10 research outputs found

    Les relations ville-port à Rio de Janeiro : entre difficultés et perspectives de développement

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    The productive reorganization in progress since the early 70s projects each time a little more cities and ports as such mains actors of the territory integration in the globalization’s flows. In Rio de Janeiro, since the end of the 90s, we can observe numerous modernisation initiatives of the port system, and of the city waterfront revitalization. The port is actually really dynamic in national level for the containers traffic, vehicles (Roll-on/Roll-Off), Oil and Oil products (Petrobras Logistic port support) and in Tourism with the passengers transport. However, Rio de Janeiro Port-city relationships are characterized by serious difficulties. Until today, Port Authorities, the city, private actors and civil society have not formulated a real concerted development project including the City and the Port. Rio de Janeiro Port-city relationships are influenced by old Industrial Era practices of the country, presenting both entities such as incompatibles. In one side, the city is interested in old port spaces revitalization, by developing huge tourism urban project based on several international experiences; on the other side, the port is interested in developing his activities in order to attend Globalization growth flows. However, true innovating development policies are experimented, such as port cities in the Northern Range or in Spain, places where we can observe a united development of the two dynamics through the elaboration of concerted strategies

    Les relations ville-port à Rio de Janeiro : entre difficultés et perspectives de développement

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    La rĂ©organisation productive Ă  l’Ɠuvre depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 70 projette chaque fois un peu plus les villes et les ports comme des acteurs majeurs de l’intĂ©gration des territoires dans les flux issus de la mondialisation. A Rio de Janeiro, depuis la fin des annĂ©es 90,  nous observons de nombreuses initiatives de modernisation du systĂšme portuaire et de revitalisation des friches portuaires de la ville. Le port est actuellement trĂšs dynamique au niveau national dans le domaine des conteneurs, des vĂ©hicules (roll-on/roll-off), du pĂ©trole et de ses dĂ©rivĂ©s (port d’appui logistique de la Petrobras) et enfin du tourisme avec le transport de passagers. Cependant, les relations ville-port Ă  Rio de Janeiro sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par de sĂ©rieuses difficultĂ©s. Jusqu’à prĂ©sent, les autoritĂ©s portuaires, la ville, les acteurs privĂ©s et la sociĂ©tĂ© civile n’ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  formuler un vĂ©ritable projet de dĂ©veloppement concertĂ© autour de la ville et du port.Les relations ville-port Ă  Rio de Janeiro sont encore trĂšs fortement influencĂ©es par des pratiques issues de l’ùre industrielle du pays, prĂ©sentant les deux entitĂ©s comme incompatibles. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, la ville cherche Ă  revitaliser ses friches portuaires en dĂ©veloppant de grands projets urbains Ă  vocation touristique sur le modĂšle de nombreuses expĂ©riences internationales ; de l’autre, le port cherche Ă  dĂ©velopper ses activitĂ©s pour faire face aux flux croissants issus de la mondialisation. Pourtant, de vĂ©ritables politiques de dĂ©veloppement innovantes sont expĂ©rimentĂ©es Ă  travers le monde, comme c’est le cas en Europe dans les villes portuaires de la « rangĂ©e Nord » (Northern Range) ou encore en Espagne, ou nous assistons au dĂ©veloppement conjoint des deux dynamiques Ă  travers l’élaboration de stratĂ©gies Ă©conomiques concertĂ©es.     A reorganização produtiva em curso desde o inicio da dĂ©cada de 70 projeta cada vez mais as cidades e os portos como atores importantes da integração dos territĂłrios nos fluxos da globalização. No Rio de Janeiro, desde o fim da dĂ©cada de 90, podemos observar numerosas iniciativas de modernização do sistema portuĂĄrio e da revitalização dos espaços portuĂĄrios baldios da cidade. O porto se encontra atualmente muito dinĂąmico no nĂ­vel nacional na manutenção de contĂȘineres, de veĂ­culos (roll-on/roll-off), de petrĂłleo e derivados (porto de apoio logĂ­stico da Petrobras) e por fim do turismo com o transporte de passageiros. Contudo, as relaçÔes porto-cidade no Rio de Janeiro sĂŁo caracterizadas por serias dificuldades. AtĂ© hoje, as autoridades portuĂĄrias, a cidade, os atores privados e a sociedade civil nĂŁo conseguiram formular um verdadeiro projeto de desenvolvimento concertado em prol da cidade e do porto. As relaçÔes porto-cidade no Rio de Janeiro sĂŁo ainda muito influenciadas por prĂĄticas decorrentes da Era Industrial do PaĂ­s, apresentando as duas entidades como incompatĂ­veis. De um lado, a cidade procura revitalizar os espaços portuĂĄrios baldios pelo desenvolvimento de grandes projetos urbanos oriundo pelo turismo, no modelo de varias experiĂȘncias internacionais; do outro lado, o porto procura desenvolver suas atividades para atender aos fluxos crescentes da globalização. Portanto, sĂŁo experimentadas no mundo verdadeiras polĂ­ticas de desenvolvimento inovadoras, como no caso da Europa nas cidades portuĂĄrias do “Northern Range”, ou na Espanha, lugares onde assistimos ao desenvolvimento em conjunto das duas dinĂąmicas atravĂ©s da elaboração de estratĂ©gias concertadas.The productive reorganization in progress since the early 70s projects each time a little more cities and ports as such mains actors of the territory integration in the globalization’s flows. In Rio de Janeiro, since the end of the 90s, we can observe numerous modernisation initiatives of the port system, and of the city waterfront revitalization. The port is actually really dynamic in national level for the containers traffic, vehicles (Roll-on/Roll-Off), Oil and Oil products (Petrobras Logistic port support) and in Tourism with the passengers transport. However, Rio de Janeiro Port-city relationships are characterized by serious difficulties. Until today, Port Authorities, the city, private actors and civil society have not formulated a real concerted development project including the City and the Port. Rio de Janeiro Port-city relationships are influenced by old Industrial Era practices of the country, presenting both entities such as incompatibles. In one side, the city is interested in old port spaces revitalization, by developing huge tourism urban project based on several international experiences; on the other side, the port is interested in developing his activities in order to attend Globalization growth flows. However, true innovating development policies are experimented, such as port cities in the Northern Range or in Spain, places where we can observe a united development of the two dynamics through the elaboration of concerted strategies


