821 research outputs found


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    Este texto analiza la transcendencia de la revolución feminista que se inició en los años 60 a partir del lema «Lo personal es político» y su influencia en la transformación del arte contemporáneo. En este contexto el trabajo desarrollado por las prácticas artísticas y la crítica feminista en relación a la denuncia de la violencia contra la mujer ocupa una posición destacada. A lo largo de estas últimas décadas no sólo ha evidenciado la violencia como un hecho continuado y global hacia la mujer sino que, además, ha iniciado nuevas narraciones que dan respuesta a un drama considerado socialmente como un irremediable «trágico final».This paper analyzes the significance of the feminist revolution that began in the 60s from slogan «the personal is political» and its influence on the transformation of contemporary art. In this context the work done by the artistic practices and feminist criticism in relation to the reporting of violence against women occupies a prominent position. Along the latter decades has not only demonstrated the continued violence and overall made towards women but which also started new narratives that respond to a drama considered socially as a hopeless «tragic end»

    Arte contemporáneo, violencia y creación feminista. "Lo personal es político" y la transformación del arte contemporáneo

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    Este texto analiza la transcendencia de la revolución feminista que se inició en los años 60 a partir del lema «Lo personal es político» y su influencia en la transformación del arte contemporáneo. En este contexto el trabajo desarrollado por las prácticas artísticas y la crítica feminista en relación a la denuncia de la violencia contra la mujer ocupa una posición destacada. A lo largo de estas últimas décadas no sólo ha evidenciado la violencia como un hecho continuado y global hacia la mujer sino que, además, ha iniciado nuevas narraciones que dan respuesta a un drama considerado socialmente como un irremediable «trágico final»

    Analysis of social inequalities : teaching and investigative theory and practice

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004The proposal of this communication is to present a living of teaching innovation in which the teaching of Sociology is linked to the research developed in the European project INCASI: International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities, of which the teachers are part. The teaching experience is being carried out in the Sociology subject, with first-year students, of the degree of Management and Public Administration, of the Faculty of Law, of the University of Barcelona. The central axis of the work developed by the students is to conduct an exploratory sociological research on one social inequality and observe and devise innovative policies to counteract the inequalities. Thus, the students carry out a group research on one of the social inequalities of INCASI's own analysis (employment, labor market, education, family life, migration, gender, etc.), allowing the students to have a direct contact with a real project. Thus, the students can, on the one hand, get in touch with the scientific production and with the members of the project and, on the other hand, to evaluate the outputs of the student's groups by the Academic Committee of INCASI. The best papers of the students will be published on the European project website. The teaching-learning objectives of this teaching experience are the following: (1) relate basic theoretical knowledge of the sociological discipline with a social phenomenon research; (2) practice and acquire various fundamental learning skills, both in the academic context and in the professional context, such as the scientific and technological competences, communication skills and teamwork, all from a reflective and critical position; (3) become aware of the transfer of knowledge richness of the results obtained in the society investigation through the creation of a website. The teaching innovation experience is developed in two academic courses: 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. In the first year, the thematic axis on which the project is supported, the exploration of social inequalities, takes place in the European context. In the second year, the same social inequalities already analyzed by the students, will still be followed up in the Latin American context for new groups of students. In this way, the results obtained from the student's work developed in the first academic year, as well as, the functioning dynamics in the classroom of the analysis of social inequalities investigated, are exposed in this communication

    Institutional action plan for the follow-up of the labour insertion of the university degrees

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This communication presents the writing of a protocol that allows the university institution to know the academic and labor characteristics towards the labor market of the university graduates, as well as, the procedures and instruments designed to carry out the future professional monitoring of the graduates. The results come from two research projects on the labour incorporation of the graduates of the Faculties of Law and Economics and Business, of the University of Barcelona and, comparatively, with the Atlantics Headquarters of the National University of Río Negro and the University Center Regional Atlantic Zone of the National University of Comahue (Argentina). The methodology proposed for the analysis is mixed, combining the quantitative (questionnaire surveys when finishing the university degree and four years later after finishing the university studies) with the qualitative analysis (interviews with graduates and employers). In both methodologies, the gender perspective will be included

    Dual-Band Rectifier Based on Resistance Compression Networks

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    This work presents the design of a dual-band rectifier operating at 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz with minimized sensitivity to input power and load variations. The rectifier is designed using a dual-band resistance compression network (RCN) for minimizing the effect of input power and load changes and it is based on Composite Right/Left-Handed (CRLH) to implement the dual band operation. The resulting rectifier has shown good RF-DC conversion efficiency and reduced sensitivity to variations

    Access to the Labor Market of the Graduates of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona (Spain)

