226 research outputs found


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    Ao analisar a situação competitiva mundial constata-se a urgência do direcionamento das organizações, em especial das instituições educacionais, para as questões estratégicas. O meio global, profundamente concorrencial, onde elas estão inseridas, exige um contínuo trabalho de avaliação e reavaliação da dinâmica ambiental, altamente mutável. As ações operacionais não garantem a efetividade dos resultados, pois sua amplitude restringe-se ao âmbito organizacional. Elas precisam estar vinculadas a procedimentos estratégicos, constituídos de ações de análise interna e externa da instituição, do papel exercido pelos indivíduos, bem como da busca pela integração setorial. O marketing, como elo de ligação imprescindível entre organização e ambiente, para poder contribuir mais eficazmente com a perspectiva estratégica organizacional, necessita priorizar o seu foco estratégico. Para tal, este trabalho pretende discutir estas questões e apresentar um conjunto de elementos que constituem o processo de formação da estratégia de marketing, auxiliando as organizações educativas a se conduzirem estrategicamente, a fim de competirem com sucesso, atendendo a sociedade e atingindo os seus objetivos

    Exposure-Tolerant Imaging Solution forCultural Heritage Monitoring

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    This paper describes a simple and cheap solution specifically designed for monitoring the degradation of thin coatings employed for metal protection. The proposed solution employs a commercial photocamera and a frequency-domain-based approach that is capable of highlighting the surface uniformity changes due to initial corrosion. Even though the proposed solution is specifically designed to monitor the long-time performance of protective coatings employed for the restoration of silver artifacts, it can be successfully used also for assessing the conservation state of other ancient metallic works of art. The proposed solution is made tolerant to exposure changes by using a procedure for sensor nonlinearity identification and correction, does not require a precise lighting control, and employs only free open-source software, so that its overall cost is very low and can be used also by not specifically trained operator

    Handheld-Impedance-Measurement System with seven-decade capability and potentiostatic function

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    This paper describes design and test of a new impedance-measurement system for nonlinear devices that exhibits a seven-decade range and works down to a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The system is specifically designed for electrochemical measurements, but the proposed architecture can be employed in many other fields where flexible signal generation and analysis are required. The system employs an unconventional signal generator based on two pulsewidth modulation (PWM) oscillators and an autocalibration system that allows uncertainties of less than 3% to be obtained over a range of 1 kΩ to 100 GΩ. A synchronous demodulation processing allows the noise superimposed to the low-amplitude input signals to be made negligibl

    Prediction of itraconazole minimum inhibitory concentration for Fonsecaea pedrosoi using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and chemometrics

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    Fonsecaea pedrosoi is one of the main agents of chromoblastomycosis, a chronic subcutaneous mycosis. Itraconazole (ITC) is the most used antifungal in its treatment, however, in vitro antifungal susceptibility tests are important to define the best therapy. These tests are standardized by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), but these protocols have limitations such as the high complexity, cost and time to conduct. An alternative to in vitro susceptibility test, which overcomes these limitations, is FTIR. This study determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of itraconazole for F. pedrosoi, using FTIR and chemometrics. The susceptibility to ITC of 36 strains of F. pedrosoi was determined according to CLSI and with the addition of tricyclazole (TCZ), to inhibit 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin biosynthesis. Strains were grown in Sabouraud agar and prepared for Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)/FTIR. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was performed using leave-one-out cross-validation (by steps of quintuplicates), then tested on an external validation set. A coefficient of determination (R²) higher than 0.99 was obtained for both the MIC-ITC and MIC-ITC+TCZ ATR/PLS models, confirming a high correlation of the reference values with the ones predicted using the FTIR spectra. This is the first study to propose the use of FTIR and chemometric analyses according to the M38-A2 CLSI protocol to predict ITC MICs of F. pedrosoi. Considering the limitations of the conventional methods to test in vitro susceptibility, this is a promising methodology to be used for other microorganisms and drugs

    Effect of steroid hormones on the in vitro antifungal activity of itraconazole on Fonsecaea pedrosoi

