8 research outputs found

    Desert Ants Learn Vibration and Magnetic Landmarks

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    The desert ants Cataglyphis navigate not only by path integration but also by using visual and olfactory landmarks to pinpoint the nest entrance. Here we show that Cataglyphis noda can additionally use magnetic and vibrational landmarks as nest-defining cues. The magnetic field may typically provide directional rather than positional information, and vibrational signals so far have been shown to be involved in social behavior. Thus it remains questionable if magnetic and vibration landmarks are usually provided by the ants' habitat as nest-defining cues. However, our results point to the flexibility of the ants' navigational system, which even makes use of cues that are probably most often sensed in a different context

    COVID-19-Impfung senkt das Risiko für Infektion, schwere Krankheitsverläufe und Tod

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    Im Mai 2021 kam es in einem Alten- und Pflegeheim in der Oberpfalz zu einem SARS-CoV-2-Aus-bruch mit einer hohen Anzahl von ImpfdurchbrĂĽchen, woraufhin serologische Untersuchungen und epidemiologische Daten der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner und dem Pflegepersonal ausgewertet wurden. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, das Risiko von Hospitalisierung und Tod bei Geimpften im Vergleich zu Ungeimpften darzustellen.Peer Reviewe

    General anaesthesia-induced anaphylaxis: impact of allergy testing on subsequent anaesthesia

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    Eine durch Immunglobulin E vermittelte Allergie gegen Medikamente und Substanzen, die während einer Narkose verwendet werden, sowie nicht-allergische Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen auf Medikamente können für eine narkoseassoziierte Anaphylaxie verantwortlich sein. Da die IgE-vermittelte Anaphylaxie eine potenziell lebensbedrohliche Reaktion ist, ist die Identifizierung des auslösenden Allergens unerlässlich, um ein Wiederauftreten der Anaphylaxie während einer Folgenarkose zu vermeiden. Ziele dieser retrospektiven Studie waren die Auswertung der Ergebnisse einer standardisierten Allergiediagnostik nach narkoseassoziierter Anaphylaxie und die Identifizierung von Unterschieden bzw. Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Patienten mit IgE-vermittelter Allergie und Patienten mit nicht-allergischer Überempfindlichkeitsreaktion. Darüber hinaus wurde das Patientenkollektiv dahingegen untersucht, wie häufig es in einer erneuten Narkose zu einem weiteren anaphylaktischen Narkosezwischenfall kam und ob präventive Empfehlungen, die aus den Ergebnissen von Allergietests abgeleitet wurden, bei nachfolgenden Narkosen beachtet wurden.Immunoglobulin E-mediated allergy to drugs and substances used during general anaesthesia as well as non-allergic drug hypersensitivity reactions may account for anaesthesia-induced anaphylaxis. As IgE-mediated anaphylaxis is a potentially lifethreatening reaction, identification of the culprit allergen is essential to avoid anaphylaxis recurrence during subsequent general anaesthesia. Aims of this retrospective study were the evaluation of standardized allergy testing results after general anaesthesia-induced anaphylaxis and the identification of differences and/or similarities between patients with IgE-mediated allergy and test-negative patients. Additionally, the outcomes of subsequent anaesthesia were studied, especially whether preventive recommendations derived from results of allergy testing were followed in subsequent general anaesthesia procedures

    Bibliotheken in der Pandemie Zukunftsforschung – die Zukunft proaktiv gestalten

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    Die aktuelle Situation, in der sich die Welt einer Pandemie ausgesetzt sieht, zeig einmal mehr, dass sich die Zukunft nicht vorhersagen lässt. Zukunftsforschung bietet Bibliotheken jedoch die Chance, zukünftige Folgen der Pandemie besser einzuschätzen, sich auf möglicherweise eintretende Ereignisse vorzubereiten und bereits heute Strategien für morgen zu entwickeln. Der folgende Beitrag präsentiert verschiedene Methoden der Zukunftsforschung und gibt Antwort darauf, was Zukunftsforschung für Bibliotheken leisten kann. Zudem werden Trends aus Zukunftsreports vorgestellt, die sich momentan am Horizont der Bibliothekswelt andeuten.The current situation in which the world is facing a pandemic shows once again that the future is unpredictable. Futurology offers libraries the opportunity to better assess the future consequences of the pandemic, to prepare for possible events and to develop strategies for tomorrow today. The following article presents various methods of futurology and provides answers to what futurology can do for libraries. It also presents various trends from futures reports that are currently emerging in the library world.Peer Reviewe

    Epidemiological and Serological Analysis of a SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in a Nursing Home: Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Enhanced Neutralizing Immunity Following Breakthrough Infection

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    Background: Despite a vaccination rate of 82.0% (n = 123/150), a SARS-CoV-2 (Alpha) outbreak with 64.7% (n = 97/150) confirmed infections occurred in a nursing home in Bavaria, Germany. Objective: the aim of this retrospective cohort study was to examine the effects of the Corminaty vaccine in a real-life outbreak situation and to obtain insights into the antibody response to both vaccination and breakthrough infection. Methods: the antibody status of 106 fully vaccinated individuals (54/106 breakthrough infections) and epidemiological data on all 150 residents and facility staff were evaluated. Results: SARS-CoV-2 infections (positive RT-qPCR) were detected in 56.9% (n = 70/123) of fully vaccinated, compared to 100% (n = 27/27) of incompletely or non-vaccinated individuals. The proportion of hospitalized and deceased was 4.1% (n = 5/123) among fully vaccinated and therewith lower compared to 18.5% (n = 5/27) hospitalized and 11.1% (n = 3/27) deceased among incompletely or non-vaccinated. Ct values were significantly lower in incompletely or non-vaccinated (p = 0.02). Neutralizing antibodies were detected in 99.1% (n = 105/106) of serum samples with significantly higher values (p < 0.001) being measured post-breakthrough infection. α-N-antibodies were detected in 37.7% of PCR positive but not in PCR negative individuals. Conclusion: Altogether, our data indicate that SARS-CoV-2 vaccination does provide protection against infection, severe disease progression and death with regards to the Alpha variant. Nonetheless, it also shows that infection and transmission are possible despite full vaccination. It further indicates that breakthrough infections can significantly enhance α-S- and neutralizing antibody responses, indicating a possible benefit from booster vaccinations


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