2,694 research outputs found

    Release profile of ibuprofen in β-cyclodextrin complexes from two different solid dosage forms

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    The objective of this work was to develop solid dosage forms using powders containing inclusion complexes (ibuprofen with β-cyclodextrin) which were used to produce tablets (direct compression without additional excipients) and pellets (extrusion/spheronization) from wet mass containing 40% (w/w) of microcrystalline cellulose. The pellets also demonstrated that during preparation of the wet mass, the inclusion process occurred in a same yield that when pre-complexation was used. The particles characteristics were evaluated after being obtained through different complexation methods. The results showed that the tensile strength and profile dissolution were as expected for both dosage forms. Tablets containing inclusion complexes showed higher solubility when compared with a reference formulation and with two commercial formulations. The ibuprofen released from the two pellets formulations didn’t show relevant differences between them. The drug released was analyzed considering different dissolution parameters. The advantages of these new methodologies can be summarized as: (a) tablets were produced at a lower cost for the total process; and (b) in the pellet´s preparation there was no need of the previous complexation method resulting in a decrease in time and energy required

    Vassalos e cidadãos: os índios no Ceará e as diferentes condições legais (1798-1845)

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    O presente texto procura problematizar os significados para diferentes agentes do período (membros do governo, proprietários rurais e, principalmente, os próprios indígenas), dos variados termos pelos quais os nativos eram classificados na legislação indigenista. Analisa-se a transformação do estatuto de vassalos do rei de Portugal para a de súditos do monarca brasileiro e, com a independência, no enquadramento e na percepção de si próprios como cidadãos do império do Brasil, ao mesmo tempo em que se viram despossuídos de diversos benefícios

    Caracterização dos utilizadores de web sites institucionais via web log mining : o caso do Tribunal de Contas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoÉ difícil encontrar outro meio de comunicação que tenha crescido tão rapidamente e num volume tão grande como a World Wide Web. Ao mesmo tempo, é díficil encontrar um que encerre em si próprio, de maneira tão abundante, a meta-informação necessária para o seu estudo aprofundado. Ver a WWW como um simples depósito de informação, constitui um ponto de vista redutor. Muito embora, num sentido restrito, seja possível encarar tudo o que ela oferece como sendo informação à nossa disposição, a verdade é que uma das suas grandes virtudes, é o facto de fornecer cada vez mais maneiras de levar os utilizadores a interagir com essa informação – para a manipular (ajax), para a alterar (wikis), para a aumentar (blogs), para a transformar e ampliar (mashups), entre outros exemplos e abordagens. Os registos de acesso aos web sites (logs) constituem a principal fonte de informação quanto à forma como a WWW é, de facto, utilizada. Mais do que se basear na análise de factores externos (como qualquer canal de televisão, que tem que perguntar aos tele-espectadores se o viram), qualquer web site pode registar automaticamente todas as consultas que lhe são feitas. Da análise destes acessos depende a correcta compreensão do lugar e funções desempenhadas pelo web site, ao longo da sua vida. Nesta dissertação procuramos reunir os dois mundos. Pretendemos caracterizar a informação disponibilizada num web site (o do Tribunal de Contas), pedindo “emprestados” alguns conceitos à biologia – para traçar uma espécie de “ADN” de cada documento. Pretendemos também, recorrendo aos logs de acesso, traçar outro ADN, o dos utilizadores do web site, com base nos seus padrões de uso. Os resultados de um trabalho desta natureza poderão auxiliar abordagens futuras a este e outros web sites, no sentido de facilitar um tipo de classificação automática de documentos e de permitir a criação e manutenção no tempo de perfis de utilização, numa tentativa de fazer adequar com maior precisão a informação que é disponibilizada, com as necessidades dos utilizadores.It's hard to find any kind of media with a growth-rate as high as the World Wide Web. At the same time, it's hard to find one that stores within itself such an amount of metadata, useful for an indepth study. It is wrong to look at the WWW simply as a kind of information store. Although all its contents are information one way or the other, truth is there are quite a few ways of letting the users interact with that information, either to manipulate it (via ajax-based applications), to alter it (through the use of wikis), to add to it (via blogs and web sites themselves) or to transform and amplify its meanings (through mashups). These are only a few examples on what can be done today. Web site access logs are the main information source on how the WWW is used. Rather than asking the users if they viewed the pages (such as a TV station might do), any web site has the means to keep a permanent record about its visitors. By analyzing these logs, we are able to get a better understanding of the roles played by the web site. In this document we borrow a few concepts from biology, in order to establish a kind of 'DNA' for each document on the web site of the Portuguese Court of Auditors (Tribunal de Contas). We do this by looking at the WWW as an information source and by processing what we find. At the same time, we try do extend the same approach to the users who looked for those documents, by processing the web access logs. The results of such an approach might enable future uses of automatic document classification, as well as an effective personalization of information delivery.Il est très difficile de trouver quelque sorte de média avec une croissance si grande que le World Wide Web. En même façon, il est difficile de trouver un moyen intéractif d'information qui préserve une si grande quantité de métadonnées dans son intérieur, et qui puisse les utiliser por des études en profondeur. Le Web n'est seulement un depôt d'information. On peut bien regarder tout ce qu'il présent comme s'il était de l'information toute simple. Pourtant, aujour'dui il'y a plusieurs moyens à la disposition des utilisateurs pour accomplir une intéraction riche avec les contenus présentés: pour faire sa manipulation (à travers les applications Ajax), pour faire des modifications (à travers les wikis), pour participier dans sa croissance (à travers les blogs et les web sites, êux-mêmes) ou pour faire des transformations (à travers les mashups). Ce ne sont que des examples sur les possibilités d'utilisation offertes. Le logging des pages Web consultées est la première source d'information sur l'utilisation du WWW. Par example, quand on parle d'une châine de télévision, le seul moyen qu'elle a pour connaître les charactéristiques de ses téléspectateurs, est de les demander directement. Par contraire, un web site peut enregistrer automatiquement toutes les visites à ses pages. Quand on analyse ces logs, on peut comprendre parfaitement l'évolution du site et les modes d'intéraction utilisés. Dans ce travail, nous cherchons une façon d'unifier ces deux réalités. D'un coté nous avons l'information disponible dans le web site do Cour des Comptes Portugais (Tribunal de Contas) laquelle sera procéssé pour créer une espéce d'ADN pour chaque document. De l'autre coté, nous avons les web logs, qui nous permetront identifier des utilisateurs, et établir aussi son ADN (on parle d'ADN d'une façon symbolique, puisque nous créons des séquences d'identification numériques pour chaque document/utilisateur). Les résultats peuvent pêut-être nos approcher d'une classification automatique des documents, et aussi d'une création de profils d'utilisateurs

