24 research outputs found

    The deconstruction of the female character in Galdós: the case of Marianela and «La Peri»

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    El novelista canario Benito Pérez Galdós trazó en varias de sus obras un perfil canónico de la mujer española claramente diferenciado del atribuido, hasta el siglo XIX, por la tradición literaria en España. Esa construcción estética del personaje femenino implicó para el autor aportar la propuesta de un modelo literario y social nuevo, coincidente además con los postulados del republicanismo español de inicios del siglo XX, en el que militó. Para el escritor, la protagonista literaria debía trascender el papel convencional de esposa y madre hogareña hasta aportar estéticamente una proyección de futuro totalmente ajena al canon social vigente. Además, en toda su obra exploró y reinterpretó el papel de la mujer, tanto en la ficción narrativa y teatral como en el ensayo y el periodismo, hasta aportar modelos concretos como Marianela o «La Peri». En este trabajo se traza una lectura particular a partir de propuestas críticas contemporáneas, y se analiza la deconstrucción del personaje femenino galdosiano desde dos modelos singulares como las protagonistas de Marianela (1878) y Realidad (1889); asimismo se desarrolla un análisis de ambas obras a partir de las dimensiones física, psicológica y sociológica de sus protagonistas principales. La propuesta crítica de este trabajo se complementa con la contextualización del vínculo personal de Pérez Galdós con el transcurso político y social de su época, y con la relación del punto de vista aportado por el autor sobre la sociedad del momento como materia literaria y la pertenencia de la mujer a aquella.The Canarian novelist Benito Pérez Galdós depicted in several of his works a canonical profile of the Spanish woman unmistakably well differentiated from the one attributed, until the 19th century, by the literary tradition in Spain. This aesthetic construction of the female character implied for the author to contribute the proposal of a new literary and social model, also coinciding with the postulates of Spanish republicanism at the beginning of the 20th century, in which he militated. For the Canarian author, the female literary protagonist had to transcend the conventional role of the wife and homely mother to aesthetically provide a projection of the future totally alien to the current social canon. Furthermore, through all his literary work, he explored and reinterpreted the role of women both in narrative and theatrical fiction as well as in essays and journalism, to the point of providing specific models such as Marianela or «La Peri». In this work, the authors delineate a specific reading from contemporary critical proposals; as well as analyze the deconstruction of the Galdosian female character from two singular models such as the protagonists of Marianela (1878) and Realidad (1889); alongside the analysis of both works from the physical, psychological and sociological dimensions of their main protagonists. The critical proposal of this work is complemented by the contextualization of the personal bond of the writer of his studied works with the political and social course of his time, accompanied by the point of view provided by him on the society of the moment as a literary matter and the weight of women’s voice in it

    Las unidades del discurso oral. La propuesta Val.Es.Co. de segmentación de la conversación (coloquial)

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    El presente artículo resume y examina críticamente la propuesta de segmentación del discurso realizada en Briz y Grupo Val.Es.Co (2003). El modelo Val.Es.Co. consta de ocho unidades (discurso, diálogo, intercambio/ alternancia de turnos, intervención/turno, acto y subacto), tres órdenes (social, estructural e informativo) y cuatro posiciones (inicial, media, final e independiente); se caracteriza, además, por ser jerárquico y recursivo. La aplicación del modelo Val.Es.Co. permite la segmentación de una conversación coloquial sin residuos, así como un adecuado tratamiento de diversos fenómenos conversacionales (actos truncados, solapamientos, elementos suprasegmentales o marcadores discursivos)This paper summarizes and critically reviews the model of discourse segmentation made by Briz and Grupo Val.Es.Co (2003). This model is made up of eight units (discourse, dialogue, exchange/ turn taking, intervention/turn, act and subact), three orders (social, structural and informative) and four positions (initial, medial, final and independent). The Val.Es.Co model is also hyerarchical and recursive. By applying the Val.Es.Co model, a conversation can be divided into parts and subparts without any element remaining unanalyzed. Also, some specific features occurring in conversations such as false starts, overlappings, the segmentation value of prosodic features or discourse markers, can be successfully analyze

    Protein deposition and energy recovery in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata): Evaluation of nutritional requirements. Corregendum

