1,234 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Analysis of Sensor Data for Breath Control in Respiratory Air

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    There is a broad field of applications of breath monitoring in human health care, medical applications and alcohol control. In this report, an innovative mobile sensor system for breath control in respiratory air called AGaMon will be introduced. The sensor system is able to recognize a multitude of different gases like ethanol (which is the leading component of alcoholic drinks), H2S (which is the leading component for halitosis), H2 (which is the leading component for dyspepsia and food intolerance), NO (which is the leading component for asthma) or acetone (which is the leading component for diabetes), thus ,covering almost all significant aspects. An innovative calibration and evaluation procedure called SimPlus was developed which is able to evaluate the sensor data simultaneously. That means, SimPlus is able to identify the samples simultaneously; for example, whether the measured sample is ethanol or another substance under consideration. Furthermore, SimPlus is able to determine the concentration of the identified sample. This will be demonstrated in this report for the application of ethanol, H2, acetone and the binary mixture ethanol-H2. It has been shown that SimPlus could identify the investigated gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) very well and that the relative analysis errors were smaller than 10% in all considered applications. View Full-Tex

    Highly Sensitive and Selective VOC Sensor Systems Based on Semiconductor Gas Sensors: How to?

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    Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is of increasing importance in many application fields such as environmental monitoring, indoor air quality, industrial safety, fire detection, and health applications. The challenges in all of these applications are the wide variety and low concentrations of target molecules combined with the complex matrix containing many inorganic and organic interferents. This paper will give an overview over the application fields and address the requirements, pitfalls, and possible solutions for using low-cost sensor systems for VOC monitoring. The focus lies on highly sensitive metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors, which show very high sensitivity, but normally lack selectivity required for targeting relevant VOC monitoring applications. In addition to providing an overview of methods to increase the selectivity, especially virtual multisensors achieved with dynamic operation, and boost the sensitivity further via novel pro-concentrator concepts, we will also address the requirement for high-performance gas test systems, advanced solutions for operating and read-out electronic, and, finally, a cost-efficient factory and on-site calibration. The various methods will be primarily discussed in the context of requirements for monitoring of indoor air quality, but can equally be applied for environmental monitoring and other fields

    Alcohol control: Mobile sensor system and numerical signal analysis

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    An innovative mobile sensor system for alcohol control in the respiratory air is introduced. The gas sensor included in the sensor system is thermo-cyclically operated. Ethanol is the leading component in this context. However, other components occur in the breathing air which can influence the concentration determination of ethanol. Therefore, mono- ethanol samples and binary gas mixtures are measured by the sensor system and analyzed with a new calibration and evaluation procedure which is also incorporated in the system. The applications demonstrate a good substance identification capability of the sensor system and a very good concentration determination of the components

    Cabbage whiteflies colonise Brassica vegetables primarily from distant, upwind source habitats

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    The occurrence of species in rapidly changing environments, such as agricultural landscapes, is affected by their ability to recolonise habitats. Knowledge of the landscape scale affecting colonisation is essential for large‐scale pest management. Colonisation by insects can be affected on multiple landscape scales, as different morphs of a species may have specific dispersal abilities. The cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella (L.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a major pest of Brassica vegetables, is known to colonise Brassica vegetables primarily from fields of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae). We used field mapping and remote sensing to characterise the relevant scales for colonisation of Brussels sprouts by cabbage whiteflies. Surprisingly, oilseed rape fields in wide landscapes (2–8 km around study sites) explained colonisation better than oilseed rape areas in local landscapes (200–1 000 m around study sites). The explained variance increased when additional weight was given to upwind source habitats, indicating wind transport of whitefly colonisers. Low importance of local compared to wide landscape source habitats can be explained by the flight behaviour of whitefly morphs. Migratory morphs show phototactic attraction but are attracted by hosts only during the later phases of flight. Therefore, they ignore host plants close to their origin and disperse several kilometres. Trivial flight morphs rarely move more than a few hundred metres. In conclusion, as most whitefly colonisers reached Brassica vegetables from source habitats at a distance of 2–8 km, predictions on pest pressure and landscape‐scale whitefly management should consider these distances. In contrast, oilseed rape fields in the local landscape, which usually worry farmers, had little effect

    Evolution of genome architecture in archaea: spontaneous generation of a new chromosome in Haloferax volcanii

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    The common ancestry of archaea and eukaryotes is evident in their genome architecture. All eukaryotic and several archaeal genomes consist of multiple chromosomes, each replicated from multiple origins. Three scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of this genome architecture: (1) mutational diversification of a multi-copy chromosome; (2) capture of a new chromosome by horizontal transfer; (3) acquisition of new origins and splitting into two replication-competent chromosomes. We report an example of the third scenario: the multi-origin chromosome of the archaeon Haloferax volcanii has split into two elements via homologous recombination. The newly-generated elements are bona fide chromosomes, because each bears ‘chromosomal’ replication origins, rRNA loci and essential genes. The new chromosomes were stable during routine growth but additional genetic manipulation, which involves selective bottlenecks, provoked further rearrangements. To the best of our knowledge, rearrangement of a naturally-evolved prokaryotic genome to generate two new chromosomes has not been described previously

