3,380 research outputs found

    Population parameters and the relationships between environmental factors and abundance of the Acetes americanus shrimp (Dendrobranchiata: Sergestidae) near a coastal upwelling region of Brazil

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    The population dynamics of Acetes americanus was investigated, focusing on the sex ratio, individual growth, longevity, recruitment and relationship between abundance and environmental factors in the region of Macaé, strongly influenced by coastal upwelling. Otter trawl net samplings were performed from July 2010 to June 2011 at two points (5 m and 15 m). Nearly 19,500 specimens, predominantly females (77.15%), were captured. Their sizes, larger than that of males, indicated sexual dimorphism. Shrimps at lower latitudes present larger sizes and longer longevity than those from higher latitudes. This difference is probably due to low temperatures and high primary productivity. Though no statistical correlation was found between abundance and environmental factors, the species was more abundant in temperatures closer to 20.0º C and in months with high chlorophyll-a levels. Due to the peculiar characteristics of this region, A. americanusshowed greater differences in size and longevity than individuals sampled in other studies undertaken in the continental shelf of Southeast Brazil.Foi investigada a dinâmica populacional de Acetes americanus, enfocando a razão sexual, crescimento dos indivíduos, longevidade, recrutamento e a relação da abundância com dos fatores ambientais na região de Macaé, a qual é fortemente influenciada pela ressurgência costeira. Foram realizadas coletas de julho de 2010 a junho de 2011, em dois pontos (5 m e 15 m), utilizando uma rede otter trawl. Cerca de 19.500 indivíduos foram capturados com predominância de fêmeas (77,15%) e essas foram maiores que os machos indicando dimorfismo sexual. Houve inversão do paradigma latitudinal, onde os camarões apresentaram maiores tamanhos e longevidade quando comparados a outras regiões de maiores latitudes e isso provavelmente se deve às baixas temperaturas e alta produtividade primária. Apesar de não apresentar correlação estatística entre a abundância e os fatores ambientais, a espécie foi mais abundante em temperaturas próximas aos 20,0º C e nos meses com alta concentração de clorofila-a. Devido às características peculiares da região, os espécimens de A. americanus apresentarem diferenças em relação a tamanho e longevidade quando comparados aos indivíduos amostrados em outros estudos realizados na plataforma continental do sudeste brasileiro

    Clinical, economical and safety impact of ferric carboxymaltose use in Patient Blood Management programme in Portuguese National Health Service hospitals

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the study, namely the teams of participating hospitals who helped us to collect data: Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa (CHTS) – Maria da Anunciação Ruivo, MD; Centro Hospitalar Entre o Douro e Vouga (CHEDV) – Cristina Portal, MD; Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia e Espinho (CHVNG/E) – Fátima Lima, MD; Unidade Local de Saúde do Nordeste (ULSNE) –Anabela Correia, MD; Centro Hospitalar Universitário Cova da Beira (CHUCB) – Jorge Martinez, MD; Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Lisboa Central (CHULC - Hospital Curry Cabral) – Nuno Diogo, MD; Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca (HFF) – Diana Sousa Mendes, MD. Funding Information: This paper reflects the main results of the O impacto do uso da carboximaltose férrica no consumo de sangue através da otimização pré-operatória da hemoglobina em hospitais portugueses (Patient Blood Management) funded by Vifor Pharma Management Ltd. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) can be used in Patient Blood Management (PBM) to promote the optimization of preoperative haemoglobin (Hb), which aims to minimise the use of allogeneic blood components and improve clinical outcomes, with better cost-effectiveness. This was an observational study conducted in a retrospective and multicentre cohort with adults from elective orthopaedic, cardiac and colorectal surgeries, treated according to local standards of PBM with allogeneic blood product transfusions (ABTs) on demand and with FCM to correct iron deficiency with or without anaemia. In this work, only the first pillar of the PBM model issue by Directorate-General for Health (DGS) was evaluated, which involves optimising Hb in the preoperative period with iron treatment if it’s necessary/indicated. Before the implementation of PBM in Portugal, most patients did not undergo preoperative laboratory evaluation with blood count and iron kinetics. Therefore, the existence of Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) or Iron Deficiency (ID) without anaemia was not early detected, and there was no possibility of treating these patients with iron in order to optimise their Hb and/or iron stores. Those patients ended up being treated with ABTs on demand. A total of 405 patients from seven hospitals were included; 108 (26.7%) underwent FCM preoperatively and 197 (48.6%) were transfused with ABTs on demand. In the FCM preoperative cohort, there was an increase in patients with normal preoperative Hb, from 14.4 to 45.7%, before and after FCM, respectively, a decrease from 31.7 to 9.6% in moderate anaemia and no cases of severe anaemia after FCM administration, while 7.7% of patients were severely anaemic before FCM treatment. There were significant differences (p < 0.001) before and after correction of preoperative anaemia and/or iron deficiency with FCM in Hb, serum ferritin and transferrin saturation rate (TS). In the ABT group, there were significant differences between pre- and postoperative Hb levels (p < 0.001). Hb values tended to decrease, with 44.1% of patients moving from mild anaemia before transfusion to moderate anaemia in the postoperative period. Concerning the length of hospital stay, the group administered with ABTs had a longer hospital stay (p < 0.001). Regarding the clinical outcomes of nosocomial infection and mortality, there was no evidence that the rate of infection or mortality differed in each group (p = 0.075 and p = 0.243, respectively). However, there were fewer nosocomial infections in the FCM group (11.9% versus 21.2%) and mortality was higher in the transfusion group (21.2% versus 4.2%). Economic analysis showed that FCM could reduce allogenic blood products consumption and the associated costs. The economic impact of using FCM was around 19%. The preoperative Hb value improved when FMC was used. Patients who received ABTs appeared to have a longer hospital stay. The FCM group reported fewer infections during hospitalisation. The economic results showed savings of around €1000 for each patient with FCM administration. The use of FCM as part of the PBM program had a positive impact on patients’ outcomes and on economic results. However, it will be essential to perform studies with a larger sample to obtain more robust and specific results.publishersversionpublishe

