435 research outputs found

    Ensino do inglês e desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue: um estudo de caso no ensino secundário

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    Numa era marcada pela crescente mobilidade de cidadãos e de informação, torna-se necessário explorar a riqueza da diversidade e a complexidade que caracterizam as sociedades atuais, num diálogo de compreensão que assegure e promova a cidadania democrática e valores de respeito, inclusão e abertura ao Outro (Sousa Santos, 2017). Neste contexto, a educação em línguas desempenha um papel fundamental na formação de cidadãos capazes de se compreenderem a si próprios, aos outros e o mundo que os rodeia, incluindo a diversidade linguística e cultural (Beacco et al. 2016). O estudo que apresentamos assenta na ideia de plurilinguismo, que se constitui como valor a promover e competência a desenvolver e de que o inglês, como língua de comunicação internacional e detentor de uma posição privilegiada no currículo de línguas, representa uma oportunidade única para o desenvolvimento da educação plurilíngue (Galloway, 2017; Pinho & Moreira, 2012). Para tal, realizámos um estudo de caso, com uma turma do Ensino Secundário, com o qual se pretendia: i) compreender o papel do ensino de inglês no desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue dos alunos; ii) conceber, implementar e avaliar um programa de educação plurilingue em aula de inglês; iii) identificar indícios de desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue em alunos de inglês do Ensino Secundário. Tendo em conta estes objetivos, o estudo apoia-se num tipo de investigação qualitativa, inserida num paradigma de natureza fenomenológico-interpretativa (Guba & Lincoln,1994). Os dados foram recolhidos durante e após a implementação de um plano de intervenção pedagógico-didática, através da observação de aulas, da análise de portfólios dos alunos, da observação de workshops linguísticos e das respostas a inquéritos por entrevista em focus group. No quadro de uma abordagem qualitativa, o estudo adotou a análise de conteúdo de tipo interpretativo e interativo (Bardin,2004). A análise dos dados recolhidos mostra indícios do desenvolvimento da competência plurilingue dos alunos, em diferentes dimensões: ao nível socioafetivo, pela reconstrução de representações em relação às línguas e culturas, pelo desenvolvimento do conhecimento em relação ao mundo das línguas e pela curiosidade e motivação pela aprendizagem de outras línguas; ao nível da gestão dos repertórios linguístico-comunicativos dos alunos, pela consciência da importância dos seus percursos linguístico-comunicativos; ao nível da gestão dos repertórios de aprendizagem, pelas descobertas dos alunos em relação à sua capacidade de trabalhar com as línguas; e ao nível da gestão da interação, pela capacidade de mobilização de diversas estratégias de interação em situações de contacto com falantes de outras línguas. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que a aula de língua inglesa constitui um espaço de promoção do plurilinguismo quando permite: i) desenvolver a cultura linguística dos alunos e a sua capacidade de contactar com outras línguas; ii) observar e trabalhar diferentes línguas e refletir sobre os seus papéis e estatutos; iii) refletir sobre a forma como os sujeitos se relacionam com as línguas e as aprendem.In a time of increasing mobility of citizens and information, it is necessary to explore the importance of diversity and the complexity that characterizes today's societies, fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting democratic citizenship and the values of respect, inclusion and openness towards Others (Sousa Santos, 2017). In this context, language education plays a key role in forming citizens who can understand themselves and others, and the world around them, including linguistic and cultural diversity (Beacco et al., 2016). Our study is set within the framework of plurilingualism, which should be promoted as a value and developed a competence; and that English, as a language of international communication and having a privileged position in the language curriculum, represents a unique opportunity for the development of plurilingual education (Galloway, 2017; Pinho, & Moreira, 2012). To this end, we conducted a case study with a secondary school class, which aimed at: i) understanding the role of English teaching in the development of pupils' plurilingual skills; ii) designing, implementing and evaluating a plurilingual language education programme; iii) identifying evidence of the development of pupils´ plurilingual competence. Given these objectives, the study is based on qualitative research, within a paradigm of phenomenological-interpretative nature (Guba & Lincoln, 1994). Data was collected during and after the implementation of a plurilingual didactic programme through classroom observation, analysis of pupils´ portfolios, observation of language workshops and focus group interviews. Within the framework of a qualitative approach, the study adopted interpretative and interactive content analysis (Bardin, 2004). The analysis of the data collected shows evidence of the development of pupils' plurilingual competence, in different dimensions: at a socio-affective level: by the reconstruction of representations in relation to languages and cultures, by the development of knowledge in relation to the world of languages and by increasing curiosity and motivation for learning other languages; at a level of pupils' linguistic-communicative repertoires management: by making pupils aware of the importance of their own linguistic-communicative pathways; at a level of learning repertoire management, by students' discoveries regarding their ability to work with languages; and at a level of interaction management: by the ability to mobilize various interaction strategies when in contact with speakers of other languages. The results of the study show that the English class is a place for promoting plurilingualism when it allows: i) the development pupils' linguistic culture and their ability to contact with other languages; ii) observing and working with different languages, their roles and status; iii) reflecting on how pupils relate to and learn languages.Programa Doutoral em Educaçã

