360 research outputs found

    Les AMAP : une alternative socio-économique pour des petits producteurs locaux ?

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    Les AMAP (Associations pour le maintien des agricultures paysannes) sont des réseaux alternatifs alimentaires de proximité. Une étude est menée en Midi-Pyrénées sur les liens entre producteurs et consommateurs au sein de ces réseaux. Elle vise à saisir les contours de la petite agriculture locale qu’ils défendent. Il ressort que les avantages socio-économiques retirés par le producteur dépendent notamment du partage des coûts de transaction entre acteurs.The AMAP (Associations for the promotion of Peasant Agriculture) take part to the development of local alternative food networks. The results coming from a study carried out in the Midi-Pyrénées region are used to evaluate the socio-economic impacts of the engagement in these networks at the farm level. We show that the relative benefits a producer can get, mainly depend on how transaction costs are shared between the producer and the consumers

    Grande distribution alimentaire et changements organisationnels : le cas de l'industrie de transformation de la viande bovine.

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    En une trentaine d'années, la grande distribution alimentaire (GDA) est devenue le premier canal de commercialisation de la viande bovine. Parallèlement, une industrie de transformation de la viande bovine s'est développée. A partir des résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des principaux opérateurs de ces secteurs, les auteurs dégagent les changements organisationnels survenus au sein de ce canal de distribution. Les structures d'approvisionnement en viande bovine et les modalités de leur fonctionnement traduisent la volonté de la GDA d'exercer un contrôle étroit sur les transactions. Il est à l'origine d'un processus d'adaptation des fournisseurs qu'elle surveille étroitement

    Effect of Additional Respiratory Muscle Endurance Training in Young Well- Trained Swimmers

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    International audienceWhile some studies have demonstrated that respiratory muscle endurance training (RMET) improves performances during various exercise modalities, controversy continues about the transfer of RMET effects to swimming performance. The objective of this study was to analyze the added effects of respiratory muscle endurance training (RMET; normocapnic hyperpnea) on the respiratory muscle function and swimming performance of young well-trained swimmers. Two homogenous groups were recruited: ten swimmers performed RMET (RMET group) and ten swimmers performed no RMET (control group). During the 8-week RMET period, all swimmers followed the same training sessions 5-6 times/week. Respiratory muscle strength and endurance , performances on 50-and 200-m trials, effort perception , and dyspnea were assessed before and after the intervention program. The results showed that ventilatory function parameters , chest expansion, respiratory muscle strength and endurance, and performances were improved only in the RMET group. Moreover, perceived exertion and dyspnea were lower in the RMET group in both trials (i.e., 50-and 200-m). Consequently , the swim training associated with RMET was more effective than swim training alone in improving swimming performances. RMET can therefore be considered as a worthwhile ergogenic aid for young competitive swimmers

    Greater effects of high- compared with moderate-intensity interval training on cardio-metabolic variables, blood leptin concentration and ratings of perceived exertion in obese adolescent females

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    This study examined the effects of high- vs. moderate-intensity interval training on cardiovascular fitness, leptin levels and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in obese female adolescents. Forty-seven participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups receiving either a 1:1 ratio of 15 s of effort comprising moderate-intensity interval training (MIIT at 80% maximal aerobic speed: MAS) or high-intensity interval training (HIIT at 100% MAS), with matched 15 s recovery at 50% MAS, thrice weekly, or a no-training control group. The HIIT and MIIT groups showed improved (p < 0.05) body mass (BM), BMI Z-score, and percentage of body fat (%BF). Only the HIIT group showed decreased waist circumference (WC) (p = 0.017). The effect of exercise on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was significant (p = 0.019, ES = 0.48 and p = 0.010, ES = 0.57, HIIT and MIIT, respectively). The decrease of rate-pressure product (RPP) (p < 0.05, ES = 0.53 and ES = 0.46, HIIT and MIIT, respectively) followed the positive changes in resting heart rate and blood pressures. Blood glucose, insulin level and the homeostasis model assessment index for insulin decreased (p < 0.05) in both training groups. Significant decreases occurred in blood leptin (p = 0.021, ES = 0.67 and p = 0.011, ES = 0.73) and in RPE (p = 0.001, ES = 0.76 and p = 0.017, ES = 0.57) in HIIT and MIIT, respectively. In the post-intervention period, blood leptin was strongly associated with %BF (p < 0.001) and VO2max (p < 0.01) in the HIIT and MIIT groups, respectively, while RPE was strongly associated with BM (p < 0.01) in the HIIT group. The results suggest that high-intensity interval training may produce more positive effects on health determinants in comparison with the same training mode at a moderate intensity.Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology of Tunisia

