63 research outputs found

    México : un eje central en el desarrollo de las redes hispanas

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    Esta crónica describe la evolución del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) realizado en México durante los últimos 45 años, con el objetivo de presentar su historia, sus actores principales, y su actividad interna e internacional. Para ello, se relatan los orígenes del análisis estructural mexicano desarrollado por investigadores aislados y su evolución hacia grupos institucionalizados. En segundo lugar presentamos (a) las líneas de investigación más productivas que emplean estrategias de ARS, (b) los equipos de investigación que utilizan activamente esta metodología y (c) los principales eventos académicos celebrados en México dedicados al estudio de las redes sociales. Además repasamos las contribuciones efectuadas por investigadores mexicanos en el evento de referencia en el área (los Sunbelt de la INSNA) del período 2001-2014 y los artículos publicados en la revista Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, desde su lanzamiento. Finalmente, proponemos algunas directrices estratégicas para consolidar la institucionalización del ARS en la academia mexicana.This chronicle describes the evolution of Social Network Analysis (SNA) held in Mexico in the past 45 years, with the aim of presenting its history, its major actors and its domestic and international activity. To do this, the origins of the Mexican structural analysis developed by individual researchers and their evolution towards institutionalized groups are reported. Secondly we present (a) the most productive lines of research using SNA strategies, (b) the research teams actively using this methodology, and (c) the major academic events held in Mexico dedicated to the study of social networks . In addition we review the contributions made by Mexican researchers in the landmark event in this area (the Sunbelts) from 2001 to 2014, and the articles published in the journal Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, since its launch. Finally, we propose some strategic guidelines to consolidate the institucionalition of SNA in Mexico's academia

    Diseño a nivel de afirmado de la carretera Otuzco – caserío Carata, distrito de Agallpampa, provincia de Otuzco, La Libertad

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    El presente proyecto consistió en el diseño a nivel de afirmado de una carretera en la sierra de La Libertad, la cual une al caserío de CARATA y la ciudad de OTUZCO, y beneficiara a los centros poblados ubicados entre éstos. Las carreteras, que según los antecedentes locales tienen similitud en cuanto a características topográficas y volumen de tránsito, nos dio una idea de hacia dónde enfocaremos nuestro diseño y que nuestra carretera se clasificará como una Carretera de Tercera clase, entonces para lograr el objetivo principal del proyecto que es el diseño de la carretera existen criterios técnicos que se elaboraron bajo la normativa del Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, Manual de Carreteras: Diseño Geométrico DG-2018. En tal sentido se realizó el diseño para la carretera la cual tiene una longitud 14.544 km. La zona intervenida se sitúa a 3,117 msnm, posee un suelo Arena Arcillosa y su clasificación es SUCS como suelo “SC” cuyo contenido de humedad oscila entre 7.52 % a 21.77 %, con CBR al 95% entre 5.52%, y 24.39 %, respecto a la cantera se determinó que de acuerdo a la clasificación "SUCS" y AASHTO, se concluye que el suelo de la cantera es un "GW", es decir, un suelo compuesto por grava bien graduada, material excelente a bueno (CBR al 95% de 80.75%), en cuanto al terreno este es accidentado Tipo 3. Para el diseño se consideró una calzada de 6.00 m, una berma de 0.50 m, un bombeo de 3.50 %, peralte máximo de 12 %, pendientes longitudinales menores a 10 %, radios mínimos de 25 m, velocidad directriz de 30 km/h, curvas de vuelta con radio exterior de 15.75 m. Para la colocación del afirmado de plataforma de rodadura se determinó una capa de 0.15cm, en la progresiva 0+000 a 8+000 (Tramo I) por tener un CBR de promedio de 22.71% y en la progresiva 8+000 a 14+544.07 (Tramo II) se determinó una capa de afirmado de 0.25 cm por tener un CBR promedio de 8.49%. Dentro de las obras de arte se diseñaron: cunetas de sección triangular, alcantarillas de paso circulares tipo acero corrugado TMC de 36”, 40”, 48” y 60” y aliviaderos de 24”. Se concluye en que, el diseño a nivel de afirmado de la carretera en estudio es importante para el desarrollo de las localidades ubicadas en el trayecto entre el caserío de Carata y la ciudad de Otuzco

