495 research outputs found

    Towards gathering and mining last.fm user-generated data

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    Estágio realizado no INESCTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Disturbi alimentari e progetti di promozione del benessere

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    This research addresses the issue of promoting wellness regarding eating disorders through three different studies. First, a literature review of the conceptualizations of the issue from the point of view of the main psychological theories is presented. An overview of the assumptions, instruments, and intervention methodology of each formulation is also provided. Assuming the hypothesis that eating disorders represent a peculiar expression of uneasiness toward body experience, we analyse the main sociological theories that approached the study of body. This, to comprehend how the processes that inscribe social relevant meanings upon the body are generated and negotiated through interaction. Moreover, we introduce a phenomenological vision in order to raise a discourse upon the concepts suitable to investigate intersubjective corporal experience. Last, we suggest the possibility to employ the artistic medium through participated action research methodology. For this purpose, we critically reconsider: the discourse in public policy about social projects which are focused on the collaboration of artists, presumed benefits related to these and compatible methods of analysis. The first study is aimed at gathering information on projects for the promotion of wellness undertaken in Italy regarding eating disorders and to understand the organisation of the discourses of the operators involved in the study. Six interviews have been conducted with freelance professionals or those affiliated to an institution acknowledged by the national health system. The data collected is read using diatextual analysis to comprehend the organisation of discourses and the identity positioning operated through talk-in-interaction. Results highlighted that intervention by professionals is planned according to the political and economic logics that allow the recognition of the operations conducted by the so-called ‘market’ or by scientific community. The second and third studies present the data collected during two different pilot programs of wellness promotion using art techniques. In particular, drama experience have been developed as a cathartic and performative medium in order to induce benefits regarding body and relational consciousness of the participants. The first intervention has been undertaken in the area of Padua and involved three fourth-grade classes, and three sixth-grade classes and have been analyzed using Bracken’s MSCS. Results highlighted a significant improvement of self-concept regarding participants’ relational skills. The second intervention has been analysed through participatory action research methodology in order to comprehend in detail the meaning making processes regarding the body that people develop in interaction and how art may produce the benefits that emerged in the first intervention. One fifth-grade class and one seventh-grade class in the area of Modena took part in this study. Results show how double binds that limit the possibilities of expression of seventh-grade young women are generated. These impasses are self-imposed through the identification in the cultural standard of the image of women and this is reinforced through everyday interaction with young men classmates. The latter may in fact use shame instrumentally to operate an emotive power upon the other. Moreover, the adult schoolteachers concur in limiting the young women’s expression possibilities ascribing the reasons for an impaired attribution of time and space to express one’s own ideas and opinions to a their personal shortcoming. The characteristics of the activities undertaken are also analysed in order to comprehend how the benefits reported by participants are generated. We conclude by presenting the possible future developments directed to the investigation of a more effective profitable interpenetration between the artistic dimension and social research

    Integrating cognitive factors and eye movement data in reading predictive models for children with dyslexia and ADHD-I

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    This study reports on several specific neurocognitive processes and eye-tracking predictors of reading outcomes for a sample of children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – inattentive subtype (ADHD-I) compared to typical readers. Participants included 19 typical readers, 21 children diagnosed with ADHD-I and 19 children with DD. All participants were attending 4th grade and had a mean age of 9.08 years. The psycholinguistic profile of each group was assessed using a battery of neuropsychological and linguistic tests. Participants were submitted to a silent reading task with lexical manipulation of the text. Multinomial logistic regression was conducted to evaluate the predictive capability of developing dyslexia or ADHD-I based on the following measures: (a) a linguistic model that included measures of phonological awareness, rapid naming, and reading fluency and accuracy; (b) a cognitive neuropsychological model that included measures of memory, attention, visual processes, and cognitive or intellectual functioning, and (c) an additive model of lexical word properties with manipulation of word-frequency and word-length effects trough eye-tracking. The additive model in conjunction with the neuropsychological model classification improved the prediction of who develops dyslexia or ADHD-I having as baseline normal readers. Several of the neuropsychological and eye-tracking variables have power to predict the degree of reading outcomes in children with learning disabilities

    Effects of word length and word frequency among dyslexic, ADHD-I and typical readers

