1,556 research outputs found

    Drying Wet Granules: Study the Effect of Over Wetting Problem

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    Granulation is a process that combining finer particles together in order to produce coarser particles. The purpose of granulation is to improve the flow properties of the particles, to modify the bulk densities and the dissolution rates of the particles. The objective of this project is to do an experimental study on the drying of wet granules and the effect of over wetting in particles. Wet granules composed of flour were dried in under various volumes of liquid solution. The effects of the conditions on the properties of granules such as diameter, drying rate and density of the granules are investigated. The relationships between the operating conditions and the drying rates were also examined. This project will reflect the important of over wetting study in granulation process. The writer will explained on related theories regarding granulation and relate it on drying granules with the effect of over wetting process. As the project continues, the objective of the project is clearly arising and this project will reply to the problem statement perfectl

    Optimal rate of convergence for nonparametric change-point estimators for nonstationary sequences

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    Let (Xi)i=1,...,n(X_i)_{i=1,...,n} be a possibly nonstationary sequence such that L(Xi)=Pn\mathscr{L}(X_i)=P_n if i≤nθi\leq n\theta and L(Xi)=Qn\mathscr{L}(X_i)=Q_n if i>nθi>n\theta, where 0<θ<10<\theta <1 is the location of the change-point to be estimated. We construct a class of estimators based on the empirical measures and a seminorm on the space of measures defined through a family of functions F\mathcal{F}. We prove the consistency of the estimator and give rates of convergence under very general conditions. In particular, the 1/n1/n rate is achieved for a wide class of processes including long-range dependent sequences and even nonstationary ones. The approach unifies, generalizes and improves on the existing results for both parametric and nonparametric change-point estimation, applied to independent, short-range dependent and as well long-range dependent sequences.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001596 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    CO2 Gas Hydrate Promotion With Acetone Solution

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    Impurities are common constituents in oil and gas production. One of the common impurity constituents is carbon dioxide. In South East Asia alone, gas reservoir regions are well known to have a CO2 content more than 0.7 mole fraction of the gas production. One of the methods of carbon capture is the cryogenic method, or by using gas hydrate promoter. In the study presented here, the experimental dissociation data for carbon dioxide-methane mixture (70/30 in mol%) in a quaternary mixture of carbon dioxide, methane, water, and acetone (CO2-CH4-H2O-C3H6O) are analyzed with four (4) different concentrations of acetone solution (1 mol %, 3 mol %, 5 mol %, and 7 mol %) at three (3) different pressures of 30, 40, and 50 Bar using the T-cycling method. Based on the experimental data, as hydrate dissociation point increases, the concentration of acetone required increases along the buildup of pressure. In addition, according to the analyzed results, the optimum concentrations for gas hydrate promotion lie above 0.05 mol% as pressure increases above 30 bar

    The effect of trained principals on the professional (self) development of employees

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    The matter election of principal in schools can sometimes become a political issue. All political parties are interested in this position, especially the ones that are now in power. The work of a principal is a rather complex activity, especially during the time of transition, when teachers, who are managed by the principals, expect the implementation of every outlined change and to achieve the goals of educational reform. Principals often must struggle to supervise teachers and deal with difficulties, because during their professional development they did not acquire basic competency in management, or management in education. This article discusses research among the main participants in education (teachers, principals, and advisors) and examines what kind of influence education has on principalsĘĽ ability to provide leadership in times of change. The results of this research show that leadership in schools is more efficient if principals are more educated in disciplines such as management in education

    Defining the functions of a conserved hydrophobic domain in the ARF tumor suppressor

