91 research outputs found

    Conectando-se pelo coração: experiências narradas sobre leitura e escrita em tempos de pandemia

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    This article aims to make considerations about reading and writing practices based on what ten kindergarten teachers narrate about their experiences with children in times of pandemic. The work adopts the epistemological perspective of (auto)biographical research in education in dialogue with authors who contribute to problematize these narratives of lived experience in the processes of co-training and teacher self-(trans)training. Technical competence and political commitment are articulated here, considered unavoidable to accompany children from 4 to 5 years old in the process of appropriation of reading and writing as a fundamental condition to the exercise of citizenship. It ends with the defense that the joint reflection between teachers and trainers on experiences, doubts, doings, and duties inherent to pedagogical practices has much to contribute to the production of scientific knowledge in educational research based on an incarnate knowledge.Este artículo tiene como objetivo hacer consideraciones sobre las prácticas de lectura y escrita a partir de lo narrado por diez docentes de Educación Infantil sobre sus experiencias con los niños en tiempos de pandemia. El trabajo adopta la perspectiva epistemológica de la investigación (auto)biográfica en educación en diálogo con autores que contribuyen a problematizar estas narrativas de la experiencia vivida en los procesos de coformación y auto(trans)formación docente. Se articulan aquí competencia técnica y compromiso político, considerados ineludibles para acompañar a los niños de 4 a 5 años en el proceso de apropiación de lectura y de escrita como condición fundamental para el ejercicio de la ciudadanía. Se concluye con la defensa de que la reflexión conjunta entre docentes y formadores sobre experiencias, dudas, acciones y deberes inherentes a las prácticas pedagógicas tiene mucho que aportar a la producción de conocimiento científico en la investigación educativa a partir del conocimiento corporeizado.Este artigo tem por objetivo tecer considerações sobre práticas de leitura e escrita com base no que narram dez professoras da Educação Infantil sobre suas experiências com as crianças em tempos de pandemia. O trabalho adota a perspectiva epistemológica de pesquisa (auto)biográfica em educação, no diálogo com autores que contribuem para problematizar essas narrativas da experiência vivida nos processos de coformação e auto(trans)formação docente. Articulam-se aqui competência técnica e compromisso político, considerados incontornáveis para acompanhar crianças de 4 a 5 anos de idade no processo de apropriação da leitura e da escrita como condição fundante para o exercício da cidadania. Finaliza-se com a defesa de que a reflexão conjunta entre professoras e formadoras sobre experiências, dúvidas, fazeres e deveres inerentes às práticas pedagógicas tem muito a contribuir para a produção do conhecimento científico na pesquisa educacional com base em um saber encarnado

    Fabrico de medicamentos na europa: que estratégia para o futuro?

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    A indústria da produção de medicamentos tem sofrido profundas alterações nos últimos anos. A globalização e crescimento dos custos fixos originaram fusões e aquisições nas grandes companhias multinacionais conduzindo a excesso de capacidade e fecho de fábricas na Europa. A entrada de novos concorrentes oriundos dos países emergentes como a China e principalmente a Índia produzindo com custos mais baixos veio aumentar ainda mais a capacidade disponível na Europa conduzindo a uma espiral de mais fusões e aquisições, maior capacidade disponível, mais concentração e mais fecho de fábricas. Por outro lado, este desinvestimento das Big Pharmas, a perda de lucros resultante da queda de patentes e a entrada no mercado dos medicamentos genéricos fez aumentar a necessidade do contract manufacturing. Num mercado em crescimento em que o preço dos medicamentos varia na razão inversa, a análise estratégica torna-se fundamental para prever o futuro e redefinir estratégias. A análise externa, interna e interna/externa apresentada e as ferramentas utilizadas permitem o estabelecimento de alternativas estratégicas de modo à organização escolher o melhor caminho para concretizar a sua visão traduzida em objectivos estratégicos. A implementação da estratégia é mais crítica do que a própria formulação para o desempenho a longo prazo, sendo necessário controlá-la e monitorizá-la através de ferramentas que permitam actuar caso o caminho escolhido não esteja a conduzir à meta desejada. Por fim espera-se que o presente caso desperte a capacidade de olhar para o futuro e reinventar o sucesso das organizações.The industry of drug production has undergone profound changes in recent years. Globalization and growth in fixed costs led to mergers and acquisitions in large multinational companies which than lead to excess capacity and the closing of facilities in Europe. The entry of new competitors from emerging countries like China and India, who mainly produce at lower costs, has increased further the available capacity in Europe. This led to a spiral of further increased mergers and acquisitions, largest available capacity, more concentration and the closure of more facilities. Moreover, the divestment of Big Pharmas, the loss of profit from the fall of patents and the market entry of generic drugs has increased the need for contract manufacturing. In a growing market where the price of drugs varies in inverse ratio, strategic analysis becomes essential to predict the future and redefine strategies. The environmental scanning, internal scanning and internal/ environmental scanning and the tools used, all allow for the establishment of strategic alternatives for the organization in order to choose the best path to realize its vision translated into strategic objectives. Implementation of the strategy is more critical than the actual formulation for long-term performance, it is necessary to control it and monitor it through tools which can act if the chosen path is not leading to the desired goal. Finally it is hoped that this event triggers the ability to look ahead and reinvent the success of organizations

