424 research outputs found

    Analisi e miglioramento del processo di movimentazione della cellulosa: il caso MITO agency

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    Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce nell’ambito di un’attività di tirocinio svolta presso l’azienda Mito agency appartenente al gruppo CFT società cooperativa. L’azienda opera nel contesto del porto di Livorno come agenzia di spedizione ed operatore marittimo nonché di tutte le attività legate al trasporto ed alla movimentazione delle merci provenienti da paesi extracomunitari. La prima parte di questo elaborato ha lo scopo di analizzare il processo di importazione, stoccaggio e distribuzione della cellulosa, cercando di individuare i punti critici del processo e apportare, dove possibile, azioni di miglioramento. In particolare il primo capitolo descrive il contesto in cui opera l’azienda in particolare offre una panoramica generale sul porto di Livorno e una presentazione delle principali attività che Mito svolge al suo interno. Inoltre descrive in dettaglio le funzioni della cellulosa, come è distribuita nel mercato mondiale e quali sono gli attori coinvolti nella filiera che va dalla sua produzione alla consegna alle cartiere. Il secondo capitolo descrive la situazione AS-IS del processo di importazione, trasferimento in magazzino, stoccaggio e distribuzione e le attività svolte dall’azienda. Il terzo capitolo tratta l’analisi del macro-processo, i problemi individuati e descrive le azioni proposte e messe in atto per migliorarlo. La seconda parte del progetto ha riguardato la partecipazione alle attività legate alla progettazione di un nuovo magazzino adibito alla conservazione della cellulosa. In questa fase sono state studiate le problematiche relative all’utilizzo ottimale della superficie a disposizione, delle modalità di stoccaggio e del traffico dei mezzi all’interno ed all’esterno dell’edificio

    Frequency transfer via a two-way optical phase comparison on a multiplexed fiber network

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    We performed a two-way remote optical phase comparison on optical fiber. Two optical frequency signals were launched in opposite directions in an optical fiber and their phases were simultaneously measured at the other end. In this technique, the fiber noise was passively cancelled, and we compared two optical frequencies at the ultimate 1E-21 stability level. The experiment was performed on a 47 km fiber that is part of the metropolitan network for Internet traffic. The technique relies on the synchronous measurement of the optical phases at the two ends of the link, that is made possible by the use of digital electronics. This scheme offers several advantages with respect to active noise cancellation, and can be upgraded to perform more complex tasks

    Sulfonated Cellulose-Based Magnetic Composite as Useful Media for Water Remediation from Amine Pollutants

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    Commercially available microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was functionalized using chlorosulfonic acid, while iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) were adsorbed on the surface of the cellulose derivative by the Massart's co-precipitation method. The obtained magnetite-decorated sulfate cellulose nanoparticles (MDSCNs) were characterized via Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning-electron microscopy (SEM), and elemental analysis, while the acidity of the functionalized cellulose was determined using an acid–base titration with phenolphthalein as an indicator. Furthermore, in order to determine the adsorptive power of the obtained composite, a series of analyses were performed on aqueous amine pollutants using flame ionization detection gas chromatography (GC-FID). The results of this study clearly show how a bio-compatible green polymer as cellulose can be easy functionalized in order to improve its chemical and physical properties, obtaining a magnetic composite useful in water purification. Adsorption percentages up to 90% and a very small amount of composite used (100 mg) proved how our material can be a powerful tool in environmental remediation

    Researchers, trainers and first responders: a synergy for an improved prevention of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks in south-east Asian countries.

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    Italian scientists active in national research and academic institutions have been collaborating since 2013, under the aegis of the EU Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence, with governmental stakeholders and technical partners, in nine countries of South-East Asia, in order to enhance the local capabilities in preventing, monitoring and responding to CBRN incidents due to intentional, accidental or natural causes. The initiatives implied training courses, didactical sessions, live simulations, table-top exercises and interactive train-the-trainer sessions, in the presence of European and local experts, with trans-disciplinary competences covering areas such as chemistry, biology, toxicology, medicine, engineering, law and international right

    Motor Cortical Correlates of Paired Associative Stimulation Induced Plasticity: A TMS-EEG Study

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    Paired associative stimulation (PAS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that modulates synaptic plasticity in the human motor cortex (M1). Since previous studies have primarily used motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) as outcome measure, cortical correlates of PAS-induced plasticity remain unknown. Therefore, the aim of this observational study was to investigate cortical correlates of a standard PAS induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex by using a combined TMS-EEG approach in a cohort of eighteen healthy subjects. In addition to the expected long-lasting facilitatory modulation of MEPs amplitude, PAS intervention also induced a significant increase in transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked potentials (TEPs) P30 and P60 amplitude. No significant correlation between the magnitude of PAS-induced changes in TEP components and MEP amplitude were observed. However, the linear regression analysis revealed that the combined changes in P30 and P60 component amplitudes significantly predicted the MEP facilitation after PAS. The findings of our study offer novel insight into the neurophysiological changes associated with PAS-induced plasticity at M1 cortical level and suggest a complex relationship between TEPs and MEPs changes following PAS

