257 research outputs found

    Prevalence of tobacco in a working population of a Military Hospital, Mendoza, Argentina

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    La OMS promueve en forma prioritaria que el personal de salud deje de fumar, puesto que desempeña un rol importante en materia sanitaria. Existen evidencias de que la función de los profesionales de la salud es muy importante a la hora del cambio social con respecto al tabaquismo, genera un impacto sobre el cese del consumo en la comunidad que deben educar. Objetivo: Conocer el comportamiento del tabaquismo en el personal sanitario del hospital Militar Regional Mendoza. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el Hospital Militar Regional de Mendoza, durante el mes de julio de 2018 , que incluyo 82 profesionales del área sanitaria, entre ellos, médicos, enfermeros entre otros. En todos los casos se aplicó una encuesta estructurada, anónima. Resultados: La prevalencia de tabaquismo fue del 34%. Forman parte del grupo de fumadores médicos (41%) y enfermeros (41%). En su mayoría mujeres (75%) y entre 30 y 39 años de edad. El 78 % refirió Tos como síntoma asociado al tabaquismo y el 14% disnea. El 76 % de los tabaquistas tenían una actitud activa frente al cese del hábito tabáquico, siendo la fuerza de voluntad el método más utilizado para el cese. Se observó diferencia significativa entre los tabaquistas y no tabaquistas a la hora de aconsejar abandonar el hábito tabáquico (p: 0,0314) Discusión: Se observó que el comportamiento del tabaquismo en el personal de salud es elevado, sobre todo en médicos y enfermeros, quienes a pesar del conocimiento de los problemas asociados al consumo, no constituyéndose como educadores modelo y motivadores del cambio de hábitos tabáquicos.Introduction: The WHO promotes as a priority that health personnel stop smoking, since it plays an important role in health. There is evidence that the role of health professionals is very important at the time of social change with respect to smoking, generates an impact on the cessation of consumption in the community that should educate. Objective: To know the behavior of smoking in the health personnel of the Mendoza Regional Military Hospital. Material and Methods: a descriptive crosssectional study was conducted in the Regional Military Hospital of Mendoza, during the month of July 2018, which included 82 health professionals, among them, doctors, nurses, among others. In all cases, a structured, anonymous survey was applied. Results: The prevalence of smoking was 34%. They are part of the group of medical smokers (41%) and nurses (41%). Mostly women (75%) and between 30 and 39 years of age. 78% reported Cough as a symptom associated with smoking and 14% dyspnea. 76% of the smokers had an active attitude towards cessation of smoking, with willpower being the most used method for cessation. There was a significant difference between smokers and non-smokers when advising to quit smoking (p: 0.0314) Discussion: It was observed that the behavior of smoking in health personnel is high, especially in doctors and nurses, who despite the knowledge of the problems associated with the consumption, do not constitute themselves as model educators and motivators of the change of smoking habits.Fil: Loos, Andrea. Hospital Militar Regional MendozaFil: Coronado, Walter. Hospital Militar Regional MendozaFil: Giai, Marcos. Hospital Militar Regional Mendoz

    Herramientas de inteligencia comercial en el desarrollo comercial de dos de las principales empresas exportadoras agropecuarias en Piura – 2017

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    Esta investigación fue realizada con la finalidad de presentar las Herramientas de Inteligencia comercial que actualmente utilizan dos de las principales empresas exportadoras agropecuarias en Piura - 2017. Por tal, se optó por enfocar la investigación en dos variables; “Herramientas de Inteligencia Comercial” y “Desarrollo Comercial”. Para poder analizarlos se hizo uso de la entrevista, ya que la investigación cuenta con un enfoque cualitativo. En la técnica mencionada, se utilizó como instrumento la guía de pautas, dicha entrevista personal se aplicó a la persona que principalmente utiliza dichas herramientas dentro de cada empresa. En esta investigación se tiene que las empresas utilizan cuatro de diez herramientas propuestas, hallándose además otras de gran relevancia en cuanto a utilidad e influencia de toma de decisiones, pudiendo ser de utilidad para las demás empresas; siendo necesario además de ello, desarrollar herramientas o perfeccionar las existentes con información de mercados poco explorados, de los que se tiene poca información a causa del idioma y que sin embargo resultan ser muy atractivos para los distintos productos

    Competência intercultural e seus desafios : a importância de habilidades interculturais para o profissional de saúde mental