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    [EN] The energy and protein requirements for gilthead sea bream were studied until commercial weight. Gilthead sea bream with different body weights (from 24 to 422 g) were fed from starvation to apparent satiation, studying protein and energy in the interval of 21¿25 °C. Energy recovery (ER) was expressed in relation to the digestible energy intake (DEI), ER = 173.1 ∗ (1 − e(− 0.00407 ∗ (DEI-59.84))), and protein deposition (PD) was expressed with regard to digestible protein intake (DPI), PD = 2.97 ∗ (1 − e(− 0.152 ∗ (DPI-1.393))). Maintenance needs in summer conditions were found to be 1.393 g kg− 0.7 day− 1 of the digestible protein intake and 59.84 kJ kg− 0.82 day− 1 of the digestible energy intake. The response curves to the graded levels of intake of energy and protein should allow the diet formulation under several growth conditions and all sizes until commercial weight. Statement of relevance The feed conversion rate in Sparus aurata is not yet optimized, showing high values in farms. The knowledge of the efficiencies at different feeding rate, for the whole range of commercial weights, until 450 g, should help to improve the efficiency of feeding.Ignacio Jauralde Garcia was supported by Fundacion Alfonso Martin Escudero, Madrid, Spain. We are also grateful to Ralph Wilk for the English review. The authors wish to acknowledge Dr. Rodolofo Ballestrazzi of the Universitat degli studi di Udine for his support to Ignacio Jauralde during his stay in Italy.Jauralde García, I.; Martínez Llorens, S.; Tomás Vidal, A.; Jover Cerdá, M. (2017). Protein deposition and energy recovery in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata): Evaluation of nutritional requirements. Corregendum. Aquaculture. 476:65-73. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2016.06.006S657347

    Estudi fotogràfic i històric, aixecament gràfic i diagnosi estructural de la nau industrial "Can Ribot" de Vilassar de Dalt

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és el de recollir tota aquella informació a efectes constructius i arquitectònics d’una antiga nau industrial situada a Vilassar de Dalt: can Ribot. Pretén realitzar un document únic on s’ajunti tota la informació existent sobre l’edifici, més bé precària, i tot un seguit de nous estudis i documentació tant gràfica com escrita que permetin l’enteniment màxim de l’estat actual de l’edifici tenint en compte la seva evolució tant històrica com constructiva, a fi de poder-lo diagnosticar de manera contundent i donar camí a uns futurs treballs de remodelació del mateix. El primer bloc d’estudi consisteix en un profund treball de recerca de tota aquella informació que directa o indirectament tingui relació amb l’edifici; així es situarà el mateix a dins d’una localització tant geogràfica com històrica que ens permetrà entendre la base del seu origen i el motiu de cada evolució que ha sofert. A part de la documentació bibliogràfica necessària per a la realització d’aquest primer contacte amb l’edifici, serà necessària una visita a l’Arquitecte Tècnic municipal així com una xerrada amb el historiador de Vilassar de Dalt. Si més no, es realitzaran les preguntes pertinents a l’actual propietari i al treballador de can Ribot, que molt probablement coneixeran de manera perfecta l’edifici i ens explicaran alguns dels seus secrets. Aquestes preses d’informació personal seran de gran rellevància i permetran en tot cas l’enteniment de l’edifici i del treball que en ell s’hi portà a terme en el seu moment, a informació a partir de la qual es realitzaran les hipòtesis que per el pas del temps hagin quedat en l’aire. Aquest projecte pretén ser un estudi pràctic, fet pel qual tan sols una primera part és de recollida d’informació. Val a dir que la informació que actualment s’ha pogut observar s’obre l’edifici és prou precària, així que les visites a persones relacionades amb la ciutat seran de gran ajuda i s’aprofitaran al màxim

    Effects of the invasive macroalga Lophocladia lallemandii on the diet and trophism of Pinna nobilis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and its guests Pontonia pinnophylax and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres (Crustacea: D)

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    Pinna nobilis and its guests Pontonia pinnophylax and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres were sampled from Posidonia oceanica meadows invaded and non-invaded by the red alga Lophocladia lallemandii. Understanding the interactions among native and invasive species was the primary aim. Therefore, the effects of the invasive L. lallemandii on the percentage contribution of the food sources of P. nobilis and its guests and their trophic associations were investigated applying mixing models to the δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes. Isotopic analyses revealed that the guests of P. nobilis occupied a higher trophic level than their host, being the capacity for food selection the reason of this trophic increase. The invasion of L. lallemandii altered the percentage contribution of the food sources to the consumers diet. Whereas the percentage contribution of the food sources to the δ13C signatures did not really change, L. lallemandii produced variations in the percentage contribution to the δ15N signatures. This red macroalga represented one of the main food sources for P. nobilis, with a real contribution of 19.4% in the invaded meadows. Moreover, L. lallemandii slightly decreased the trophic level of the consumers. This study provides the first isotopic and trophic data for the pea crab N. pinnotheres.Peer Reviewe

    Combining stable isotopes and biochemical markers to assess organic contamination in transplanted Mussels Mytilus Galloprovincialis.

