2,501 research outputs found

    The link between the ecology of the prokaryotic rare biosphere and its biotechnological potential

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    Current research on the prokaryotic low abundance taxa, the prokaryotic rare biosphere, is growing, leading to a greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying organismal rarity and its relevance in ecology. From this emerging knowledge it is possible to envision innovative approaches in biotechnology applicable to several sectors. Bioremediation and bioprospecting are two of the most promising areas where such approaches could find feasible implementation, involving possible new solutions to the decontamination of polluted sites and to the discovery of novel gene variants and pathways based on the attributes of rare microbial communities. Bioremediation can be improved through the realization that diverse rare species can grow abundant and degrade different pollutants or possibly transfer useful genes. Further, most of the prokaryotic diversity found in virtually all environments belongs in the rare biosphere and remains uncultivatable, suggesting great bioprospecting potential within this vast and understudied genetic pool. This Mini Review argues that knowledge of the ecophysiology of rare prokaryotes can aid the development of future, efficient biotechnology-based processes, products and services. However, this promise may only be fulfilled through improvements in (and optimal blending of) advanced microbial culturing and physiology, metagenomics, genome annotation and editing, and synthetic biology, to name a few areas of relevance. In the future, it will be important to understand how activity profiles relate with abundance, as some rare taxa can remain rare and increase activity, whereas other taxa can grow abundant. The metabolic mechanisms behind those patterns can be useful in designing biotechnological processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyclic behavior of a two-span RC beam built with plain reinforcing bars

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    Reinforced concrete structural elements lacking appropriate seismic detailing and built with plain reinforcing bars, and subjected to cyclic loads like the ones induced by earthquakes, are particularly sensitive to the bond-slip mechanism. Though, existing studies on the cyclic behavior of RC structures generally refer to elements with deformed bars. As a result, the behavior of elements with plain bars is not yet fully understood. In this framework, the cyclic behavior of a two-span RC beam built with plain reinforcing bars, collected from an ancient building structure, was investigated. The support and loading conditions observed in-situ were simulated in the test setup. The beam displayed a flexural failure and the damage was concentrated in three short plastic hinges. The poor damage distribution evidences the effects of the bar slippage mechanism on the beam behaviorFCT - SFRH/BD/27406/2006FCT - SFRH/BD/62110/200

    O poder das palavras para os Guarani: entre o mito e a religião

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    Este artigo discute o poder das palavras para o Guarani. Acreditam o Guarani que nas "Divinas Palavras" encontram-se os fundamentos para o viver ético tão necessário para a convivência em sociedade. O saber ouvir é um dos preceitos que são ensinados às crianças desde a mais tenra idade. A partir do ouvir, nasce o perceber, e no perceber encontra-se o significado das "Divinas Palavras” que fundamentam o seu existir. Tais palavras indicam o caminho da vida presente na religiosidade, pois ela se constitui num código de ética a ser cumprido por eles. As "Divinas Palavras" podem ser percebidas nos símbolos que lhe dão vida, através dos mitos cultuados desde os seus antepassados. São os mitos que dão sustentação às crenças que passam de geração a geração de forma intacta, por serem consideradas sagradas. A sacralidade presente no viver os leva a respeitar tudo o que foi criado pelo "Grande Pai". A sua voz é a "Divina Palavra".Organização, execução e patrocínio: UNILA e Itaipu-Paraguay - Parceria: NELOOL/UFSC & Universidad de VIG

    The Month-of-the Year Effect nos mercados europeu, americano, australiano e asiático

