253 research outputs found

    The use of genes for performance enhancement: doping or therapy?

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    Recent biotechnological advances have permitted the manipulation of genetic sequences to treat several diseases in a process called gene therapy. However, the advance of gene therapy has opened the door to the possibility of using genetic manipulation (GM) to enhance athletic performance. In such ‘gene doping’, exogenous genetic sequences are inserted into a specific tissue, altering cellular gene activity or leading to the expression of a protein product. The exogenous genes most likely to be utilized for gene doping include erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), myostatin antagonists, and endorphin. However, many other genes could also be used, such as those involved in glucose metabolic pathways. Because gene doping would be very difficult to detect, it is inherently very attractive for those involved in sports who are prepared to cheat. Moreover, the field of gene therapy is constantly and rapidly progressing, and this is likely to generate many new possibilities for gene doping. Thus, as part of the general fight against all forms of doping, it will be necessary to develop and continually improve means of detecting exogenous gene sequences (or their products) in athletes. Nevertheless, some bioethicists have argued for a liberal approach to gene doping

    Substituted diaryl diselenides: Cytotoxic and apoptotic effect in human colon adenocarcinoma cells

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    AbstractAimsTo investigate the effects and study the underlying cell death mechanisms of diaryl diselenides, including: diphenyl diselenide (C6H5Se)2; 4-chlorodiphenyl diselenide (4-ClC6H4Se)2; 3-(trifluoromethyl)-diphenyl diselenide (3-CF3C6H4Se)2 and 4-methoxydiphenyl diselenide (4-MeOC6H4Se)2, on the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29.Main methodsThe viability of HT-29 cells after exposure to the diaryl diselenides and its substituted structures was based on the MTT assay. To verify if cell death was mediated throughout apoptosis mechanisms, flow cytometry and real-time PCR (qPCR) analyses were conducted.Key findingsThe MTT assay and flow cytometry analyses showed that (3-CF3C6H4Se)2 and (4-MeOC6H4Se)2 induced cytotoxicity through apoptosis mechanisms in HT-29 cells. qPCR revealed there was an up-regulation of pro-apoptotic (Bax, casapase-9, caspase-8, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) and Endonuclease G (EndoG)) and cell-cycle arrest genes (p53 and p21) and down-regulation of anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2 and survivin) and Myc genes.SignificanceThese results demonstrate that (3-CF3C6H4Se)₂ and (4-MeOC6H4Se)2 have the potential to induce apoptosis in HT-29 cells through the activation of caspase-dependent and independent pathways and through cell-cycle arrest

    Effect of silver nanoparticles on the physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of an orthodontic adhesive

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    ABSTRACT Orthodontic treatment with fixed brackets plays a major role on the formation of white spot lesions. Objective This study aimed to incorporate silver nanoparticle solutions (AgNP) in an orthodontic adhesive and evaluate its physicochemical and antimicrobial properties. Material and Methods Silver nanoparticle solutions were added to a commercial adhesive in different concentrations (w/w): 0%, 0.11%, 0.18%, and 0.33%. Shear bond strength (SBS) test was performed after bonding metal brackets to enamel. Raman spectroscopy was used to analyze in situ the degree of conversion (DC) of the adhesive layer. The surface free energy (SFE) was evaluated after the measurement of contact angles. Growth inhibition of Streptococcus mutans in liquid and solid media was determined by colony-forming unit count and inhibition halo, respectively. One-way ANOVA was performed for SBS, DC, SFE, and growth inhibition. Results The incorporation of AgNP solution decreased the SBS (p<0.001) and DC in situ (p<0.001) values. SFE decreased after addition of 0.18% and 0.33% AgNP. Growth inhibition of S. mutans in liquid media was obtained after silver addition (p<0.05). Conclusions The addition of AgNP solutions to Transbond&#8482; XT adhesive primer inhibited S. mutans growth. SBS, DC, and SFE values decreased after incorporation up to 0.33% AgNP solution without compromising the chemical and physical properties of the adhesive

    Necessidades de irrigação suplementar em soja nas condições edafoclimáticas do Planalto Médio e Missões, RS.