    Mexico: a central axis in the development of the Hispanic networks

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    Esta crónica describe la evolución del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) realizado en México durante los últimos 45 años, con el objetivo de presentar su historia, sus actores principales, y su actividad interna e internacional. Para ello, se relatan los orígenes del análisis estructural mexicano desarrollado por investigadores aislados y su evolución hacia grupos institucionalizados. En segundo lugar, presentamos (a) las líneas de investigación más productivas que emplean estrategias de ARS, (b) los equipos de investigación que utilizan activamente esta metodología y (c) los principales eventos académicos celebrados en México dedicados al estudio de las redes sociales. Además, repasamos las contribuciones efectuadas por investigadores mexicanos en el evento de referencia en el área (los Sunbelt de la INSNA) del período 2001-2014 y los artículos publicados en la revista Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, desde su lanzamiento. Finalmente, proponemos algunas directrices estratégicas para consolidar la institucionalización del ARS en la academia mexicana.This chronicle describes the evolution of Social Network Analysis (SNA) held in Mexico in the past 45 years, with the aim of presenting its history, its major actors and its domestic and international activity. To do this, the origins of the Mexican structural analysis developed by individual researchers and their evolution towards institutionalized groups are reported. Secondly we present (a) the most productive lines of research using SNA strategies, (b) the research teams actively using this methodology, and (c) the major academic events held in Mexico dedicated to the study of social networks . In addition, we review the contributions made by Mexican researchers in the landmark event in this area (the Sunbelts) from 2001 to 2014, and the articles published in the journal Redes: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, since its launch. Finally, we propose some strategic guidelines to consolidate the institucionalition of SNA in Mexico's academia

    The incorporation of the original Awajún language in robotics as an intercultural strategy for university education

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    La Universidad Nacional Intercultural “Fabiola Salazar Leguía” de Bagua, la componen su población estudiantil en proporciones casi igualitarias, estudiantes mestizos y Awajún. Actualmente se han desarrollado tres ciclos de educación universitaria en sus tres carreras profesionales: Biotecnología, Negocios Globales e Ingeniería Civil. Las tres carreras antes mencionadas cuentan en su malla curricular con el curso de lengua nativa en el primer ciclo de su formación profesional, representando para ellos como lengua nativa el Awajún. Este curso es muy importante para el aprendizaje, socialización y vigencia  de su lengua, el cual  se imparte en el mismo espacio y tiempo para ambas etnias, representando para los mestizos y originarios un curso que requiere mucho estudio y memoria en  el aprendizaje de vocabularios tanto para la escritura como para la pronunciación,  como lo demuestran  los resultados de los ciclos 2018-I y 2019, donde los niveles de desaprobación en los estudiantes en general son bastante frecuentes,  lo cual demuestra la necesidad de reforzar en estrategias de enseñanza aprendizaje intercultural. El objetivo de la presente investigación es la de incorporar la lengua Awajún en comandos o sentencias en el manejo de robótica, a través de talleres que se programan periódicamente uno por semestre, lo cual propicia un ambiente de aprendizaje lúdico de la lengua originaria y de otros cursos, así como de espacios de relación intercultural entre los actores del aprendizaje.The National Intercultural University "Fabiola Salazar Leguía" in Bagua, is made up of its student population in almost equal proportions, mestizo students and Awajún. Currently, three cycles of university education have been developed in their three professional careers: Biotechnology, Global Business and Civil Engineering. The three aforementioned careers have the native language course in the first cycle of their professional training in their curriculum, representing Awajún as their native language. This course is very important for the learning, socialization and validity of their language, which is taught in the same space and time for both ethnic groups, representing for mestizos and native people a course that requires a lot of study and memory in learning vocabularies both for writing as well as for pronunciation, as evidenced by the results of the 2018-I and 2019 cycles, where the levels of disapproval in students in general are quite frequent, which shows the need to reinforce intercultural learning teaching strategies. The objective of this research is to incorporate the Awajún language into commands or sentences in the handling of robotics, through workshops that are regularly scheduled one per semester, which fosters a playful learning environment of the native language and others courses, as well as spaces for intercultural relationships between learning actors