    As antas-capelas em Portugal : pré-existências, tipologias, cristianização e formas de expressão artística

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    O estudo aprofundado acerca das antas-capelas em Portugal, particularmente do ponto de vista da historiografia de arte, é imperativo, nomeadamente no que diz respeito às pré-existências, suas diferentes tipologias, processos de cristianização e formas de expressão artística ao nível de cada categoria artística expressiva (arquitetura, escultura, pintura, artes decorativas, memórias cripto-artísticas). Existem um total de seis antas-capelas distribuídas geograficamente pelos distritos de Évora (4), Santarém (1) e Guarda (1). Cada uma possui características distintas que levaram à sua edificação, contendo uma história ou lenda associada que será ao longo deste trabalho desvendada, mediante documentos ou histórias populares que as fizeram perdurar diante a tradição oral. Possuem também, diferentes tipologias no eixo em estudo “anta/templo cristão”, sendo que a este facto é dedicado um capítulo sobre o mesmo. A pertinência de um estudo de índole mais aprofundada sobre a temática relativa a estes monumentos megalíticos, convertidos em templos cristãos na Idade Média e Moderna, são de superior importância para a compreensão destes fenómenos a nível regional mas também num contexto mais abrangente do panorama histórico e artístico português. Para tal, é necessário primeiramente compreender o megalitismo em Portugal e onde a sua expressão é mais acentuada, havendo assim um cruzamento de dados essenciais para este estudo que, inevitavelmente terá raízes pré-históricas, compreendendo as vivências do Homem do Neolítico até à atualidade. Cada exemplar é único no seu programa artístico subordinado a uma santidade à qual é dedicado o templo correspondente, conferindo-lhes uma obra de arte total que é única e que foi realizada em épocas diferentes (século XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII) na história portuguesa, nos seus particulares contextos. Não tendo conhecimento quanto às datas oficiais das cristianizações, poder-se-á ter uma ideia pela quantidade de objetos litúrgicos como objetos decorativos cristãos presentes no seu interior, a uma possível datação parcial. Muitas vezes esquecido, este é um fenómeno que não se encontra presente somente em contexto nacional, existindo exemplares deste género espalhados um pouco por toda a Europa, ainda que apresentem as mais variadas tipologias e processos de maturação artísticas e religiosas. Tal razão justifica-se pelo facto de cada país possuir uma história, valores, ideologias e programas artísticos próprios. No caso nacional, que irá ser estudado com profundidade, cada anta-capela detém em si uma grande carga memorial da obra deixada no tempo, como monumentos que se enquadram no seu lugar específico de implantação, rodeados por circunstâncias únicas de modelações culturais próprias e guardando reminiscências populares que lhe conferem diferentes leituras que serão desenvolvidas no decorrer deste trabalho. Alertar para a degradação permanente a que este património está sujeito é de fulcral importância e urge que o mesmo seja documentado e explanado para que possam ser tomadas medidas que de alguma forma, desacelerem o deteriorar do mesmo.A thorough study about dolmen-chapels in Portugal, from an art historiography perspective is mandatory, especially regarding their pre-existence, different typologies, rapport with Christianity and the artistic expression of each category involved: architecture, sculpture, painting, decorative arts, crypto-artistic legacy. There are six dolmen-chapels in total in Évora (4), Santarém (1) and Guarda (1). Each one holds distinct features accountable for its erection and related to a story or legend. This essay explores them using the folk documents and stories that, having been passed on from generation to generation by word of mouth, have kept such gems alive. We have dedicated a whole chapter to the different typologies as a result of the link dolmens-Christian temples. The importance of studying these megalithic monuments, converted to Christian temples during the Medieval and Modern Ages, on a more comprehensive level, lies in their relevance to the understanding of such phenomena at a regional level, but also in the broader context of Portuguese History and Art. As such, firstly we must take meaning of the megalithic period in Portugal, and where its expression is stronger, causing a critical information overlap, ergo requiring this essay to address Pre-historic times and to consider the Neolithic man until the actuality. Each body of stones is unique in its artistic devotion to a patron, or patroness, saint, making them unprecedented all-round art pieces in the Portuguese History, put together over different periods, from the XV to the XVIII centuries. Ignoring the official date in which Christian conversions took place, but considering the variety of liturgical objects, like the Christian art décor found in loco, we can determine a reasonable time frame for the shaping of these structures. It is often forgotten that such objects are not limited to the national context, and similar buildings can be found scattered over Europe. Certainly presenting varied typologies and stages of local artistic and religious development, all embody their home country’s history, values, beliefs and aesthetics. In the Portuguese scenery, the core of this paper, each dolmen-chapel is heavily charged with significance, as monuments that interact with their surroundings, under a unique cultural predicament, acting as guardians of the folklore that gives them their specific meaning. Said meaning will be disclosed throughout this essay.It is fundamental to raise awareness, and document, the ongoing degradation the dolmen-chapels are being subject to, so protective measures can be taken in order to slow down the ruin of this heritage

