432 research outputs found

    La fotografia a colori. Tra descrittivismo ed espressivitĂ  negli scritti di Giuseppe Turroni

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    This text aims to rediscover the studies of Giuseppe Turroni, an important Italian critic whose research activity, had focused particularly on photography and cinema. Active expecially in the central decades of the 20th century, Turroni was the first Italian author to have pointed out the need to constitute a photographic criticism and the importance of studying photography also from an aesthetic point of view. Particularly, this text traces the main guidelines of Turroni's thought about panchromatic photography, the uses that were made of it in the decades between the 19th and 20th centuries, and, above all, focuses attention on the expressiveness and communicativeness of this medium in contemporary society.  This text aims to rediscover the studies of Giuseppe Turroni, an important Italian critic whose research activity, had focused particularly on photography and cinema. Active expecially in the central decades of the 20th century, Turroni was the first Italian author to have pointed out the need to constitute a photographic criticism and the importance of studying photography also from an aesthetic point of view. Particularly, this text traces the main guidelines of Turroni's thought about panchromatic photography, the uses that were made of it in the decades between the 19th and 20th centuries, and, above all, focuses attention on the expressiveness and communicativeness of this medium in contemporary society. &nbsp

    Reacting to the Emergency by Opening Perspectives. Design-driven knit therapy as a adaptable tool to answer the change

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    When the COVID-19 emergency raised, the entire world -and small communities with it- had to stop, adapt, find ways to face the big ongoing challenge. The article reports the reaction and the changes undertaken with an ongoing project that was, in February 2020, experimenting, inside the hospital environment, the therapeutic effects of knitting on people with physical and psychological pathologies. The project, driven by scientific studies made in universities, hospitals and research centers worldwide, had the aim to bring the intervention of designers on the topic, to answer the emerged need to promote research in what is considered a low-investigated and high-promising field. Experimental pilot actions, designed and led by designers on-field, were going on when the emergency changed the scenario, limited the environment, shifted the eye on a new, wider target of healthy people, made knitting a tool to face new circumstances and improve everyday-life quality.Observing the newly emerged scenario and the spontaneous initiatives risen on the web (and on social media in particular) to help individuals in spending the forced time at home in meaningful ways, designers involved in the ongoing project identified in knitting an activity that could be beneficial on a psychological and physical level also for quarantined individuals. The project took a new perspective and evolved in the #IOLAVOROAMAGLIA (#IKNIT) social media campaign, linked to the globally spread #STAYHOME campaign, aimed at inviting people to remain home for preventing the diffusion of the infection, while proposing at the same time new solutions for positively living the emergency times. #IOLAVOROAMAGLIA was embraced by many users and it also became a weekly scheduled live virtual workshop, with a direct reference to the workshops in the hospital of XXXX, temporarily stopped during lockdown.The two projects, on-field and online, proved how knitting can be a meaningful solution not only for healthcare, but also for the daily life of people, both in normal times and in emergency situations.Moreover, the role of the designer and of a design driven approach proved to be fundamental, for the product and service creation, improvement and consolidation and for its communication for valorization and promotion

    Editorial V.15 N.35

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    A Multi-Precision Bit-Serial Hardware Accelerator IP for Deep Learning Enabled Internet-of-Things

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) computation-hungry algorithms demand hardware platforms capable of meeting rigid power and timing requirements. We introduce the Serial-MAC-engine (SMAC-engine), a fully-digital hardware accelerator for inference of quantized DNNs suitable for integration in a heterogeneous System-on-Chip (SoC). The accelerator is completely embedded in the form of a Hardware Processing Engine (HWPE) in the PULPissimo platform, a RISCV-based programmable architecture that targets the computational requirements of IoT applications. The SMAC-engine supports configurable precision for both weights (8/6/4 bits) and activations (8/4 bits), with scalable performance. Results in 65 nm technology demonstrate that the serial-MAC approach enables the accelerator to achieve a maximum throughput of 14.28 GMAC/s, consuming 0.58 pJ/MAC @ 1.0 V when operating at a precision of 4 bits for weights and 8 bits for activations

