37 research outputs found

    Basil Hallward como profeta victoriano

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    Recoge los trabajos presentados en el II Congreso sobre arte, literatura y cultura gótica urbana, celebrado en mayo 2013 en la Universidad Autónoma de MadridEl presente estudio versa sobre una de las obras más conocidas de la literatura universal: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), de Oscar Wilde. El objetivo fundamental es poner de relieve cómo algunos de los personajes que aparecen en la misma asumen roles que no eran los típicos de la Inglaterra victoriana, adentrándose en el campo de la profecía; para ello se analizarán algunos pasajes gracias a los cuales el lector puede intuir lo que va a suceder. El trágico desenlace de las distintas situaciones planteadas en la novela no hace sino acentuar el aura religiosa que rodea toda la composición

    La literatura gótica desde la Literatura Comparada

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    The Haunting of the Spanish Empire. (Proto-)Gothic Elements in Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios and Garcilaso de la Vega’s La Florida del Inca

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    This is the story of a double haunting. On one hand, Spanish explorers and conquerors (Conquistadores) were immersed into a totally new and unknown territory when they achieved the task of going further north of Mexico and, sometimes, what they found was terrifying; on the other hand, their own actions contributed to the creation of an appreciation of Europeans as quasi-demons. The two selected texts are good accounts of this double haunting. Both beginning in the Florida Peninsula and going deeper into the country, Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios [Shipwrecks] and Garcilaso’s La Florida del Inca, deal with supernatural events, magical practices, kidnapping and torture and, specially, the astonishment of the Spaniards when they had to confront and were haunted by the uncanny

    Flying South: Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Raven’ in Three Stories by Flannery O’Connor

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    The influence of Edgar Allan Poe in many later authors is beyond any doubt. Themes, characters, locations, scenes, etc., have been used by writers belonging to a wide range of varieties. Among them, Flannery O’Connor acknowledged how Poe had influenced her fiction, and these influences can be traced through some of her most iconic pieces. This essay focuses on how O’Connor retold some of the key elements of the poem “The Raven” and included them in three of her short stories

    A Quasi-Aesthetic Approach to the Gothic Elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    The Picture of Dorian Gray was composed during the year 1890, and the same year it was sent to the print. This first version written by Wilde was not published then, because it had to be reformed and adapted in order to avoid problems with the strict social rules which were ongoing during those years. After Wilde himself had censored the novel, it was submitted to the Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine,2 whose editor was also responsible for censoring the work (erasing or changing about 500 words) with the knowledge of the author. It finally appeared in June 1890. Even with the censorship the novel had already suffered, it was fiercely criticized by some of Oscar Wilde’s detractors. Anyway, it became an enormous success and from then on, it has been one of the most famous (also controversial) pieces in British literature, being the subject of myriads of studies of all kinds, from Philosophy to Aesthetics and from its demonic plot to the treatment of women and sexual connotations

    The lost edition of Wieland in Spain (CA. 1818)

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo rescatar del olvido una edición española de principios del siglo XIX de una de las obras fundacionales de la literatura estadounidense: Wieland, de Charles Brockden Brown. El hecho de que esta novela llegase al panorama cultural español a través de una traducción francesa previa ha hecho que haya pasado desapercibida hasta el día de hoy. Finalmente, la publicación de Vieland en una España en la que aún actuaba la Inquisición, hace que este trabajo sea especialmente relevante.The main objective of this article is to recover an early 19th century Spanish edition of one of the first important novels of the literature produced in the United States: Wieland, by Charles Brockden Brown. One of the reasons why Vieland has been obviated by most of the critics for two centuries is because it was translated from a previous French version. Finally, the publication of this novel in a cultural panorama still influenced by the Spanish Inquisition makes the relevance and importance of this article even higher

    Flying South: Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” in Three Stories by Flannery O’Connor

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    The influence of Edgar Allan Poe in many later authors is beyond any doubt. Themes, characters, locations, scenes, etc., have been used by writers belonging to a wide range of varieties. Among them, Flannery O’Connor acknowledged how Poe had influenced her fiction, and these influences can be traced through some of her most iconic pieces. This essay focuses on how O’Connor retold some of the key elements of the poem “The Raven” and included them in three of her short stories

    Las reseñas teológicas de Flannery O'Connor

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    Flannery O’Connor’s production is among the best-known within 20th century American literature. However, a good deal of this production has been undervalued by many critics, being her reviews a part of this group. The objective of this article is to offer an analysis of the reviews O’Connor produced dealing with theological works. Through this analysis, a more complete view of her literary production will be acquired, along with a better understanding of her spiritual life and her formation.La obra de Flannery O’Connor es una de las más conocidas de la literatura norteamericana del siglo XX. Sin embargo, buena parte de su producción ha pasado desapercibida para la mayor parte de la crítica. Sus reseñas se encuentran dentro de este grupo. El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer un análisis de aquellas reseñas que produjo O’Connor y que conciernen, explícitamente, a obras teológicas. A través de ese análisis, se obtendrá una comprensión más completa de la producción literaria de la autora, así como de sus inquietudes y formación

    Gothic literature from the perspective of comparative literature

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    [ES] La literatura gótica y la Literatura Comparada tienen unas robustas raíces comunes que se hunden en los orígenes mismos de la construcción de la identidad europeo-occidental. Por ende, la tradición gótica es un magnífico objeto de estudio para comparatistas de todos lugares y todas épocas, pues es un género que está presente en todos los estadios de la manifestación literaria