    Measurement of the Inner Retinal Layers of Megalopapilla by Optical Coherence Tomography

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    The main purpose of this study was to assess the differences in the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) and ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) thicknesses between subjects with megalopapilla (MP) and those with large (physiological) cup discs (LCD) measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. The secondary purpose was to determine whether pRNFL and GCIPL thicknesses increase with the optic nerve head (ONH) area. This cross-sectional study included 184 eyes (92 eyes with MP and 92 eyes with LCD). The subjects with LCD were used as sex-and-age-matched controls. All subjects were imaged using the Cirrus HD-OCT system. Macula and pRNFL thickness maps were obtained for all subjects. The inferior quadrant pRNFL thickness was higher in the MP group than in the LCD group (P < 0.05). There were no differences in the GCIPL thickness between the two groups. A positive correlation was found between average, superior, and inferior quadrant pRNFL thicknesses and the ONH area (P < 0.05). The slope of the correlation curve was higher for the inferior quadrant. No correlation was found between the GCIPL thickness and the ONH area. In comparison to patients with LCD, the inferior quadrant pRNFL thickness of patients with MP was higher. As the ONH area increased, the average, superior, and inferior quadrant pRNFL thicknesses also increased. In patients with MP, the assessment of a glaucomatous lesion based on pRNFL thickness measurements may not be reliable. It is recommended that in these patients, the evaluation of glaucomatous damage be based on the GCIPL thickness map analysis rather than on the pRNFL thickness.Â