    Influence Of Different Dentin Substrate (caries-affected, Caries-infected, Sound) On Long-term ?tbs

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the &#956;TBS in different dentin substrates and water-storage periods. Twenty-four dentin blocks obtained from sound third molars were randomly divided into 3 groups: Sound dentin (Sd), Caries-affected dentin (Ca) and Caries-infected dentin (Ci). Dentin blocks from Ca and Ci groups were subjected to artificial caries development (S. mutans biofilm). The softest carious tissue was removed using spherical drills under visual inspection with Caries Detector solution (Ca group). It was considered as Ci (softer and deeply red stained dentin) and Ca (harder and slightly red stained dentin). The Adper Single Bond 2 adhesive system was applied and Z350 composite blocks were built in all groups. Teeth were stored in deionized water for 24 h at 37 ºC and sectioned into beams (1.0 mm2 section area). The beams from each tooth were randomly divided into three storages periods: 24 h, 6 months or 1 year. Specimens were submitted to µTBS using EZ test machine at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Failure mode was examined by SEM. Data from µTBS were submitted to split plot two-way ANOVA and Tukey&#8217;s HSD tests (a=0.05). The µTBS (MPa) of Sd (41.2) was significantly higher than Ca (32.4) and Ci (27.2), regardless of storage. Ca and Ci after 6 months and 1 year, presented similar µTBS. Mixed and adhesive failures predominated in all groups. The highest µTBS values (48.1±9.1) were found for Sd at 24 h storage. Storage of specimens decreased the µTBS values for all conditions.281162

