artística Contínua (PFAC) é um programa de intervenção educativa da autoria do CENTA (Centro de Estudos de Novas Tendências Artísticas) que visa constituir-se como factor de sucesso das aprendizagens escolares dos alunos do primeiro ciclo, bem como elemento de promoção de uma Educação Artística de qualidade. No ano lectivo de 2006/07 o Instituto de Sociologia foi responsável pela avaliação do projecto, que decorria em todas as escolas do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico do concelho de Vila Velha de Ródão. Deste trabalho surgiu um documento sedimentado numa escuta plural mediatizada pelo ecletismo do aparelho metodológico aplicado, cuja síntese agora apresentamos. Procurou-se abordar o projecto em profundidade, sistematizando os objectivos planificados, as actividades concretizadas e os efeitos educativos, de acordo com a lógica da investigação - acção e segundo o método de referenciação de Figari (1994).The PFAC (Projecto de Formação Artística Contínua) is an educational intervention program created by CENTA (Centro de Estudos de Novas Tendências Artísticas). The project aims to contribute to the educational success of first grade students, as well as to promote quality in Artistic Education. In the school year of 2006/07, the IS (Institute of Sociology) was responsible for the project evaluation that was developed in all first grade schools of Vila Velha de Ródão. From this work, it was created a document based on a plural listening and an application of a rigorous methodological device, which is synthesized in the present article. It was our aim to conduct an intensive analysis of the project, to that we could systemize the designed objectives, the materialized activities and the educative effects, in accordance with the logic of the action-research and to the method of referencing of Figari (1994)

    The participation of the education community in school management

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    This text discusses the modes of participation of the education community in school management, examining a dimension that has long been present in the Portuguese political agenda. It centers on the analysis of the organizational dimension of 297 Portuguese schools, based on information made available in the external assessment reports for the academic years of 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. The corpus analyzed made it possible to fulfill two of the central axes of the participation processes: the mode of integration of the community involved in school life, and the processes and limitations inherent to the participation of two groups of agents - those in charge of education and the pupils. Despite the fact that the various images of school organization present in the external assessment reports are similar, the differentiating aspects are significant. The participation processes are not equally consolidated across the different school organizations and their respective territories, and we witness the growing importance of the presence of the various agents in the tasks of school management. This involvement implies a knowledge that has to be increasingly deeper about the processes of construction of cultural learning that permeate the schools. It is possible to detect the presence of different agents in the schools investigated, which follows a change of conception of educative community encompassing pupils, teachers, those in charge of education, and the surrounding community in which schools are inserted.O presente texto discute as modalidades de participação da comunidade educativa na gestão escolar, examinando essa dimensão já há muito tempo presente na agenda política portuguesa. Centra-se na análise da dimensão organizacional de 297 escolas portuguesas, tendo como base informações contempladas nos relatórios da avaliação externa nos anos lectivos 2006/2007, 2007/2008 e 2008/2009. O corpus analisado permitiu atender a dois eixos centrais dos processos de participação: a modalidade de integração da comunidade envolvente na vida escolar e os processos e limitações inerentes à participação de dois grupos de actores - os encarregados de educação e os alunos. Apesar de as imagens organizacionais das escolas presentes nos relatórios de avaliação externa serem semelhantes entre si, são significativos os aspectos diferenciadores. Os processos de participação não se mostram consolidados da mesma forma nas diferentes organizações escolares e nos respectivos territórios, mas assiste-se à crescente importância da presença dos vários agentes nas tarefas de gestão escolar. Esse envolvimento implica um conhecimento que se requer cada vez mais aprofundado sobre os processos de construção das aprendizagens culturais que atravessam as escolas. Detecta-se a presença de diferentes agentes nas escolas estudadas, o que acompanha uma mudança na concepção de comunidade educativa, a qual abarca alunos, professores, encarregados de educação e a comunidade envolvente em que as escolas se inserem