5,865 research outputs found

    An evaluation of a three-modal hand-based database to forensic-based gender recognition

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    In recent years, behavioural soft-biometrics have been widely used to improve biometric systems performance. Information like gender, age and ethnicity can be obtained from more than one behavioural modality. In this paper, we propose a multimodal hand-based behavioural database for gender recognition. Thus, our goal in this paper is to evaluate the performance of the multimodal database. For this, the experiment was realised with 76 users and was collected keyboard dynamics, touchscreen dynamics and handwritten signature data. Our approach consists of compare two-modal and one-modal modalities of the biometric data with the multimodal database. Traditional and new classifiers were used and the statistical Kruskal-Wallis to analyse the accuracy of the databases. The results showed that the multimodal database outperforms the other databases

    Transporte sedimentar de misturas arenosas em ambientes costeiros

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    Sediment dynamics is a complex subject, playing an important role in coastal areas. The interaction between the wave action and sediment particles is determinant to understand sediment transport. The knowledge of sediment transport in sand mixtures is relevant as the coastal zone usually presents large heterogeneities of sediment particles sizes in the horizontal and vertical directions, which denote the existence of selective transport process. The goal of the present study was to understand selective sand transport mechanisms associated with wave-dominated conditions. To achieve the proposed objective, the work was supported by several approaches to give insights into the processes associated with heterometric sediment transport. The first approach consisted in a review of the literature to understand what is known and the lack of knowledge in the subject. The second approach consisted in performing a set of experiments with fluorescent sand tracers in natural conditions, at the field, and in a controlled environment, at the laboratory. The experiment conducted at Patos beach, Spain, aimed to observe the behavior of the native sand in the natural environment. The one performed at a large wave flume (Großer Wellenkanal, GWK) in Hannover, considered distinct sediment mixtures under two wave conditions. In both, measurements of the total and fractional transport were made. Finally, a quasi-steady and a semi-unsteady model were considered to calculate the net sediment transport of a large data set, for uniform and graded sand, allowing to identify limitations of the models and to propose new methodologies to obtain more adequate results. The experimental results obtained in the field allowed to observe the tracer transport towards the beach, in the wave direction, and to characterize the transport of the different fractions of the tracer in terms of the hydrodynamic processes. The laboratory experiment allowed to verify the occurrence of interaction between the sand fractions, with the finer (coarser) sediment decreasing (increasing) their transport, as the percentage of coarse sand in the bed mixture increases. The validation of the models was conducted and their performance was improved with the introduction of parameters related to surface wave streaming effects and bedforms.A dinâmica sedimentar é um tema complexo, desempenhando um papel importante nas zonas costeiras. A interação entre a ação das ondas e as partículas de sedimento é determinante para compreender o transporte sedimentar. O conhecimento do transporte de sedimentos heterométricos é relevante uma vez que a zona costeira apresenta geralmente grandes heterogeneidades na dimensão das partículas sedimentares nas direções horizontal e vertical, o que denota a existência de processos seletivos de transporte. O presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender os mecanismos de transporte seletivo de areia associados a condições hidrodinâmicas dominadas pelas ondas e considerou diferentes abordagens para evidenciar os processos que intervêm no transporte de sedimentos heterométricos. A primeira abordagem consistiu numa revisão da literatura para compreender o conhecimento atual e as lacunas existentes. A segunda abordagem consistiu na realização de um conjunto de experiências com traçadores de areia fluorescente em condições naturais, no campo, e em ambiente controlado, no laboratório. A experiência realizada na praia de Patos, Espanha, visou observar o comportamento da areia nativa em ambiente natural. A experiência realizada no grande canal de ondas (Großer Wellenkanal, GWK) em Hannover, considerou misturas de sedimentos com granulometrias distintas sob duas condições de ondas. Em ambas as experiências, foram feitas medições do transporte total e fracionado. Finalmente, um modelo quase-estacionário e um modelo semi-não estacionário foram considerados para calcular as taxas de transporte sedimentar de um grande conjunto de dados experimentais, para areia uniforme e heterométrica, permitindo identificar limitações dos modelos e propor novas metodologias para obter resultados mais adequados. Os resultados experimentais obtidos no campo permitiram observar o transporte do traçador em direcção à praia, na direcção das ondas, e caracterizar o transporte das diferentes frações do traçador em termos dos processos hidrodinâmicos. A experiência laboratorial permitiu verificar a ocorrência de processos de interação no transporte das diferentes frações de areia, com a fração mais fina do sedimento (mais grosseira) a diminuir (aumentar) o seu transporte, à medida que a percentagem de areia grosseira na mistura do leito de fundo aumenta. A validação dos modelos foi realizada e o seu desempenho foi melhorado com a introdução de parâmetros relacionados com os efeitos de streaming e formas de fundo.Programa Doutoral em Ciência, Tecnologia e Gestão do Ma