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    The in vitro antifungal activity of itraconazole, combined with oestradiol, testosterone or progesterone, on the growth of Fonsecaea pedrosoi was evaluated.   Fonsecaea pedrosoi was cultured in Sabouraud supplemented with dimethyl sulphoxide dilutions in β-oestradiol (0.04 μg/mL and 0.04 mg/mL), progesterone (0.06 μg/mL and 0.06 mg/mL) or testosterone (1.2 μg/mL and 1.2 mg/mL) combined with 0.01 to 1 μg/mL of itraconazole. The sex steroid hormones did not modify the growth pattern of F. pedrosoi when they were in the presence itraconazole. The absence of synergistic or antagonistic activity of oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone and itraconazole on the growth of F. pedrosoi observed in this work does not rule out in vivo factors related to the development of the disease and to the success of an antifungal treatment.A atividade antifúngica in vitro de itraconazol, combinada com estradiol, testosterona ou progesterona no crescimento de Fonsecaea pedrosoi foi avaliada.  F. pedrosoi foi cultivado em Sabouraud suplementado com β-estradiol (0,04 μg/mL e 0,04 mg/mL), progesterona (0,06 μg/mL e 0,06 mg/mL) ou testosterona (1,2 μg/mL e 1,2 mg/mL) combinados com itraconazol diluído em dimetilsulfóxido na faixa de concentração entre 0,01 e 1 μg/mL. Os hormônios esteróides sexuais não modificaram a inibição de F. pedrosoi pelo itraconazol. A ausência da atividade de sinergismo ou antagonismo de estradiol, progesterona, testosterona e itraconazol no crescimento de F. pedrosoi observada neste trabalho não exclui fatores in vivo relacionados ao desenvolvimento da doença e para o sucesso de um tratamento antifúngico

    Efeito de hormônios esteróides na atividade antifúngica in vitro de itraconazol em Fonsecaea pedrosoi

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    The in vitro antifungal activity of itraconazole, combined with oestradiol, testosterone or progesterone, on the growth of Fonsecaea pedrosoi was evaluated. Fonsecaea pedrosoi was cultured in Sabouraud supplemented with dimethyl sulphoxide dilutions in β-oestradiol (0.04 μg/mL and 0.04 mg/mL), progesterone (0.06 μg/mL and 0.06 mg/mL) or testosterone (1.2 μg/mL and 1.2 mg/ mL) combined with 0.01 to 1 μg/mL of itraconazole. The sex steroid hormones did not modify the growth pattern of F. pedrosoi when they were in the presence itraconazole. The absence of synergistic or antagonistic activity of oestradiol, progesterone, testosterone and itraconazole on the growth of F. pedrosoi observed in this work does not rule out in vivo factors related to the development of the disease and to the success of an antifungal treatment.A atividade antifúngica in vitro de itraconazol, combinada com estradiol, testosterona ou progesterona no crescimento de Fonsecaea pedrosoi foi avaliada. F. pedrosoi foi cultivado em Sabouraud suplementado com β-estradiol (0,04 μg/mL e 0,04 mg/mL), progesterona (0,06 μg/mL e 0,06 mg/mL) ou testosterona (1,2 μg/mL e 1,2 mg/mL) combinados com itraconazol diluído em dimetilsulfóxido na faixa de concentração entre 0,01 e 1 μg/mL. Os hormônios esteróides sexuais não modificaram a inibição de F. pedrosoi pelo itraconazol. A ausência da atividade de sinergismo ou antagonismo de estradiol, progesterona, testosterona e itraconazol no crescimento de F. pedrosoi observada neste trabalho não exclui fatores in vivo relacionados ao desenvolvimento da doença e para o sucesso de um tratamento antifúngico

    Intellectual exchange maps : useful tools to promote cooperation in distance education

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    Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre a cooperação em um curso de especialização a distância em uma universidade federal. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar e analisar como os processos individuais e interindividuais possibilitam a ocorrência da cooperação intelectual entre os discentes. Elegeu-se a teoria de Jean Piaget para a fundamentação, a fim de auxiliar na compreensão do método de cooperação. Para responder ao problema da pesquisa registraram-se as sequências de interações entre os participantes do curso, traçando-se rotas e desenhando-se Mapas das Trocas Intelectuais. Estes mapas se mostraram como instrumentos profícuos para auxiliar no entendimento das dificuldades e potencialidades de cada discente, bem como da totalidade dos integrantes do curso. O desenho dos mapas permite que se identifiquem os interesses dos discentes, os temas que os motivam, as dificuldades que possam estar enfrentando e as possibilidades de novos encaminhamentos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, potencializando aprendizagens ativas, cooperativas e autônomas.The research presented in this article was conducted in a distance education specialization course at a Brazilian federal university. The research objective involved inquiring and analyzing how individual and inter-individual processes allow intellectual cooperation between students, and the theoretical framework chosen was Jean Piaget’s genetic epistemology. We mapped the students’ interactions, tracing their learning pathways and creating Intellectual Exchange Maps. These maps served as useful tools to understand the difficulties and potentials of not only each student, but of the class as a whole. Following them through the mapping of their learning pathways has allowed us to identify their interests, the topics that motivate them and the difficulties they might be facing, and also to find new procedures in the teaching and learning process

