46 research outputs found

    Changements globaux et distribution spatiale des espÚces de poisson d'eau douce : observations récentes et prédictions futures

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    Les changements climatiques actuels reçoivent une attention grandissante mais leurs impacts sur la biodiversitĂ© restent mal apprĂ©hendĂ©s. Cette thĂšse a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une rĂ©ponse cohĂ©rente des poissons d'eau douce au rĂ©chauffement climatique des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies se traduisant par des remontĂ©es en altitudes et vers les sources. Il est cependant apparu que des facteurs non-climatiques avaient majoritairement contribuĂ© aux changements observĂ©s, ce qui pourrait indiquer l'existence de dĂ©lais importants dans la rĂ©ponse des espĂšces et avoir des consĂ©quences importantes pour leur capacitĂ© Ă  faire face aux changements climatiques Ă  venir. NĂ©anmoins, certains mĂ©canismes en lien avec des caractĂ©ristiques clĂ©s des espĂšces et leur histoire Ă©volutive semblent conditionner leur capacitĂ© Ă  persister in situ ou Ă  suivre leur niche climatique. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient avoir des implications importantes quant Ă  notre capacitĂ© Ă  anticiper les changements Ă  venir et Ă  initier des politiques de gestion adaptĂ©es, dont les missions futures ne peuvent dĂ©sormais plus ĂȘtre conçues sans tenir compte de l'Ă©volution du climat.Despite increasing recognition that recent climate changes are influencing biodiversity, the specific impacts of those changes are still largely unknown. This thesis highlights systematic stream fish species shifts towards higher elevation and upstream habitats, consistent with the geographic variation associated with climate change. The results demonstrated, however, that patterns in climate-driven range shifts were less marked than those attributed to non-climatic drivers, suggesting more severe longer-term effects of climate warming on stream fish and profound consequences on the ability of species to cope with future climate modifications. Nevertheless, the results also provide evidence that several mechanisms are linked to species' evolutionary history and some key biological and ecological traits, allowing species to persist in situ or to track their climatic niche through space. These research findings improve our ability to anticipate future climate change-induced impacts and will assist with initiating effective conservation and management strategies, which can no longer be effectively designed without taking into account climate change

    Multi-Scale Threat Assessment of Riverine Ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin

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    Freshwater ecosystems are facing a deepening biodiversity crisis. Developing robust indicators to assess ecological integrity across large spatial scales and identifying the specific threats and pathways of impairment are thus critically needed if we are to inform freshwater conservation strategies. Here we present the first comprehensive threat assessment across the Colorado River Basin – one of the largest and most endangered river basins in North America – using a spatial framework accounting for the wide range of human activities (land uses, transportation infrastructure, exploitative activities, water withdrawals), pathways (local footprint, overland runoff, upstream cumulative effects), and spatial extent of influence (valley bottom, catchment and river network) known to affect the ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems. We quantified and mapped 69 individual threat indices with geospatial tools for each permanent, ephemeral, and intermittent stream segment within the Basin, encompassing a total of \u3e1,067,700 river kilometers. We further aggregated these indices into components of water quality (diffuse and point-source pollution), hydrology (flow regulation/uses and climate change), and physical system (connectivity and geomorphology). To demonstrate the potential of our framework to inform spatial planning decision processes, we examined the typical combinations of threats experienced by different hydrologic areas and stream segment types, identified candidate watersheds for habitat restoration and enhancement where hotspots of biodiversity and threat overlapped, and assessed the associations between threat indices and in situ measurements of ecological integrity describing a suite of biological (benthic macroinvertebrate, fish), chemical (total nitrogen load, water conductivity), hydrological (flow alteration) and physical indicators (streambed stability, instream habitat complexity). Our assessment highlights clear disparities in term of overall degree of threat that result from different combinations and contributions of individual stressors, with different priorities emerging for perennial versus intermittent or ephemeral stream segments, and between the upper and lower parts of the Basin. Importantly, we showed that our threat indices were generally correlated with biological, chemical, hydrological and physical indicators of ecological integrity they were intended to capture. In addition to its implications for the conservation and management of the highly imperiled Colorado River Basin, our case study illustrates how multi-faceted threat mapping can be used to assess the ecological integrity of riverine ecosystems in the absence of spatially extensive in situ measurements

    The geography of metapopulation synchrony in dendritic river networks

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    Dendritic habitats, such as river ecosystems, promote the persistence of species by favouring spatial asynchronous dynamics among branches. Yet, our understanding of how network topology influences metapopulation synchrony in these ecosystems remains limited. Here, we introduce the concept of fluvial synchrogram to formulate and test expectations regarding the geography of metapopulation synchrony across watersheds. By combining theoretical simulations and an extensive fish population time-series dataset across Europe, we provide evidence that fish metapopulations can be buffered against synchronous dynamics as a direct consequence of network connectivity and branching complexity. Synchrony was higher between populations connected by direct water flow and decayed faster with distance over the Euclidean than the watercourse dimension. Likewise, synchrony decayed faster with distance in headwater than mainstem populations of the same basin. As network topology and flow directionality generate fundamental spatial patterns of synchrony in fish metapopulations, empirical synchrograms can aid knowledge advancement and inform conservation strategies in complex habitatsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Does Flow Alteration Propagate Across a Large, Highly Regulated Basin? Dam Attributes, Network Context, and Implications for Biodiversity