    Atenuação do comprometimento cognitivo pelo antibiótico não-bacteriolítico daptomicina em ratos wistar submetidos à meningite pneumocócica

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no curso de Farmácia da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with neurologic sequels, such as, seizures, sensory-motor deficits, hearing loss, learning and memory impairment, which can occur in approximately 30 to 52% of surviving patients. Neuronal damage can be caused by intense inflammatory reaction and direct effects of the bacteria virulence factors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the nonbacteriolytic antibiotic daptomycin versus ceftriaxone on behavioral parameters in adult Wistar rats submitted to pneumococcal meningitis. Methods: The animals underwent a magna cistern tap receiving either 10 μl sterile saline as a placebo or an equivalent volume of a S. pneumoniae suspension at the concentration of 5x109 cfu/mL and they were randomized into different groups: sham (placebo); meningitis with ceftriaxone treatment (100 mg/kg during 7 days) and meningitis with daptomicyn treatment (50 mg/kg, during 7 days). Ten days after meningitis induction the animals were submitted to four behavioral tasks: habituation to an open field, step-down inhibitory avoidance, continuous multiple-trials step-down inhibitory avoidance task and object recognition. Results: Ten days after induction we verified that the meningitis group with daptomycin treatment showed retention of aversive memory; it presented memory of the object recognition at short term and long term. In continuous multiple-trials stepdown inhibitory avoidance task the meningitis group with ceftriaxone treatment required approximately two times more stimulus to reach the acquisition criterion when compared with meningitis group with daptomycin treatment. However, in habituation memory there were no differences in the number of crossings and rearings in training and task sessions demonstrating habituation impairment to the environment task in both meningitis groups. Conclusions: The evidence of the present study shows the potential alternative of the treatment with daptomycin in preventing learning and memory impairments caused by pneumococcal meningitis. Further investigations are necessary to provide support for evaluation of daptomycin as an alternative treatment of bacterial meningitis

    The Reconstruction of History from Margin to Center in Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing and Eliana Alves Cruz’s Água de Barrela

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    Although immigrant literature scholarship emphasizes generational conflicts, little has been done to intersect questions of race, gender, and migration, which is pivotal to expanding our comprehension of postcolonial studies. Whereas some taboo topics, such as the Africans’ involvement in the slave trade and the myth of racial democracy in Brazil, have been seldom investigated in postcolonial and diaspora studies, novels such as Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing and Eliana Alves Cruz’s Agua de Barrela reshape obfuscated and silenced parts of history. These novels depict generational traumas that pass on family members while simultaneously showing how resistance has always been part of black people’s daily lives, primarily through storytelling. This article argues that through the act of remembering, uncovering, (re)claiming, and sharing these stories, characters can strengthen bonds with each other and create the basis for historical revision.Embora estudos em literatura imigrante enfatizem os conflitos geracionais, pouco tem sido feito para intersectar questões de raça, gênero e migração, fator essencial para expandir a nossa compreensão dos estudos pós-coloniais. Enquanto alguns temas tabu, como o envolvimento de pessoas africanas no tráfico de escravos e o mito da democracia racial no Brasil, têm sido raramente investigados em estudos pós-coloniais e de diáspora, romances como O Caminho de Casa de Yaa Gyasi e o Agua de Barrela de Eliana Alves Cruz reformulam partes ofuscadas e silenciadas da história. Estes romances retratam traumas geracionais transmitidos por membros da família ao mesmo tempo que mostram como a resistência sempre fez parte da vida quotidiana da população negra, principalmente através da narração de histórias. Este artigo argumenta que através do ato de recordar, desvendar, (re)reivindicar e partilhar estas histórias, os personagens podem fortalecer os laços uns com os outros e criar a base para uma revisão histórica

    Could the baby bonus be a bonus for babies?

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    Closing the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians needs to start in the womb. • Rates of perinatal mortality, preterm birth and low birth weight are two to three times greater among the babies of Indigenous women than among those of non-Indigenous women; low birth weight predisposes infants to greater risks of chronic illness in later life. • Indigenous women in Australia tend to present for antenatal care later in pregnancy than do non-Indigenous women. • There are many barriers for Indigenous women seeking to access antenatal care — geographical, social, cultural, financial and in some cases a lack of service provision. Many of these problems are being addressed within the public health system and by Indigenous community-controlled health services. However, more needs to be done. • While antenatal care cannot solve all medical and social problems, commencing such care as early as possible in pregnancy has the potential to improve maternal health and hence pregnancy outcomes. • Changes in the way the government Baby Bonus is paid to new mothers could act as an incentive not only to service providers but also to women themselves to initiate antenatal care in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such a system has been well established for many years in France. • Any changes to the Baby Bonus scheme should provide incentives and not be punitive in nature

