731 research outputs found
Reabsorções radiculares em ortodontia
As reabsorções radiculares apicais externas são um fenómeno conhecido e estudado onde comummente se atribui a causa aos tratamentos ortodônticos. Na verdade, resultam da soma de vários factores, a resposta biológica individual expressada pelo genótipo e fenótipo, os factores ambientais implícitos na mecânica ortodôntica, a intensidade das forças aplicadas e o movimento dentário.
O presente estudo baseia-se numa revisão bibliográfica deste fenómeno baseado em 23 estudos referentes aos últimos 10 anos.
O objectivo deste trabalho visa evidenciar a necessidade de diagnosticar as reabsorções radiculares apicais externas o mais precocemente possível, quais os métodos de diagnóstico mais sensíveis actualmente e como valorizar os achados radiográficos.
Os estudos revelam pesos diferentes para métodos de diagnóstico semelhantes, mas existem quase sempre viéses sistemáticos incluídos como os critérios de avaliação, os diferentes tratamentos ortodônticos ou a falta de randomização nos grupos em estudo. A experiência dos clínicos revela-se um factor importante no diagnóstico das reabsorções radiculares através da imagiologia.External apical root resorptions are a known and studied phenomenon where the cause is usually attributed to orthodontic treatments. In fact, they result from the sum of several factors, the individual biological response expressed by the genotype and phenotype, the environmental factors implicit in orthodontic mechanics, the intensity of the applied forces and the tooth movement.
The present study is based on a bibliographical review of this phenomenon based on 23 studies referring to the last 10 years.
The objective of this study is to highlight the need to diagnose external apical root resorptions as early as possible, which are the most sensitive diagnostic methods at present, and how to evaluate the radiographic findings.
The studies reveal different weights for similar diagnostic methods, but there are often systematic biases included as assessment criteria, different orthodontic treatments or lack of randomization in the study groups. The experience of clinicians is an important factor in the diagnosis of root resorption through imaging
Historical roots of psychopathology
Copyright © 2016 Telles-Correia and Sampaio. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Mental illness and mental symptoms depend on a construction that results from the decisions of certain social agents, which, in a specific social and historical context, according to an epistemological framework (how symptoms and disorders are constructed and detected) and an ontological framework (how they are defined, what they consist of), identify the behaviors which make up a symptom or a disorder (Berrios, 2011). Only after these theoretical hypotheses of mental symptom and disorder have been outlined are the data which empirically validate them searched and found. Therefore, the objects of psychiatry (mental symptom and disorder) being the result of a social conjecture and a philosophical perspective rooted in a specific time, they should also be studied with elements from social and human sciences (history, sociology, philosophy) (Telles-Correia, 2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Equity report on caterpillar Inc
This paper is presented in the form of an equity report, aiming to evaluate Caterpillar Inc. per share value, comparing its market value with its fair value. This manuscript presents investors with two valuation methodologies – Market Multiples and the Adjusted Present Value – that define a target price range for Caterpillar’s stocks. The first model compares Caterpillar accountings with its major competitors’ data and in the second model a 10-year forecast valuation was built. Based on the referred methods and supported on the analysis of the firm’s performance and future outlook a sell investment recommendation was made by the author
Production of secreted aspartyl proteinases by candida sp. clinical isolates : effects of fluconazole
Resumo da comunicação apresentada no congresso Candida and Candidiasis realizado em Março de 2004 em Austin, Texas EUA
Desenvolvimento de um catálogo CIPE® para o foco de enfermagem “autoestima”: Uma scoping review
INTRODUÇÃO: autoestima pode ser definida como a opinião que cada pessoa tem de si própria, a visão do seu mérito e capacidades; verbalização das crenças sobre si próprio; confiança em si; verbalização de autoaceitação e de autolimitação, desafiando as imagens negativas sobre si, aceitação do elogio e do encorajamento, bem como da crítica construtiva. Por influenciar a qualidade de vida esta merece uma abordagem estruturada, o que pode ser conseguido através da elaboração de um catálogo CIPE®
OBJETIVO: Contribuir para odesenvolvimento de um catálogo CIPE® para o foco de Enfermagem "Autoestima".
