70 research outputs found

    Phylogenomics and analysis of shared genes suggest a single transition to mutualism in Wolbachia of nematodes

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    Wolbachia, endosymbiotic bacteria of the order Rickettsiales, are widespread in arthropods but also present in nematodes. In arthropods, A and B supergroup Wolbachia are generally associated with distortion of host reproduction. In filarial nematodes, including some human parasites, multiple lines of experimental evidence indicate that C and D supergroup Wolbachia are essential for the survival of the host, and here the symbiotic relationship is considered mutualistic. The origin of this mutualistic endosymbiosis is of interest for both basic and applied reasons: How does a parasite become a mutualist? Could intervention in the mutualism aid in treatment of human disease? Correct rooting and high-quality resolution of Wolbachia relationships are required to resolve this question. However, because of the large genetic distance between Wolbachia and the nearest outgroups, and the limited number of genomes so far available for large-scale analyses, current phylogenies do not provide robust answers. We therefore sequenced the genome of the D supergroup Wolbachia endosymbiont of Litomosoides sigmodontis, revisited the selection of loci for phylogenomic analyses, and performed a phylogenomic analysis including available complete genomes (from isolates in supergroups A, B, C, and D). Using 90 orthologous genes with reliable phylogenetic signals, we obtained a robust phylogenetic reconstruction, including a highly supported root to the Wolbachia phylogeny between a (A + B) clade and a (C + D) clade. Although we currently lack data from several Wolbachia supergroups, notably F, our analysis supports a model wherein the putatively mutualist endosymbiotic relationship between Wolbachia and nematodes originated from a single transition event

    Comparative genomics of closely related strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae reveals genes possibly involved in colistin resistance

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    Strains of colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae are emerging worldwide, due to the increased use of this molecule in antibiotic-resistant nosocomial infections. Comparative genomics was performed on three closely related K. pneumoniae strains isolated from three patients in a single hospital in Bologna, Italy. Two of these isolates are colistin-resistant, while the third is sensitive to this antibiotic. The designed bioinformatic approach detected, among the three analyzed genomes, single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions, specific patterns of gene presence and absence, in a total of 270 genes. These genes were analyzed by automatic and manual methods, to identify those potentially involved in colistin resistance, based on the data available in the literature and on the mechanism of action of colistin, the alteration of the outer membrane. Three of the identified genes (waaL, rfbA, vacJ), all presenting non-synonymous substitutions in the colistin resistant strains, resulted to be of special interest, due to the specific function of their protein products, involved in the biosynthesis of the outer bacterial membrane

    MeltingPlot, a user-friendly online tool for epidemiological investigation using High Resolution Melting data

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    BACKGROUND: The rapid identification of pathogen clones is pivotal for effective epidemiological control strategies in hospital settings. High Resolution Melting (HRM) is a molecular biology technique suitable for fast and inexpensive pathogen typing protocols. Unfortunately, the mathematical/informatics skills required to analyse HRM data for pathogen typing likely limit the application of this promising technique in hospital settings.RESULTS: MeltingPlot is the first tool specifically designed for epidemiological investigations using HRM data, easing the application of HRM typing to large real-time surveillance and rapid outbreak reconstructions. MeltingPlot implements a graph-based algorithm designed to discriminate pathogen clones on the basis of HRM data, producing portable typing results. The tool also merges typing information with isolates and patients metadata to create graphical and tabular outputs useful in epidemiological investigations and it runs in a few seconds even with hundreds of isolates.AVAILABILITY: https://skynet.unimi.it/index.php/tools/meltingplot/ .CONCLUSIONS: The analysis and result interpretation of HRM typing protocols can be not trivial and this likely limited its application in hospital settings. MeltingPlot is a web tool designed to help the user to reconstruct epidemiological events by combining HRM-based clustering methods and the isolate/patient metadata. The tool can be used for the implementation of HRM based real time large scale surveillance programs in hospital settings

    The choreography of the chemical defensome response to insecticide stress: insights into the Anopheles stephensi transcriptome using RNA-Seq

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    Animals respond to chemical stress with an array of gene families and pathways termed "chemical defensome". In arthropods, despite many defensome genes have been detected, how their activation is arranged during toxic exposure remains poorly understood. Here, we sequenced the transcriptome of Anopheles stephensi larvae exposed for six, 24 and 48 hours to the LD50 dose of the insecticide permethrin to monitor transcriptional changes of defensome genes across time. A total of 177 genes involved in insecticide defense were differentially expressed (DE) in at least one time-point, including genes encoding for Phase 0, I, II, III and antioxidant enzymes and for Heat Shock and Cuticular Proteins. Three major patterns emerged throughout time. First, most of DE genes were down-regulated at all time-points, suggesting a reallocation of energetic resources during insecticide stress. Second, single genes and clusters of genes turn off and on from six to 48 hours of treatment, showing a modulated response across time. Third, the number of up-regulated genes peaked at six hours and then decreased during exposure. Our results give a first picture of how defensome gene families respond against toxicants and provide a valuable resource for understanding how defensome genes work together during insecticide stress

    Detection of ST1702 Escherichia coli blaNDM-5 and blaCMY-42 genes positive isolates from a Northern Italian hospital

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    We describe two multi drug-resistant (MDR) carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli clinical isolates from an acute hospital in Milan. Both strains, isolated from a surgical wound sample and a surveillance rectal swab respectively, were positive for a blaNDM-type gene by Xpert Carba-R test. The whole-genome sequence characterization disclosed several resistance determinants: blaNDM-5, blaCMY-42, blaTEM-198, rmtB, mphA. The two isolates belonged to phylogenetic group A, sequence type (ST) 1702 and serotype O89:H9. PCR-based replicon typing and conjugation assay demonstrated an IncI1 plasmid localization for both blaNDM-5 and blaCMY-42 genes. This is the first report of a ST1702 NDM-5 and CMY-42- producing E. coli clone in Italy

    Supergroup C Wolbachia, mutualist symbionts of filarial nematodes, have a distinct genome structure

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    Wolbachia pipientis is possibly the most widespread endosymbiont of arthropods and nematodes. While all Wolbachia strains have historically been defined as a single species, 16 monophyletic clusters of diversity (called supergroups) have been described. Different supergroups have distinct host ranges and symbiotic relationships, ranging from mutualism to reproductive manipulation. In filarial nematodes, which include parasites responsible for major diseases of humans (such as Onchocerca volvulus, agent of river blindness) and companion animals (Dirofilaria immitis, the dog heartworm), Wolbachia has an obligate mutualist role and is the target of new treatment regimens. Here, we compare the genomes of eight Wolbachia strains, spanning the diversity of the major supergroups (A-F), analysing synteny, transposable element content, GC skew and gene loss or gain. We detected genomic features that differ between Wolbachia supergroups, most notably in the C and D clades from filarial nematodes. In particular, strains from supergroup C (symbionts of O. volvulus and D. immitis) present a pattern of GC skew, conserved synteny and lack of transposable elements, unique in the Wolbachia genus. These features could be the consequence of a distinct symbiotic relationship between C Wolbachia strains and their hosts, highlighting underappreciated differences between the mutualistic supergroups found within filarial nematodes

    A large-scale genomic snapshot of Klebsiella spp. isolates in Northern Italy reveals limited transmission between clinical and non-clinical settings

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    Genomic analyses of Klebsiella isolates sampled from multiple human, animal and environmental sources in Northern Italy explore Klebsiella population diversity and show that transmission of multidrug-resistant clones between clinical and environmental settings is scarce.The Klebsiella group, found in humans, livestock, plants, soil, water and wild animals, is genetically and ecologically diverse. Many species are opportunistic pathogens and can harbour diverse classes of antimicrobial resistance genes. Healthcare-associated Klebsiella pneumoniae clones that are non-susceptible to carbapenems can spread rapidly, representing a high public health burden. Here we report an analysis of 3,482 genome sequences representing 15 Klebsiella species sampled over a 17-month period from a wide range of clinical, community, animal and environmental settings in and around the Italian city of Pavia. Northern Italy is a hotspot for hospital-acquired carbapenem non-susceptible Klebsiella and thus a pertinent setting to examine the overlap between isolates in clinical and non-clinical settings. We found no genotypic or phenotypic evidence for non-susceptibility to carbapenems outside the clinical environment. Although we noted occasional transmission between clinical and non-clinical settings, our data point to a limited role of animal and environmental reservoirs in the human acquisition of Klebsiella spp. We also provide a detailed genus-wide view of genomic diversity and population structure, including the identification of new groups.Peer reviewe


