6,347 research outputs found

    Sustainable landfill leachate treatment using refuse and pine bark as a carbon source for biodenitrification

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    Raw and 10-week composted commercial garden refuse (CGR) materials and pine bark (PB) mulch were evaluated for their potential use as alternative and sustainable sources of carbon for landfill leachate bio-denitrification. Dynamic batch tests using synthetic nitrate solutions of 100, 500 and 2000 mg NO3 L−1 were used to investigate the substrate performance at increasing nitrate concentrations under optimal conditions. Further to this, sequential batch tests using genuine nitrified landfill leachate with a concentration of 2000 mg NO3 L−1 were carried out to evaluate substrates behaviour in the presence of a complex mixture of chemicals present in leachate. Results showed that complete denitrification occurred in all conditions, indicating that raw and composted CGR and PB can be used as sustainable and efficient media for landfill leachate bio-denitrification. Of the three substrates, raw garden refuse yields the fastest denitrification rate followed by 10-week composted CGR and PB. However, the efficiency of the raw CGR was lower when using genuine leachate, indicating the inhibitory effect of components of the leachate on the denitrification process. Ten-week composted CGR performed optimally at low nitrate concentrations, while poor nitrate removal ability was found at higher nitrate concentrations (2000 mg L−1). In contrast, the PB performance was 3.5 times faster than that of the composted garden refuse at higher nitrate concentrations. Further to this, multi-criteria analysis of the process variables provided an easily implementable framework for the use of waste materials as an alternative and sustainable source of carbon for denitrification

    Anatomo-functional correspondence in the superior temporal sulcus

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    The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is an intriguing region both for its complex anatomy and for the multiple functions that it hosts. Unfortunately, most studies explored either the functional organization or the anatomy of the STS only. Here, we link these two aspects by investigating anatomo-functional correspondences between the voice-sensitive cortex (Temporal Voice Areas) and the STS depth. To do so, anatomical and functional scans of 116 subjects were processed such as to generate individual surface maps on which both depth and functional voice activity can be analyzed. Individual depth profiles of manually drawn STS and functional profiles from a voice localizer (voice > non-voice) maps were extracted and compared to assess anatomo-functional correspondences. Three major results were obtained: first, the STS exhibits a highly significant rightward depth asymmetry in its middle part. Second, there is an anatomo-functional correspondence between the location of the voice-sensitive peak and the deepest point inside this asymmetrical region bilaterally. Finally, we showed that this correspondence was independent of the gender and, using a machine learning approach, that it existed at the individual level. These findings offer new perspectives for the understanding of anatomo-functional correspondences in this complex cortical region

    The Evolution of Male-Biased Dispersal under the Joint Selective Forces of Inbreeding Load and Demographic and Environmental Stochasticity

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    Acknowledgments We thank G. Bocedi, S. Palmer, and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts. R.C.H. was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (1271380). Simulations were performed on the University of Aberdeen’s Maxwell high performance computing cluster.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The valuation of clean spread options: linking electricity, emissions and fuels

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    The purpose of the paper is to present a new pricing method for clean spread options, and to illustrate its main features on a set of numerical examples produced by a dedicated computer code. The novelty of the approach is embedded in the use of a structural model as opposed to reduced-form models which fail to capture properly the fundamental dependencies between the economic factors entering the production process

    Quantum nucleation in a single-chain magnet

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    The field sweep rate (v=dH/dt) and temperature (T) dependence of the magnetization reversal of a single-chain magnet (SCM) is studied at low temperatures. As expected for a thermally activated process, the nucleation field (H_n) increases with decreasing T and increasing v. The set of H_n(T,v) data is analyzed with a model of thermally activated nucleation of magnetization reversal. Below 1 K, H_n becomes temperature independent but remains strongly sweep rate dependent. In this temperature range, the reversal of the magnetization is induced by a quantum nucleation of a domain wall that then propagates due to the applied field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling generate & test in any time

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    Microwave dielectric study of spin-Peierls and charge ordering transitions in (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6 salts

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    We report a study of the 16.5 GHz dielectric function of hydrogenated and deuterated organic salts (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6. The temperature behavior of the dielectric function is consistent with short-range polar order whose relaxation time decreases rapidly below the charge ordering temperature. If this transition has more a relaxor character in the hydrogenated salt, charge ordering is strengthened in the deuterated one where the transition temperature has increased by more than thirty percent. Anomalies in the dielectric function are also observed in the spin-Peierls ground state revealing some intricate lattice effects in a temperature range where both phases coexist. The variation of the spin-Peierls ordering temperature under magnetic field appears to follow a mean-field prediction despite the presence of spin-Peierls fluctuations over a very wide temperature range in the charge ordered state of these salts.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A stochastic movement simulator improves estimates of landscape connectivity

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    Acknowledgments This publication issued from the project TenLamas funded by the French Ministère de l'Energie, de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer through the EU FP6 BiodivERsA Eranet; by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) through the open call INDHET and 6th extinction MOBIGEN to V. M. Stevens, M. Baguette, and A. Coulon, and young researcher GEMS (ANR-13-JSV7-0010-01) to V. M. Stevens and M. Baguette; and by a VLIR-VLADOC scholarship awarded to J. Aben. L. Lens, J. Aben, D. Strubbe, and E. Matthysen are grateful to the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for financial support of fieldwork and genetic analysis (grant G.0308.13). V. M. Stevens and M. Baguette are members of the “Laboratoire d'Excellence” (LABEX) entitled TULIP (ANR-10-LABX-41). J. M. J. Travis and S. C. F. Palmer also acknowledge the support of NERC. A. Coulon and J. Aben contributed equally to the work.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Influence of compost amendments on the hydraulic functioning of brownfield soils

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    This study assessed the impact of compost on the hydraulic properties of three soils (sandy loam, clay loam and diesel-contaminated sandy loam) with relatively poor physical quality typical of brownfield sites. Soils were amended with two composts at 750 t/ha. Samples were also collected from a clay-capped brownfield site, previously amended with 250, 500 or 750 t/ha of compost. Water-release characteristics and saturated hydraulic conductivity were determined for all soils and physical quality indicators derived. Unsaturated flow in field profiles after compost application with two depths of incorporation and two indigenous subsoils was simulated using Hydrus-1D. Compost generally increased water retention. Hydraulic conductivity tended to decrease following compost application in sandy loam but increased in clay and clay loam, where compost addition resulted in a larger dominant pore size. Although compost improved physical quality indicators, they remained suboptimum in clay and clay loam soil, which exhibited poor aeration, and in the contaminated sandy loam, where available water capacity was limited, possibly due to changes in wettability. Increasing application rates in the field enhanced water retention at low potentials and hydraulic conductivity near saturation but did not alter physical quality indicators. Numerical simulation indicated that the 500 t/ha application resulted in the best soil moisture regime. Increasing the depth of incorporation in the clay cap improved drainage and reduced waterlogging, but incorporation in more permeable subsoil resulted in prolonged dry conditions to greater depths