MÉTODOS: Scoping review, baseada na consulta de literatura cinzenta e na análise de artigos presentes na CINAHL e MEDLINE (2008-2018), relativa aos dados relevantes e intervenções de Enfermagem para o diagnóstico de "Baixa Autoestima". Foram excluídos os artigos indisponíveis em full text e que não se encontrassem em português, inglês ou espanhol. Obtiveram-se um total de 259 artigos, sendo que destes apenas nove foram considerados na análise integral.
RESULTADOS: A avaliação do comportamento, dos sentimentos de culpa, vergonha e impotência, e a monitorização da autoestima com recurso a escalas parecem essenciais para o diagnóstico/avaliação do foco “Autoestima”. As intervenções mais efetivas parecem passar por: planear/executar reestruturação cognitiva, planear/executar terapia pela reminiscência, de grupo e/ou aconselhamento; promover o exercício; assistir na modificação do comportamento e providenciar apoio emocional.
CONCLUSÕES: A criação de um catálogo CIPE® permite aos enfermeiros a uniformização do diagnóstico, das intervenções e das atividades de avaliação. Salientam-se, contudo, as dificuldades encontradas para converter alguns termos presentes na literatura em linguagem classificada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
ISO 9001 and organizational excellence models in small and medium sized enterprises: current state and comparative analysis
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to understand the current state of quality management practices in Small and Medium Enterprises. The main concepts of Quality Management and its practices in Small and Medium Enterprises were reviewed from the literature in order to understand the key practices in these organizations, and a data analysis on their use was performed. Design/methodology/approach - Analysis was performed by consulting and understanding the evolution of Organizational Excellence Models and Quality Management Systems. This research incorporates data since the beginning of the 90's from the last century and allows us to comprehend how these models and management systems have evolved and if there is any correlation between the adoption of each one of them- evaluation of interdependencies. Findings - The findings suggest that while the number of ISO 9001 certified companies has increased over the years, the number of organizations accessing Business Excellence frameworks have been decreasing. The available data suggests that Small and Medium Enterprises seem to follow these trends. It is particularly noticed that there is a considerable gap between Small and Medium Enterprises and Large Enterprises in the usage of Business Excellence frameworks. Originality/value - This article offers a global perspective of the current state in the use of ISO 9001 and Organizational Excellence Models by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME's).INCT-EN - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Excitotoxicidade e NeuroproteçãoThis work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project
Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019
Can affirming ultra suave as the most natural brand in the mass market make it the market leader in Portugal?
Ultra Suave is a hair care brand from the L’Oréal Group, that belongs to the natural segment of the Portuguese hair care market, and that represents 14.2% of the total market share. Ultra Suave is the number two brand in Portugal. Even so, it has been losing market share, mainly due to it not being sufficiently perceived as a natural brand. Ultra Suave is already taking actions that aim to emphasize its brand positioning of being perceived as a natural brand by consumers. As such, this Project addresses whether Ultra Suave can affirm itself as the most natural brand in the mass market in Portugal
Da harmonia do sorriso ao equilíbrio químico: proposta de situação de ensino e aprendizagem em química.
