2,288 research outputs found

    Topology and Dynamics in Complex Networks: The Role of Edge Reciprocity

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    A key issue in complex systems regards the relationship between topology and dynamics. In this work, we use a recently introduced network property known as steering coefficient as a means to approach this issue with respect to different directed complex network systems under varying dynamics. Theoretical and real-world networks are considered, and the influences of reciprocity and average degree on the steering coefficient are quantified. A number of interesting results are reported that can assist the design of complex systems exhibiting larger or smaller relationships between topology and dynamics

    Comunicação em Ambientes Online de Aprendizagem: a perceção de estudantes de cursos de pós-graduação

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    Os ambientes online e as comunidades de aprendizagem, parecem estar a modificar as estruturas institucionalizadas de criação e disseminação de conhecimento, surgindo como um complemento às formas pré-existentes de aprendizagem organizacional. Nestes ambientes e comunidades, a base do processo de construção do conhecimento assenta na interação social. Tomando como referência a nossa experiência de docência, numa instituição portuguesa de ensino superior público a distância, a Universidade Aberta, desenvolvemos um estudo exploratório, através de uma metodologia essencialmente qualitativa, com estudantes de três cursos de estudos pós-graduados com o objetivo de perceber se a organização do design do ambiente de aprendizagem e o modelo pedagógico utilizado produziram experiências educacionais relevantes, sobretudo em aspetos relacionados com as dinâmicas comunicacionais que foram emergindo no seu seio. Concluímos que as dimensões inerentes ao modelo adotado, designadamente as dimensões social e de ensino interagiram entre si e influenciaram-se mutuamente promovendo experiências educacionais relevantes

    Mechanistic insights into the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO on Ni(salphen) complexes

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    LA/P/0056/2020. The NMR spectrometers are part of the National NMR Network (PTNMR) and are partially supported by Infrastructure Project No 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI and PORL and FCT through PIDDAC). FCT is acknowledged for PTDCQUI-QIN0252_2021 (PNM). The CARISMA COST action CM1205 is acknowledged. MJC thanks N. A. G. Bandeira for technical assistance. The CATSUS doctoral programme is also acknowledged. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Cyclic voltammetry and bulk electrolysis showed that [Ni(ii)(salphen)] [1], [Ni(ii)(tBu-salphen)] [2], and a binuclear Ni(ii) compound combining salphen and tBu-salphen [3] react with CO2 to yield a metal-carbonyl species that is stable under an oxygen free atmosphere. Upon exposure to air, a stoichiometric amount of CO is released (detected by gas chromatography) and protonation regenerates the initial complex. To shed light on the mechanism of CO2 reduction and O2-dependent CO release by [1], UV-vis, EPR and SEC-IR spectroscopy studies complemented with DFT calculations were performed. It is proposed that the mono reduced [Ni(i)(salphen)]−, 2[1]−, formed a CO2 complex, 2[1(CO2)]−, which was then further reduced to 3[1(CO2)]2−. After addition of two protons, the coordinated CO2 was reduced to CO and released, regenerating 1[1]. Alternatively, 2[1(CO2)]− is protonated and then reduced to the same intermediate as before, continuing the same way. In the second cycle, the CO released competed with CO2 and coordinated to 2[1]− much more strongly, thereby deactivating the system. The new 2[1(CO)]− was reduced to 3[1(CO)]2− which was identified by comparison of experimental spectroscopic (UV-vis, EPR, SEC-IR) data with DFT calculated parameters.publishersversionpublishe

    Comunicação em ambientes online de aprendizagem : a percepção de estuantes de cursos de pós-graduação