    Art, culture and care in psychosocial healthcare services

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    OBJETIVO: Analizar el proceso de cuidado desarrollado por medio de arte y cultura en centros de atención psicosocial. MÉTODOS: Estudio integrado a la investigación de evaluación de los centros de atención psicosocial, en Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil. Se analizaron los relatos de la observación de tipo etnográfico de 126 actividades grupales de arte y cultura realizadas en 21 de los centros, entre 2007 y 2008. El análisis incluyó declaraciones de coordinadores sobre los objetivos de las actividades observadas. Basándose en referencias teóricas de la atención psicosocial, se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido para investigar relaciones entre medios terapéuticos (castigos, actividades y vínculos) y objetivos de las actividades. RESULTADOS: Tres tendencias de cuidado se identificaron: (1) estrictamente clínica, predominante y definida por actividades realizadas dentro de los centros enfocándose en competencias personales e interacciones grupales; (2) psicosocial, que incluyó actividades en el territorio, ampliación de los repertorios culturales y de la circulación social; (3) residual, minoritaria y sin ganancias psicosociales. CONCLUSIONES: La realización de actividades de arte y cultura que produzcan cuidado en la perspectiva de la rehabilitación psicosocial depende del acceso de los profesionales a los bienes culturales y a procesos creativos, de reconocimiento de tales actividades en el trabajo integrado de todo el grupo y considerando a todos los actores involucrados como productores de hechos de cultura.OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de cuidado desenvolvido por meio de arte e cultura em centros de atenção psicossocial. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrado à pesquisa de avaliação dos centros de atenção psicossocial, em São Paulo, SP. Foram analisados os relatos da observação de tipo etnográfico de 126 atividades grupais de arte e cultura realizadas em 21 desses centros, entre 2007 e 2008. A análise incluiu depoimentos de coordenadores sobre os objetivos das atividades observadas. Baseado em referenciais teóricos da atenção psicossocial, utilizou-se da técnica de análise de conteúdo para investigar relações entre meios terapêuticos (enquadres, atividades e vínculos) e objetivos das atividades. RESULTADOS: Três tendências de cuidado foram identificadas: (1) estritamente clínica, predominante e marcada por atividades realizadas dentro dos centros com foco em competências pessoais e interações grupais; (2) psicossocial, que incluiu atividades no território, ampliação dos repertórios culturais e da circulação social; e (3) residual, minoritária e sem ganhos psicossociais. CONCLUSÕES: A realização de atividades de arte e cultura que produzam cuidado na perspectiva da reabilitação psicossocial depende do acesso dos profissionais a bens culturais e a processos criativos, do reconhecimento dessas atividades como trabalho integrado a toda a equipe e da consideração de todos os atores envolvidos como produtores de fatos de cultura.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the process of care developed in group activities of culture and art in community psychosocial healthcare centres. METHODS: This study is part of research evaluating psychosocial health care centers in the city of São Paulo. Ethnographic reports of 126 art and cultural group activities taking place in 21 centers between 2007 and 2008 were analyzed. The analysis included statements from coordinators on the objectives of the observed activities. Based on theoretical psychosocial health care frameworks, content analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the therapeutic tools used and the objectives of the activities. RESULTS: Three trends of health care were identified: (1) strictly clinical, was predominant and characterized by activities carried out within the centers, with a focus on personal skills and group interactions; (2) psychosocial, including outdoor activities, widening the cultural repertoire and social circulation and; (3) residual, in the minority and without psychosocial benefits. CONCLUSIONS: Carrying out rat and cultural activities which result in health care from the perspective of psychosocial rehabilitation depends on the health care professionals' access to cultural assets and creative procedures, on the recognition of these activities as part of the coordinated work of a team and on all those involved being considered as actual producers of culture

    Microalgae Polysaccharides: An Overview of Production, Characterization, and Potential Applications

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    Microalgae and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms capable of synthesizing several biocompounds, including polysaccharides with antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. At the same time that the accumulation of biomolecules occurs, microalgae can use wastewater and gaseous effluents for their growth, mitigating these pollutants. The increase in the production of polysaccharides by microalgae can be achieved mainly through nutritional limitations, stressful conditions, and/or adverse conditions. These compounds are of commercial interest due to their biological and rheological properties, which allow their application in various sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and foods. Thus, to increase the productivity and competitiveness of microalgal polysaccharides with commercial hydrocolloids, the cultivation parameters and extraction/purification processes have been optimized. In this context, this review addresses an overview of the production, characterization, and potential applications of polysaccharides obtained by microalgae and cyanobacteria. Moreover, the main opportunities and challenges in relation to obtaining these compounds are highlighted


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    O presente trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar o levantamento cartográfico e analítico referente às condições de uso e ocupação na área abarcada pela bacia hidrográfica do rio Pirapozinho, mais precisamente em seu alto curso (cabeceira), na qual se encontram presentes a malha urbana e o aterro municipal de resíduos sólidos. A carta final foi gerada pelo software de geoprocessamento ArcGIS 10.1, vetorizada a partir de fotografias aéreas que compreendiam a região de estudo. A partir de então, trabalhos de campo foram realizados com o intuito de comprovar a veracidade das informações levantadas no mapeamento. O artigo, portanto, atribui seu enfoque as capacidades intrínsecas do meio físico, destacando os componentes naturais, bem como suas fragilidades, contribuindo para a confecção de um diagnóstico ambiental à área de estudo

