85 research outputs found

    ¿El camino hacia la paz o palos de ciego? Impacto del Programa de Desmovilización

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    El desarme, la desmovilización y la reintegración (DDR) es la iniciativa de consolidación de la paz más utilizada en todo el mundo. A pesar de su popularidad, las evaluaciones empíricas de la contribución que el DDR ha hecho a la seguridad y la paz han sido desatendidas en gran medida. Utilizando la experiencia de Colombia, se calculó el impacto que la desmovilización paramilitar ha tenido sobre las tasas de homicidios a través de Colombia. Utilizando un modelo econométrico de efectos fijos con datos a nivel municipal durante un período de 12 años, se encontró que la desmovilización ha desatado dos fuerzas: por un lado disminuye los homicidios como resultado de una menor actividad paramilitar y por el otro, los aumenta en las áreas de desmovilización en proporción a la densidad de personas desmovilizadas. Se encuentra que la tasa de desmovilización de las AUC incrementa la tasa de homicidios en 2.8/100.000 y que la reducción en las acciones ofensivas ha implicado una disminución en la tasa de asesinatos de 9.9/100.000. Así, el efecto combinado es una reducción de 7.1/100.000 en la tasa de homicidios en los municipios en los que operaron y se desmovilizaron los paramilitares. Se estimó un modelo probit para explorar la heterogeneidad en el cambio de la tasa de homicidio en las áreas de desmovilización. Se encontró que los municipios con presencia de grupos armados y más densos en población, tienen mayorprobabilidad de tener tasas de homicidio más elevadas. Las áreas con mayores tasas de arrestos tienen una probabilidad mayor de tener menos homicidios en el periodo posterior a ladesmovilización.desmovilización de paramilitares, desarme y reintegración, construcción de paz, conflicto en Colombia, efectos fijos, probit.

    Influence of Raters’ Attributes on Biases Toward Immigrants

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    Although immigrants offer many benefits for organizations and our society, they continue to experience unfair discrimination, prejudice, and hostility in the employment process. One contributing factor towards the negative perceptions toward immigrants are the raters’ attributes (i.e., decision makers in the workplace). These attributes include their demographic background (e.g., age, gender), differences between raters’ and immigrants’ cultural values, raters’ personality, and raters’ previous contact with immigrants. In order to understand raters’ biases toward immigrants, we used the social cognition framework (Miller & Brewer, 1984) to explain the reasons for these biases, and offered hypotheses to guide future research on the issue

    Estrategias de marketing mix tradicional en las empresas comerciales

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    La presente investigación tiene como propósito analizar las estrategias del marketing mix tradicional de las empresas comerciales de Nicaragua donde se utilizó una metodología de forma descriptiva, porque en ella se aborda de forma documental todo lo relativo a la investigación abordada en el tema desarrollado que trata sobre la mezcla de marketing así mismo contrastar el marketing mix desarrollado en las empresas comerciales con otras investigaciones realizadas a nivel nacional guiado con referencias bibliográficas actualizadas. El marketing mix se ha convertido en un elemento fundamental para coordinar las actividades empresariales correctamente a través de la orientación al consumidor; este principio permite desarrollar un direccionamiento estratégico que guie a la empresa no solamente a vender un servicio, sino más bien a estar atentos a ofrecer soluciones a las necesidades y satisfacción de los deseos del mercado meta. Durante la elaboración de este trabajo, primeramente, se recopilo información referente a los antecedentes relacionados al tema en estudio, posteriormente se desarrolla la justificación y los objetivos que tendría dicho estudio, al ejecutar estos objetivos se tomó como referencias tesis de carácter, nacional y local para el análisis de estudio. De acuerdo con el análisis realizado, se concluye que la aplicación de las mezclas de Marketing para la implementación de estrategias ayuda a aumentar las ventas de las MYPIMES y esto hace crecer cada día a las empresas. Así, dichas empresas buscan conexiones más profundas con sus consumidores para lograr desarrollar innovaciones y más significado para sus clientes, logrando mantenerse líderes en el mercad

    Surface Morphologies in a Mars-Analog Ca-Sulfate Salar, High Andes, Northern Chile