    Diagnóstico da reabsorção radicular externa em segundos molares associada a terceiros molares impactados por meio de radiografias panorâmicas e dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico

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    Orientador: Francisco Haiter NetoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O presente estudo propôs-se a comparar um método radiográfico bidimensional, a radiografia panorâmica, com uma modalidade de imagem tridimensional, a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), no diagnóstico da reabsorção radicular externa (RRE) nos segundos molares relacionada à impactação dos terceiros molares. Buscou-se também relacionar a inclinação do terceiro molar, de acordo com a classificação proposta por Winter, com a presença da RRE no segundo molar. Primeiramente, a amostra foi composta por 188 terceiros molares impactados (66 indivíduos) observados na radiografia panorâmica (Orthopantomograph OP100 D) e nas imagens de TCFC obtidas no equipamento i-CAT Classic. Dois cirurgiões-dentistas, especialistas em Radiologia Odontológica, registraram a presença da RRE no segundo molar e a inclinação do terceiro molar impactado. Os dados foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística por meio dos testes de qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, teste Z para duas proporções e regressão logística simples (nível de significância de 5%). Um número significativamente maior de casos de RRE foi diagnosticado na TCFC (n=43) quando comparada à radiografia panorâmica (n=10) (P=0,0001). Além disso, a concordância entre os métodos para o diagnóstico da RRE foi de apenas 4,3% (n=8). Terceiros molares inferiores e nas posições mesioangular e horizontal foram mais relacionados à presença da RRE nos segundos molares. Por esse motivo, 174 terceiros molares inferiores nessas duas inclinações foram avaliados em uma segunda amostra formada por 116 imagens de TCFC obtidas em dois diferentes equipamentos: i-CAT Classic e Picasso Trio. Além da presença da RRE, informações acerca da idade, sexo dos indivíduos e profundidade de terceiros molares (análise subjetiva e classificação de Pell & Gregory) foram registradas pelos dois avaliadores. Os dados numéricos foram submetidos aos testes ANOVA e Mann-Whitney, e os dados categóricos, aos testes do qui-quadrado para análises de contingência e qui-quadrado de aderência. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes na detecção da RRE nos dois equipamentos e entre as inclinações mesioangular e horizontal (p>0,05). A prevalência da condição na amostra total de dentes foi de 49,43%. Os terceiros molares pertencentes a pacientes de maior idade e posicionados mais superiormente (classes A e B de Pell & Gregory) estiveram mais associados à presença da RRE nos dentes adjacentes. Concluiu-se que a TCFC deve ser indicada quando for observado um contato direto entre o segundo e o terceiro molar inferiores na radiografia panorâmica, principalmente nos casos de impactações mesioangulares e horizontais, em classes A e B de Pell & Gregory e de pacientes com idade superior a 24 anos.Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare a two-dimensional method - panoramic radiography - and a three-dimensional modality - cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) - on the assessment of external root resorption (ERR) of second molars associated with impacted third molars. In addition, we aimed to relate the third molar inclination (Winter's classification) with the detection of ERR on the second molar. First, the sample was consisted of 188 impacted third molars (66 individuals). Panoramic radiography (Orthopantomograph OP100 D) and CBCT imaging (i-CAT Classic) were obtained of all patients. Two oral radiologists investigated the presence of ERR on the adjacent second molar and the inclination of the third molar. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square test, Fisher exact test, two-proportion Z test and simple logistic regression (significance level was set at 5%). A significantly higher number of ERR was diagnosed on CBCT images (n=43) than on panoramic radiographs (n=10) (P=0.0001). The agreement between panoramic radiographs and CBCT for diagnosing ERR was 4.3% (n=8). The mandibular third molars on mesioangular and horizontal inclinations were more related to ERR lesions on the second molars. Therefore, 174 mandibular third molars on these two inclinations were evaluated in a second sample comprising of 116 CBCT images acquired in two units: i-CAT Classic e Picasso Trio. Age and sex of individuals and depth of third molars (subjective analysis and Pell and Gregory classification) were also recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and Mann-Whitney tests (numerical data) and chi-square test (qualitative data). There were no statistically significant differences in the detection of ERR in images from both devices (p>0.05). Therefore, subsequent analyzes were performed on the total sample. The prevalence of ERR on this sample was 49.43%. There was no difference between mesioangular and horizontal inclination in the detection of ERR. Third molars of older patients (over 24 y-o) and in Pell and Gregory Class A and Class B were more associated with the presence of ERR. The results showed that CBCT should be indicated when a direct contact between the mandibular second and third molars is observed on panoramic radiography, especially in patients aged over 24 presenting with mesioangular or horizontal impactions, and Class A or Class B of Pell & Gregory.DoutoradoRadiologia OdontologicaDoutora em Radiologia Odontológic

    Genome-Wide Association to Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference: The Framingham Heart Study 100K Project

