58 research outputs found

    Quantifying Functional Reuse from Object Oriented Requirements Specifications

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    Software reuse is essential in improving efficiency and productivity in the software development process. This paper analyses reuse within requirements engineering phase by taking and adapting a standard functional size measurement method, COSMIC FFP. Our proposal attempts to quantify reusability from Object Oriented requirements specifications by identifying potential primitives with a high level of reusability and applying a reuse indicator. These requirements are specified using OO-Method, an automatic software production method based on transformation models. We illustrate the application of our proposal in a Car Rental real system

    Професорові П.Ю. Гриценку шістдесят

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    У ці світлі осінні дні наукова спільнота святкує славний ювілей — 60-річчя директора Інституту української мови Національної академії наук України, завідувача відділу діалектології, доктора філологічних наук, професора Павла Юхимовича Гриценка

    Safety and Health in Mining

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    In the history of the mining sector, in its beginnings it faced very high levels of risks both safety and health. The data are limited to serious accidents, and these are mainly associated with falls from land, transport and machinery. Analysis of these data suggests that the leading causes of death tend to be the same as those of serious injuries, while disasters have a different profile. Over the past decade, mining disasters have been associated with explosions due to flammable gases, a fire on a conveyor belt, a flood of mud and water, and rock outbursts. Mandatory compliance with a company's safety, health and environmental regulations is a minimum and can be significantly improved by adding a long-term management planning and implementation process with a deeper cultural shift towards continuous improvement in safety and quality. Note that the purpose of integrating health and safety into other management systems is the need for health and safety management to be central, rather than an organizational objective

    Important Teacher Qualities for Integrating Blended Learning in Higher Education

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    Blended learning is widely accepted in Peruvian higher education for a number of reasons, including the fact that it allows students more leeway to accommodate their own unique schedule and learning needs. The present qualitative research investigates the qualities of effective teachers that are crucial to the successful implementation of blended learning from the vantage point of experts, who can gain valuable insight into the causes of organizational problems and the best strategies for resolving them. There are seven positive characteristics of blended learning teachers, such as the ability to recognize the need for pedagogical change or the confidence to incorporate technology into learning processes, and four negative characteristics, such as a lack of familiarity with blended learning or anxiety about students use of technology. Blended learning in higher education is investigated here to identify the factors that influence it

    Metarregulated Learning Scale (MRL) in university students

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la validez de constructo de la escala de aprendizaje metarregulado (AMR) en estudiantes universitarios. Se desarrolló con 430 estudiantes universitarios en educación virtual de Lima, utilizando los paquetes estadísticos SPSS v26, AMOS v24 y el R-Project v.1.2, y aportando evidencia psicométrica del proceso de validación. Se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio; el análisis de fiabilidad y validez de constructo final se realizó a partir del cálculo de las medidas del alfa de Cronbach, coeficiente Omega y coeficiente Theta. Los resultados constatan la estructura original de cinco factores, aunque con menos elementos que la versión primaria; finalmente se obtiene un instrumento de 20 ítems que comprende 5 dimensiones calificadas; el mismo se ofrece a la comunidad científica y educativa con el ánimo de contribuir a entender mejor el aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios, dinamizado desde procesos de colaboración, metarreflexión, metacognición, autorregulación y cognición.The study aimed to determine the construct validity of the metaregulated learning scale (AMR) in university students. It was developed with 430 university students in virtual education in Lima, using the statistical packages SPSS v26, AMOS v24 and R-Project v.1.2, and providing psychometric evidence of the validation process. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed; the reliability and validity analysis of the final construct was performed from the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha, Omega coefficient and Theta coefficient measures. The results confirm the original structure of five factors, although with fewer elements than the primary version; Finally, a 20-item instrument is obtained that includes 5 qualified dimensions; It is offered to the scientific and educational community with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the learning of university students, dynamized from processes of collaboration, meta-reflection, metacognition, self-regulation and cognition

    Classroom flipped in a virtual platform for the development of competences. Case study: applied research course