    Different Statistical Approaches to Characterization of Adipocyte Size in Offspring of Obese Rats: Effects of Maternal or Offspring Exercise Intervention

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    Adipocyte size (AS) shows asymmetric distribution related to current metabolic state, e.g., adipogenesis or lipolysis. We profiled AS distribution using different statistical approaches in offspring (F1) of control (C) and obese (MO) mothers (F0) with and without F0 or F1 exercise. Offspring from F0 exercise were designated CF0ex and MOF0ex. Exercised F1 of sedentary mothers were designated CF1ex and MOF1ex. F1 retroperitoneal fat cross-sectional AS was measured by median, cumulative distributions, data dispersion and extreme values based on gamma distribution modeling. F1 metabolic parameters: body weight, retroperitoneal fat, adiposity index (AI), serum leptin, triglycerides (TG) and insulin resistance index (IRI) were measured. Male and female F1 AS showed different cumulative distribution between C and MO (p < 0.0001) therefore comparisons were performed among C, CF0ex and CF1ex groups and MO, MOF0ex and MOF1ex groups. MO AI was higher than C (p < 0.05) and male MOF1ex AI lower than MO (p < 0.05). Median AS was higher in male and female MO vs. C (p < 0.05). Male and female MOF0ex and MOF1ex reduced median AS (p < 0.05). Lower AS dispersion was observed in male CF1ex and MOF1ex vs. CF0ex and MOF0ex, respectively. MO reduced small and increased large adipocyte proportions vs. C (p < 0.05); MOF0ex increased small and MOF1ex the proportion of large adipocytes vs. MO (p < 0.05). MOF0ex reduced male IRI and female TG vs. MO (p < 0.05). MOF1ex reduced male and female leptin (p < 0.05); CF1ex reduced male leptin (p < 0.05). Conclusions: several factors, diet, physical activity and gender modify AS distribution. Conventional AS distribution methods normally do not include analyzes of extreme, large and small adipocytes, which characterize different phenotypes. Maternal high fat diet affects F1 AS distribution, which was programmed during development. F0ex and F1ex have gender specific F1 beneficial effects. AS distribution characterization helps explain adipose tissue metabolic changes in different physiological conditions and will aid design of efficacious interventions to prevent and/or recuperate adverse developmental programming outcomes. Finally, precise identification of effects of specific interventions as exercise of F0 and/or F1 are needed to improve outcomes in obese women and their obesity prone offspring

    Identidade nacional e suas relações com a ideologia e o bem-estar em cinco países da América Latina

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    This study seeks to analyze the relationships among the components of national identity, political ideology, in its authoritarian and social dominance manifestations and expressions of subjective and social well-being in samples from 5 countries of Latin America. To accomplish this aim, a survey research was conducted in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru (n = 1039). Results show significant relationships between ideological expressions with some dimensions of identity. The authoritarian ideology is positively related to the identity components, whereas the social dominance ideology is inversely related to them. Relations among the components of identity and well-being have a positive association, and these relationships are more intense in the case of social well-being than in the case of subjective well-being. Nevertheless, some heterogeneity in these relations is observed by comparing countries. A general model of the relations among variables derived from three constructs was proposed, but this did not reach acceptable fit levels, being dismissed. It could be explained by the heterogeneity of the results by countryEste estudio busca analizar las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad nacional, la ideología política, en sus manifestaciones autoritaria y de dominancia social, y las expresiones del bienestar subjetivo y social en muestras de 5 países de América Latina. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio por encuestas en Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú (n=1039). Los resultados evidencian relaciones significativas entre las expresiones ideológicas con algunas dimensiones de la identidad. La ideología autoritaria se relaciona positivamente con los componentes identitarios, mientras que la ideología de dominancia social lo hace en menor medida y de manera inversa. Las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad y el bienestar presentan un asociación positiva, y estas relaciones son más intensas en el caso del bienestar social que en el caso del bienestar subjetivo aunque cierta heterogeneidad por país también es observada. Se intentó proponer un modelo general de las relaciones entre las variables derivadas de los tres constructos pero esta no alcanzó buenos niveles de ajuste, lo que se explicaría por la heterogeneidad de los resultados obtenidos por país.Este estudo busca analisar as relações entre os componentes da identidade nacional e a ideologia política, em suas manifestações, autoritária e de dominância social; e as expressões do bem-estar subjetivo e social em amostras de cinco países da América Latina. Para tal fim, se desenvolveu um estudo por enquetes no Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru (n = 1039). Os resultados evidenciam relações significativas entre as expressões ideológicas com algumas dimensões da identidade. A ideologia autoritária se relaciona positivamente com os componentes da identidade, enquanto que a ideologia de dominância social o faz em menor medida e de forma inversa. As relações entre os componentes da identidade e o bem-estar apresentam uma associação positiva, e estas relações são mais intensas no caso do bem-estar social que no caso do bem-estar subjetivo, ainda que certa heterogeneidade por país também seja observada. Tentou-se propor um modelo geral das relações entre as variáveis derivadas dos três conceitos, mas este não alcançou bons níveis de ajuste, o que se explicaria pela heterogeneidade dos resultados obtidos por paí