    Medicina geral e familiar: do ensino à escolha da especialidade

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    Introdução: O declínio de interesse dos estudantes de Medicina pela Medicina Geral e Familiar (MGF) é um problema complexo e multifactorial que ocorre a nível internacional. Como forma de descodificar um pouco esta problemática inerente à decisão de escolha dos estudantes, este estudo pretende verificar a influência do ensino da disciplina de MGF na escolha desta especialidade. Materiais e Métodos: Consistiu na aplicação de dois questionários: um de resposta aberta aos responsáveis pelo ensino da MGF das faculdades de Medicina portuguesas sobre o plano curricular dessa disciplina e outro anónimo e de auto-resposta aos estudantes do 6ª ano de Medicina do ano lectivo 2010/2011 das sete faculdades, sendo constituído por 3 partes (I- Dados sócio-demográficos, II- Escolha da especialidade, III- Ensino da MGF). Resultados: Da amostra de 367 (28,4%) respondentes de um universo de 1290 estudantes, 73,6% eram do sexo feminino. A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP) (38,5%) e a Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior (FCS-UBI) (37,7%) são as faculdades onde os estudantes mais colocam a MGF entre as opções de escolha. No 1º ano de faculdade a MGF estava entre as opções de escolha de 20,1% dos estudantes e no 6º ano, 44,2% colocava a MGF entre as opções de escolha. Numa escala de 1 a 5, as classificações médias mais altas atribuídas ao ensino em geral da MGF foram dadas na FCS-UBI (3,85) e Escola de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho (ECS-UM) (3,77), assim como nas suas componentes teórica e prática. Discussão/Conclusão: O ensino pré-graduado da MGF é diferente nas sete faculdades, tendo a FCS-UBI e ECS-UM um plano curricular mais longitudinal e com maior carga horária. Os motivos que mais influenciam na escolha da especialidade são os aspectos relacionados com as características desta especialidade, e, os relacionados com o ensino surgem seguidamente. O interesse pela MGF por parte dos estudantes aumenta ao longo do curso, o que revela que o contacto com esta disciplina durante a faculdade leva a uma sensibilização positiva por parte dos estudantes. Torna-se assim necessário actuar sobre o ensino pré-graduado, com intervenções a nível da uniformização e melhoria da organização dos planos curriculares das faculdades de Medicina portuguesas, com o objectivo de conseguir captar para a MGF melhores jovens médicos, em especial os mais vocacionados para a prática médica desta especialidade.Introduction: The decline of interest of medical students for Family Medicine (FM) is a complex and multifactorial problem that occurs internationally. In order to decode the problematic decision regarding students’ choice, this study aims to determine the influence that MF discipline teaching has in this speciality choice. Materials and Methods: This consisted on the application of two questionnaires: one of open response to those responsible for teaching FM in the portuguese medical schools on the curriculum of this discipline, and another, anonymous and of self-response, to the students of the 6 th year of medical school in the academic year of 2010/2011 of the seven colleges, consisting of 3 parts (I-Data on socio-demographic, II- Specialty choice, III-Teaching of FM). Results: Of the sample of 367 (28,4%) respondents from a universe of 1290 students, 73,6% were female. The Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP) (38,5%) and the Faculdade Ciências da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI-FCS) (37,7%) are the colleges where more students put FM among their choice options. In the 1st year of medical school FM was 20,1% among the choice options for students and in the 6 th year 44,2% put FM among the choices. On a scale of 1 to 5, the highest average ratings assigned to the general education of FM were given in FCS-UBI (3,85) and Escola Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Minho (ECS-UM) (3,77), as well as in its theoretical and practical components. Discussion/Conclusion: The pre-graduate teaching of FM is different in the seven colleges, with the FCS-UBI and ECS-UM having a more longitudinal curriculum and more workload. The reasons that most influence the speciality choice are the characteristic aspects of this speciality, and, education-related then arise. The interest in FM by students increases throughout the course, which shows that contact with this subject in college leads to a positive awareness by students. It thus becomes necessary to act on the pre-graduate education, with interventions to standardize and improve the organization of the curricula of medical schools in Portugal, in order to fully attract to FM the best young physicians, especially those more geared for the medical practice of this speciality


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    The main objective of this study is to propose a sequential method for spatial interpolation of mode choice for household locations where choices are unobserved based on Decision Tree analysis and Geostatistics. Initially, Decision Tree analysis was applied in order to estimate the probability of mode choice in surveyed households, thus determining the numeric variable to be estimated by Ordinary Kriging. The data used is from the Origin-Destination Survey and Urban Transportation Evaluation Survey, carried out in 2007/2008 in the city of São Carlos (São Paulo/Brazil). The study area selected for geoestatistical modeling is a small region of the city with 110 sampling points. The mode choice was estimated for the study area revealing a tendency of increasing the probability of car usage from the center to the periphery of region. The proposed method can be an alternative to traditional approaches in both non-spatial modeling, especially for the case of lack of data from stated preference survey, as in spatial modeling, allowing estimation in various geographic coordinates

    GIS-Based Assessment of the Chestnut Expansion Potential: A Case-Study on the Marvão Productive Area, Portugal