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    This study aimed to investigate the neuropsycholinguistic functioning of children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder – inattentive subtype (ADHD-I) in a reading task. The psycholinguistic profile of both groups was assessed using a battery of neuropsychological and linguistic tests and compared to typical readers. Participants were submitted to a silent reading task with lexical manipulation of the text. Eye movements were recorded and compared aiming to find cognitive processes involved in reading that could help differentiate groups. The study examined whether word-frequency and word-length effects distinguish between groups. Participants included 19 typical readers, 21 children diagnosed with ADHD-I and 19 children with DD. All participants were attending 4th grade and had a mean age of 9.08 years. Children with DD and ADHD-I exhibited significant different cognitive and linguistic profiles on almost all measures evaluated when compared to typical readers. The effects of word length and word frequency interaction also differed significantly in the 3 experimental groups. The results support the multiple cognitive deficits theory. While the shared deficits support the evidence of a phonological disorder present in both conditions, the specific ones corroborate the hypothesis of an oculomotor dysfunction in DD and a visuo-spatial attention dysfunction in ADHD

    Health Professionals Working with Persons with Alzheimer's. Reflections for New Training Courses

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    AbstractHealth professionals working with a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease have to face with considerable communicational and relational difficulties. Therefore, training programs focused on the cognitive or medical aspects of the disease may not be sufficient to deal with the complexity of this condition. Starting from the contributions of Kitwood (1997) and the approach of Bender (2003), this study aims to discuss an alternative paradigm to dementia-care, providing suggestions about the daily care work of health professionals. Some expressive and narrative activities are presented in order to facilitate an effective relationship between operators and patients

    Implementation of ICT in Physical Education: advantages, limitations and new educational trends

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    Desde su origen, las Tic han sido consideradas una amenaza para la práctica de actividad física y, por ende, para el área de Educación Física y los hábitos saludables que esta materia fomenta. No obstante, son muchos los docentes que han destruido esta clásica enemistad y han introducido las Tic en la Educación Física de manera justificada. Esta renovación puede ser muy positiva, si bien precisa del buen hacer del docente, pues debe introducir las Tic de forma efectiva para lograr dos fines principales: facilitar el trabajo de los distintos tipos de contenidos y aumentar el tiempo de práctica física.From its earliest days, ICT have been considered a threat to the practice of physical activity and, therefore, for the area of Physical Education and the healthy habits that this subject promotes. However, there are many teachers who have destroyed this classic enmity and they have introduced justifiably the ICT in PE. This renewal can be very positive, although it requires a great effort from the teacher, as he must introduce the ICT to achieve two purposes: to facilitate the work of different type of contents and to increase the time of physical practice

    Characterization of the Flipped Classroom and analysis of the effects derived from the use of this methodology in the stage of Primary Education

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    La implementación de las Tic y las nuevas metodologías didácticas ha generado grandes cambios en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Entre las nuevas tendencias educativas, el Aula Invertida ocupa un lugar privilegiado. Esta metodología implica un gran cambio respecto al modelo tradicional, aumentando el tiempo de práctica en clase y otorgando al alumnado un rol más activo. Actualmente, son muchas las investigaciones que analizan los resultados del Aula Invertida en diferentes niveles educativos, si bien este artículo estudia sus efectos sobre varios elementos de la Educación Primaria: el rendimiento académico y la percepción de los docentes, los alumnos y las familias.The implementation of ICTs and new didactic methodologies has generated many changes in the teaching-learning process. Among the new educational trends, the Flipped Classroom occupies an important place. This methodology implies a radical change from the traditional model, increasing the practice time in class and giving the students a more active role. Currently, there are many researches that analyse the results of Flipped Classroom in different educational levels, although this article studies the effects of this methodology on several elements inherent to Primary Education: the academic performance and the perception of students, teachers and families

    Innovating in Physical Education with the Flipped Classroom: analysis of the main possibilities and effects