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    The INK4A-ARF locus encodes two tumor suppressors; p16 and p19Arf, both of which restrain cell growth by regulating the functions of Retinoblastoma (Rb) and p53 respectively. Throughout development, p19Arf is kept at minimal levels, but under conditions of oncogenic stress, p19Arf expression is induced and its tumor suppressive activities are mediated through the stabilization of p53 or in a p53-independent manner. Introducing a point mutation (L46D) into the conserved hydrophobic domain (37-51) in p19Arf annulled ARF/CtBP2 interaction and mediated cell survival by rendering cells irresponsive to apoptosis. In vivo analysis on the percentage of lymphoma free survivals in ARFL46D/L46D mice indicated that disrupting ARF/CtBP2 binding resulted in a tumor spectrum similar to that in ARF-null mice. In this study, we characterized the functions of the hydrophobic domain of ARF in MEF cells under genotoxic stress, ultra-violet irradiation and oncogene activation. We demonstrated that cells bearing the mutation showed decreased responsiveness to H-RasV12 induced senescence consistent with p21 deficiency. We speculate that the deficit in p21 expression is possibly caused by CtBP2 repressive and oncogene -like properties

    My 25 Stimulating Years with DBS in Parkinson's Disease

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    The year 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of the birth of modern deep brain stimulation (DBS), which was introduced by Benabid, Pollak et al. in 1987, initially targeting the motor thalamus to treat tremor, and subsequently targeting the subthalamic nucleus (STN) for treatment of symptoms of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). STN DBS is undoubtedly “the most important discovery since levodopa”, as stated by David Marsden in 1994. In 2014, The Lasker– DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award to “honor two scientists who developed deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus”, was bestowed upon Benabid and DeLong. STN DBS remains today the main surgical procedure for PD, due to its effectiveness in ameliorating PD symptoms and because it is the only surgical procedure for PD that allows a radical decrease in medication. Future improvements of DBS include the possibility to deliver a “closed-loop”, “on demand” stimulation, as highly preliminary studies suggest that it may improve both axial and appendicular symptoms and reduce side effects such as dysarthria. Even though DBS of the subthalamic nucleus is the main surgical procedure used today for patients with PD, all patients are not suitable for STN DBS; as a functional neurosurgeon performing since more than 25 years various surgical procedures the aim of which is not to save life but to improve the patient’s quality of life, I consider that the surgery should be tailored to the patient’s individual symptoms and needs, and that its safety is paramount. “I used to wonder years ago when the anxiety, tension, and pain of the decision ...  would disappear. I now know the answer to that question. When? Never – that’s when.” Irving S. Cooper: The Vital Probe. My life as a brain surgeon (1981)


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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between readability level of text materials and vocational high school students’ reading comprehension ability in EFL classrooms. It was based on the underlying theories and current condition regarding the need to investigate the relationship between both variables in Indonesia, in which English is a foreign language. Data were gained from a sample of 30 vocational high school students in an EFL classroom by administering a reading comprehension test and measuring the readability levels of texts on the textbook used in that classroom. Pearson Product Moment formula was used to measure the correlation between both of the results. It was revealed on the findings that there was a negative moderate correlation (-0.504) between the readability level and the vocational students’ reading comprehension ability. The present study concluded that readability explains 25.40% vocational students’ reading comprehension ability in EFL classrooms

    The Ethnographer Unbared: Academic Kinship, Elective Affinities and (Re)Negotiating Researcher Positionality

