212 research outputs found

    Revisión de los elementos de ajuar conservados del sepulcro megalítico de Unón (Clavijo, La Rioja)

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    En este artículo se procede a la revisión de los materiales conservados del megalito desaparecido de Uñón (Clavijo, La Rioja), entre los que destacan varios recipientes campaniformes

    A nonlocal inhomogeneous dispersal process

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    AbstractThis article in devoted to the study of the nonlocal dispersal equationut(x,t)=∫RJ(x−yg(y))u(y,t)g(y)dy−u(x,t)in R×[0,∞), and its stationary counterpart. We prove global existence for the initial value problem, and under suitable hypothesis on g and J, we prove that positive bounded stationary solutions exist. We also analyze the asymptotic behavior of the finite mass solutions as t→∞, showing that they converge locally to zero

    Demonstration of a discharge pumped table-top soft-x-ray laser

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 2195).Includes errata.We report the first observation of large soft-x-ray amplification (gl = 7.2) in a discharge-created plasma. A fast, ~40 kA, current pulse from a compact discharge was used to excite plasma columns up to 12 cm in length in 4-mm channels, producing population inversion in the J = 0-1 line of Ne-like Ar and resulting in a gain of 0.6 cm-1 at 46.9 nm. The beam divergence was measured to be <9 mrad

    El depósito de armas de la azucarera (Alfaro, La Rioja)

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    En el presente artículo se trata el hallazgo de un depósito de armas: espadas, puñal, casco y umbos de escudo, principalmente, localizados durante la excavación realizada en el año 1969 en la Azucarera de Alfaro (La Rioja). El material es bastante significativo dentro del contexto peninsular. Parece tratarse de un depósito ritual de la guerra sertoriana, de ahí su importancia y el interés de su publicación

    Jejunal microvilli atrophy and reduced nutrient transport in rats with advanced liver cirrhosis: improvement by Insulin-like Growth Factor I

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    BACKGROUND: Previous results have shown that in rats with non-ascitic cirrhosis there is an altered transport of sugars and amino acids associated with elongated microvilli. These alterations returned to normal with the administration of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I). The aims of this study were to explore the evolution of these alterations and analyse the effect of IGF-I in rats with advanced cirrhosis and ascites. Thus, jejunal structure and nutrient transport (D-galactose, L-leucine, L-proline, L-glutamic acid and L-cystine) were studied in rats with ascitic cirrhosis. METHODS: Advanced cirrhosis was induced by CCl(4 )inhalation and Phenobarbital administration for 30 weeks. Cirrhotic animals were divided into two groups which received IGF-I or saline during two weeks. Control group was studied in parallel. Jejunal microvilli were studied by electron microscopy. Nutrient transport was assessed in brush border membrane vesicles using (14)C or (35)S-labelled subtracts in the three experimental groups. RESULTS: Intestinal active Na(+)-dependent transport was significantly reduced in untreated cirrhotic rats. Kinetic studies showed a decreased V(max )and a reduced affinity for sugar and four amino acids transporters (expressed as an increased K(t)) in the brush border membrane vesicles from untreated cirrhotic rats as compared with controls. Both parameters were normalised in the IGF-I-treated cirrhotic group. Electron microscopy showed elongation and fusion of microvilli with degenerative membrane lesions and/or notable atrophy. CONCLUSIONS: The initial microvilli elongation reported in non ascitic cirrhosis develops into atrophy in rats with advanced cirrhosis and nutrient transports (monosaccharides and amino acids) are progressively reduced. Both morphological and functional alterations improved significantly with low doses of IGF-I

    Tuberculosis in roe deer from Spain and Italy

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    TUBERCULOSIS (TB) is a chronic infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium (Grange and others 1990). The detection of wildlife reservoirs of disease is important, particularly in areas where there is a relatively low incidence of the disease in domestic animals. Tuberculosis cases in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) are reported only sporadically, despite the wide distribution and the abundance of this cervid. Roe deer with TB have been reported in Germany (Schmidt 1938), Switzerland (Bouvier 1963), France (Zanella and others 2008) and the UK (Gunning 1985, Delahay and others 2007). This short communication is the first report of TB in roe deer in Spain and Italy, and discusses the implications of these findings for wildlife and livestock disease control. The prevalence of mycobacterial infections, such as TB and paratuberculosis, seems to be increasing in Spain. Wildlife species may act as disease reservoirs, so this short communication also elucidates the epidemiology of mycobacterial infections in species such as roe deer

    How vulnerable is Cali's food system to climate shocks? A historical perspective

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    Two of the main effects on the supply system of a city in the agricultural sector due to climatic variations in the agricultural sector are related to the reduction of food supply and the impact on food prices. Knowing how much El Niño/La Niña climatic phenomena affect the agricultural sector that supplies food to a city, municipality or country will help to plan strategies to mitigate these impacts, the fragility of food systems and the protection of the most vulnerable. In this sense, the study is interested in knowing to what degree the supply system of the city of Cali is vulnerable to this type of phenomena, a city in which 1 out of every 2 inhabitants suffers from food insecurity, 1 out of every 2 people is poor and more than 50% of the population has nutritional deficiencies
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