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    Salar de Pajonales, a Ca-sulfate salt flat in the Chilean High Andes, showcases the type of polyextreme environment recognized as one of the best terrestrial analogs for early Mars because of its aridity, high solar irradiance, salinity, and oxidation. The surface of the salar represents a natural climate-transition experiment where contemporary lagoons transition into infrequently inundated areas, salt crusts, and lastly dry exposed paleoterraces. These surface features represent different evolutionary stages in the transition from previously wetter climatic conditions to much drier conditions today. These same stages closely mirror the climate transition on Mars from a wetter early Noachian to the Noachian/Hesperian. Salar de Pajonales thus provides a unique window into what the last near-surface oases for microbial life on Mars could have been like in hypersaline environments as the climate changed and water disappeared from the surface. Here we open that climatological window by evaluating the narrative recorded in the salar surface morphology and microenvironments and extrapolating to similar paleosettings on Mars. Our observations suggest a strong inter-dependence between small and large scale features that we interpret to be controlled by extrabasinal changes in environmental conditions, such as precipitation-evaporation-balance changes and thermal cycles, and most importantly, by internal processes, such as hydration/dehydration, efflorescence/deliquescence, and recrystallization brought about by physical and chemical processes related to changes in groundwater recharge and volcanic processes. Surface structures and textures record a history of hydrological changes that impact the mineralogy and volume of Ca-sulfate layers comprising most of the salar surface. Similar surface features on Mars, interpreted as products of freeze-thaw cycles, could, instead, be products of water-driven, volume changes in salt deposits. On Mars, surface manifestations of such salt-related processes would point to potential water sources. Because hygroscopic salts have been invoked as sources of localized, transient water sufficient to support terrestrial life, such structures might be good targets for biosignature exploration on Mars

    Toro Times: Raising Our Voices!

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    During the Spring 2019 semester, Dr. Noah Asher Golden\u27s Teaching of Writing K-12 students partnered with the Journalism class at Yorba Academy for the Arts. Through collaboration over a four-month period, Chapman\u27s future teachers and Yorba\u27s junior high journalists engaged a deep writing process to write a series of features, editorials, and news articles related to a number of global issues. Thank you to Principal Preciado-Martin, former principal Tracy Knibb, Mrs. Andrea Lopez, Mrs. Kori Shelton, and the Lloyd E. and Elisabeth H. Klein Family Foundation for supporting this project.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/yorba-chapman/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Overview of the interactive task in BioCreative V

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    Fully automated text mining (TM) systems promote efficient literature searching, retrieval, and review but are not sufficient to produce ready-to-consume curated documents. These systems are not meant to replace biocurators, but instead to assist them in one or more literature curation steps. To do so, the user interface is an important aspect that needs to be considered for tool adoption. The BioCreative Interactive task (IAT) is a track designed for exploring user-system interactions, promoting development of useful TM tools, and providing a communication channel between the biocuration and the TM communities. In BioCreative V, the IAT track followed a format similar to previous interactive tracks, where the utility and usability of TM tools, as well as the generation of use cases, have been the focal points. The proposed curation tasks are user-centric and formally evaluated by biocurators. In BioCreative V IAT, seven TM systems and 43 biocurators participated. Two levels of user participation were offered to broaden curator involvement and obtain more feedback on usability aspects. The full level participation involved training on the system, curation of a set of documents with and without TM assistance, tracking of time-on-task, and completion of a user survey. The partial level participation was designed to focus on usability aspects of the interface and not the performance per se. In this case, biocurators navigated the system by performing pre-designed tasks and then were asked whether they were able to achieve the task and the level of difficulty in completing the task. In this manuscript, we describe the development of the interactive task, from planning to execution and discuss major findings for the systems tested

    Women in (Dis)placement: The Field of Studies on Migrations, Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile

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    This article presents current perspectives on the gender approach to the study of migration in Chile between 1990 and 2018, contextualizing it in light of international debates in the social sciences. We will discuss how the feminization and the growth of Latin American migrations have given rise to a prolific field of research, as exemplified by studies conducted in central and northern Chile. We will show how the concepts of social remittances and caregiving permeate the Chilean debate on migrant women. We conclude with reflections on topics and perspectives to be incorporated into the Chilean research agenda on gender and migration.Se presenta un estado del arte sobre el enfoque de género en los estudios de la migración en Chile entre 1990 y 2018, contextualizándolo a la luz de debates internacionales de las ciencias sociales. Abordaremos cómo la feminización y el incremento de las migraciones latinoamericanas inauguran un prolijo campo de investigaciones, articulado a través de estudios desarrollados en el centro y en el norte de Chile. Señalaremos cómo los conceptos de remesas sociales y cuidados permean el debate chileno sobre las mujeres migrantes. Finalizamos con reflexiones sobre temas y perspectivas a ser incorporados en la agenda chilena de investigaciones sobre género y migración.The authors would like to thank the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) for funding the study that led to this article through Fondecyt Regular Project number 1160683: “Ser Mujer Mayor en Santiago. Organización social de los cuidados, feminización del envejecimiento y desigualdades acumuladas” (“Being an older woman in Santiago. Social organization of care, feminization of ageing and accumulated inequalities”), led by Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo and Fondecyt Regular Project number 1190056: “The Boundaries of Gender Violence: Migrant Women’s Experiences in South American Border Territories” led by Menara Lube Guizardi