    The missing link : theoretical reflections on decision reconstruction

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    In this paper, we address theoretical considerations on the problem of decision reconstruction, which is defined as the process that allows an individual or group of individuals, whether internal or external to the organization, to understand how a group, using a GSS, reached a previous decision. We also analyze the implications of decision reconstruction with regard to both group support systems (GSS) research and knowledge management We present an information model, whose constituting elements are not only concerned with GSS decision-making, but also towards GSS decision reconstruction. Using a GSS prototype based on the proposed model, we made a preliminary test in order to analyze how different people act when reconstructing decisions. In the process, we have exposed and detected limitations and present a solution proposal to overcome these limitations

    Using GSS For Decision Reconstruction: A Preliminary Study

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    The importance of understanding the reasons of past decisions is not a new subject. However, there seems to be a gap regarding the verification of the efficiency of tools for understanding past decisions. In this paper we posit that the ability to perform decision reconstruction, using a GSS solution, can provide a flexible solution to the problem, but only if the information model underneath it is able to support/structure both ways the phases of a decision-making process. Based on earlier work, we present a first proposal for a general information model to support the decision-making process, as well as the decision reconstruction process. We tested these ideas by setting a case study where we used a prototype, based on a proposed model, to analyze a simulated public contracting process and present a discussion based on the obtained results

    Portuguese Crown and the Mediterranean (1453-1535)

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019During the 15th century the Portuguese started the exploration of the Atlantic Ocean opening the Age of Discoveries. They colonized the archipelagos, they opened trading routes with different points of the western coast of Africa and they looked for new intercontinental routes. However, at the same time Portugal kept its lasting connection with the Mediterranean, and king Manuel I (r. 1495-1521) wished to lead a Crusade against Jerusalem. In my paper I shall examine the consecutive fleets that Portugal sent to Mediterranean to fight the muslims from the middle of the 15th century to the middle of the 16th, and its articulation with the building of an overseas empire that toom place at the same time.publishersversionpublishe

    The Forward- and the Equity-Premium Puzzles: Two Symptoms of the Same Illness?

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    We build a pricing kernel using only US domestic assets data and checkwhether it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape consumptionbased models. By interpreting our stochastic discount factor as the projection ofa pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicatethat a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a longway toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets. We address predictabilityissues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instrumentsthat are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associatedwith Euler equations, and; ii) by pricing Lustig and Verdelhan (2007)'s foreigncurrency portfolios. Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explainforeign-currency market asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S.domestic assets behavior.

    The forward- and the equity-premium puzzles: two symptoms of the same illness?

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    Using information on US domestic financial data only, we build a stochastic discountfactor—SDF— and check whether it accounts for foreign markets stylized factsthat escape consumption based models. By interpreting our SDF as the projection ofa pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicatethat a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long waytoward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets prices. We address predictabilityissues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instruments that areknown to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Eulerequations, and; ii) by pricing Lustig and Verdelhan (2007)’s foreign currency portfolios.Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explain foreign-currencymarket asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S. domestic assets behavior.