    Autoantikörpernachweis mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz an HEp-2-Zellen

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    Systemic autoimmune diseases are characterized by the presence of antinuclear autoantibodies (ANAs). Diluted patient sera are typically used to screen for the presence of ANAs by immunofluorescence microscopy with fixed HEp-2 cells. Despite high quality test kits, reports of different laboratories frequently present controversial results. This study presents a recommendation for a unified processing and interpretation of HEp-2 based screening for autoantibodies. We provide suggestions for selection of high quality test kits, optimized processing, and diagnostic procedures. For good laboratory practice, in addition to a relevant clinical diagnosis and an experienced laboratory specialist, the following procedure is highly recommended: initial HEp-2 based screening by indirect immunofluorescence, starting with a 1:80 serum dilution and evaluation in a bright fluorescence microscope, pathological values from a titer of 1:160, internal quality checks, and unified interpretation. We aim to improve diagnostics and care for patients with autoimmune diseases as a central focus of the European Autoimmunity Standardization Initiative (EASI)

    Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network DEMMIN - Agricultural Research at the TERENO German Northeastern Lowlands Observatory

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    The Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network (DEMMIN) is a calibration and Validation test site for remote sensing Technologies and derived Information products. The test site is located within the TERENO German Northeastern Lowlands Observatory. DEMMIN Objectives are: i) combination of in-situ data and remote sensing data analysis for: Crop parameter estimation (crop type, crop status, crop pattern) Soil parameter retrieval (soil moisture, organic matter) Evapotranspiration modelling, ii) high resolution data analysis (automatic data processing and analysis of multi sensor data (e.g. TSX, Sentinel-1 & 2, Landsat-8 + in-situ + modelling), and iii) Cal/Val site for new sensors and missions

    Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany.

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    This study compares the performance of the five widely used crop growth models (CGMs): World Food Studies (WOFOST), Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)-Wheat, AquaCrop, cropping systems simulation model (CropSyst), and the semi-empiric light use efficiency approach (LUE) for the prediction of winter wheat biomass on the Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network (DEMMIN) test site, Germany. The study focuses on the use of remote sensing (RS) data, acquired in 2015, in CGMs, as they offer spatial information on the actual conditions of the vegetation. Along with this, the study investigates the data fusion of Landsat (30 m) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (500 m) data using the spatial and temporal reflectance adaptive reflectance fusion model (STARFM) fusion algorithm. These synthetic RS data offer a 30-m spatial and one-day temporal resolution. The dataset therefore provides the necessary information to run CGMs and it is possible to examine the fine-scale spatial and temporal changes in crop phenology for specific fields, or sub sections of them, and to monitor crop growth daily, considering the impact of daily climate variability. The analysis includes a detailed comparison of the simulated and measured crop biomass. The modelled crop biomass using synthetic RS data is compared to the model outputs using the original MODIS time series as well. On comparison with the MODIS product, the study finds the performance of CGMs more reliable, precise, and significant with synthetic time series. Using synthetic RS data, the models AquaCrop and LUE, in contrast to other models, simulate the winter wheat biomass best, with an output of high R2 (>0.82), low RMSE (600 g/m2). The study shows that the models requiring fewer input parameters (AquaCrop and LUE) to simulate crop biomass are highly applicable and precise. At the same time, they are easier to implement than models, which need more input parameters (WOFOST and CERES-Wheat)

    Adenosine/A2B receptor signaling ameliorates the effects of ageing and counteracts obesity

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    The combination of aging populations with the obesity pandemic results in an alarming rise in non-communicable diseases. Here, we show that the enigmatic adenosine A2B receptor (A2B) is abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle (SKM) as well as brown adipose tissue (BAT) and might be targeted to counteract age-related muscle atrophy (sarcopenia) as well as obesity. Mice with SKM-specific deletion of A2B exhibited sarcopenia, diminished muscle strength, and reduced energy expenditure (EE), whereas pharmacological A2B activation counteracted these processes. Adipose tissue-specific ablation of A2B exacerbated age-related processes and reduced BAT EE, whereas A2B stimulation ameliorated obesity. In humans, A2B expression correlated with EE in SKM, BAT activity, and abundance of thermogenic adipocytes in white fat. Moreover, A2B agonist treatment increased EE from human adipocytes, myocytes, and muscle explants. Mechanistically, A2B forms heterodimers required for adenosine signaling. Overall, adenosine/A2B signaling links muscle and BAT and has both anti-aging and anti-obesity potential