The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate a pedagogic moment based on teaching and learning situation (TLS) that could allow the interplay of concepts of chemical equilibrium and dental caries, as well as oral health education based on oral hygiene and the rationale use of fluoride. As secondary aims, it was surveyed the level of interest of high school students in Chemistry and also which topics were the most difficult for them to learn. Three TLS were planned just after it has been established the students´ profile: TLS-1 - sensitization carried out with pictures of famous people before fame (with dental problems) and after fame; TLS-2 – Experimentation and problematizing that was performed putting egg shell into vinegar to produce carbonic gas and allow discussion on chemical reactions. Part of the egg shell was exposed to fluoride to show its remineralizing effect in controlling dental caries; TLS-3 – Evaluation was carried out using a questionnaire. Ninety students from a high school of João Pessoa were enrolled. Most students showed low level of interest in studying Chemisty. They identified that Chemistry is more related to Biology and Physics than to Mathematics. Chemical equilibrium was regarded as a difficult topic to learn. After performing the TLS the students recognized that Chemistry can be important for their personal life. Finally, the TLS that were performed could present chemical concepts on chemical equilibrium linked to oral hygiene recommendations. The message of maintenance of oral health allowed the student to think and interpret chemical equilibrium and they could recognize that chemistry is present in their daily life.O objetivo desse trabalho foi de desenvolver e avaliar uma proposta pedagógica do tipo situação de ensino e aprendizagem (SEA) que permita a inter-relação de conceitos sobre “equilíbrio químico”, cárie dentária e orientação em saúde bucal com enfoque em escovação dentária e uso racional do flúor. Objetivou-se ainda mensurar o grau de interesse de estudantes do ensino médio no estudo de Química e identificar assuntos em Química que sejam considerados de difícil compreensão por parte dos alunos. Para tanto, três SEA foram programadas logo após o estabelecimento do perfil dos alunos: SEA-1 – Sensibilização, realizada com projeção de fotografias de pessoas famosas com problemas dentários antes da fama; SEA-2- Experimentação e Problematização – um experimento do ovo no vinagre foi montado a fim de permitir a reflexão sobre as reações químicas envolvidas na produção de gás carbônico durante a ação do ácido acético no carbonato de cálcio. Uma das partes da casca foi exposta ao flúor gel como indicativo de importante remineralizante para controle da cárie; SEA-3- Avaliação – um instrumento de avaliação de desempenho e da própria SEA foi aplicado. A amostra foi composta pelos alunos do terceiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola particular da cidade de João Pessoa. De um modo em geral, os alunos apresentaram baixo grau de interesse na Química. Esses alunos identificaram a Química como sendo uma ciência mais próxima da Biologia e da Física do que da Matemática. Equilíbrio químico foi um dos temas mais problemáticos de aprendizagem. O item de melhor evolução entre o antes e o depois do experimento foi o reconhecimento da Química como importante para a vida pessoal. Metade dos alunos não conseguiu expressar as reações químicas em termos de constante de equilíbrio. Finalmente as SEA desenvolvidas tiveram o mérito de ensinar conceitos de química associados com recomendações sobre a necessidade diária de medidas de autocuidado e manutenção da saúde bucal de uma maneira que permitiu ao aluno fazer interpretações e articular conhecimentos de química com o seu cotidiano
The use of Gamification in Knowledge Management Processes: A Systematic Literature Review
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present a systematic literature review that synthesizes the
investigations made into the use of Gamification in Knowledge Management processes in recent years, and a
conceptual model for analysis of the Gamification of Knowledge Management Systems.
Theories: Since the last decade the Gamification - defined by the application of game design principles in a non-game
context - as a management practice has become increasingly challenging for researchers. At the height of the
Knowledge Age, in which we live today, knowledge and the organizational capacity to create, disseminate and retain it is
one of the most important sources of competitive advantage for organizations. As employees’ knowledge is critical for
companies, it is essential to find effective mechanisms to encourage collaborators to share knowledge. In this field,
gamification is a dynamic to be considered as an enabler of successful knowledge management systems.
Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, analyzing the scientific articles obtained through
electronic databases, manual research and the cross-referencing of bibliographic references to identify and synthesize
studies on the use of gamification in Knowledge Management processes in the period from 2015 to 2018.
Results: This study demonstrates that the use of gamification in knowledge management processes has a positive
impact on employees’ motivation and involvement with these systems, while promoting the creation, transfer and sharing
of knowledge in the organization. A conceptual model for the gamification of knowledge management systems is
proposed, intended to be a valid contribution to the operationalization of future studies on the link between gamification
and knowledge management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Private equity challenge - Vidrala leverage buyout
The goal of this thesis is to assess Vidrala as a potential leveraged buyout target. Market and company overviews were performed to evaluate the company ́s positioning and financial performance, as well as future trends within the glass packaging industry, the respective end-markets and other packaging solutions. This analysis was used to select the most suitable investment strategies and quantify the resulting business plan in financial terms. Finally, a valuation using several methods was conducted from which a capital structured was designed and potential returns calculated. This part will cover in detail the company and market overviews
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