9,757 research outputs found

    Masculinity at work: The experiences of men in female dominated occupations

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    This paper presents the findings of a research project on the implications of men's non-traditional career choices for their experiences within the organization and for gender identity. The research is based on 40 in-depth interviews with male workers from four occupational groups: librarian-ship, cabin crew, nurses and primary school teachers. Results suggest a typology of male workers in female dominated occupations: seekers (who actively seek the career), finders (who find the occupation in the process of making general career decisions) and settlers (who settle into the career after periods of time in mainly male dominated occupations). Men benefit from their minority status through assumptions of enhanced leadership (the assumed authority effect), by being given differential treatment (the special consideration effect) and being associated with a more careerist attitude to work (the career effect). At the same time, they feel comfortable working with women (the zone of comfort effect). Despite this comfort, men adopt a variety of strategies to re-establish a masculinity that has been undermined by the 'feminine' nature of their work. These include re-labeling, status enhancement and distancing from the feminine. The dynamics of maintaining and reproducing masculinities within the non-traditional work setting are discussed in the light of recent theorising around gender, masculinity and work

    It's OK not to be OK: Shared Reflections from two PhD Parents in a Time of Pandemic

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    Adopting an intersectional feminist lens, we explore our identities as single and co‐parents thrust into the new reality of the UK COVID‐19 lockdown. As two PhD students, we present shared reflections on our intersectional and divergent experiences of parenting and our attempts to protect our work and families during a pandemic. We reflect on the social constructions of ‘masculinities’ and ‘emphasized femininities’ as complicated influence on our roles as parents. Finally, we highlight the importance of time and self‐care as ways of managing our shared realities during this uncertain period. Through sharing reflections, we became closer friends in mutual appreciation and solidarity as we learned about each other’s struggles and vulnerabilities

    Learning masculinities in a Japanese high school rugby club

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    This paper draws on research conducted on a Tokyo high school rugby club to explore diversity in the masculinities formed through membership in the club. Based on the premise that particular forms of masculinity are expressed and learnt through ways of playing (game style) and the attendant regimes of training, it examines the expression and learning of masculinities at three analytic levels. It identifies a hegemonic, culture-specific form of masculinity operating in Japanese high school rugby, a class-influenced variation of it at the institutional level of the school and, by further tightening its analytic focus, further variation at an individual level. In doing so this paper highlights the ways in which diversity in the masculinities constructed through contact sports can be obfuscated by a reductionist view of there being only one, universal hegemonic patterns of masculinity

