87 research outputs found

    Land use changes, landscape ecology and their socioeconomic driving forces in the Spanish Mediterranean coast (the Maresme County, 1850-2005)

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    We use a set of landscape metrics to study the long-term environmental transformation of a typical coastal Mediterranean area from 1850 to 2005. Our figures show a dramatic environmental deterioration between 1950 and 2005. The main proximate drivers of this landscape degradation are the effects of urban sprawl on former agricultural areas located in the coastal plains, together with the abandonment and reforestation of hilly slopes intercepted by low-density residential areas, highways, and other linear infrastructures. We carry out a statistical redundancy analysis (RDA) to identify certain ultimate socioeconomic and political drivers of these environmental impacts. The results confirm our interpretive hypothesis that: 1) land cover changes determine changes in landscape properties, both structural and functional; 2) these changes are not at random, but related to geographical endowments and socioeconomic or political drivers.statistical redundancy analysis (rda), ecological connectivity, land-use change, socioeconomic drivers, mediterranean landscapes

    Forest management for adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean basin: A synthesis of evidence

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    As global climate becomes warmer, the maintenance of the structure and function of Mediterranean forests constitutes a key challenge to forest managers. Despite the need for forest adaptation, an overall evaluation of the efficacy of current management strategies is lacking. Here we describe a theoretical framework for classifying management strategies, explicitly recognizing trade-offs with other, untargeted ecosystem components. We then use this framework to provide a quantitative synthesis of the efficacy of management strategies in the Mediterranean basin. Our review shows that research has focused on strategies aimed at decreasing risk and promoting resistance in the short-term, rather than enhancing long-term resilience. In addition, management strategies aiming at short-term benefits frequently have unintended consequences on other adaptation objectives and untargeted ecosystem components. Novel empirical studies and experiments focusing both on adaptation objectives and multiple responses and processes at the ecosystem level are needed. Such progress is essential to improve the scientific basis of forest management strategies and support forest adaptation in the Mediterranean basin

    Composición formal de las fachadas Barroco-Mestizas Arequipeñas (s. XVI-XVIII)

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    [EN] The Barrocco Mestizo features formal wealth and knowledge of various origins. Its European origin is clear; however, its influences and evolution are not. This paper studies the medieval and classic influences in the Barroco Mestizo architecture. Specifically, it surveys the facades of the Churches of the Merced, San Francisco, the Company, Santo Domingo, San Augustine, and the Third Order. The facades of these churches are featured by its elaborate iconography.[ES] La arquitectura Barroco-mestiza americana se caracteriza por su riqueza formal y figurativa y por ser un estilo donde se combinan conocimientos de diferente procedencia. Siendo cierto su influjo europeo, no está determinada ni sus influencias ni su evolución. El artículo tiene como objetivo la búsqueda de los referentes medievales de esta arquitectura que podrían permanecer de manera subyacente. Para ello se estudiará la geometría de las fachadas de las Iglesias de La Merced, San Francisco, La Compañía, Santo Domingo, San Agustín y la Tercera Orden. Las fachadas de estas iglesias se caracterizan por su riqueza iconográfica.Coll Pla, S.; Rios Vizcarra, G.; Costa Jover, A.; Lluis I Ginovart, J. (2020). Formal composition in Arequipean facades of the Barroco Mestizo (c. XVI-XVIII). EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(40):92-103. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.11961OJS92103254

    Anomalías geométricas en la construcción de bóvedas tabicadas en los Templos salón del siglo XVIII: Sant Miquel de Batea