    Os Alunos dos anos finais do ensino fundamental II e a visão sobre “Meio Ambiente”

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    O senso comum na sociedade estabeleceu que o termo Meio Ambiente remete “obrigatoriamente” a ideia de que estamos falando dos seres vivos e suas relações no local onde vivem. Esta quase definição de Ecologia apresentada nas salas de aula a partir dos anos 70, vem sendo mantida nos dias atuais em muitos ambientes escolares. Entretanto, pouco vemos e falamos sobre o meio ambiente na abrangência da Educação Ambiental. Os aspectos socioambientais parecem não fazer parte deste ambiente visualizado na educação básica. Na inquietação desta premissa é que buscamos entender a consciência social e ambiental que os alunos do ensino básico de escolas públicas do município de Pelotas, no Rio Grande do Sul, apresentam. O que é e qual a abrangência contida no estudo do “Meio Ambiente”? Para chegar a este entendimento, ouvimos 91 alunos de 4 escolas públicas, entrevistados através de questionário semiestruturado em 9 questões. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e são apresentados em tabelas e gráficos construídos no programa Excel. O estudo mostrou-nos a necessidade de ampliar as discussões sobre meio ambiente como elemento estruturante para uma consciência ambiental mais abrangente e não só aquela sedimentada no senso comum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Hemotherapy is a multidisciplinary practice in which the nursing staff has a central role in patient safety. Numerous risks are associated with this therapy, and these can be potentiated when the professional who performs this procedure does not have specific knowledge and skills for immediate interventions. Thus, it is believed that the nurse must receive in their training information on procedures that will be part of their daily professional practice. Increasingly, leisure activities strategies have been employed in the teaching of health sciences, with the goal of developing the learner professional skills and competencies necessary for their appropriation of knowledge. To this end, games are very valuable elements, since they allow the development of skills in communication, interpersonal relations, leadership and teamwork, using the relationship between cooperation and competition in an educational context. This paper proposes the use of a board game called "Transfusion Game” developed on the role of the nurse in hemotherapy, based upon current legislation in Brazil and aimed for the teaching and learning of hemotherapy to undergraduate nursing students of more advanced stages. This game includes, broadly, the actions of the nurse in transfusion procedures as well as their attitude toward possible adverse events, and current legislation. It is expected that the Transfusion Game can be a useful tool for the nurse’s meaningful learning of hemotherapy procedures, since it focus on questions of their practice. It is also expected that the proposed game can foster the development of critical thinking for the student / professional nurse, resulting in greater safety in their working processes


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    The acceleration of pace of international events and processes requires qualified analysis beyond the political-journalistic bias that often characterises most interpretations of contemporary matters. Thus, in addition to theoretical-analytical articles, it was considered imperative to publish a brief evaluation of important current events. To this end, the Brazilian Centre for Strategy and International Relations (NERINT/UFRGS), a member of the Centre for International Studies on Government (CEGOV/UFRGS), launched the NERINT Strategic Analysis series, with the contribution of its specialised researchers and guests with thematic expertise, which will be published at the end of every issue of AUSTRAL: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations.A aceleração do ritmo dos acontecimentos e processos internacionais requer uma análise qualificada de conjuntura, sem o viés político-jornalístico que, muitas vezes, as caracterizam. Além de artigos teórico-analíticos, faz-se necessário publicar uma breve avaliação de acontecimentos marcantes. Para tanto, o Núcleo Brasileiro de Estratégia e Relações Internacionais (NERINT/UFRGS), integrante de Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre Governo (CEGOV/UFRGS), lançou a Análise Estratégica NERINT, com a contribuição de seus pesquisadores especializados e de convidados com expertise temática. Ela será publicada ao final de cada volume da AUSTRAL: Revista Brasileira de Estratégia e Relações Internacionais