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    Este trabalho foi conduzido com a finalidade de estimar as necessidades estocásticas de irrigação suplementar por aspersão na cultura da soja (Glycine max L. Merrill), nas regiões agroecológicas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, denominadas de Planalto Médio e Missões. As necessidades foram simuladas em relação à combinação entre locais, épocas de semeadura, níveis de manejo da irrigação e entre níveis de ocorrência . As necessidades de irrigação suplementar foram máximas na semeadura de 15 de outubro, e os menores valores foram encontrados na semeadura de 15 de dezembro; as necessidades de irrigação suplementar foram maiores nas condições agroecológicas das Missões quando comparadas com as do Planalto Médio; as lâminas de irrigação suplementar estimadas aumentaram à medida que o nível de risco diminuiu

    Borrelia valaisiana resist complement-mediated killing independently of the recruitment of immune regulators and inactivation of complement components

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    Spirochetes belonging to the Borrelia (B.) burgdorferi sensu lato complex differ in their resistance to complement-mediated killing, particularly in regard to human serum. In the present study, we elucidate the serum and complement susceptibility of B. valaisiana, a genospecies with the potential to cause Lyme disease in Europe as well as in Asia. Among the investigated isolates, growth of ZWU3 Ny3 was not affected while growth of VS116 and Bv9 was strongly inhibited in the presence of 50% human serum. Analyzing complement activation, complement components C3, C4 and C6 were deposited on the surface of isolates VS116 and Bv9, and similarly the membrane attack complex was formed on their surface. In contrast, no surface-deposited components and no aberrations in cell morphology were detected for serum-resistant ZWU3 Ny3. While further investigating the protective role of bound complement regulators in mediating complement resistance, we discovered that none of the B. valaisiana isolates analyzed bound complement regulators Factor H, Factor H-like protein 1, C4b binding protein or C1 esterase inhibitor. In addition, B. valaisiana also lacked intrinsic proteolytic activity to degrade complement components C3, C3b, C4, C4b, and C5. Taken together, these findings suggest that certain B. valaisiana isolates differ in their capability to resist complement-mediating killing by human serum. The molecular mechanism utilized by B. valaisiana to inhibit bacteriolysis appears not to involve binding of the key host complement regulators of the alternative, classical, and lectin pathways as already known for serum-resistant Lyme disease or relapsing fever borreliae

    A Genetic Porcine Model of Cancer

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    The large size of the pig and its similarity in anatomy, physiology, metabolism, and genetics to humans make it an ideal platform to develop a genetically defined, large animal model of cancer. To this end, we created a transgenic oncopig line encoding Cre recombinase inducible porcine transgenes encoding KRASG12D and TP53R167H, which represent a commonly mutated oncogene and tumor suppressor in human cancers, respectively. Treatment of cells derived from these oncopigs with the adenovirus encoding Cre (AdCre) led to KRASG12D and TP53R167H expression, which rendered the cells transformed in culture and tumorigenic when engrafted into immunocompromised mice. Finally, injection of AdCre directly into these oncopigs led to the rapid and reproducible tumor development of mesenchymal origin. Transgenic animals receiving AdGFP (green fluorescent protein) did not have any tumor mass formation or altered histopathology. This oncopig line could thus serve as a genetically malleable model for potentially a wide spectrum of cancers, while controlling for temporal or spatial genesis, which should prove invaluable to studies previously hampered by the lack of a large animal model of cancer

    Riparian ecotones and spatial variation of fish assemblages in Portuguese lowland streams

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    The first results of a long-term study on the role of riparian ecotones on the population and community dynamics of Iberian stream fish are presented and discussed . Riparian and macrophyte cover, bank slope and depth were among the most important variables affecting fish distribution . In general small fish favoured shallow areas with high macrophyte cover, whereas large fish dominated in deep areas with a high riparian cover . Slight spatial changes in terrestrial prey use were found suggesting a minor role for this resource during autumn . Finally, no significant spatial differences were found for linear growth, although some differences were obtained for the condition facto

    Fine-Scale Phylogeographic Structure of Borrelia lusitaniae Revealed by Multilocus Sequence Typing

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    Borrelia lusitaniae is an Old World species of the Lyme borreliosis (LB) group of tick-borne spirochetes and prevails mainly in countries around the Mediterranean Basin. Lizards of the family Lacertidae have been identified as reservoir hosts of B. lusitaniae. These reptiles are highly structured geographically, indicating limited migration. In order to examine whether host geographic structure shapes the evolution and epidemiology of B. lusitaniae, we analyzed the phylogeographic population structure of this tick-borne bacterium using a recently developed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme based on chromosomal housekeeping genes. A total of 2,099 questing nymphal and adult Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected in two climatically different regions of Portugal, being ∼130 km apart. All ticks were screened for spirochetes by direct PCR. Attempts to isolate strains yielded 16 cultures of B. lusitaniae in total. Uncontaminated cultures as well as infected ticks were included in this study. The results using MLST show that the regional B. lusitaniae populations constitute genetically distinct populations. In contrast, no clear phylogeographic signals were detected in sequences of the commonly used molecular markers ospA and ospC. The pronounced population structure of B. lusitaniae over a short geographic distance as captured by MLST of the housekeeping genes suggests that the migration rates of B. lusitaniae are rather low, most likely because the distribution of mediterranean lizard populations is highly parapatric. The study underlines the importance of vertebrate hosts in the geographic spread of tick-borne microparasites