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão/MBAA Hipótese da Eficiência do Mercado tem sido contrariada por diversos estudos académicos alusivos à existência de determinadas anomalias de calendário, onde merece enquadramento o The Month-of-the-Year Effect (ou Efeito Mês-do-Ano), composto pelo Efeito Janeiro, pelo Efeito Halloween e pelo Efeito Outubro. O estudo do Efeito Mês do Ano é desenvolvido em quatro continentes, e incide sobre o período compreendido entre janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 2013. A evidência aponta para uma tendência de declínio do Efeito Janeiro, assim como indicia que o Efeito Outubro está a desaparecer ou mesmo que não existe. Quanto ao Efeito Halloween, os resultados apontam para uma elevada significância económica, constituindo uma oportunidade passível de ser explorada. Como explicações para os resultados decorrentes da análise dos Efeitos Janeiro e Outubro, sugere-se um maior conhecimento sobre as anomalias em causa resultante dos avanços na área tecnológica, que motiva a reposição da eficiência de mercado. Por sua vez, sugere-se que a possível explicação para o Efeito Halloween esteja relacionada com as rendibilidades médias negativas durante o período maio a outubro.ABSTRACT: The Efficiency Market Hypothesis has been contradicted by several academic studies alluding to the existence of certain calendar anomalies, which includes The Month-of-the-Year Effect, composed by the The January Effect, the Halloween Effect and the October Effect. The study of The Month-of-the-Year Effect is developed in four continents, and focuses the period from January 1990 to December 2013. The evidence points to a trend of declining the January effect, and suggests that the October effect is disappearing or does not exist. As for the Halloween effect, the results indicate a high economic significance, constituting a possible opportunity to be exploited. As possible explanations for the results from January and October Effects, it is suggested that a high level of knowledge of these calendar anomalies, gained by technology advances, is responsible for the restablishment of market efficiency. On the other hand, it is suggested that a possible explanation for the Halloween Effect may be related to the negative average returns during the May-October period

    Mobilidade pedonal e pessoas idosas

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    Mestrado em GerontologiaEnquadramento: O envelhecimento populacional acarreta consequências na sociedade em geral, exigindo a formulação de políticas públicas capazes de minimizar esses efeitos e contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas. A mobilidade pedonal é uma das atividades mais praticadas pelos idosos, como simples forma de deslocação, enquanto prática desportiva ou como atividade lúdica. Neste contexto, o ambiente construído e a (in)existência de atividades dirigidas aos idosos podem constituir fatores alavancadores ou limitadores dessa mobilidade. Atuar sobre esses fatores contribui significativamente para a saúde, bem-estar e qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas. Embora seja uma temática que tem merecido crescente atenção, ao nível académico e na arena política, há poucos estudos que analisam a relação mobilidade pedonal/ambiente construído/atividades indutoras de mobilidade pedonal na vertente das políticas públicas. A ausência destes estudos no caso português é ainda mais visível, justificando o aprofundamento desta questão num contexto específico. Objetivos: Este estudo tem como objetivo geral perceber que políticas públicas locais podem ser formuladas no sentido de promover uma maior mobilidade pedonal por parte das pessoas idosas. Pretende-se também compreender de que forma é que o ambiente construído e as atividades ocupacionais dirigidas às pessoas idosas constituem fatores alavancadores ou inibidores da mobilidade pedonal. Desta forma, é necessária a compreensão da relação existente entre os fatores que caracterizam a mobilidade pedonal, o ambiente construído e as atividades indutoras de mobilidade do ponto de vista das políticas públicas, num contexto territorial específico: concelho de Viseu. Metodologia: A componente empírica da investigação está direcionada num desenho de estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, a desenvolver-se no contexto do concelho de Viseu. Com base em análise documental e na realização de entrevistas conduzidas presencialmente a um conjunto de atores-chave da administração local e organizações não-governamentais, a recolha e o tratamento de informação incidiram sobre dois domínios complementares: relação ambiente construído/mobilidade pedonal e relação atividades de apoio a idosos/mobilidade pedonal. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos para o caso do concelho de Viseu mostram que, embora sejam desenvolvidas intervenções no âmbito do ambiente construído e no desenvolvimento de atividades para as pessoas idosas, persiste uma visão e intervenção fragmentadas. Acresce que as próprias dimensões integrantes do ambiente construído não são levadas em consideração de uma forma global, mas antes parcelar, resolvendo-se situações pontuais conforme as prioridades e os recursos percecionados pelos atores locais. Já no que respeita às atividades, o município de Viseu tem apostado na vertente física dos indivíduos, apresentando resultados significativos no que respeita à saúde e bem-estar das pessoas idosas. Conclusão: Os principais resultados sugerem que há ainda uma necessidade de se trabalhar esta temática no município de Viseu, procurando criar políticas de articulação entre as dimensões do ambiente construído e das atividades para as pessoas idosas, uma vez que só a articulação entre estes fatores pode conduzir à definição de políticas de sucesso para a promoção da mobilidade pedonal das pessoas idosas.Background: Population aging has consequences in society at large, requiring the formulation of public policies to minimize these effects and contribute to improving the quality of life of elderly people. The pedestrian mobility is one of the activities most practiced by the elderly, as a simple way of moving as sport or as a recreational activity. In this context, the built environment and the (in) existence of activities for the elderly may be leveraging factors or restraining of this mobility. Acting on these factors contributes significantly to the health, well-being and quality of life of elderly people. Although it is a topic that has received increasing attention at the academic level and in the political stage, there are few studies that analyze the relationship pedestrian mobility / built environment / inducer activity pedestrian mobility for purposes of public policy. The absence of such studies in the Portuguese case is even more visible, justifying the further development of this issue in a specific context. Objectives: This study has the general objective to realize that local public policies can be formulated to promote increased pedestrian mobility from older people. It is also intended to understand how is that the built environment and occupational activities for the elderly are leveraging factors or pedestrian mobility inhibitors. In this way, understanding the relationship between the factors that characterize the pedestrian mobility is required, the built environment and carry mobility activities from the point of view of public policies in a specific local context: Viseu county. Methods: The empirical component of the research is directed in an exploratory study design with a qualitative approach, to be developed in the context of Viseu municipality. Based on document analysis and interviews conducted in person to a number of key actors local administration and non-governmental organizations, the collection and processing of information focused on two complementary areas: relationship built environment / pedestrian mobility and relationship activities supporting elderly / pedestrian mobility. Results: The results obtained in the case of Viseu municipality show that while interventions are carried out under the built environment and development activities for the elderly, there remains a fragmented vision and intervention. Moreover, the very environmentally members built dimensions are not taken into account in a global way, but rather piecemeal, by solving specific situations as priorities and perceived resources by local actors. However, with respect to the activities, the city of Viseu has focused on the physical aspect of individuals, with significant results as regards the health and well-being of elderly people. Conclusion: The main results suggest that there is still a need to work this theme in the city of Viseu, trying to create articulation policies between the environmental dimensions built and activities for the elderly, since only the relationship between these factors can lead to definition of successful policies to promote pedestrian mobility of elderly people