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is related to multiple cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors as well as CVD and has a strong familial component. We tested for association between SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip and measures of adiposity in the Framingham Heart Study. METHODS: A total of 1341 Framingham Heart Study participants in 310 families genotyped with the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip had adiposity traits measured over 30 years of follow up. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), weight change, height, and radiographic measures of adiposity (subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue, waist circumference, sagittal height) were measured at multiple examination cycles. Multivariable-adjusted residuals, adjusting for age, age-squared, sex, smoking, and menopausal status, were evaluated in association with the genotype data using additive Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Family Based Association Test (FBAT) models. We prioritized mean BMI over offspring examinations (1–7) and cohort examinations (10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26) and mean WC over offspring examinations (4–7) for presentation. We evaluated associations with 70,987 SNPs on autosomes with minor allele frequencies of at least 0.10, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p ≥ 0.001, and call rates of at least 80%. RESULTS: The top SNPs to be associated with mean BMI and mean WC by GEE were rs110683 (p-value 1.22*10-7) and rs4471028 (p-values 1.96*10-7). Please see for the complete set of results. We were able to validate SNPs in known genes that have been related to BMI or other adiposity traits, including the ESR1 Xba1 SNP, PPARG, and ADIPOQ. CONCLUSION: Adiposity traits are associated with SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip. Replication of these initial findings is necessary. These data will serve as a resource for replication as more genes become identified with BMI and WC.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study (N01-HC-25195); Atwood (R01 DK066241); National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources Shared Instrumentation grant (1S10RR163736-01A1

    Da internacionalização pela mobilidade à internacionalização em casa – a utilização da experiência estudantil em sala de aula

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.A Internacionalização da Educação Superior tornou-se tema recorrente dentro do campo de estudos da Educação nas últimas décadas (Morosini, 2018). Após a implementação de programas Federais, como Ciências sem Fronteiras, Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior e CAPES-Print, iniciaram as reflexões e análises sobre o impacto e retorno da internacionalização pela mobilidade para as instituições de Educação Superior brasileiras. Segundo o Geocapes (2018), no ano de 2016, o Brasil enviou para o exterior 40.891 estudantes e recebeu apenas 19.855. Com o fim de políticas como Ciências sem Fronteiras (CsF) e reduções de recursos para mobilidade, é necessário ampliar as perspectivas de internacionalização buscando alternativas que alcancem um número maior de alunos e tragam benefícios para a sociedade como um todo. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar de que forma os estudantes brasileiros, que realizaram mobilidade, contribuem no contexto local com as experiências adquiridas nas instituições estrangeiras.Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL

    Series and the culture of convergence: an analysis of the transmissive consumption of the house of cards series

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    Esse artigo tem como objetivo principal compreender como estão sendo consumidos os seriados, em especial a série House of Cards, levando em consideração as novas possibilidades trazidas pela convergência digital e o consumo dos espectadores. A hipótese aqui levantada é de que os seriados estão se alterando com as novas tecnologias para ter uma maior interação e relação com o seu público. A metodologia é baseada nas reflexões teóricas de Jenkins (2008), como Cultura da Convergência, Transmídia e Cultura Participativa. Também são trazidas questões ligadas à identidade no contexto digital, com análise dos conceitos de Santaella (2002) e Silva (2014). Desta maneira, as considerações finais apontam a estratégia de narrativa transmídia das séries, em especial da série House of Cards, que conecta o público e gera uma proximidade com a série, tornando o mundo fictício mais próximo e mais palpável.This article has the main objective to comprehend how series are being consumed, especially House of Cards, considering the new possibilities brought by digital convergence and the spectators’ consumption. The hypothesis raised in here is the changes series are being submitted to due to new technologies in order to have more interaction with its audience. The methodology is based on the theoretical reflections of Jenkins (2008), as the Convergence Culture, Transmedia and Participatory Culture. There are also questions related to identity in the digital context, with analysis of the concepts from Santaella (2002) and Silva (2014). Thus, the final consideration show the strategy of transmedia narrative of series, mainly of House of Cards, that connects its audience and creates a closer bond with the series, making the fictional world closer and more palpable

    How important is patient brand loyalty in the uptake of generic drugs?

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    Many western countries have developed policies to promote the substitution of branded ‘originator’ drugs with generic drugs, with the aim of containing pharmaceutical costs. However, success has been patchy and in some countries the phenomenon of the ‘generics paradox’ has been observed, where manufacturers are able to increase the prices of branded drugs after the market has been opened to generics. Using data from Spain, our study explored the extent to which the brand loyalty of patients – as opposed to their doctors or health insurers – plays a part in keeping the market penetration of generic drugs at a low level. Its findings suggest that the uptake of generics could be increased through targeted education and information on the identical properties of generics and the branded drugs they are intended to replace