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    As competências interculturais consideradas como parte da quarta força da psicologia (psicologia multicultural) são as habilidades e conhecimentos que capacitam a pessoas ou grupos a interagir com outras culturas com efetividade. Devido ao crescente ritmo de migrações tanto no mundo como no Brasil é necessário capacitar a profissionais da área de saúde mental, em especial, psicólogos sobre a importância, necessidade e uso de competências interculturais no espaço terapêutico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revisar criticamente a literatura sobre competências interculturais para o profissional da área da saúde, mais especificamente aquelas recomendadas para a psicoterapia multicultural. Para isso, discutiu-se os fundamentos teóricos por trás das diferenças culturais, os desafios existentes na prática de psicologia que justificam a necessidade de uma abordagem terapêutica multicultural, assim como também um breve percurso pela história até a atualidade que formatou o desenvolvimento das teorias e das competências interculturais utilizadas na atualidade. Ainda sendo um área de estudo relativamente jovem, encontramos na teoria de Competências Multiculturais de Aconselhamento (MCC) e no modelo de estrutura de Orientação Multicultural (MCO). O caminho trilhado em direção a uma teoria robusta que fortaleça as práticas psicoterapêuticas parece ser independente da linha teórica da psicoterapia.The intercultural competences considered as part of the fourth force of psychology (multicultural psychology) are the skills and knowledge that enable people or groups to interact with other cultures with effectiveness. Due to the growing pace of migrations both in the world and in Brazil it is necessary to train mental health professionals, especially psychologists on the importance, necessity and use of intercultural competences in the therapeutic space. The objective of this study was to critically review the literature on intercultural competences for health professionals, specifically those recommended for multicultural psychotherapy. In order to do so, one discussed the theoretical foundations behind cultural differences, the challenges that exist in the practice of psychology that justify the need for a multicultural therapeutic approach, as well as a brief review of the history that has shaped the development of theories. Despite of being a relatively young area of study, we find in the Multicultural Counseling Competencies (MCC) theory and in the Multi-Cultural Orientation Framework (MCO) the path to follow in the direction of a robust theory that strengthens the practice of psychotherapy independent of the theoretical line practiced

    Economic Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Waste Vegetable Oil in Mexicali, Baja California

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    Mexicali, capital of Baja California, Mexico, has a motor vehicle fleet of diesel estimated at 14,000 units and cargo transport. The transport cargo sector with 11,861 units, consumes about 169 million liters of diesel. The diesel used in Baja California comes from southern Mexico and is one of the causes of CO2 emissions that affect air quality in Mexicali, it is therefore important to explore options for replacing it with biodiesel, which produces less CO2 and can be obtained from waste material. Thus, in the analysis, was considered the use of waste vegetable oil from the Mexicali restaurant industry as a raw material for the production of 4.78 million liters of biodiesel energy equivalent to 4.45 million liters of diesel. The environmental benefit involving the replacement of such a volume of diesel with biodiesel is to reduce emissions by about 9,700 tons of CO2, 22 tons of SOx and 11 tons of PM10. To determine the economic feasibility of producing biodiesel, were applied the methodologies of net present value and internal rate of return. The results indicate that the production of biodiesel is profitable. However, the recovery time of investment, coupled with the uncertainty presented by the biofuels market, make necessary a policy that implements local tax resources to support the promotion, production and use of biodiesel for the transport sector. Therefore, under the circumstances considered in this analysis, the production of biodiesel is feasible if it is developed a synergy among the productive sectors, education and government. Key words: Biodiesel; Economic analysis; Waste vegetable oil; Transport cargo secto

    Rediseño del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en la Clínica Campbell fundamentado en la Norma ISO 9001: 2015

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    Respecto a la gestión de la calidad y especialmente en ciudades como Barranquilla, existen clínicas (sector salud) que solo han trabajado con la norma ISO 9001:2008 algo que les genera riesgo legal y con sus usuarios; lo complejo es que no han hecho la transición documental de los nuevos requisitos exigido en la ISO 9001:2015 en el año 2018; ello les genera una desventaja administrativa y en la prestación de la calidad del servicio en salud, teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de las clínicas de la ciudad ya trabajan al respecto. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, es la intención de la investigación, el diseñar el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en la clínica Campbell fundamentado en la norma ISO 9001: 2015, pues aspectos que deberán desarrollarse como el cumplimiento de requisitos como la gestión de riesgos, aspectos como la gestión de conocimiento, objetivos misionales, la transición documental entre otros son aspectos muy relevantes. Bajo el anterior contexto, se rediseñara el Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en la clínica Campbell, teniendo en cuenta aspectos que deberán desarrollarse como el identificar el nivel de compromiso de la alta dirección (alcance), prioridades, ambiente, declaración de las guías básicas, mecanismos para asegurar el cumplimiento y eficacia de los procesos, calidad, liderazgo, comunicación y demás matriz del control de documento y registro; Elaborar la estructura documental (requisitos de la norma) del sistema de calidad en la clínica Campbell a través de un método o mecanismo de registro de política de calidad (control procesos internos y externos); Formular indicadores de gestión para la medición de la eficacia y la eficiencia del sistema de gestión de calidad en salud y realizar el análisis financiero de la propuesta, teniendo en cuenta la relación costo beneficio, que implicara la implementación del sistema de gestión de la calidad en la clínica Campbell.Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla -- Facultad de Ingeniería -- Ingeniería Industria

    Disposición en la adolescencia a llevar a cabo distintas prácticas sexuales homosexuales