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    Capítulo en: McGEVIN, Lauren E. (ed.). Mussels: Anatomy, Habitat and Environmental Impact. [S.l.]: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61761-763-8Marine pollution and water quality are evaluated on direct measurements of the abiotic variables and also on bioaccumulation measurements of chemical contaminants in marine organisms. Measuring the same biomarkers in different localities simultaneously gives information about the pollution states and provides a better comprehension of the mechanistic model of action of environmental pollutants on the organisms. The use of biomarkers to evaluate stressful situations is widely extended in bivalves. In the current work, organic compound concentrations (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane isomers, dioxins, PCBs and PAHs), antioxidant biomarkers (malondialdehyde, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase) and isotopic composition (15N and 13C) were measured in the digestive gland and gill tissues of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in coastal waters of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) in order to assess pollution levels in these waters. The highest concentrations of PAHs corresponded to naphthalene, acenaphthylene, fluorene and phenanthrene, with the harbours of Santa Eulàlia and Eïvissa having the highest levels of PAHs. Oxidative stress and biomarkers are used as indicators of pollution exposure, showing that pollution can not evidence exposure effects, while the antioxidant responses can change with time. In the current work, the existence of pollution was indicated by the positive correlation between the concentrations of the lighter PCBs in the digestive gland of the mussels and catalase and glutathione reductase enzyme activities. Gills showed a correlation between the lighter PCBs and superoxide dismutase activity, indicating the bioaccumulation of these organic compounds. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures showed a clear trend for differences in tissue distribution among the studied localities, with the digestive gland being more enriched in carbon and nitrogen than the gills. PCA for biomarkers also showed that tissues responded differently at sampling stations. The presence of pollutants could be the responsible for the changes described in the isotopic composition and in the antioxidant defences of the mussel M. galloprovincialis in waters of the Balearic Islands. The correlations between organic pollutants and the isotopic composition and biomarkers in M. galloprovincialis suggest that these measures could represent a good proxy for evaluation of contamination, additional to the chemical characterisation.Peer Reviewe

    Biochemical responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis as biomarkers of acute environmental pollution caused by the Don Pedro oil spill (Eivissa Island, Spain)

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    10 páginas, 5 tablas, 4 figurasIn the present work, the potential use of several antioxidant and detoxification biomarkers in the digestive gland of wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) for biomonitoring the marine pollution induced by the Don Pedro oil spill has been investigated. Two locations from the East to South-East of Eivissa (Ibiza) and Formentera islands were selected, one extensively affected by the oil spill and the other one not affected and considered as the control area. Mussels were sampled one, two and six months after the Don Pedro accident. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were significantly increased in the soft tissues of mussels in the affected area one month after the disaster, returning to normal values after six months. Markers of oxidative damage in lipids – malondialdehyde, and in proteins – carbonyl derivates, and antioxidant enzyme – catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, activities significantly increased as result of the spill oil after one month, returning to basal values at two month sampling time. Glutathione/glutathione disulfide ratio (GSH/GSSG), as a marker of the redox status, was reduced after one and two months indicating a more oxidized situation. Markers of detoxification – glutathione-Stransferase and cytochrome P4501A activities and metallothionein gene expression – were significantly increased by the oil spill onemonthafter the accident, returning to the basal values attwomonthsampling time. In conclusion, the Don Pedro accident induced a transient situation of PAHs pollution resulting in enhanced antioxidant and detoxification defense systems in the wild mussel M. galloprovincialis returning to normal levels six months from the spill. The selected biomarkers are a useful tool for biomonitoring the response to acute exposure to pollutants in marine mussels.This work supported by grants by DG Pesca, Conselleria d’Agricultura i Pesca, Govern de les Illes Balears.Peer reviewe

    Conference on 2'-Deoxycoformycin--Current Status and Future Directions : April 13, Bethesda, Md., 1983 /

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