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    Os ambientes online e as comunidades de aprendizagem, parecem estar a modificar as estruturas institucionalizadas de criação e disseminação de conhecimento, surgindo como um complemento às formas pré-existentes de aprendizagem organizacional. Nestes ambientes e comunidades, a base do processo de construção do conhecimento assenta na interação social. Tomando como referência a nossa experiência de docência, numa instituição portuguesa de ensino superior público a distância, a Universidade Aberta, desenvolvemos um estudo exploratório, através de uma metodologia essencialmente qualitativa, com estudantes de três cursos de estudos pós-graduados com o objetivo de perceber se a organização do design do ambiente de aprendizagem e o modelo pedagógico utilizado produziram experiências educacionais relevantes, sobretudo em aspetos relacionados com as dinâmicas comunicacionais que foram emergindo no seu seio. Concluímos que as dimensões inerentes ao modelo adotado, designadamente as dimensões social e de ensino interagiram entre si e influenciaram-se mutuamente promovendo experiências educacionais relevantes.The online environments and the learning communities are changing the institutionalized structures of creation and dissemination of knowledge, emerging as a complement to pre-existing forms of organizational learning. In these environments and communities, the process of knowledge construction is based on the social interaction.. Referring to our teaching experience in an institution of portuguese public higher education distance learning -Open University-, we developed an exploratory study, through a methodology essentially qualitative, with students from three courses of postgraduate studies with the purpose of understand if the design of the learning environment and the pedagogical model used have produced relevant educational experiences, particularly in aspects related with the creation of communicational dynamics. We conclude that the dimensions associated to the adopted model, particularly the social and teaching dimensions interacted and influenced each other, promoting relevant educational experiences

    Association of radio polar cap brightening with bright patches and coronal holes

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    Radio-bright regions near the solar poles are frequently observed in Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) maps at 17 GHz, and often in association with coronal holes. However, the origin of these polar brightening has not been established yet. We propose that small magnetic loops are the source of these bright patches, and present modeling results that reproduce the main observational characteristics of the polar brightening within coronal holes at 17 GHz. The simulations were carried out by calculating the radio emission of the small loops, with several temperature and density profiles, within a 2D coronal hole atmospheric model. If located at high latitudes, the size of the simulated bright patches are much smaller than the beam size and they present the instrument beam size when observed. The larger bright patches can be generated by a great number of small magnetic loops unresolved by the NoRH beam. Loop models that reproduce bright patches contain denser and hotter plasma near the upper chromosphere and lower corona. On the other hand, loops with increased plasma density and temperature only in the corona do not contribute to the emission at 17 GHz. This could explain the absence of a one-to-one association between the 17 GHz bright patches and those observed in extreme ultraviolet. Moreover, the emission arising from small magnetic loops located close to the limb may merge with the usual limb brightening profile, increasing its brightness temperature and width.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A pixel-based complexity model to estimate energy consumption in video decoders

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    The increasing use of HEVC video streams in diverse multimedia applications is driving the need for higher user control and management of energy consumption in battery-powered devices. This paper presents a contribution for the lack of adequate solutions by proposing a pixel-based complexity model that is capable of estimating the energy consumption of an arbitrary software-based HEVC decoder, running on different hardware platforms and devices. In the proposed model, the computational complexity is defined as a linear function of the number of pixels processed by the main decoding functions, using weighting coefficients which represent the average computational effort that each decoding function requires per pixel. The results shows that the cross-correlation of frame-based complexity estimation with energy consumption is greater than 0.86. The energy consumption of video decoding is estimated with the proposed model within an average deviation range of about 6.9%, for different test sequences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dinâmicas de Interação e Comunicação em E-learning: perceções de estudantes do Ensino Superior

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    As dinâmicas comunicacionais que emergem da cultura digital, no contexto do e-learning, têm-nos levado a refletir sobre a criação de novos cenários de ensino-aprendizagem. A nossa experiência docente, numa instituição de Ensino a Distância - Universidade Aberta - tem contribuído não só para essa reflexão, mas também para a perceção da necessidade de acionar uma dinâmica de ensino baseada na inves4 — | tigação que nos permita desenvolver uma prática pedagógica fundamentada. Assim, desenvolvemos um estudo exploratório, num curso de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida (ALV) designado de Educação Sexual em Meio Escolar: Saberes, Afetos e Valores, com o objetivo de conhecer as perspetivas e as perceções destes formandos relativamente ao ambiente virtual de aprendizagem e à eficácia do modelo pedagógico utilizado - Community of Inquiry - em aspetos relacionados com as diferentes dinâmicas de interação e de comunicação (entre professor/estudantes, estudantes/estudantes e entre estudantes/conteúdos ou recursos) criadas no seu seio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a presença das três dimensões de aprendizagem inerentes ao modelo (social, docente e cognitiva), que interagem entre si e se influenciam mutuamente, de forma colaborativa, através de um discurso crítico e reflexivo, foram fundamentais para a criação de experiências educativas relevantes