    Parental practices and their association with alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in Chile

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    BackgroundAdolescent alcohol and cannabis use are common in Chile. The present study aimed to assess the relationship between perceived parenting practices and alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in a Latin American context.MethodsWe adapted and implemented a substance use prevention strategy in Chile, which included surveys of tenth-grade students from six municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Greater Santiago. We assessed the reliability and factorial structure of the parenting scale with 16 items, which formed part of the survey. We dichotomized parenting scores into high (above the median) and low. The association of parenting practices with alcohol and cannabis use in adolescents was assessed using multivariate multilevel regression models.ResultsA total of 7,538 tenth-grade students from 118 schools were included in the study. The 16-item scale of parenting practices showed good internal consistency (Omega total = 0.84), and three factors representing Relationship between parents and adolescents, Norms and monitoring, and Parents knowing their children’s friends and the parents of their children’s friends. High total scores of parenting were associated with lower odds of lifetime alcohol use (OR 0.57; 95% CI: 0.49–0.65), past-month alcohol use (OR 0.63; 95% CI: 0.57–0.70), lifetime drunkenness (OR 0.64; 95% CI: 0.58–0.72), and lifetime cannabis use (OR 0.54; 95% CI: 0.47–0.61). Above median scores on each parenting subscale were associated with significantly lower odds of substance use. The strongest associations were observed for the subscale Norms and monitoring. Interactions between parenting and gender showed a significantly stronger effect of parenting practices on alcohol and cannabis use among girls.ConclusionDifferent types of parenting practices were associated with a lower prevalence of adolescent alcohol and cannabis use. Improving parenting practices has the potential to prevent adolescent substance use in Chile, especially among girls

    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations

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    8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms (i.e., behavioral and attentional synchrony, perceived emotional synchrony, and positive and transcendent emotions) involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal well-being (i.e., affective well-being and beliefs of personal growth) and collective well-being (i.e., social integration variables: situated identity, solidarity and fusion), collective efficacy and collective growth, and behavioral intention to support the fight for women’s rights. To this end, a cross-cultural study was conducted with the participation of 2,854 people (age 18–79; M = 30.55; SD = 11.66) from countries in Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador) and Europe (Spain and Portugal), with a retrospective correlational cross-sectional design and a convenience sample. Participants were divided between demonstration participants (n = 1,271; 94.0% female) and non-demonstrators or followers who monitored participants through the media and social networks (n = 1,583; 75.87% female). Compared with non-demonstrators and with males, female and non-binary gender respondents had greater scores in mechanisms and criterion variables. Further random-effects model meta-analyses revealed that the perceived emotional synchrony was consistently associated with more proximal mechanisms, as well as with criterion variables. Finally, sequential moderation analyses showed that proposed mechanisms successfully mediated the effects of participation on every criterion variable. These results indicate that participation in 8M marches and demonstrations can be analyzed through the literature on collective rituals. As such, collective participation implies positive outcomes both individually and collectively, which are further reinforced through key psychological mechanisms, in line with a Durkheimian approach to collective rituals.Fil: Zumeta, Larraitz N.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Castro Abril, Pablo. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Méndez, Lander. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Pizarro, José J.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Włodarczyk, Anna. Universidad Católica del Norte; ChileFil: Basabe, Nekane. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Navarro Carrillo, Ginés. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Padoan De Luca, Sonia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: da Costa, Silvia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Alonso Arbiol, Itziar. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Torres Gómez, Bárbara. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Cakal, Huseyin. Keele University; Reino UnidoFil: Delfino, Gisela Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Techio, Elza M.. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Alzugaray, Carolina. Universidad de Santo Tomas; ChileFil: Bilbao, Marian. Universidad Alberto Hurtado; ChileFil: Villagrán, Loreto. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: López López, Wilson. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; ColombiaFil: Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Cedeño, Cynthia C.. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana; EcuadorFil: Reyes Valenzuela, Carlos. Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - Sede Ecuador.; EcuadorFil: Alfaro Beracoechea, Laura. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Contreras Ibáñez, Carlos César. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Ibarra, Manuel Leonardo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; MéxicoFil: Reyes Sosa, Hiram. Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila; MéxicoFil: Cueto, Rosa María. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Carvalho, Catarina L.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Pinto, Isabel R.. Universidad de Porto; Portuga