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    The objective of this article is to analyse the degree and characteristics of the labour insertion of the graduates of the Faculty of Law when comparing them with the rest of graduates of the University of Barcelona, taking into account the sex, labour situation during the university pathway and the average academic grade. The data comes from the Labour Insertion Survey to the graduated population of Catalan universities carried out by the Agency for Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) in 2014. The sample used corresponds to 3,425 university graduates in the University of Barcelona. The technique used is bivariate and multivariate analysis. For the comparative analysis we used contingency tables and for the explanatory, bivariate logistic regression. The results show that the employment situation of all graduates of the Faculty of Law is characterized by a high degree of occupation. Stability in employment on fixed contracts is higher in men than in women; the full-time work is predominantly homogeneous in both groups, and the monthly salary shows an inequality between women and men, the women have the most precarious conditions. In this way, the results obtained allow us to validate two hypotheses and refute a third one. In the first instance, there is a positive relationship between the degree of occupation and the academic grade; secondly, gender inequality is confirmed in favour of men in terms of working conditions. Finally, unlike expected, it is observed that there is a certain adequacy or matching between the work done and the training received at the university

    Organización:Función, estructura y sistemas productivos

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    El presente trabajo de investigación con tema organización consiste en el análisis de la administración de operaciones enfocada en la función, estructura y sistemas productivos, según la teoría muchos estudiosos de la administración aportaron enfoques científicos, analítico, novedosos e idearon técnicas que colocaban la eficiencia, estos individuos marcaron la historia para conocer actualmente, la moderna administración de operaciones, como ese factor importante en nuestro bienestar económico. Para consumar con el estudio bibliográfico en cuanto a la administración de operaciones analizaremos la función, estructuras, y sistemas productivos de las organizaciones. Para cumplir con el objetivo fijado se expondrá una serie de información a través de capítulos en el cual hemos desarrollado la administración de operaciones, la estructura de operaciones, las 4 “M” de operaciones y el sistema productivo. La metodología empleada en esta investigación bibliográfica fue referencias y fichado por citas directas o de transcripción y resumen. Las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados en esta investigación fueron fichas, resumen y fuentes secundarias cómo libros (físicos y digitales). Este informe contiene: dedicatoria, agradecimiento, valoración docente, resumen, introducción, justificación, objetivo, desarrollo bibliográfico, conclusión y bibliografía

    Incidencia de la Depresión en el Rendimiento Académico de los Estudiantes Internos del Cento de Educación Integral DIANOVA, Esther del Río "Las Marías", Santa Teresa, Carazo, en el segundo semestre del año 2012

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    A partir de la preocupación de las autoridades del centro por la observación de síntomas depresivos en los estudiantes internos del Centro de Educación Integral DIANOVA Esther del Río “Las Marías”, Santa Teresa-Carazo, surge el interés por estudiar la presencia de depresión, la gravedad del cuadro depresivo y la incidencia en el rendimiento académico, tratando de descubrir si existe relación entre estas variables, lo que será de utilidad para la institución brindando programas de atención especial para quienes padecen este tipo de problema, con el propósito de fomentar el desarrollo afectivo de los estudiantes en tanto que éste resulta ser un componente importante de su ser integral. En el presente estudio, se realizó una evaluación psicológica a 47 estudiantes internos, para conocer si existe relación entre la variables depresión y rendimiento académico de los afectados en el segundo semestre del año 2012. A través de las preguntas directrices formuladas se investigó la relación directa entre las dos variables. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación test de Hamilton para depresión, indican que el 77% de la población estudiada no tiene depresión y el 23 % sí están afectados. Al analizar su rendimiento académico no se establece relación con la depresión; las categorías de rendimiento académico en los que se encuentran los deprimidos son: muy bueno (36% de la muestra), bueno (46 % de la muestra), observando que quienes sufren mayor afección tienen rendimiento académico bueno y muy bueno y los que se ubican en rendimiento regular y deficiente (9%) están relativamente estables

    Access to the labor market of the graduates of the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona (Spain)

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004The objective of this article is to analyse the degree and characteristics of the labour insertion of the graduates of the Faculty of Law when comparing them with the rest of graduates of the University of Barcelona, taking into account the sex, labour situation during the university pathway and the average academic grade. The data comes from the Labour Insertion Survey to the graduated population of Catalan universities carried out by the Agency for Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) in 2014. The sample used corresponds to 3,425 university graduates in the University of Barcelona. The technique used is bivariate and multivariate analysis. For the comparative analysis we used contingency tables and for the explanatory, bivariate logistic regression. The results show that the employment situation of all graduates of the Faculty of Law is characterized by a high degree of occupation. Stability in employment on fixed contracts is higher in men than in women; the full-time work is predominantly homogeneous in both groups, and the monthly salary shows an inequality between women and men, the women have the most precarious conditions. In this way, the results obtained allow us to validate two hypotheses and refute a third one. In the first instance, there is a positive relationship between the degree of occupation and the academic grade; secondly, gender inequality is confirmed in favour of men in terms of working conditions. Finally, unlikeexpected, it is observed that there is a certain adequacy or matching between the work done and the training received at the universit