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    During the 18th century in the Iberian Peninsula, the partitioned vaults made it possible to quickly cover large spaces required by the liturgy of the Counter-Reformation (1545-1648). In order to determine the behaviour of geometric anomalies, we studied the church of Sant Miquel de Batea (1764-1800) (Spain), designed by an academic architect, Fray Atanasio Aznar, who was familiar with the professional debate on the thrust of the vaults. For its evaluation, a methodology is used that combines 2D and 3D analysis based on a point cloud of the building with a terrestrial laser scanner technique (MDCT), and these results can be contrasted with the study of the execution of the work through the Capitulations (1764). The conclusion shows that despite the good construction practice required and followed in the contract, there are geometric anomalies in the masonry caused by the thrusts produced by the dome, the dome, and the façade.Durante el siglo XVIII en la Península Ibérica las bóvedas tabicadas permiten cubrir con rapidez espacios amplios requeridos por la liturgia de la Contrarreforma (1545-1648). Para determinar el comportamiento de las anomalías geométricas se ha estudiado la iglesia de Sant Miquel de Batea (1764-1800) (España), proyectada por un arquitecto académico, Fray Atanasio Aznar, conocedor del debate profesional sobre sobre el empuje de las bóvedas tabicadas. Para su evaluación se utiliza una metodología que combina el análisis en 2D y 3D en base una nube de puntos del edificio con técnica escáner láser terrestre (MDCT), pudiendo contrastar estos resultados con el estudio de la ejecución de la obra a través de las Capitulaciones (1764). La conclusión demuestra que pese a la buena práctica constructiva exigida y seguida en el contrato existen anomalías geométricas en la fábrica provocadas como consecuencia de los empujes producidos por la cúpula, el cimborrio y la fachada

    La determinación del concepto de homogeneidad versus resistencia en los pilares de una catedral gótica mediante técnicas no invasivas

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    The construction and stone-cutting of columns in Gothic construction rules the transmission of the thrusts of the vaults to the ground. The morphologic and typological definition of these elements is essential. In the cathedral of Tortosa was defined an experimental structural model with a double ambulatory, with the construction of the ring of chapels between 1377 and 1424. These chapels are singular since they are not separated by a wall, as uses in Meridional Gothic. The suppression of this wall was after debated in the Cathedral of Milan in 1392. The survey of these columns through noninvasive techniques, such as Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Ground Penetrating Radar has enabled to identify essential differences between them. The study concluded that these columns are homogeneous only in the base and the first three rows of the body and near the impost, which are the areas were concentrates the main transmission of loads.La construcción y talla de los pilares en la construcción gótica son la base de la descarga de los empujes de las bóvedas hacia el terreno. La determinación morfológica y tipológica de estos elementos es esencial. En la catedral de Tortosa se experimenta un modelo estructural con doble deambulatorio, construyendo sus capillas entre 1377 y 1424. Éstas tienen la peculiaridad de no disponer de muro de separación entre ellas, como era frecuente en el gótico meridional. La eliminación del muro fue una cuestión debatida posteriormente en la catedral de Milán en 1392. El diseño y modelización de estos pilares, mediante técnicas no invasivas, utilizando el láser terrestre y el georadar, ha permitido constatar diferencias esenciales en su tipología. Se ha determinado que estos pilares son solamente homogéneos en los puntos de transmisión importantes de las cargas de la fábrica, que son en la basa y las tres primeras hiladas del fuste, así como en la parte superior de la imposta

    La reconstrucción de un palimpsesto románico mediante técnicas no destructivas

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    The Gothic Cathedral of Tortosa (1346), is superposed over a Romanesque building (1178) as a palimpsest, which there is no physical evidence. The geophysical survey (2102-13), has provided some relevant data from the previous seo, which have enabled the location of some of its main features: apse, pillars of the nave and façade. With these data it is possible to understand the fitting of the process, constructive/ deconstructive of both buildings. The study concludes that the main structural elements of both buildings fit as a gear, and the possible dimensions of the Romanesque Seo are deducted through the evidences found in the subsoil.La catedral gótica de Tortosa (1346), se superpone sobre una construcción románica (1178) a modo de alimpsesto, de la cual no existe ninguna evidencia física. La prospección geofísica (2102-13), ha aportado algunos datos relevantes de la anterior seo, que han precisado la ubicación de alguna de sus partes principales: ábside, pilares de la nave y fachada. Con estos datos se puede entender el encaje del proceso, constructivo/deconstructivo de ambos edificios. El estudio concluye que los elementos estructurales más importantes de ambas edificaciones encajan a manera de engranaje, y se deducen las posibles dimensiones de la Seo románica en base a las evidencias encontradas en el subsuelo