    A Precision Treatment Model for Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression among University Students:A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: Guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (i-CBT) is a low-cost way to address high unmet need for anxiety and depression treatment. Scalability could be increased if some patients were helped as much by self-guided i-CBT as guided i-CBT. Objective: To develop an individualized treatment rule using machine learning methods for guided i-CBT vs self-guided i-CBT based on a rich set of baseline predictors. Design, Setting, and Participants: This prespecified secondary analysis of an assessor-blinded, multisite randomized clinical trial of guided i-CBT, self-guided i-CBT, and treatment as usual included students in Colombia and Mexico who were seeking treatment for anxiety (defined as a 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder [GAD-7] score of ≥10) and/or depression (defined as a 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ-9] score of ≥10). Study recruitment was from March 1 to October 26, 2021. Initial data analysis was conducted from May 23 to October 26, 2022. Interventions: Participants were randomized to a culturally adapted transdiagnostic i-CBT that was guided (n = 445), self-guided (n = 439), or treatment as usual (n = 435). Main Outcomes and Measures: Remission of anxiety (GAD-7 scores of ≤4) and depression (PHQ-9 scores of ≤4) 3 months after baseline. Results: The study included 1319 participants (mean [SD] age, 21.4 [3.2] years; 1038 women [78.7%]; 725 participants [55.0%] came from Mexico). A total of 1210 participants (91.7%) had significantly higher mean (SE) probabilities of joint remission of anxiety and depression with guided i-CBT (51.8% [3.0%]) than with self-guided i-CBT (37.8% [3.0%]; P =.003) or treatment as usual (40.0% [2.7%]; P =.001). The remaining 109 participants (8.3%) had low mean (SE) probabilities of joint remission of anxiety and depression across all groups (guided i-CBT: 24.5% [9.1%]; P =.007; self-guided i-CBT: 25.4% [8.8%]; P =.004; treatment as usual: 31.0% [9.4%]; P =.001). All participants with baseline anxiety had nonsignificantly higher mean (SE) probabilities of anxiety remission with guided i-CBT (62.7% [5.9%]) than the other 2 groups (self-guided i-CBT: 50.2% [6.2%]; P =.14; treatment as usual: 53.0% [6.0%]; P =.25). A total of 841 of 1177 participants (71.5%) with baseline depression had significantly higher mean (SE) probabilities of depression remission with guided i-CBT (61.5% [3.6%]) than the other 2 groups (self-guided i-CBT: 44.3% [3.7%]; P =.001; treatment as usual: 41.8% [3.2%]; P &lt;.001). The other 336 participants (28.5%) with baseline depression had nonsignificantly higher mean (SE) probabilities of depression remission with self-guided i-CBT (54.4% [6.0%]) than guided i-CBT (39.8% [5.4%]; P =.07). Conclusions and Relevance: Guided i-CBT yielded the highest probabilities of remission of anxiety and depression for most participants; however, these differences were nonsignificant for anxiety. Some participants had the highest probabilities of remission of depression with self-guided i-CBT. Information about this variation could be used to optimize allocation of guided and self-guided i-CBT in resource-constrained settings. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04780542.</p