    Chx stabilizes the resin/demineralized dentin interface

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2% chlorhexidine diglueonate (CHX) on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) between an adhesive system and under 3 dentin conditions. For that, this study evaluated the adhesive interface at initial, after 6 months and 1 year of storage. Forty-eight human third molars were prepared and randomly divided into 3 groups, according to dentin substrates: Sound dentin (Sd), caries-infected dentin (Ci) and caries-affected dentin (Ca). The groups were subdivided into two according to the dentin pre-treatment: Application of 2% CHX or without pre-treatment (control). The dentin surfaces were etched with 35% phosphoric acid gel and bonded with Adper Single Bond 2 (3M ESPE) adhesive system according to manufacturer's instructions. Subsequently, the specimens were stored in deionized water at 37°C for 24h, 6 months and 1 year. Two additional teeth were used to analyze the bonding interfaces by SEM. Data was submitted to three-way ANOVA in a split plot design and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). The results showed that Ci decreased μTBS values when compared to Ca and Sd, regardless storages time or treatment. Stored samples for 6 months and 1 year decreased the pTBS for the control group, but no difference was found between storages time for the CHX group. As a conclusion, the 2% CHX application after etching showed improved dentin bond strength in the storage time, regardless of the substrates evaluated

    Landscape evaluation of a sector of the PR-340 road, located in Antonina County, Paraná State, Brazil

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    O estudo teve como objetivo compreender os agentes que compõem uma porção da paisagem na Área Particular Protegida Morro da Mina, e discutir o padrão visual paisagístico de um trecho da rodovia PR- 340, na região de Antonina – PR. Utilizou-se o método direto de análise da paisagem com as seguintes variáveis: vegetação, conservação do solo, relevo, ação antrópica e singularidade. Foram amostrados 20 pontos amostrais, com 3 repetições por ponto, distantes 200 metros entre si, sendo avaliados o lado direito e esquerdo da rodovia. No processamento das informações contou-se com as técnicas de análise de componente principal e a análise de agrupamento, para discriminar as áreas de grande interesse visual paisagístico e a variação paisagística. Constatou-se que a vegetação foi a variável mais representativa no percurso, independente do lado que se trafega. A qualidade da paisagem no lado esquerdo da rodovia foi influenciada pela vegetação e conservação do solo. O mapa de qualidade visual paisagística do trecho foi formado com três classes. Conclui-se que a predominância da paisagem do trecho da rodovia PR -340 tem a classe média de qualidade visual. Comparando os dois lados do trecho analisado, verificou-se que o lado esquerdo apresentou melhor conjunto de qualidades visuais paisagísticas.Palavras-chave: Paisagem; RPPN; análise multivariada. AbstractLandscape evaluation of a sector of the PR-340 road, located in Antonina County, Paraná State, Brazil. The objective of this study was to understand the agents that compose a portion of the landscape from the “Protected Private Area Morro da Mina”, and to discuss the landscape visual standard of a PR-340 road sector, in the region of Antonina, PR. The direct method of landscape analysis, with the following variables was used: vegetation, soil conservation, relief, anthropic action, and singularity. Twenty observation points were sampled, with 3 repetitions for point, 200 meters distant from each other. Both sides of the road were evaluated. In the information process the principal components technique analysis and the grouping analysis, with the intention to discriminate areas of great visual interest, as well as explaining the landscape variation, were used. It was evidenced that the vegetation was the most representative variable in the analyzed sector, regardless the traffic direction. The road left side was influenced by the vegetation and soil conservation. The landscape visual map was composed by three groups. It was concluded that the analyzed sector was classified as an intermediate visual quality landscape. Comparing the two edges of the analyzed road sector, it was observed that the left side presented, as a whole, higher landscape visual qualities.Keywords: Landscape; conservation unit; multivariate analysis.The objective of this study was to understand the agents that compose a portion of the landscape from the “Protected Private Area Morro da Mina”, and to discuss the landscape visual standard of a PR-340 road sector, in the region of Antonina, PR. The direct method of landscape analysis, with the following variables was used: vegetation, soil conservation, relief, anthropic action, and singularity. Twenty observation points were sampled, with 3 repetitions for point, 200 meters distant from each other. Both sides of the road were evaluated. In the information process the principal components technique analysis and the grouping analysis, with the intention to discriminate areas of great visual interest, as well as explaining the landscape variation, were used. It was evidenced that the vegetation was the most representative variable in the analyzed sector, regardless the traffic direction. The road left side was influenced by the vegetation and soil conservation. The landscape visual map was composed by three groups. It was concluded that the analyzed sector was classified as an intermediate visual quality landscape. Comparing the two edges of the analyzed road sector, it was observed that the left side presented, as a whole, higher landscape visual qualities