    Differentiation and prediction of the in vitro antifungal activity of Brazilian propolis against Fonsecaea pedrosoi using chemometrics and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier Transform spectroscopy

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    The in vitro antifungal activity of ethanolic extracts of propolis was evaluated at five different concentrations in twelve Fonsecaea pedrosoi strains using agar dilution. Eight propolis extracts were collected from towns located in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier Transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was employed to analyze the spectra of lyophilized propolis extracts. The use of chemometric tools allowed for the development of models with more relevant factors and with fewer variables. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was applied, allowing for the development of PLS-DRIFTS models to predict antifungal activity of all fungal strains with root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) lower to 5.00 mm2 and coefficient correlation of cross-validation (R2) upper to 0.99 with five to eight latent variables at 4000-2400 and 2200-600 cm-1. Concluding, DRIFTS models associated with chemometrics are powerful screening tools of propolis samples with fungistatic properties against Fonsecaea pedrosoi

    Acadêmicos de enfermagem, nutrição e fisioterapia: a escolha profissional

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    In the perspective of career choice, entering university encompasses meanings of self-accomplishment and social status, which are permeated by concepts and ideals people construct in their lives. This study aimed to analyze regimes of truth that permeate career choice in nursing, physiotherapy and nutrition. This qualitative-descriptive study was carried out with undergraduate freshmen. Data were collected through focus groups, evaluated by discourse analysis from a Foucaultian perspective. The following themes emerged from the analysis: - career choice: crowning a process of social differentiation, - reflexes of professions' history of acknowledgement; - career choice beyond professional projects. Discourse highlights that scientific knowledge acquires status in relations of power between different professions and society and is essential that health professional education is linked to public policies that expand the participation of different professions so as to meet demands in favor of integral care.Bajo el aspecto de la elección profesional, el ingreso a la Universidad trae embutido significados de autorrealización y de status social, los cuales contienen conceptos e ideales construidos en el vivir cotidiano de las personas. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar regímenes de verdad contenidos en la elección profesional de enfermería, nutrición y fisioterapia. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de abordaje cualitativo realizado en los estudiantes que ingresan a la Graduación. La recolección de datos fue realizada en Grupos Focales, evaluados por medio del Análisis del Discurso, bajo el marco teórico de Focault. Del análisis emergieron las temáticas: Elección profesional; Coronamiento de un proceso de diferenciación social; Reflejos de la historia del reconocimiento de las profesiones; La elección profesional - más allá de proyectos profesionales. Los discursos señalan que el conocimiento científico adquiere status en las relaciones de poder entre las diferentes profesiones y en la sociedad, siendo fundamental que la formación de los profesionales de la salud esté articulada a las políticas públicas que amplían la participación de las diferentes profesiones, con la finalidad de atender las demandas en pro de una atención integral.Sob o aspecto da escolha profissional, o ingresso na universidade traz embutido significados de autorrealização e status social, nos quais perpassam conceitos e ideais construídos no viver da pessoa. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar regimes de verdade que permeiam a escolha profissional da enfermagem, fisioterapia e nutrição. É um estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, com ingressantes na graduação. Coleta de dados foi realizada com grupos focais, avaliados pela análise de discurso, sob o olhar de Focault. Da análise emergiram as temáticas: - escolha profissional: coroamento de um processo de diferenciação social, - reflexos da história de reconhecimento das profissões, - a escolha profissional para além de projetos profissionais. Os discursos assinalam que o conhecimento científico adquire status nas relações de poder entre as diferentes profissões e a sociedade, sendo fundamental que a formação de profissionais de saúde esteja articulada às políticas públicas que ampliam a participação de diferentes profissões, a fim de atender às demandas em prol da atenção integral