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    Notre objectif avec cette communication est de dĂ©montrer que les relations ville/port Ă  Rio de Janeiro sont empreintes de grandes difficultĂ©s auxquelles la gĂ©ographie peut, Ă  dĂ©faut d’y remĂ©dier, en analyser les tenants et les aboutissants. Pour cela nous avons Ă©laborĂ© notre mĂ©thodologie autour de concepts empruntant Ă  la gĂ©ographie Ă©conomique (Veltz, Harvey, Sassen
) pour les notions de rĂ©seaux, villes, flux ; et Ă  la gĂ©ographie des transports (transport maritime) pour les notions de relations ville/port (Baudouin, Slack, Hoyle, MoniĂ©, Ducruet, FrĂ©mont, Rodrigue
). Depuis maintenant quelques dĂ©cennies, la rĂ©organisation productive Ă  l’Ɠuvre projette d’une maniĂšre chaque fois plus Ă©vidente les villes et les ports comme des acteurs majeurs de l’intĂ©gration de territoires dans les flux issus de la mondialisation croissante des Ă©conomies. A Rio de Janeiro, nous assistons Ă  de nombreuses initiatives de modernisation du systĂšme portuaire et Ă  la revitalisation des friches portuaires de la ville. Depuis un peu plus d’une dĂ©cennie, le port de Rio est devenu l’un des plus dynamique du pays grĂące notamment aux activitĂ©s de conteneurs, Roll-on/Roll-off, ou encore au dĂ©veloppement du tourisme maritime. Cependant, si ces projets s’inscrivent dans une volontĂ© de « connecter » chaque fois un peu plus la seconde mĂ©tropole brĂ©silienne aux flux de la mondialisation, on s’aperçoit qu’il existe encore de nombreux obstacles caractĂ©risĂ©s par les difficultĂ©s qu’éprouvent les autoritĂ©s portuaires et la prĂ©fecture de formuler un projet de dĂ©veloppement rĂ©gional autour du port et de la ville. Les relations ville/port Ă  Rio de Janeiro sont marquĂ©es par la difficultĂ© de concevoir les ports comme un atout essentiel dans la constitution de rĂ©seaux logistiques productifs et intĂ©grĂ©s propres Ă  l’économie de circulation actuelle

    Tradicionais e novos atrativos nos balneårios turísticos na Franças e no Nordeste do Brasil

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    Throughout the 20th century, tropical areas became increasingly more attractive, and today they represent places of international prominence for the practice of tourism and leisure activities. Therefore, aware of the coexistence of generations of seaside resorts, this article proposes to understand the role of nautical practices, marinas and golf courses in the formation or reinvention of tourist and seaside resorts in the northeastern region of Brazil. The results present the organization of the Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador. The development of secondary residences follows the same pattern, but we can see that the development of new activities such as nautical activities, with marinas, and golf courses are still practices that are few developed in the region and reserved to a restricted public of users. The analysis of two examples from France shows how these activities could become fundamental in the evolution of seaside resorts and the urban territories that host them

    A randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossover trial of zonisamide in myoclonus-dystonia