    Plyometric exercise combined with high-intensity interval training improves metabolic abnormalities in young obese females more so than interval training alone

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to compare the effects of 12 weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with the effects of 12 weeks of plyometric exercise combined with HIIT (P+HIIT) on anthropometric, biochemical, and physical fitness data in young obese females. Sixty-eight participants (age, 16.6 ± 1.3 y; body mass, 82.8 ± 5.0 kg; body fat, 39.4% ± 3.3%; body mass index z score, 2.9 ± 0.4) were assigned to 1 of 3 groups: HIIT (2 blocks per session of 6-8 bouts of 30-s runs at 100% velocity at peak oxygen uptake, with 30-s active recovery between bouts at 50%velocity at peak oxygen uptake (n = 23)); P+HIIT (2 blocks per session of 3 different 15-s plyometric exercises with 15-s passive recoveries, totaling 2 min for each plyometric exercise + the same HIIT program (n = 26)); or control (no exercise (n = 19)). Anthropometric (body mass, body mass index z score, body fat, lean body mass, and waist circumference), biochemical (plasma glucose, insulin, leptin and adiponectin concentrations, leptin/adiponectin ratio, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)), physical fitness (peak oxygen uptake, velocity at peak oxygen uptake, squat jump, and countermovement jump performances), and energy intake data were collected. Both training programs improved the anthropometric, biochemical, and physical fitness variables. However, the P+HIIT program induced greater improvements than did the HIIT program in lean body mass (+3.0% ± 1.7%), plasma glucose and leptin concentrations (-11.0% ± 4.7% and -23.8% ± 5.8%, respectively), plasma leptin/adiponectin ratio (-40.9% ± 10.9%), HOMA-IR (-37.3% ± 6.2%), and squat jump performance (22.2% ± 7.5%). Taken together, these findings suggest that adding plyometric exercises to a HIIT program may be more beneficial than HIIT alone in obese female adolescent

    Deep-ultraviolet cavity ringdown spectroscopy

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    The sensitive optical detection technique of cavity ringdown spectroscopy is extended to the wavelength range 197-204 nm. A novel design narrowband Fourier-transform-limited laser is used, and the technique is applied to gas-phase extinction measurements in CO2, SF6, and O-2. Further demonstration of the system capabilities is given in high-resolution recordings of the Schumann-Runge (0, 0), (1, 0), and (2, 0) bands in O-2. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America


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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of karate practice level (national vs international level) and sex (women vs men) on physiological and perceptual responses in three modern karate training modalities (tactical-technical (TT), technical-development (TD), and randori). Method: The study included 18 karatekas participating in an eight-session training camp of four TT, two TD, and two randori. During each session, the percentage of maximal heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration [La-], and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. Results: The main results showed that the percentage of maximal HR was significantly higher in women than in men regardless of practice level or training modality (70.3 ± 4.1 vs 66.2 ± 6.3, respectively). Moreover, [La-] and RPE were significantly lower in international-level karatekas compared with their national-level counterparts whatever the sex or training modality ([La-] = 11.4 ± 2.6 vs 8.3 ± 2.4 mmol · L-1 and RPE = 3.6 ± 1.2 vs 4.3 ± 1.5, respectively). Last, physiological and perceptual responses were significantly higher during randori in comparison with TT and TD for both sexes. Conclusion: The combination of [La-] and RPE thus seems to be a good indicator for discriminating between national- and international-level karatekas, and randori seems to be an effective means to reproduce official karate sparring
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