    Forest structure of mediterranean yew (taxus baccata L.) populations and neighbor effects on juvenile yew performance in the NE iberian peninsula

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    Aim of study: In the Mediterranean region, yew (Taxus baccata L.) usually grows with other tree species in mixed forests. Yew recruitment and juvenile growth may depend on the structure of the forest and the net balance between competition for soil water and nutrients with neighbors and facilitation that these neighbors exert by protecting the plants from direct sun exposure. This study aims, at a regional scale, to analyze the structure of forests containing yew, and, on an individual level, to analyze the effect of the surrounding vegetation structure on the performance of yew juveniles. Area of study: The structural typologies of yew populations were defined based on field inventories conducted in 55 plots distributed in 14 localities in the North-Eastern (NE) Iberian Peninsula, covering a wide range of yew distribution in the area. In a second step, an analysis of neighboring species’ effects on juveniles was conducted based on the data from 103 plots centered in yew juveniles in five localities. Main Results: A cluster analysis classified the inventoried stands into four forest structural types: two multi-stratified forests with scattered yew and two yew groves. Multiple regression modeling showed that the δ13C measured in last year’s leaves positively relates to the basal area of conifer neighbors, but negatively with the cover of the yew crown by other trees. Research highlights: At a stand-level, the density of recruits and juveniles (625 ± 104 recruits ha–1, 259 ± 55 juveniles ha–1) in mixed forests was found to be higher than that on yew dominant stands (181 ± 88 recruits ha–1 and 57 ± 88 juveniles ha–1). At an individual-level, the water stress (estimated from leaf δ13C) of yew juveniles seems alleviated by the crown cover by neighbors while it increases with the basal area of conifers. Yew conservation should focus on selective felling for the reduction of basal area of neighbors surrounding the target tree, but avoid affecting the canopy cover to contribute to enhanced yew juvenile growth

    El trazado del icosakaidígono en el Clypeus Jupiter-Ammon de Tarragona (s. I) y la faz de Cristo del rosetón de la catedral de Orvieto (s. XIV)

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    The techniques of massive data capture, as the Terrestrial Laser Scanner and the digital photogrammetry, allow to accurately analyze close objects and others that are not accessible, by statistical methods. Its application has allowed assessing, from the geometric point of view, the sculptures of the figure Clypeus of Tarragona, Jupiter-Ammon (1st century) and the one of the Orvieto’s Cathedral rosette, with the face of Christ (14th century). The Clypeus of Tarragona and Orvieto’s rosette are divided in 22 parts, forming a polygonal shape known as icosakaidígono. This polygon does not appear in the Elementa of Euclides, neither in the Almagesto of Ptolomeo, nor in the rare Practica Geometriae of the time. These polygons can be built by means of angular division inherited from astrolabe and quadrant builders. This polygon can be defined also through the rotation of the square, since the repeated support of the catheti on the hypotenuse allows the rotation of the tool, or other indirect methods. The conclusion of the analysis of these figures is that, statistically, both sculptures have a geometric construction equal to the Reliquiario del Corporale del Miracolo di Bolsena (1337-1338) of Orvieto’s Cathedral.Las técnicas de captura masiva de datos, como el escáner láser terrestre y la fotogrametría, permiten analizar con precisión objetos próximos y otros no accesibles, mediante métodos estadísticos. Su aplicación ha permitido analizar desde el punto de vista geométrico las esculturas de la figura Clypeus de Tarragona, Jupiter-Ammon (s. I) y la del rosetón de la catedral de Orvieto con la faz de Cristo (s. XIV). El Clypeus de Tarragona y el rosetón de la catedral de Orvieto está divido en 22 partes, formando un icosakaidígono, polígono que no aparece en los Elementa de Euclides, ni en el Almagesto de Tolomeo, ni en las escasas Practica Geometriae de la época. Estos polígonos pueden ser construidos mediante la división angular heredada de los constructores de astrolabios y cuadrantes; así como también mediante una escuadra de dos brazos, con el apoyo reiterado de los catetos sobre la hipotenusa, creando así una rotación del instrumento u otros métodos directos. La conclusión del análisis de estas figuras es que, estadísticamente, ambas esculturas tienen una construcción geométrica igual al del Reliquiario del Corporale del Miracolo di Bolsena (1337-1338) de la catedral de Orvieto