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    Introducción: La orientación sexual es el deseo/atracción hacia personas del mismo o diferente sexo. Actualmente, se aconseja su evaluación a través de un continuo. Según nuestra experiencia en este campo, existe, ocasionalmente, una mayor o menor disposición a tener relaciones con personas del mismo sexo en función de una determinada práctica sexual. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido llevar a cabo un aná- lisis de esta predisposición en población adolescente. Método: La muestra incluía 400 alumnos (50,5 % chicas y 49,5 % chicos), entre 14 y 18 años (m = 16,39; dt ±1,12), procedentes de distintos institutos de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los participantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario de intereses y prácticas sexuales (Unisexsida, 2014) de 5 ítems. Para este estudio se utilizaron dos ítems: orientación sexual autodefinida y disposición hacia prácticas sexuales con personas del mismo sexo. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas entre chicos y chicas respecto a su disposición a dar besos en los labios, abrazos y caricias desnudos a personas del mismo sexo, siendo mayor en el caso de las adolescentes. Entre la población de adolescentes que se consideran heterosexuales, un 4,5 % y un 59,9 % se encuentra dispuesto a realizar ciertas prácticas con personas del mismo sexo. En esta población existen diferencias significativas entre chicas y chicos respecto a su disposición a dar besos en los labios, abrazos y caricias desnudos y dejarse masturbar por personas de su mismo sexo. Conclusiones: Estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de dejar de considerar la orientación sexual como una categoría estanca, de manera que refleje la diversidad afectivo-sexual.Introduction: Sexual orientation is defined as the desire/sexual attraction to people of the same or opposite sex. Currently, its evaluation is advised through a continuum. Ac- cording to our experience in this field, there is occasionally more or less willingness to have sex with the same sex depending on a particular sexual practice. The aim of this study was to analyse this predisposition in an adolescent population. Method: The sam- ple included 400 students (50.5% female, 49.5% male), aged 14-18 years (M=16.39; SD±1.12), from different high schools in the Valencian Community (Spain). Participants completed the questionnaire Sexual Interests and Practices (Unisexsida, 2014) with five items, although only the first (self-reported sexual orientation) and the last (disposition towards different sexual practices with the same sex) items were used. Results: Signifi- cant gender differences were found in their willingness to kiss on the lips or to hug and caress naked people of the same sex, which were higher for females. In the adolescent population who considered themselves heterosexuals, from 4.5% to 59.9% were willing to undertake certain practices with persons of their same sex. Significant gender differ- ences were also found in this same population as to their willingness to kiss on the lips, hug and caress, and be masturbated by, persons of the same sex. Conclusions: These results stress the need to stop considering sexual orientation as a tight category to reflect sexual diversity

    Development and Implementation of Virtual Instrumentation for the Measurement of Operating Parameters of an Engine Using Diesel-Biodiesel Mixtures

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    Through a reaction of alkaline transesterification of soybean oil using sodium methoxide, biodiesel denominated as B100 was obtained, with which four mixtures of diesel-biodiesel B2, B5, B10, and B20 were prepared. Kinematic viscosity and high heating value of the four blends, B100, and diesel were determined. The blends, B100, and diesel were used in a motor of four cylinders in-line engine, air intake at atmospheric pressure with a power of 250 hp and 6000 cm3, operating at a constant rate of 850 ± 50 rpm, a temperature of 25°C, and a relative humidity of 50%. To monitor the emissions, rpm, fuel consumption, and temperature in the engine’s exhaust manifold, which operates with diesel-biodiesel mixtures, an integral instrument that uses the virtual instrumentation technology was developed in the programming platforms LabVIEW 2010 and ARDUINO. The development and implementation of the virtual instrument allow monitoring in real time the parameters of internal combustion engines and presents the versatility, flexibility, scalability, and capacity to function in equipment that operates with different liquid fuels at a lower cost than the one that conventional systems offered. These characteristics represent a significant benefit in comparison with the measurement and monitoring systems in the present market

    SWOT Analysis Applied to Wheat Straw Utilization as a Biofuel in Mexico

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    Wheat is one of the main crops worldwide with a production of 733 million of tons by 2015. By 2013, the wheat grain production in Mexico was 3,357,307 t. Wheat straw is generated as a biomass waste once the wheat is harvested. However, the agricultural biomass waste has acquired international relevance as a source of bioenergy. The utilization of bioenergy has significant environmental benefits, and also economic benefits because the biomass waste is valorized as biofuel. The use of wheat straw as raw material for any productive process presents diverse factors that must be considered. Among those factors are the low density of biomass, handling and high transportation cost, an attractive heating value, and the physicochemical characterization. Therefore, the aim of this work was to apply the SWOT analysis to wheat straw utilization as a biofuel in Mexico. The main findings highlighted an estimation of 4,612,950.23 t of wheat straw generated. The experimental results of proximate analysis were 64.42% volatile matter, 19.49% fixed carbon and 16.09% ash. The higher heating was 14.86 MJ/kg. An energy potential of 69 PJ per agricultural cycle was calculated, equivalent to 19% of the biomass energy share reported in Mexico’s National Energy Balance, by 2014