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    Large dams are a leading cause of river ecosystem degradation. Although dams have cumulative effects as water flows downstream in a river network, most flow alteration research has focused on local impacts of single dams. Here we examined the highly regulated Colorado River Basin (CRB) to understand how flow alteration propagates in river networks, as influenced by the location and characteristics of dams as well as the structure of the river network—including the presence of tributaries. We used a spatial Markov network model informed by 117 upstream-downstream pairs of monthly flow series (2003–2017) to estimate flow alteration from 84 intermediate-to-large dams representing \u3e83% of the total storage in the CRB. Using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator regression, we then investigated how flow alteration was influenced by local dam properties (e.g., purpose, storage capacity) and network-level attributes (e.g., position, upstream cumulative storage). Flow alteration was highly variable across the network, but tended to accumulate downstream and remained high in the main stem. Dam impacts were explained by network-level attributes (63%) more than by local dam properties (37%), underscoring the need to consider network context when assessing dam impacts. High-impact dams were often located in sub-watersheds with high levels of native fish biodiversity, fish imperilment, or species requiring seasonal flows that are no longer present. These three biodiversity dimensions, as well as the amount of dam-free downstream habitat, indicate potential to restore river ecosystems via controlled flow releases. Our methods are transferrable and could guide screening for dam reoperation in other highly regulated basins

    RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time-series as a currency for global change ecology research in riverine systems

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    Motivation We compiled a global database of long-term riverine fish surveys from 46 regional and national monitoring programmes and from individual academic research efforts, with which numerous basic and applied questions in ecology and global change research can be explored. Such spatially and temporally extensive datasets have been lacking for freshwater systems in comparison to terrestrial ones. Main types of variables contained The database includes 11,386 time-series of riverine fish community catch data, including 646,270 species-specific abundance records, together with metadata related to the geographical location and sampling methodology of each time-series. Spatial location and grain The database contains 11,072 unique sampling locations (stream reach), spanning 19 countries, five biogeographical realms and 402 hydrographical basins world-wide. Time period and grain The database encompasses the period 1951–2019. Each time-series is composed of a minimum of two yearly surveys (mean = 8 years) and represents a minimum time span of 10 years (mean = 19 years). Major taxa and level of measurement The database includes 944 species of ray-finned fishes (Class Actinopterygii). Software format csv. Main conclusion Our collective effort provides the most comprehensive long-term community database of riverine fishes to date. This unique database should interest ecologists who seek to understand the impacts of human activities on riverine fish biodiversity and to model and predict how fish communities will respond to future environmental change. Together, we hope it will promote advances in macroecological research in the freshwater realm

    The geography of metapopulation synchrony in dendritic river networks

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    Dendritic habitats, such as river ecosystems, promote the persistence of species by favouring spatial asynchronous dynamics among branches. Yet, our understanding of how network topology influences metapopulation synchrony in these ecosystems remains limited. Here, we introduce the concept of fluvial synchrogram to formulate and test expectations regarding the geography of metapopulation synchrony across watersheds. By combining theoretical simulations and an extensive fish population time-series dataset across Europe, we provide evidence that fish metapopulations can be buffered against synchronous dynamics as a direct consequence of network connectivity and branching complexity. Synchrony was higher between populations connected by direct water flow and decayed faster with distance over the Euclidean than the watercourse dimension. Likewise, synchrony decayed faster with distance in headwater than mainstem populations of the same basin. As network topology and flow directionality generate fundamental spatial patterns of synchrony in fish metapopulations, empirical synchrograms can aid knowledge advancement and inform conservation strategies in complex habitats

    Scale of population synchrony confirms macroecological estimates of minimum viable range size

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    Global ecosystems are facing a deepening biodiversity crisis, necessitating robust approaches to quantifying species extinction risk. The lower limit of the macroecological relationship between species range and body size has long been hypothesized as an estimate of the relationship between the minimum viable range size (MVRS) needed for species persistence and the organismal traits that affect space and resource requirements. Here, we perform the first explicit test of this assumption by confronting the MVRS predicted by the range-body size relationship with an independent estimate based on the scale of synchrony in abundance among spatially separated populations of riverine fish. We provide clear evidence of a positive relationship between the scale of synchrony and species body size, and strong support for the MVRS set by the lower limit of the range-body size macroecological relationship. This MVRS may help prioritize first evaluations for unassessed or data-deficient taxa in global conservation assessments