    Consorci per a la Recuperació de la Fauna de les Illes Balears, 11 años trabajando para la conservación de la biodiversidad

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    El COFIB, Consorci per a la Recuperació de la Fauna de las Illes Balears se creó en el año 2004 con la finalidad de atender las necesidades de recuperación de la fauna silvestre así como gestionar problemáticas relacionadas con la fauna exótica. Las entidades que lo constituyen son la Conselleria de Agricultura, Medi Ambient i Territori del Govern de les Illes Balears y la Fundació Natura Parc, entidades que aportan los medios necesarios para llevar a cabo las actividades del Consorcio. Durante estos años se han atendido 26.119 casos de fauna silvestre de las Islas Baleares y se han recogido 4.148 ejemplares de fauna exótica. Se ha participado en diferentes planes de conservación y recuperación que lleva a cabo el Servei de Protecció d’Espècies de la DG de Medi Natural. Los cuatro últimos años se ha incorporado el equipo de Sanidad y Control de Fauna, que interviene en acciones de control de especies invasoras y domésticas asilvestradas en diferentes espacios de la R.N.2000 y que ha capturado 11.622 especímenes de 25 especies distintas. Se colabora y participa en el seguimiento y monitorización de las enfermedades que afectan a la fauna silvestre. Desde el año 201,2 el COFIB coordina la recuperación de ejemplares de la fauna silvestre en todas las Islas Baleares. Gracias a los datos obtenidos a lo largo de estos 11 años, se ha contribuido en líneas de investigación y publicaciones que mejoran el conocimiento sobre nuestras especies. Finalmente, la educación ambiental y la investigación complementan las acciones de recuperación que lleva a cabo el COFIB. El artículo repasa algunas de las actuaciones, resultados y los datos más importantes recogidos durante este periodo

    BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants

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    Understanding how plants are constructed—i.e., how key size dimensions and the amount of mass invested in different tissues varies among individuals—is essential for modeling plant growth, carbon stocks, and energy fluxes in the terrestrial biosphere. Allocation patterns can differ through ontogeny, but also among coexisting species and among species adapted to different environments. While a variety of models dealing with biomass allocation exist, we lack a synthetic understanding of the underlying processes. This is partly due to the lack of suitable data sets for validating and parameterizing models. To that end, we present the Biomass And Allometry Database (BAAD) for woody plants. The BAAD contains 259 634 measurements collected in 176 different studies, from 21 084 individuals across 678 species. Most of these data come from existing publications. However, raw data were rarely made public at the time of publication. Thus, the BAAD contains data from different studies, transformed into standard units and variable names. The transformations were achieved using a common workflow for all raw data files. Other features that distinguish the BAAD are: (i) measurements were for individual plants rather than stand averages; (ii) individuals spanning a range of sizes were measured; (iii) plants from 0.01–100 m in height were included; and (iv) biomass was estimated directly, i.e., not indirectly via allometric equations (except in very large trees where biomass was estimated from detailed sub‐sampling). We included both wild and artificially grown plants. The data set contains the following size metrics: total leaf area; area of stem cross‐section including sapwood, heartwood, and bark; height of plant and crown base, crown area, and surface area; and the dry mass of leaf, stem, branches, sapwood, heartwood, bark, coarse roots, and fine root tissues. We also report other properties of individuals (age, leaf size, leaf mass per area, wood density, nitrogen content of leaves and wood), as well as information about the growing environment (location, light, experimental treatment, vegetation type) where available. It is our hope that making these data available will improve our ability to understand plant growth, ecosystem dynamics, and carbon cycling in the world\u27s vegetation