20 research outputs found

    Functional neuro-imaging of the cortico-limbic circuit during emotional processing in schizophrenia patients and healthy volunteers

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    Au sein du circuit cortico-limbique, des rĂ©gions complĂ©mentaires seraient impliquĂ©es soit dans l’évaluation soit dans la rĂ©gulation des Ă©tats affectifs. Cependant, la contribution respective de ces mĂ©canismes «bottom-up» et «top-down» lors du traitement Ă©motionnel reste Ă  clarifier. PremiĂšrement, nous avons validĂ© un nouveau paradigme d’IRMf conçu pour dissocier les composants du circuit cortico-limbique, c.-Ă -d. le circuit dorsal cognitif entrecroisĂ© avec le circuit ventral affectif. Nous avons trouvĂ© que l’amygdale et ses connexions avec le circuit dorsal Ă©taient engagĂ©es par le traitement Ă©motionnel bottom-up. Le cortex cingulaire antĂ©rieur (CCA) dorsal et ses connexions avec le cortex prĂ©frontal dorso-latĂ©ral (CPFDL) et l’amygdale Ă©taient recrutĂ©s par la rĂ©solution top-down du conflit Ă©motionnel. Le CPFDL et ses connexions avec le CCA dorsal Ă©taient engagĂ©s par le contrĂŽle attentionnel top-down. Puis, nous avons examinĂ© l’impact de l’anxiĂ©tĂ© sur le circuit. Nous avons montrĂ© qu’une forte anxiĂ©tĂ© Ă©tait associĂ©e Ă  une activation plus importante du CCA en rĂ©ponse au conflit Ă©motionnel mais Ă  une connectivitĂ© rĂ©duite entre CCA et CPFL. Enfin, nous avons examinĂ© la variation d’activitĂ© et de connectivitĂ© fonctionnelle chez des patients schizophrĂšnes. Chez les patients comparativement aux tĂ©moins, les processus bottom-up Ă©taient associĂ©s Ă  une interaction rĂ©duite entre l’amygdale et le CCA ventral et dorsal ainsi que le CPFDL. La rĂ©solution du conflit Ă©motionnel entraĂźnait une plus forte connectivitĂ© entre CCA dorsal et CCA ventral ainsi que le CPFDL. L’augmentation du contrĂŽle attentionnel provoquait une connectivitĂ© plus importante entre le CPFDL et le CCA ventral.Within the cortico-limbic circuit, complementary regions are believed to be involved in either the appraisal or the regulation of affective state. However, the respective contribution of these bottom-up and top-down mechanisms during emotion processing remains to be clarified. First, we validated a new fMRI paradigm designed to dissociate the components of the cortico-limbic circuit, that is, the dorsal cognitive circuit intertwined with the ventral affective circuit. We found that the amygdala and its connections to the dorsal circuit was engaged by bottom-up emotional processing. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and its connections to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and amygdala, was recruited by top-down resolution of emotional conflict. The DLPFC and its connections to dorsal ACC was engaged by top-down attentional control. Secondly, we investigated the impact of anxiety on the circuit. We demonstrated that higher levels of anxiety were associated with stronger conflict-related activation in ACC but with reduced connectivity between ACC and LPFC. Finally, we examined the variation in functional activity and connectivity in schizophrenia patients. In patients compared to controls, bottom-up processes were associated with reduced functional interaction between the amygdala and both dorsal and ventral ACC as well as DLPFC. Top-down resolution of emotional conflict led to stronger functional connectivity between the dorsal ACC and both ventral parts of ACC and DLPFC. Increased top-down attentional control caused higher functional coupling between the DLPFC and ventral ACC

    The plant defense signal galactinol is specifically used as a nutrient by the bacterial pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum

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    The bacterial plant pathogen Agrobacterium fabrum uses periplasmic-binding proteins (PBPs) along with ABC transporters to import a wide variety of plant molecules as nutrients. Nonetheless, how A. fabrum acquires plant metabolites is incompletely understood. Using genetic approaches and affinity measurements, we identified here the PBP MelB and its transporter as being responsible for the uptake of the raffinose family of oligosaccharides (RFO), which are the most widespread d-galactose-containing oligosaccharides in higher plants. We also found that the RFO precursor galactinol, recently described as a plant defense molecule, is imported into Agrobacterium via MelB with nanomolar range affinity. Structural analyses and binding mode comparisons of the X-ray structures of MelB in complex with raffinose, stachyose, galactinol, galactose, and melibiose (a raffinose degradation product) revealed how MelB recognizes the nonreducing end galactose common to all these ligands and that MelB has a strong preference for a two-unit sugar ligand. Of note, MelB conferred a competitive advantage to A. fabrum in colonizing the rhizosphere of tomato plants. Our integrative work highlights the structural and functional characteristics of melibiose and galactinol assimilation by A. fabrum, leading to a competitive advantage for these bacteria in the rhizosphere. We propose that the PBP MelB, which is highly conserved among both symbionts and pathogens from Rhizobiace family, is a major trait in these bacteria required for early steps of plant colonization

    Multimodal brain imaging connectivity analyses of emotional and motivational deficits in depression among women

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    International audienceBackground: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by impaired cortical–subcortical functional connectivity. Apathy adds to functional impairment, but its cerebral basis in MDD remains unknown. Our objective was to describe impairments in functional connectivity during emotional processing in MDD (with varying levels of congruency and attention), and to determine their correlation with apathy. Methods: We used the Variable Attention Affective Task during functional MRI, followed by diffusion-weighted MRI, to assess 55 right-handed women (30 with MDD and 25 healthy controls) between September 2012 and February 2015. We estimated functional connectivity using generalized psychophysiologic interaction and anatomic connectivity with tract-based spatial statistics. We measured apathy using the Apathy Evaluation Scale. Results: We found decreased functional connectivity between the left amygdala and the left anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) during negative stimuli in participants with MDD (t54 = 4.2; p = 0.035, family-wise error [FWE]–corrected). During high-attention stimuli, participants with MDD showed reduced functional connectivity between the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the right ACC (t54 = 4.06, pFWE = 0.02), but greater functional connectivity between the right dlPFC and the right amygdala (t54 = 3.35, p = 0.048). Apathy was associated with increased functional connectivity between the right dlPFC and the right ACC during high-attention stimuli (t28 = 5.2, p = 0.01) and increased fractional anisotropy in the right posterior cerebellum, the anterior and posterior cingulum and the bilateral internal capsule (all pFWE < 0.05). Limitations: Limitations included a moderate sample size, concomitant antidepressant therapy and no directed connectivity. Conclusion: We found that MDD was associated with impairments in cortical–subcortical functional connectivity during negative stimuli that might alter the recruitment of networks engaged in attention. Apathy-related features suggested networks similar to those observed in degenerative disorders, but possible different mechanisms

    Modeling a linkage between blood transcriptional expression and activity in brain regions to infer the phenotype of schizophrenia patients

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    Imaging: Searching for links to aid diagnosis Researchers explore links between the expression of genes associated with schizophrenia in blood cells and variations in brain activity during emotion processing. El Chérif Ibrahim and Eric Fakra at Aix-Marseille Université, France, and colleagues have developed a method to relate the expression levels of 33 schizophrenia susceptibility genes in blood cells and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data obtained as individuals carry out a task that triggers emotional responses. Although they found no significant differences in the expression of genes between the 26 patients with schizophrenia and 26 healthy controls they examined, variations in activity in the superior temporal gyrus were strongly linked to schizophrenia-associated gene expression and presence of disease. Similar analyses of larger data sets will shed further light on the relationship between peripheral molecular changes and disease-related behaviors and ultimately, aid the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease