310 research outputs found

    The Creation of Non-Being

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    The Creation of Non-Bein

    The Immanent Refusal of Conversion

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    Conversion is never now. Conversion is often narrated as a moment of turning, a turning that happens in an ineffable instant, and this gets us in the habit of linking conversion to the now. Conversion happens quickly, instantaneously, decisively, in the blink of an eye, and this seems like a good way of describing how the now happens. So it seems like conversion happens like the now happens. But conversion does not happen this way. Conversion does not happen now. And we can push this a bit further: if conversion does not happen now, if conversion never happens now, then this is because conversion denies the now, because conversion never wants the now to happen, or because conversion wants the now never to happen.1 If conversion happens, then the now does not

    World-Making and Grammatical Impasse

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    World-Making and Grammatical Impass

    Theology of liberation and choice for the poor. Gustavo Gutiérrez and the critique of established forms of religious power

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    En este artículo nos proponemos analizar las etapas que, desde principios de los años setenta hasta hoy, llevaron al ‘padre de la teología de la liberación’, Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino, a ‘innovar la teología’ latinoamericana y mundial en general. La opción para los pobres se ha convertido en el eje de su mensaje que, empezando por el libro Teología de la liberación. Perspectivas, sigue caracterizando a su pensamiento, pues critica abiertamente las formas estabilizadas del poder religioso.The purpose of this article is to illustrate the stages that Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino, the ‘father of liberation theology’, traced to innovate Latin-American and world theology from the early seventies to the present. The option for poor people became the load-bearing axis of his message that, from the book Teología de la liberación. Perspectivas, continues to be the setting of his thought, which is an open criticism to stabilized forms of religious power

    Il mio Vico

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    La contribución presenta sintéticamente las líneas generales de la interpretación general de Vico que el Autor ha propuesto en una vasta producción en torno al filósofo napolitano y a la cultura de su tiempo.This contribution synthetically presents the main lines of the general interpretation of Vico that the Author has proposed in a vast production around the Neapolitan philosopher and the culture of his time.Il contributo presenta sinteticamente le linee principali dell'interpretazione generale di Vico che l'Autore ha proposto in una vasta produzione sul filosofo napoletano e sulla cultura del suo tempo


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    Fondi strutturali e politica di coesione: prime riflessioni sulle proposte di Regolamenti 2007-2013

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    Indice: 1.Il quadro di riferimento per l'elaborazione delle Proposte di regolamenti del 14 luglio 2004 2.Obiettivi e norme generali d'intervento nelle Proposte di regolamenti 3.Il sistema programmatorio nelle proposte di regolamenti 4.Il sistema di gestione, sorveglianza, valutazione e controllo nelle Proposte 5.Riflessioni conclusiv


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    El español y sus confines. Diversidad y uniformidad

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    In this article we analyze the current situation of Spanish language in the world and its ancient “boundaries”, which are at the same time simple and structured, regular and variable, uniform and different. And while the number of people speaking Spanish increases every day, Spanish language keeps on maintaining its compactness that allows it to include variations and varieties that – thanks also to the 22 Reales Academias of Spanish Language – won‟t flake its homogeneity

    Apuntes de paremiología médica : el dolor en los refranes.

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    So present in man’s life, from childhood to old age, sorrow is an inescapable constant that reaches a grade of universality similar to that of death. Just like no human being can escape death, which will sooner or later arrive, in the same way he will not be able to get out of sorrow which will appear in an inexorable way during his life, in its corporal, spiritual, physical or moral aspect. Everyone holds opinion on this matter and the distillate of all this popular knowledge is constituted by sayings. Evidence of oral tradition from an ancient past, collected decade after decade by many paroemiologists, highlights that sorrow always keeps revealing itself like it was the first time; years go by but sorrow does not change.Tan presente en la vida del hombre, desde la niñez hasta la vejez, el dolor es una constante ineludible que alcanza un grado de universalidad similar al de la muerte. Así como ningún ser humano puede eludir la muerte, que se presentará tarde o temprano, tampoco puede eximirse del dolor, que hace su aparición de modo inexorable a lo largo de la vida, ya sea en su vertiente corporal o anímica, física o moral. Cualquier persona tiene sus propias opiniones sobre este tema y el destilado de todo este conocimiento popular está constituido por las paremias. Testimonios de tradición oral de tiempos pasados, recogidas a los largo de las décadas por muchos paremiólogos, ellas ponen en evidencia que el dolor sigue contándose como antaño; pasan los años, pues, pero el sufrimiento es lo mismo