549 research outputs found

    Comprehensive analysis and insights gained from long-term experience of the Spanish DILI Registry

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    Background & aims: Prospective drug-induced liver injury (DILI) registries are important sources of information on idiosyncratic DILI. We aimed to present a comprehensive analysis of 843 patients with DILI enrolled into the Spanish DILI Registry over a 20-year time period. Methods: Cases were identified, diagnosed and followed prospectively. Clinical features, drug information and outcome data were collected. Results: A total of 843 patients, with a mean age of 54 years (48% females), were enrolled up to 2018. Hepatocellular injury was associated with younger age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] per year 0.983; 95% CI 0.974-0.991) and lower platelet count (aOR per unit 0.996; 95% CI 0.994-0.998). Anti-infectives were the most common causative drug class (40%). Liver-related mortality was more frequent in patients with hepatocellular damage aged ≥65 years (p = 0.0083) and in patients with underlying liver disease (p = 0.0221). Independent predictors of liver-related death/transplantation included nR-based hepatocellular injury, female sex, higher onset aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and bilirubin values. nR-based hepatocellular injury was not associated with 6-month overall mortality, for which comorbidity burden played a more important role. The prognostic capacity of Hy's law varied between causative agents. Empirical therapy (corticosteroids, ursodeoxycholic acid and MARS) was prescribed to 20% of patients. Drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis patients (26 cases) were mainly females (62%) with hepatocellular damage (92%), who more frequently received immunosuppressive therapy (58%).The present study has been supported by grants of Instituto de Salud Carlos III cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – FEDER (contract numbers: PI19/00883, PI16/01748, PI18/00901, PI18/01804, PI-0285-2016, PI-0274-2016, PI-0310- 2018, PT17/0017/0020) and Agencia Española del Medicamento. CIBERehd and Plataforma ISCIII Ensayos Clinicos are funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. MRD holds a Joan Rodes (JR16/ 00015)/Acción B clinicos investigadores (B-0002-2019) and JSC a Rio Hortega (CM17/00243) research contract from ISCIII and Consejería de Salud de Andalucía. The funding sources had no involvement in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report or in the de- cision to submit the manuscript for publication

    ICES. 2020. Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES areas 7, 8 and 9

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    he Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys (WGACEGG) coordinates pelagic surveys for a number of stocks and provides monitoring for the two major sardine and anchovy stocks in ICES areas 6, 7, 8, and 9. The group evaluated small pelagic fish biomass indices derived from acoustic and Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) surveys in ICES areas 6, 7, 8 and 9. These indices have been provided to the ICES Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA), the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) and the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62ºN (HAWG) stock assessment group, to serve as fishery-independent input for analytical assessment purposes. DEPM and acoustic indices were derived based on data collected using independent methods. Acoustic- and DEPM-derived biomass indices from quasi-synoptic surveys conducted in the Bay of Biscay in spring were compared, to assess the presence of potential bias and to improve the precision of fish stock biomass estimates. The DEPM-based anchovy biomass index was 22% higher than the acoustic index in 2019. Unusual concentrations of anchovy in Eastern Cantabrian Sea, an area not covered by the acoustic survey, and the presence near the sea surface of actively spawning individuals possibly under-sampled by acoustics in central Bay of Bay had been postulated as potential causes of this discrepancy. No significant difference was found between sardine biomass indices derived from DEPM and acoustics in 2019. The group has updated its database of standard gridded maps covering the European Atlantic area. This initiative continues to inform on the spatial dynamics of various parameters collected during the surveys coordinated under the auspices of the group (fish acoustic densities, anchovy and sardine egg abundance, surface temperature and salinity). Results of an analysis of the time series of gridded maps (anchovy and sardine acoustic density, surface salinity and temperature) showed quantitative changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of anchovy and sardine over the last 15 years, and further define their habitats in European Atlantic waters in spring. The timing and spatial coverage of DEPM and acoustic surveys that will be conducted by group members in 2020 were planned to optimise the monitoring of anchovy and sardine populations and their pelagic environment in the European Atlantic area. The synoptic nature of the survey components has been assessed for each target species. A manual describing the protocols used during the DEPM surveys coordinated by the WGACEGG group was reviewed, and writing of a manual of WGACEGG acoustic surveys continued. Both manuals will be available in 2020. The final results of the 2017 sardine DEPM assessment were endorsed by the group

    Preliminary results from the ECOCADIZ 2020-07 Spanish acoustic survey (01 – 14 August 2020)