    Characterization of traditional bread from UL

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    A Associação de Produtores de Pão de UL pretende obter a qualificação do pão de Ul como Indicação Geográfica Protegida. O presente estudo teve por objetivo a determinação de parâmetros físico-químicos, reológicos e sensoriais, com vista a integrá-los no caderno de especificações necessário ao processo de qualificação. De um total de 18 padeiras selecionaram-se três, de forma aleatória, tendo-se analisado 45 amostras - cinco pães provenientes de cada padeira, recebidos em três tempos de amostragem distintos, formando três lotes. Os lotes foram recebidos em dias diferentes, com vista a avaliar a variabilidade das amostras ao longo da semana. A análise dos resultados permite inferir alguma variabilidade nos parâmetros físico-químicos e reológicos, o que evidencia alguma diferenciação nos processos produtivos entre padeiras, condizente com a produção tradicional. A maioria dos provadores (58%) preferiu o pão tradicional de UL, quando comparado com pães industrializados, e foram os provadores mais jovens que evidenciaram essa preferência.The Association of Bread Producers of UL intends to obtain the qualification the bread of Ul as Protected Geographical Indication. The objective of the present study was to determine the physic-chemical, rheological and sensory parameters, with a view to integrating them into the specifications required for the qualification process. From a total of 18 bakers, three samples were randomly selected, and 45 samples were analyzed - five breads from each baker, received in three different sampling times, forming three lots. The lots were received on different days, in order to evaluate the variability of the samples throughout the week. The results reveal some variability in the physic-chemical and rheological parameters, which evidences some differentiation in the productive processes between bakers, suitable for traditional production. Concerning sensorial analysis, most of tasters (58%) preferred UI traditional bread when compared to industrialized breads. Also, the younger tasters were the ones who evidenced this preference.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Child Sexual Violence in Brazil: A Public Health Issue

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    Child sexual violence is a sociocultural phenomenon that affects health in its various aspects, based on a hierarchical relationship of power and on gender, ethnic-racial and generational inequalities, which lead to ethical dilemmas. In this bibliographical study, the objective was to understand the sexual violence of children and the main social determinants of health related to it, enhancing the understanding of the dynamics of this violence. The descriptors used were sexual violence, child violence, child sexual violence and social determinants of health, which enabled for some considerations to be made, among which, that the domestic character of child sexual violence evidences the social construct that the aggressor is not distant and unknown, but it is part of the context in which the violence occurs. In addition, studies point to a significant increase in a predisposition to alcoholism, drug abuse, depression and suicidal ideation in adulthood, reinforcing the negative impact of childhood and juvenile violence throughout life. It is concluded that bioethics represents one of the ways to protect and emancipate the most vulnerable groups, for the protection of their rights

    Germination and seedling development in Pistia stratiotes L.

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    This study aimed to describe the post-seminal development, evaluate how the available water, light and temperature influence seed germination and to describe the vegetative propagation by selecting one of the collected plants of Pistia stratiotes. The plant material was collected in a tributary of the Rio Igaraçu, Parnaíba, Piauí State, Brazil. A botanical description of the species was made using individuals collected in the study area. For the germination tests, a total of 1400 seeds were harvested and three experiments were conducted, varying the amount of available water, light and temperature. The results showed that the highest percentage of germination is occurred with seeds pre-washed with distilled water, sown on filter paper with abundant water (enough to form a sheet of water) and exposed to alternating light at an average temperature of 37°C. Germination began on the fourth day after sowing, marked by the appearance of the cataphyll. After 22 days, the seedling stage was completed. Vegetative propagation of this species is efficient and fast. In 50 days, a total of 134 new vegetative shoots were recorded in just one individual. The results showed that the germination rate is related to the amount of light and temperature

    Building an ambient room to foster the teaching/learning of anatomy and physiology of the human digestive system

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    The current teaching model has been characterized by activities distant from the student’s reality and mainly based on memorization. Since it is assumed that unconventional teaching strategies may foster  the knowledge of the syllabus contents, this paper aims to present the construction of an ambient room simulating the human digestive system to provide high school students an experience of its physiological processes. The room  was built in a government school with different materials, such as nonwoven fabric, PVC pipes, mortar and PET bottles. Visiting the ambient room, monitored by their teacher, the students were able to simulate the experience of each stage of the digestive process, allowing one to believe that the ambient room can be an effective playful approach activity, enabling students to construct meaningful learning on subjects which otherwise they may see as too theoretical and of difficult comprehensio