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    International audienceObjective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of zonisamide in patients with myoclonus-dystonia. Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial of zonisamide (300 mg/d) in 24 patients with myoclonus-dystonia. Each treatment period consisted of a 6-week titration phase followed by a 3-week fixed-dose phase. The periods were separated by a 5-week washout period. The co–primary outcomes were action myoclonus severity (section 4 of the Unified Myoclonus Rating Scale [UMRS 4]) and myoclonus-related functional disability (UMRS 5). Secondary outcomes included dystonia severity, assessed with the movement and disability subscales of the Burke-Fahn-Marsden-Dystonia Rating Scale (BFM), the Clinical Global Impression–Improvement scale (CGI), and safety measures. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for paired data were used to analyze treatment effects. Results: Twenty-three patients (11 men, 12 women) were analyzed in the intention-to-treat analysis. Zonisamide significantly improved both action myoclonus (median improvement [95% confidence limits] −5 [−9.25 to −1.44], p = 0.003) and myoclonus-related functional disability (median improvement [95% confidence limits] −2 [−2.58 to −2.46], p = 0.007) compared to placebo. Zonisamide also significantly improved dystonia (BFM movement) compared to placebo (median improvement [95% confidence limits] −3 [−8.46 to 0.03], p = 0.009). No difference was found between zonisamide and placebo with respect to the CGI (median improvement [95% confidence limits] −1 [−1.31 to 0.09], p = 0.1). Zonisamide was well-tolerated. Conclusions: Zonisamide is well-tolerated and effective on the motor symptoms of myoclonus-dystonia. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that zonisamide improves myoclonus and related disability in patients with myoclonus-dystoni

    Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL‐CM6A‐LR climate model

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    International audienceThis study presents the global climate model IPSL-CM6A-LR developed at Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) to study natural climate variability and climate response to natural and anthropogenic forcings as part of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). This article describes the different model components, their coupling, and the simulated climate in comparison to previous model versions. We focus here on the representation of the physical climate along with the main characteristics of the global carbon cycle. The model's climatology, as assessed from a range of metrics (related in particular to radiation, temperature, precipitation, and wind), is strongly improved in comparison to previous model versions. Although they are reduced, a number of known biases and shortcomings (e.g., double Intertropical Convergence Zone [ITCZ], frequency of midlatitude wintertime blockings, and El Niño–Southern Oscillation [ENSO] dynamics) persist. The equilibrium climate sensitivity and transient climate response have both increased from the previous climate model IPSL-CM5A-LR used in CMIP5. A large ensemble of more than 30 members for the historical period (1850–2018) and a smaller ensemble for a range of emissions scenarios (until 2100 and 2300) are also presented and discussed

    Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL‐CM6A‐LR climate model

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    International audienceThis study presents the global climate model IPSL-CM6A-LR developed at Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) to study natural climate variability and climate response to natural and anthropogenic forcings as part of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). This article describes the different model components, their coupling, and the simulated climate in comparison to previous model versions. We focus here on the representation of the physical climate along with the main characteristics of the global carbon cycle. The model's climatology, as assessed from a range of metrics (related in particular to radiation, temperature, precipitation, and wind), is strongly improved in comparison to previous model versions. Although they are reduced, a number of known biases and shortcomings (e.g., double Intertropical Convergence Zone [ITCZ], frequency of midlatitude wintertime blockings, and El Niño–Southern Oscillation [ENSO] dynamics) persist. The equilibrium climate sensitivity and transient climate response have both increased from the previous climate model IPSL-CM5A-LR used in CMIP5. A large ensemble of more than 30 members for the historical period (1850–2018) and a smaller ensemble for a range of emissions scenarios (until 2100 and 2300) are also presented and discussed

    Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL‐CM6A‐LR climate model

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    International audienceThis study presents the global climate model IPSL-CM6A-LR developed at Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) to study natural climate variability and climate response to natural and anthropogenic forcings as part of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). This article describes the different model components, their coupling, and the simulated climate in comparison to previous model versions. We focus here on the representation of the physical climate along with the main characteristics of the global carbon cycle. The model's climatology, as assessed from a range of metrics (related in particular to radiation, temperature, precipitation, and wind), is strongly improved in comparison to previous model versions. Although they are reduced, a number of known biases and shortcomings (e.g., double Intertropical Convergence Zone [ITCZ], frequency of midlatitude wintertime blockings, and El Niño–Southern Oscillation [ENSO] dynamics) persist. The equilibrium climate sensitivity and transient climate response have both increased from the previous climate model IPSL-CM5A-LR used in CMIP5. A large ensemble of more than 30 members for the historical period (1850–2018) and a smaller ensemble for a range of emissions scenarios (until 2100 and 2300) are also presented and discussed