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    Sweet chestnut is a relevant species in Europe for the production of timber and fruit, alongside environmental effects such as biodiversity of protection against soil erosion. In Portugal, chestnut is cultivated mainly for fruit production, in two areas, in the North and the South of the country, with moderate water deficit and low slope and at altitudes higher than 500 m. The current area (845 ha) of the southern so-called Marvão Protected Designation of Origin, of a fortyfold lower order of magnitude by comparison with the Northern productive area, has a significant expansion potential, given its similarity with contiguous areas in the same region. In this context, the main objective of the present work was the evaluation through geographic information analysis of that expansive potential, by comparison of physiographic profiling of the current production area with contiguous areas. A GIS-based characterization of current and potential chestnut areas in Marvão is presented. The methodology involved (i) digital profiling of the main classes/values of the geographical spatial ecological fingerprint considering topography, soil and microclimate variables in the areas currently occupied with sweet chestnut stands and (ii) the evaluation of the distribution of that environmental fingerprint in the whole Marvão productive area, for extending the cultivation to contiguous areas with a similar ecological fingerprint. An enlarged 9889 ha chestnut area was proposed, allocated for high forest stands aiming at agroforestry fruit production and coppiced stands for timber production and environmental protection, corresponding to 4590 ha and 5299 ha, respectively. Fruit production was proposed to field slopes of 0–4% and 4–8%, and altitudes between 400 m and 500 m. Presumable high-quality sites allocated to temporary dry/irrigated cultivations were also proposed for fruit production, in the same slope classes and altitudes higher than 500 m. Timber production and environmental protection were proposed for slopes within 812% and >12% ranges. This selection took into account the logistical feasibility facilitated in lower slopes for intensive mechanized management operations. This methodology permits a future field evaluation of site indexes, productivity, and correlations between environmental variables and stand biometryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of brain activity on the interactive process through biofeedback mechanisms in virtual reality environments

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    Proceeding paper[Abstract] This work focuses on the development of a software link interface tool between the Looxid Link Device coupled to the HTC Vive Pro VR HeadSets and the Unity platform, to generate real-time interactivity in virtual reality applications. The software incorporates a dynamic and parameterizable algorithm to be used as a core-engine in the real-time Biofeedback process, recognizing the values of the biological signals registered in each of the EEG channels of the Looxid Link device. The values of EEG frequencies detected in real time can be used to generate elements of interactivity, with different frequencies and intensities

    Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types

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    Potentially toxic elements are mobilized in aquatic systems in solution or bounded to colloids of different sizes, which may include nanometer particles. The present work studies the distribution of elements (Al, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, Cd, Ni, Cu, and As) between small (<0.20 mu m) and larger (0.45-0.20 mu m) colloids in different waters sources in a world class metallogenic province (Iberian Pyrite Belt), including the acid mine waters. Syringe filters with pore-size ratings of 0.20 mu m and 0.45 mu m have been used to assess the transport and fate of these potentially toxic elements. The results show the contribution of colloids for mobility of arsenic and most metals, evidencing the role of the small ones in acid mine drainage.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259. Patricia Gomes wishes to acknowledge FCT by the research fellowship under the POCH supported by the European Social Fund and National Funds of MCTES with reference SFRH/BD/108887/2015

    c-Met expression in renal cell carcinoma with bone metastases

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/)Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/c-Met pathway is implicated in embryogenesis and organ development and differentiation. Germline or somatic mutations, chromosomal rearrangements, gene amplification, and transcriptional upregulation in MET or alterations in autocrine or paracrine c-Met signalling have been associated with cancer cell proliferation and survival, including in renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and associated with disease progression. HGF/c-Met pathway has been shown to be particularly relevant in tumors with bone metastases (BMs). However, the efficacy of targeting c-Met in bone metastatic disease, including in RCC, has not been proven. Therefore, further investigation is required focusing the particular role of HGF/c-Met pathway in bone microenvironment (BME) and how to effectively target this pathway in the context of bone metastatic disease.IG is supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) PhD grant SFRH/BD/139178/2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spatial distribution of acid mine drainage indexes in diferente water environments

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    The Iberian Pyrite Belt is one of the largest metallogenic province in the world. The characteristics of this region have a reflection on the existence of Acidic Mine Drainage (AMD) discharged into the river network affecting the water quality. A several number of surface and groundwaters in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (south of Portugal) was collected in different water environments. Mine water is highly acid with medium-high to extreme metal contents, while surface and groundwater are neutral with low metal contents. Mine waters are the most contaminated with a maximum EC value (27570 µS/cm) and SO4 2- (80691 mg/L), As (141 mg/L), Cu (1445 mg/L), Fe (41023 mg/L), Zn (841 mg/L) contents. A numerical index of acid mine drainage (AMDI) has been calculated. The group of mine water environment had a mean AMDI of 20.0 reflecting a little or no dilution of direct mine water drainage. River network could be indicated as an affected river downstream mine drainage (AMDI 80.2), while groundwater (AMDI 92.2) is uncontaminated by AMD. The groundwater composition will be strongly controlled by natural geochemical processes, from the geology of the ore deposits and water rock interaction