    Study of SUMO-2-interacting motifs in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus

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    Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is one of the seven viruses able to cause cancer in humans. It displays a biphasic life cycle, in which the latent phase is regulated by the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA or kLANA), where the viral episome is maintained with limited gene expression inside the nucleus of the host B cell. During the lytic phase, viral gene products are systematically synthetized due to a time-controlled mechanism, which is activated by RTA (replication and transcription activator). SUMOylation is a reversible post-transcriptional modification involving SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) proteins. A previous study in B lymphoma cells showed that kLANA contains a SUMO-interacting motif (LANASIM) that facilitates its own SUMOylation at lysine 1140. This motif also interacts with SUMO-2 modified transcription repressor KAP1, forming a transcriptional inhibitory complex along with Sin3A at the Rta gene promoter. LANASIM mutants led to loss of viral episome maintenance and lytic gene silencing. In this study, the aim was to assess the importance of LANASIM using an in vivo animal infection model. Considering the functional homology between murine herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) mLANA and KSHV kLANA, LANASIM loss of function mutations were introduced into two MHV-68 chimeras. One where the mLANA coding sequence was replaced with the one from kLANA (v-kLANA SIM) and another where additionally the kLANA DNA binding domain was replaced with the one from mLANA (v-KM SIM)

    How smartphone advertising influences consumers’ purchase intention

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    In the last decade, the use of smartphones has grown steadily. The way consumers interact with brands has changed owing to the accessibility of an internet connection on smartphones, and ubiquitous mobility. It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate consumers to interact with smartphone advertisements and therefore what stimulates their decision to purchase. To achieve this goal, we proposed a conceptual model that combines Ducoffe’s web advertising model and flow experience theory. Based on the data collected from 303 respondents, from a European country, we empirically tested the conceptual model using a partial least squares (PLS) estimation. The results showed that advertising value, flow experience, web design quality, and brand awareness explain purchase intention. The study provides results that allow marketers and advertisers to understand how smartphone advertisements contribute to consumer purchase intention