    Distal Upper Limb Tremor during Walking in Parkinson's Disease

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    Background: Distal upper limb tremor during walking (TW) is frequently observed in Parkinson's disease (PD) but its clinical features are unknown. Objective: To characterize the occurrence and the clinical features of TW in comparison to the other types of tremors in PD. Methods: Fifty-one PD patients with rest tremor were evaluated off- and on-treatment. Occurrence, body distribution, severity and latency of TW and of other tremor types were assessed. Results: TW was present in 78% of the PD patients examined. TW body distribution and severity were similar to those of rest and re-emergent tremor but different from the postural tremor presented by the same patients. TW latency, observed in 85% of patients, was on average 5.8 s. Dopaminergic treatment significantly improved TW, rest, and re-emergent tremor severity but left TW latency unaffected. Conclusions: TW is a frequent motor sign in PD and is likely a clinical variant of rest tremor

    The interaction between the measles virus nucleoprotein and the Interferon Regulator Factor 3 relies on a specific cellular environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genome of measles virus consists of a non-segmented single-stranded RNA molecule of negative polarity, which is encapsidated by the viral nucleoprotein (N) within a helical nucleocapsid. The N protein possesses an intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain (aa 401–525, N<sub>TAIL</sub>) that is exposed at the surface of the viral nucleopcapsid. Thanks to its flexible nature, N<sub>TAIL </sub>interacts with several viral and cellular partners. Among these latter, the Interferon Regulator Factor 3 (IRF-3) has been reported to interact with N, with the interaction having been mapped to the regulatory domain of IRF-3 and to N<sub>TAIL</sub>. This interaction was described to lead to the phosphorylation-dependent activation of IRF-3, and to the ensuing activation of the pro-immune cytokine RANTES gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After confirming the reciprocal ability of IRF-3 and N to be co-immunoprecipitated in 293T cells, we thoroughly investigated the N<sub>TAIL</sub>-IRF-3 interaction using a recombinant, monomeric form of the regulatory domain of IRF-3. Using a large panel of spectroscopic approaches, including circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we failed to detect any direct interaction between IRF-3 and either full-length N or N<sub>TAIL </sub>under conditions where these latter interact with the C-terminal X domain of the viral phosphoprotein. Furthermore, such interaction was neither detected in <it>E. coli </it>nor in a yeast two hybrid assay.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, these data support the requirement for a specific cellular environment, such as that provided by 293T human cells, for the N<sub>TAIL</sub>-IRF-3 interaction to occur. This dependence from a specific cellular context likely reflects the requirement for a human or mammalian cellular co-factor.</p

    Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. (Boletaceae), first report of a red-pored bolete from the Dominican Republic and insights on the genus Neoboletus

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    Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. appears to be the only red-pored bolete known from the Dominican Republic to date. It is reported as a novel species to science based on collections gathered in a neotropical lowland mixed broadleaved woodland. A detailed morphological description, color images of fresh basidiomes in habitat and line drawings of the main anatomical features are provided and relationships with phylogenetically and phenotypically similar taxa are discussed. Three genomic regions (nrITS, nrLSU/28S and rpb2) have been sequenced in order to reinforce the recognition of the new species and to elucidate its taxonomic affiliation within Neoboletus

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell lines display a plastic ability to bi‑directionally convert into cancer stem cells

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is often diagnosed when metastatic events have occurred. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) play an important role in tumor initiation, metastasis, chemoresistance and relapse. A growing number of studies have suggested that CSCs exist in a dynamic equilibrium with more differentiated cancer cells via a bi‑directional regeneration that is dependent on the environmental stimuli. In this investigation, we obtain, by using a selective medium, PDAC CSCs from five out of nine PDAC cell lines, endowed with different tumorsphere‑forming ability. PDAC CSCs were generally more resistant to the action of five anticancer drugs than parental cell lines and were characterized by an increased expression of EpCAM and CD44v6, typical stem cell surface markers, and a decreased expression of E‑cadherin, the main marker of the epithelial state. PDAC CSCs were able to re‑differentiate into parental cells once cultured in parental growth condition, as demonstrated by re‑acquisition of the epithelial morphology, the decreased expression levels of EpCAM and CD44v6 and the increased sensitivity to anticancer drugs. Finally, PDAC CSCs injected into nude mice developed a larger subcutaneous tumor mass and showed a higher metastatic activity compared to parental cells. The present study demonstrates the ability to obtain CSCs from several PDAC cell lines and that these cells are differentially resistant to various anticancer agents. This variability renders them a model of great importance to deeply understand pancreatic adenocarcinoma biology, to discover new biomarkers and to screen new therapeutic compounds
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