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    We report a case of a18-year-old male with double aortic arch who underwent surgery for bleeding from a left bulbar cavernous angioma of the medulla oblongata. A tracheostomy tube was positioned but after several days the patient died because of a tracheo-esophageal fistula with left aortic arch erosion due to the decubitus of the tube cuf

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility, Virulence, and Genomic Features of a Hypervirulent Serotype K2, ST65 <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> Causing Meningitis in Italy

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    The rise of a new hypervirulent variant of Klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKp) was recently reported, mainly linked to the ST23 lineage. The hvKp variants can cause severe infections, including hepatic abscesses, bacteremia, and meningitis, with a particularly disconcerting propensity to cause community-acquired, life-threatening infection among young and otherwise healthy individuals. The present study aimed to report the clinical characteristics of a hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae strain isolated in Italy and sustaining recurrent meningitis in a patient of Peruvian origin. A further objective was to retrospectively investigate, by means of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis, the genomic features of such an isolate. The hypermucoviscosity phenotype of the strain (sk205y205t) was determined using the string test. Genomic information was obtained by WGS (Illumina) and bioinformatic analysis. Strain sk205y205t was susceptible to most antibiotics, despite the presence of some resistance genes, including blaSHV-11, blaSHV-67, fosA, and acrR. The isolate belonged to ST65 and serotype K2, and exhibited several virulence factors related to the hvKp variant. Among these, were the siderophore genes entB, irp2, iroN, iroB, and iucA; the capsule-regulating genes rmpA and rmpA2; and the type 1 and 3 fimbriae fimH27 and mrkD, respectively. A further operon, encoding the genotoxin colibactin (clbA-Q), was also identified. The virulence plasmids pK2044, pRJA166b, and pNDM. MAR were also detected. Phylogenetic investigation showed that this Italian strain is highly similar to a Chinese isolate, suggesting a hidden circulation of this hvKp ST65 K2 lineage

    Dysbiosis in Children With Neurological Impairment and Long-Term Enteral Nutrition

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    Severe neurological impairment (NI) is often accompanied by the need for artificial nutritional support, normally provided enterally (enteral nutrition [EN]) to ensure growth, counteract morbidity and mortality, and improve quality of life. On the other hand, long-term EN (LTEN) may contribute to the establishment, or exacerbation, of gastrointestinal disorders that may lead to malnutrition, which in turn is associated with alterations in gut microbiota (GM) composition and functional capacities. To the best of our knowledge, we investigated, for the first time in this study, the consequences of LTEN in a pediatric population in this pathological context. Using amplicon sequencing, we compared the fecal microbiota of a pediatric population suffering from severe NI and under LTEN to that of sex- and age-matched controls. The two groups presented evident differences in GM composition and a consistent differential clustering. In general, the taxonomic picture in NI children under LTEN seemed to mirror a profound dysbiotic condition, in which anti-inflammatory taxa appear severely depleted (among others, the Clostridiales families of Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae, and, within the latter, Faecalibacterium spp. and Gemmiger spp.), while known pathobionts (Gammaproteobacteria and Klebsiella) or emerging pathogens (e.g., Synergistales, Cloacibacillus, and Fusobacterium) were significantly enriched. Our data suggest that LTEN has a significant impact on the GM taxonomic composition in NI children. Even if other factors are probably at work, such as the bidirectional interaction between gastrointestinal impairment/immaturity and the central nervous system (CNS), the assumption of drugs, and physical inactivity, these data define possible routes and targets to try to alleviate this dysbiosis, with a view to better management of these patients and an improvement in their quality of life
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