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    The present working document summarises a part of the main results obtained from the Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic survey conducted by IEO between 01st and 14th August 2020 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Miguel Oliver. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 26 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. Four additional night trawls were conducted to collect anchovy hydrated females (DEPM). This working document only provides abundance and biomass estimates for anchovy, sardine and chub mackerel, which are presented without age structure. The distribution of all the mid-sized and small pelagic fish species susceptible of being acoustically assessed is also shown from the mapping of their back-scattering energies. GoC anchovy acoustic estimates in summer 2020 were of 5153 million fish and 44 877 tones, with the bulk of the population occurring in the Spanish waters. The current biomass estimate becomes in the second historical maximum within the time-series. The estimates of sardine abundance and biomass in summer 2020 were 1923 million fish and 50 721 t, estimates close to the historical average, but lower than the values estimated last year and the most recent maxima reached in 2018. A total of 32 854 t and 448 million fish were estimated for Chub mackerel, estimates similar to the most recent ones and very close to the time-series average

    Methodology applied in the study of the language development in children with early detection of neonatal hearing loss.

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    Introducción y objetivo: Dado que el potencial discapacitante que causa la deficiencia auditiva neonatal disminuye con una detección e intervención tempranas, hemos elaborado un proyecto de investigación, con el que nos proponemos conocer el grado de desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños y niñas que procedentes del cribado auditivo universal, han sido diagnosticados/as por nosotros de hipoacusia prelingual en estos últimos 15 años y analizar las variables determinantes y las que son modificables. El objeto de esta comunicación consistirá en presentar la metodología que vamos a utilizar. Método: Partimos de los datos almacenados en nuestro Servicio de ORL, que comprende a 282 niños con hipoacusia. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de crear un grupo de investigación en el que coincidimos especialistas de la audición infantil y del lenguaje, por lo que contamos con medios suficientes para el estudio. Resultados: Describimos los elementos que configuran este proyecto, en relación al equipo de trabajo y a su desarrollo. Tras aplicar unos criterios de exclusión/inclusión, hemos seleccionado a un grupo de 45 niños entre 3 y 15 años, definiendo sus características auditivas. Mediante pruebas específicas, adaptadas a la edad, estudiaremos los diferentes aspectos del lenguaje; y a través de una entrevista estructurada realizada a los padres, intentaremos determinar las variables que influyen en el proceso re-habilitador. Finalmente, los datos serán analizados estadísticamente. Discusión: La variabilidad y la escasa prevalencia de la hipoacusia infantil, dificultan la realización de estudios con población suficiente para obtener resultados estadísticamente significativos. Sin embargo, creemos que el grupo de niños seleccionado y la metodología utilizada nos permitirán conocer mejor las variables influyentes en el desarrollo del lenguaje. Conclusiones: El programa de cribado auditivo universal ha permitido una intervención más precoz, lo que debería mejorar los niveles de lenguaje de los niños detectados/as con hipoacusia. Aunque el desarrollo normalizado de la comunicación depende de otros factores difíciles de determinar, a través del protocolo presentado pretendemos equiparar estos resultados, validando el proceso de cribado/diagnóstico e intervención de nuestro medio.Introduction and objective: Given that the disabling potential causing neonatal hearing impairment decreases with early detection and intervention, we have drawn up a research project, with which we intend to know the degree of development of the language of children and girls than from the universal hearing screening, have been diagnosed for us of prelingual hearing loss in the last 15 years and analyze the determining variables and which are modifiable. The object of this communication will be to present the methodology that we use. Method: We assume the data stored on our ENT service, including 282 children with hearing loss. We have had the opportunity to create a research group in which we agree ENT and language specialists so we have resources sufficient for the study. Results: We describe the elements that make up this project in relation to the team and to its development. After applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, we have selected a group of 45 children between 3 and 15 years, defining their auditory characteristics. Through specific tests, adapted to the age, we will study the different aspects of the language; and through a structured interview parents, we try to determine the variables that influence the rehabilitator process. Finally, the data will be analyzed statistically. Discussion: The variability and the low prevalence of infant hearing loss, make it difficult studies with sufficient population to obtain statistically significant results. However, we believe that the group of children and the methodology selected will allow us to learn more about the influential in the development of the language variables. Conclusions: The hearing screening program allowed us to earlier intervention, which should improve the levels of language of children detected with hearing loss. Although the standard development of communication depends on other factors difficult to determine, through the presented protocol we equate these findings, validating the process of screening/diagnosis and intervention of our environment

    ICES. 2020. Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES areas 7, 8 and 9