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    The new framework for the quality of higher education proposes to transform the paradigm of didactic intervention, orienting it towards more active mixed methodologies, centered on the student's learning process, incorporating technological tools that allow a better development of the teaching-learning processes. The objective of this study is to apply the Inverted Classroom model through a Moodle virtual platform for the development of research competencies. The study is applied to 46 participants graduated from the professional career of Communication Sciences at the national University of Piura (Peru), where they participated in a professional updating and degree program. The methodology applied is mixed, with quantitative and qualitative data, following a pre-experimental design. To evaluate the competencies, quantitative data were collected at the beginning and end of the Applied Research course. The research hypothesis is to validate whether in the context of the subject of Applied Research in Communication Sciences the pedagogical model Inverted Classroom through the use of the virtual platform Moodle has an effect on the development of research skills in students. The data collection process is carried out at the beginning with a knowledge test applied to the students and at the end with the qualification obtained through an evaluation matrix. The results obtained show significant differences in the average grades of the students, obtained before and after using the Inverted Classroom model, where better results are obtained in the competences referred to the elaboration of the theoretical framework and approach of the studyEl nuevo marco de la calidad de la educación superior propone transformar el paradigma de intervención didáctica orientándolo hacia metodologías mixtas más activas, centradas en el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante, en el que se incorporan herramientas tecnológicas que permiten un mejor desarrollo de los procesos de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Se realiza un estudio cuyo objetivo es aplicar el modelo Aula Invertida a través de una plataforma virtual Moodle para el desarrollo de competencias investigativas. El estudio es aplicado a 46 participantes egresados de la carrera profesional de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad nacional de Piura (Perú), donde participaron en un programa de actualización y titulación profesional. La metodología aplicada es mixta, con datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, donde ha seguido un diseño pre experimental. Para evaluar las competencias se recolectan datos cuantitativos al inicio y final del curso de Investigación Aplicada. La hipótesis de investigación consiste en validar si en el contexto de la asignatura de Investigación Aplicada a las Ciencias de la Comunicación si el modelo pedagógico Aula Invertida a través del uso de la plataforma virtual Moodle tiene efecto en el desarrollo de competencias investigativas en los estudiantes. El proceso de recolección de información se realiza al inicio con una prueba de conocimientos aplicada a los estudiantes del y al final con la calificación obtenida a través de una matriz de evaluación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias significativas en el promedio de calificaciones de los estudiantes, obtenidos antes y después usando el modelo de Aula Invertida, donde se obtienen mejores resultados en las competencias referidas a la elaboración del marco teórico y planteamiento del estudi

    Detection, isolation and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in fresh ground beef from butcher shops in Concepción, Tucumán Province

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    Escherichia coli productor de toxina Shiga (STEC) es un patógeno emergente transmitido por alimentos. Existen numerosos serotipos de STEC asociados a enfermedad en humanos, entre los cuales prevalece el serotipo O157:H7. La carne molida es el principal vehículo de transmisión. En la ciudad de Concepción, provincia de Tucumán, entre setiembre y diciembre de 2004 se diagnosticaron dos casos de síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH). El objetivo de este trabajo fue detectar, aislar y caracterizar STEC O157 y no-O157 a partir de muestras de carne molida fresca obtenidas en las bocas de expendio. Entre los meses de setiembre y diciembre de 2004 se recolectaron 53 muestras de carne molida fresca en carnicerías de la ciudad de Concepción. Para la detección, el aislamiento y la caracterización de STEC O157:H7 se utilizó la metodología USDA-FSIS 2002. Para la detección de E. coli no-O157 se utilizaron dos técnicas de PCR; para el aislamiento y la caracterización se utilizó una metodología previamente validada en una etapa intralaboratorio. Siete muestras fueron positivas para el gen stx2 , de las cuales 4 también fueron positivas para el gen rfbO157. Sin embargo, solo se aisló una cepa de E. coli O157:H7 biotipo C, portadora de los genes eae, stx2 y ehxA. El presente trabajo refleja la importancia de implementar técnicas que permitan detectar este grupo de patógenos emergentes a partir de productos cárnicos.Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli is an emerging foodborne pathogen. There are many STEC serotypes associated with human diseases, being the O157:H7 serotype the most prevalent. Ground beef is the main transmission vehicle. In Concepción city, Tucumán Province, between September and December 2004, two hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) cases were diagnosed. The main objective of this work was to detect, isolate and characterize STEC O157 and non-O157 strains in fresh ground beef. Between September and December 2004, 53 fresh ground beef samples were collected from butcher shops in Concepción city. The USDA-FSIS (2002) methodology was used for detection, isolation and characterization of STEC O157:H7. Two PCR techniques for E. coli non-O157 detection and a previous intra-laboratory validated methodology for the isolation and characterization of these strains were used. The stx2 gen was identified in seven samples and the rfbO157 gene also in four of them. However, only one E. coli O157:H7 strain, biotype C, carrying the eae, stx2 and ehxA genes, was isolated. The present study shows the importance of implementing techniques for the detection of this emerging pathogen in meat samples.Instituto de Genética Veterinari