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    Auf der Grundlage von Ethnografien, die in Post-Genozid-Gemeinschaften in Bosnien und Herzegowina, in der bosnischen Flüchtlingsdiaspora in Australien, Europa und den USA sowie bei Feldforschungen auf der Insel Tanna (Vanuatu) durchgeführt wurden, erörtere ich die Herausforderungen für Forschende und Beforschte bei der Verhandlung des Raums zwischen wahrgenommener kultureller Innerlichkeit und professioneller Außenseiter*innenschaft. Zunächst umreiße ich das Konzept der akademischen Verwandtschaft, der intellektuellen und sozialen Verbindungen und Netzwerke, die die Parameter für die Wirklichkeitskonstruktion der Forschenden festlegen. Aufbauend auf der Idee von Verwandtschaft und Wahlverwandtschaft diskutiere ich dann Beispiele aus der Feldforschung und der Literatur, die sich auf die "doubly-engaged ethnography" (PACHECO-VEGA &amp; PARIZEAU 2018, S.1) beziehen, die sowohl emische als auch etische Perspektiven umfasst. Zudem betrachte ich Ethik und Politik dieses Forschungsansatzes. Ich schließe mit einer ethnografischen Vignette aus meiner Feldforschung auf einer Pazifikinsel, um zu verdeutlichen, wie die gegenseitige Verpflichtung zu Wahlverwandtschaft und die Einbeziehung sowohl emischer als auch etischer Perspektiven einen dynamischen Forschungskontext schaffen. Verschiedene Engagements im Feld eröffnen einen konzeptionellen Raum, wo sich das Lokale und das Globale überschneiden und in dem die Rollen von Forschenden und Beforschten, Insidern und Outsidern ausgehandelt und (neu) definiert werden.Based on ethnographies conducted in post-genocide communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Bosnian refugee diaspora groups in Australia, Europe and the USA, and fieldwork on the island of Tanna (Vanuatu), in this article I discuss the challenges of the researcher and the researched in negotiating the space between perceived cultural insiderness and professional outsiderness. Firstly, I start by outlining the concept of academic kinship, the intellectual and social connections and networks that sustain and set the parameters for the researcher's construction of reality. Building upon the idea of kinship and elective affinity, I then move on to discuss examples from the fieldwork and literature relating to "doubly-engaged ethnography" (PACHECO-VEGA &amp; PARIZEAU, 2018, p.1)—involving both emic and etic perspectives—and consider ethics and politics of this research approach. I conclude with an ethnographic vignette from my fieldwork on an island of strangers, highlighting how the mutual commitment to elective affinity and embracing both emic and etic perspectives create a dynamic research context in which different engagements in the field open up a conceptual space where the local and the global intersect, and where the roles of researched and researcher, insiders and outsiders, continue to be negotiated and (re)defined


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    Persaingan menjadi suatu keniscayaan dalam dunia bisnis, pelaku usaha sudah tidak asing lagi dengan persaingan antara para pelaku usaha dalam melakukan kegiatan usahanya. Persaingan ini dapat berdampak positif bagi dunia bisnis itu sendiri. Namun demikian, tidak semua pelaku usaha menanggapi persaingan ini secara positif, dalam praktiknya akan banyak dijumpai beberapa pelaku usaha yang memilih cara curang atau tidak baik untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, seperti melakukan praktik monopoli yang dapat menyebabkan atau menciptakan iklim persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji mengenai pemenuhan unsur-unsur praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat PT. Indo Beras Unggul terhadap harga gabah petani dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, pendekatan apa yang seharusnya diterapkan dalam menganalisis kasus dugaan praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat yang dilakukan oleh PT. Indo Beras Unggul terhadap gabah petani, dan upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh instansi terkait guna mencegah dan meminimalisir terjadinya praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat khususnya pada sektor beras. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Tahap penelitian meliputi penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara Studi Dokumen serta melakukan penelitan lapangan berupa wawancara dengan instansi terkait.Analisis data dilakukan secara yuridis kualitatif Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa, (1) Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) telah keliru dalam menetapkan PT. Indo Beras Unggul melakukan praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat terhadap gabah petani dengan membeli gabah petani lebih tinggi dari harga acuan pemerintah sebab tidak semua unsur yang terdapat didalam Pasal 17 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat terpenuhi; (2) Pendekatan yang sebaiknya diterapkan pada kasus dugaan praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat PT. Indo Beras Unggul terhadap gabah petani adalah pendekatan Rule Of Reason sebab Pasal 17 UndangUndang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat melekat pendekatan tersebut, maka diperlukan pembuktian terhadap dampak dari perbuatan PT. Indo Beras Unggul membeli gabah petani dengan harga yang lebih tinggi dari acuan pemerintah tergolong praktik monopoli dan mengakibatkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat atau tidak; (3) Upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh Instansi terkait untuk mencegah dan meminimalisir praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat pada sektor beras dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama dan saling bersinergi antara masyarakat, pelaku usaha pesaing, KPPU, dan Pemerintah Daerah dalam melakukan pengawasan persaingan usaha pada sektor beras di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, Persaingan Usaha, Gabah Petani, Beras
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