    Cloud Computing: nodi problematici del rapporto tra controller e processor

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    La trattazione è incentrata sull’analisi del cloud computing in quanto operazione contrattuale che si sviluppa principalmente su due livelli. Il primo attinente alla fornitura vera e propria del servizio cloud, nelle sue declinazioni SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, inteso in termini di disponibilità e accessibilità, per come emerge dall’analisi dei documenti denominati Service Level Agreements, con ricadute in termini di qualificazione che rimandano alla struttura dell’appalto e della somministrazione. Il secondo aspetto attiene alla disamina delle pattuizioni che intercorrono fra utente e provider in merito all’elaborazione dei dati, personali e non. La valutazione congiunta dei due profili fanno ipotizzare per l’individuazione di una disciplina c.d. trans tipica. Per una corretta comprensione del contratto il confronto con la più consolidata fattispecie dell’outsourcing informatico è necessitato, evidenziando le inadeguatezze della normativa di derivazione comunitaria, la direttiva 95/46/CE, se applicata al paradigma tecnologico in esame. Da un’attenta analisi dei soggetti coinvolti nel trattamento dei dati personali e dei rispettivi obblighi concernenti ad esempio la sicurezza del trattamento si evidenzia come la classica distinzione tra controller e processor risulta di difficile applicabilità alle parti del contratto cloud. Con l’approvazione del nuovo regolamento in materia di dati personali si mira al superamento dell’inadeguatezza della normativa vigente rispetto alle complessità del cloud computing, riconoscendo nuovi obblighi in capo ai controller e, al tempo stesso, rendendo quasi del tutto autonoma la figura del processor, in questo modo emancipata dalle “istruzioni” del controller. Il regolamento in corso di approvazione tenta di riportare equilibrio in un rapporto, quello del cloud, dominato da asimmetrie che impediscono all’utente di ricoprire effettivamente il ruolo di data controller e che rendono complicata la qualifica del cloud provider come processor, in base alla definizione contenuta nella direttiva 95/46/CE. Questa rimodulazione che coinvolge gli obblighi e le responsabilità in capo alle due figure comporterà delle notevoli ricadute nelle determinazioni contrattuali la cui portata sarà da investigare in un momento successivo, incidendo presumibilmente sullo sviluppo di questo settore in forme ancora difficili da prevedere

    Designing Sustainable Clothing Systems

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    The Fashion System is at the center of the international debate as one of the most polluting and most impactful industries on the environment. In the last decade the fashion industry has changed, and is still modifying, its approach, aware of the fact that the attention to the environment can no longer be considered a trend: the entire system needs to find and adopt a methodological approach to the project and to the production of goods and services. Today all the stakeholders on the supply chain follow a path from upstream to downstream: from the treatment of pollution, to the intervention on the production processes that generate a product, to the redesign of products and/or services to reach the discussion and reorientation of social behavior. This path shows the need to intervene in design terms and that the growth in responsibility and role of design, requiring reference scenarios, knowledge and new tools. The book defines the features and scenarios of sustainable development, as well as the evolution of sustainability in research and practice of fashion design, addressing the strategies for the design and development of environmentally sustainable products. The authors describe the Life Cycle Design approach and the strategies and guidelines for integrating environmental requirements into product design for sustainable fashion. They present the so-called Systems of Sustainable Products-Services, namely the most promising scenarios and models to make design for sustainable fashion economically convenient. Finally, they provide a method and related tools to support design for sustainable fashion in the evaluation of the environmental impact of products, with particular emphasis on the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). The text is enriched by a full-bodied review of interviews and case studies, with the dual purpose of making the design options clear and of highlighting their specificity for the different design contexts

    Pupillary response to representations of light in paintings

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    Correlates of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound parameters in patients with diabetes: the study on the assessment of determinants of muscle and bone strength abnormalities in diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) provides an estimate of bone mineral density (BMD) and also evaluates bone quality, which has been related to increased fracture risk in people with diabetes. This study aimed at assessing the correlates of calcaneal QUS parameters in diabetic subjects encompassing various degrees of micro and macrovascular complications and a wide-range of peripheral nerve function. METHODS: Four hundred consecutive diabetic patients were examined by QUS to obtain values of broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), the speed of sound (SOS), quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), and BMD. RESULTS: Among surrogate measures of complications, sensory and motor nerve amplitude and heart rate response to cough test and standing correlated with QUS parameters at univariate analysis, together with age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, lipid profile, and renal function. Multivariate analysis revealed that BUA, SOS, QUI, and BMD were independently associated with age, male gender, hemoglobin A1c, BMI (or fat, but not fat-free mass), and somatic and autonomic nerve function parameters. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that peripheral nerve dysfunction is associated with worse QUS parameters, possibly contributing to increased fracture risk in diabetes. The positive relation of QUS measures with adiposity needs further investigation. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01600924)

    Knowledge Gaps and Research Priorities on the Health Effects of Heatwaves: A Systematic Review of Reviews

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    Although extreme weather events have played a constant role in human history, heatwaves (HWs) have become more frequent and intense in the past decades, causing concern especially in light of the increasing evidence on climate change. Despite the increasing number of reviews suggesting a relationship between heat and health, these reviews focus primarily on mortality, neglecting other important aspects. This systematic review of reviews gathered the available evidence from research syntheses conducted on HWs and health. Following the PRISMA guidelines, 2232 records were retrieved, and 283 reviews were ultimately included. Information was extracted from the papers and categorized by topics. Quantitative data were extracted from meta-analyses and, when not available, evidence was collected from systematic reviews. Overall, 187 reviews were non-systematic, while 96 were systematic, of which 27 performed a meta-analysis. The majority evaluated mortality, morbidity, or vulnerability, while the other topics were scarcely addressed. The following main knowledge gaps were identified: lack of a universally accepted definition of HW; scarce evidence on the HW-mental health relationship; no meta-analyses assessing the risk perception of HWs; scarcity of studies evaluating the efficacy of adaptation strategies and interventions. Future efforts should meet these priorities to provide high-quality evidence to stakeholders
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