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    he Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys (WGACEGG) coordinates pelagic surveys for a number of stocks and provides monitoring for the two major sardine and anchovy stocks in ICES areas 6, 7, 8, and 9. The group evaluated small pelagic fish biomass indices derived from acoustic and Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) surveys in ICES areas 6, 7, 8 and 9. These indices have been provided to the ICES Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA), the Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) and the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62ºN (HAWG) stock assessment group, to serve as fishery-independent input for analytical assessment purposes. DEPM and acoustic indices were derived based on data collected using independent methods. Acoustic- and DEPM-derived biomass indices from quasi-synoptic surveys conducted in the Bay of Biscay in spring were compared, to assess the presence of potential bias and to improve the precision of fish stock biomass estimates. The DEPM-based anchovy biomass index was 22% higher than the acoustic index in 2019. Unusual concentrations of anchovy in Eastern Cantabrian Sea, an area not covered by the acoustic survey, and the presence near the sea surface of actively spawning individuals possibly under-sampled by acoustics in central Bay of Bay had been postulated as potential causes of this discrepancy. No significant difference was found between sardine biomass indices derived from DEPM and acoustics in 2019. The group has updated its database of standard gridded maps covering the European Atlantic area. This initiative continues to inform on the spatial dynamics of various parameters collected during the surveys coordinated under the auspices of the group (fish acoustic densities, anchovy and sardine egg abundance, surface temperature and salinity). Results of an analysis of the time series of gridded maps (anchovy and sardine acoustic density, surface salinity and temperature) showed quantitative changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of anchovy and sardine over the last 15 years, and further define their habitats in European Atlantic waters in spring. The timing and spatial coverage of DEPM and acoustic surveys that will be conducted by group members in 2020 were planned to optimise the monitoring of anchovy and sardine populations and their pelagic environment in the European Atlantic area. The synoptic nature of the survey components has been assessed for each target species. A manual describing the protocols used during the DEPM surveys coordinated by the WGACEGG group was reviewed, and writing of a manual of WGACEGG acoustic surveys continued. Both manuals will be available in 2020. The final results of the 2017 sardine DEPM assessment were endorsed by the group

    Assessment of anti-malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde antibody frequencies in rheumatoid arthritis with new data from two independent cohorts, meta-analysis, and meta-regression

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    Autoantibodies are critical elements in RA pathogenesis and clinical assessment. The anti-malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde (anti-MAA) antibodies are potentially useful because of their claimed high sensitivity for all RA patients, including those lacking RF and anti-CCP antibodies. Therefore, we aimed to replicate these findings.The research done in Santiago was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the projects PI20/01268, PI17/01606 and RD21/0002/0003, co-funded by the European Union. L.R.-M. was supported by Xunta de Galicia (Spain) through a Gain pre-doctoral fellowship (IN606A-2017/015). The research in Barcelona was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (Grant PID2021-122216OB-I00).Peer reviewe

    Approximation to the economic cost of healthcare for hypertensive patients diagnosed with COVID-19

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    IntroductionMany researchers have focused their studies on hypertension due to its over-representation among COVID-19 patients. Both retrospective and observational studies conducted close to the Wuhan area have reported that hypertension is the most common comorbidity observed in patients affected by COVID-19.ObjectiveOur objective is that patients with arterial hypertension have a worse prognosis in terms of evolution leading to higher costs.MethodsA retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 3,581 patients from La Paz University Hospital (LPUH) during the period between 15 July 2020 and 31 July 2020 were included in this study.ResultsIt should be noted that 40.71% of the patients were hypertensive. As expected, hypertension was associated with men, among whom we observed a higher prevalence and a higher age (median age of 77 years (IQI: 65–85) versus 52 years (IQI: 37–64), p-value < 0.001). Hypertensive patients had a higher prevalence of dyspnea (52.14% vs. 47.15%, p-value = 0.004) and altered awareness (14.89% vs. 4.30%, p-value <0.001). The non-parametric Kaplan–Meier curve estimates the survival of patients in the two study groups. We can see how patients with hypertension have a higher associated mortality, with the difference being statistically significant, p-value (log-rank) = 0.004. Only for the appearance of complications during hospitalization, the group of hypertensive patients reached the figure of €1,355,901.71 compared to the total of 421,403.48 € for normotensive patients.ConclusionOur study shows the worse clinical evolution of patients with COVID-19 in terms of associated morbidity and mortality. It also shows that the cost of managing patients with hypertension is greater than that of managing normotensive patients