    Introduction: democratisation and punishment

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    Die experimentelle Aufgabe dieser Arbeit bestand in der Bestimmung der EnergieabhĂ€ngigkeit der SchĂ€digungsrate fĂŒr die MetalleAluminium, Kupfer und Gold im Energiebereich von 1,o bis 3, 3 Mev. Im Verlauf der Arbeit ergab sich, daß fĂŒr eine einwandfreie Bestimmung der "idealen 11 SchĂ€digungsrate Δφio\Delta \varphi_{io}, der SchĂ€digungsrate bei verschwindender Defektkonzentration Δφ\Delta \varphi und ohne Auftreten von StöreinflĂŒssen, fĂŒr die betreffende Probe auch die AbhĂ€ngigkeit der SchĂ€digungsrate von der Defektkonzentration Δφ\Delta \varphi bei einer Energie zu untersuchen ist. Diese Anforderung konnte im Rahmen einer anderen Aufgabenstellung an denselben Proben erledigt werden. Dabei ergab sich, daß die SchĂ€digungsrate von Gold mit zunehmender Defektkonzentration zunĂ€chst nichtlinear abfĂ€llt und erst ab einer Defektkonzentration Δφ=5x10−8Ωcm\Delta \varphi = 5 x 10^{-8} \Omega cm bei Metallen im allgemeinen beobachteten, nahezu linearen Abfall mit zunehmender Defektkonzentration annimmt. Es wurde festgestellt, daß dieser Effekt von der Bestrahlungstemperatur abhĂ€ngt. Weitere Untersuchungen bei Bestrahlungstemperaturen T<4,3°K waren jedoch mit der vorhandenen Apparatur nicht durchfĂŒhrbar. Die an Gold bestimmten SchĂ€digungsraten können aufgrund dieses Effektes nicht ausgewertet werden. Außerdem muß angenommen werden, daß aufgrund dieses Effektes alle in der Literatur mitgeteilten SchĂ€digungsraten mit einer merklichen Unsicherheit behaftet sind. FĂŒr die minimale Schwellenenergie Ed,minE_{d,min} wurde etwa 33 eV erhalten. Dieser Wert ist in guter Übereinstimmung mit dem von Bauer und Sosin9)^{9)} angegebenen Wert von etwa 35 eV. Aus den eigenen Messungen an Aluminium und Kupfer und den Messungen anderer Autoren bei Energien unterhalb 1,o MeV wurde einegeglĂ€ttete Kurve fĂŒr die EnergieabhĂ€ngigkeit der Schadigungsrate von der minimalen Schwellenenergie Ed,min_{d,min} bis zu der bei dergrĂ¶ĂŸten Elektronenenergie maximal ĂŒbertragbaren Enerrrie Emax(N)E^{(N)}_{max} erhalten. Diese geglĂ€lttete Kurve wurde dann der Berechnung der Verlagerungsfunktion φFP(E)n(E)\varphi _{F}P(E)n(E) zuerunde gelegt. Der Verlauf des differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnittes fĂŒr EnergieĂŒbertragung bei der Streuung eines Elektrons an einem Gitteratom bedingt, daß EnergieĂŒbertragungen nahe Emax(N)E^{(N)}_{max} sehr selten vorkommen. EnergieĂŒbertragungen von der GrĂ¶ĂŸe der minimalen Schwellenenergie Ed,minE_{d,min} dagegen hĂ€ufig. Das heißt, daß von Energien nahe Emax(N)E^{(N)}_{max} nur ein kleiner Beitrag zu gemessenen SchĂ€digungsraten Δφ\Delta \varphi geleistet wird [...

    Work restructuring and changing craft identity: the Tale of the Disaffected Weavers (or what happens when the rug is pulled from under your feet)

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    This article explores the changes in worker identity that can occur during manufacturing restructuring – specifically those linked to the declining status of craft work – through an in-depth case study of Weaveco, a UK carpet manufacturer. An analysis of changes in the labour process is followed by employee reactions centred on the demise of the traditional craft identity of male carpet weavers. The voices of the weavers dramatize the tensions involved in reconstructing their masculine identity, and we consider the implications this has for understanding gendered work relations

    Decoherence at zero temperature

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    Most discussions of decoherence in the literature consider the high-temperature regime but it is also known that, in the presence of dissipation, decoherence can occur even at zero temperature. Whereas most previous investigations all assumed initial decoupling of the quantum system and bath, we consider that the system and environment are entangled at all times. Here, we discuss decoherence for a free particle in an initial Schr\"{o}dinger cat state. Memory effects are incorporated by use of the single relaxation time model (since the oft-used Ohmic model does not give physically correct results)

    'It's a Form of Freedom': The experiences of people with disabilities within equestrian sport

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    This paper explores the embodied, gendered experiences of disabled horse‐riders. Drawing on data from five in‐depth interviews with paradressage riders, the ways in which their involvement in elite disability sport impacts upon their sense of identity and confidence are explored, as well as the considerable health and social benefits that this involvement brings. Social models of disability are employed and the shortcomings of such models, when applied to disability sport, are highlighted. The data presented here demonstrates the necessity of seeing disability sport as an embodied experience and acknowledging the importance of impairment to the experiences of disabled athletes. Living within an impaired body is also a gendered experience and the implications of this when applied to elite disability sport are considered

    The INTEGRAL/SPI response and the Crab observations

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    The Crab region was observed several times by INTEGRAL for calibration purposes. This paper aims at underlining the systematic interactions between (i) observations of this reference source, (ii) in-flight calibration of the instrumental response and (iii) the development and validation of the analysis tools of the SPI spectrometer. It first describes the way the response is produced and how studies of the Crab spectrum lead to improvements and corrections in the initial response. Then, we present the tools which were developed to extract spectra from the SPI observation data and finally a Crab spectrum obtained with one of these methods, to show the agreement with previous experiments. We conclude with the work still ahead to understand residual uncertainties in the response.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proc. of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop (Feb. 16-20 2004), to be published by ES