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    La reducción horaria semanal del área de Educación Física y el escaso tiempo de compromiso motor disponible durante las sesiones, hacen necesaria la búsqueda de una solución eficaz. En esta coyuntura, las Tic, habituales enemigas del ejercicio físico, pueden convertirse en un gran aliado. En este artículo se estudia la aplicación en el área de EF de una nueva metodología didáctica apoyada en las Tic: el Flipped Classroom. Para ello, se analizan los principales resultados derivados de su implementación, tomando como referencia varias investigaciones y experiencias prácticas desarrolladas en los últimos años en torno a la temática objeto de estudio.The weekly time reduction of the Physical Education area and the short time of motor commitment available during the classes, make it necessary to look for an effective solution. In this conjuncture, ICT, habitual enemy of physical exercises, can turn into a great ally. This article studies the application in PE of a new didactic methodology supported by new technologies: The Flipped Classroom. Therefore, the main results derived from its implementation are analysed, taking as a reference several researches and practical experiences developed in the last years around this emerging subject

    Influence of ICTs on educational roles within the teaching and learning process

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    El papel de los agentes implicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje ha ido evolucionando de la mano de las teorías predominantes en nuestras aulas. Así, desde la teoría conductista, hasta la constructivista, muchos profesionales han reflexionado sobre la metodología de aprendizaje más eficaz. Dentro de este cambio de paradigmas educativos, las Tic representan una piedra angular. Tal es su relevancia, que la mayoría de debates actuales giran en torno a su grado de implementación en el ámbito educativo. En este contexto surge el conectivismo, teoría que permite al estudiante acceder al conocimiento de forma autónoma mediante sus competencias digitales.The role of agents involved in the teaching-learning process has been changing depending on theories prevailing on our classrooms. Thus, from behavioural theory to the constructivist theory, many teachers have thought about the best learning methodology. Within this change of educational paradigms, ICT represent a cornerstone. Such is its importance that most of currently debates revolve around its level of implementation in education. In this context conectivism appears, a theory which allow students to access the knowledge autonomously through their digital skills


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman di dalam mendesain bangunan seorang perencana dituntut untuk mendesain suatu bangunan yang kuat, mudah dalam pelaksanaan, memenuhi fungsi dan kebutuhan bangunan. Saat banyak muncul berbagai alternatif konstruksi yang dapat digunakan sesuai dengan fungsi struktur, salah satunya adalah Shear Wall Kantilever. Sistem beton bertulang di Indonesia telah mulai dikembangkan sebagai alternativ pelaksanaan konstruksi selain menggunkan dinding geser berangkai. SNI 03-2847-2002 yang merupakan hal baru dalam bidang sipil memberikan sistem dan tata cara dalam merencanakan struktur beton bertulang. Sehingga peraturan ini sangat diperlukan sosialisasinya dalam masyarakat, baik dari kalangan akademisi, konsultan maupun pelaksana agar apa yang diharapkan dalam standarisasi bisa tercapai dengan baik. Sehubungan hal diatas direncanakan ulang Gedung Hotel Sutan Raja-Mataram dengan menggunakan dinding geser kantilever (Cantilever Shear wall). Dalam perencanaan ini menggunakan SNI 03-2847-2002 dan SNI 03-1726-2002. Peraturan pembebanan yang digunakan adalah Peraturan Pembebanan Indonesia Untuk Gedung (PPIUG) 1983, dan analisa statikanya menggunakan STAAD PRO 2004. Gedung Hotel Sutan Raja-Matarm memiliki panjang 36,00 m ,lebar 16,60 m, bangunan tinggi 29,70 m,dan jumlah tingkat adalah 7 lantai .dalam perencanaan Shear Wall Kantilever digunakan mutu beton fc’ 30 MPa . Hasil analisis kekuatan struktur tidak terpenuhi dengan penggunaan dimensi penampang element struktur kolom hasil preliminary desain. Diperlukan redesign dimensi penampang element struktur shear wall kantilever untuk memenuhi persyaratan keamanan struktur. Persyaratan keamanan struktur sebagai alternativ penahan geser gempa yaitu dengan penggunaan dimensi untuk sayap dinding 40/40 dan tebal badan 40 cm panjang dinding 320 cm.Tulangan vertikal yang di pakai 46 D16, Tulangan horizontal atau tulangan transversal /sengkang Ø 12 - 150,Tulangan horizontal atau tulangan transversal atau sengkang pada sendi plastis dan pada sambungan lewatan tulangan vertical Ø 12 -150
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