558 research outputs found

    Signal Transduction: RABGEF1 Fingers RAS for Ubiquitination

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    SummaryRAS proteins conduct signaling from surface receptors to cytoplasmic effectors, and RAS gain-of-function mutations are pervasive in cancer. A new mechanism for RAS signal attenuation with implications for receptor trafficking has been uncovered

    RIN1 Is an ABL Tyrosine Kinase Activator and a Regulator of Epithelial-Cell Adhesion and Migration

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    SummaryBackground: ABL tyrosine kinases control actin remodeling in development and in response to environmental stimuli. These changes affect cell adhesion, cell migration, and cell-cell contact. Little is known, however, about upstream mechanisms regulating ABL protein activation.Results: We report that the RAS effector RIN1 is an activator of ABL tyrosine kinases. RIN1 expression in fibroblasts promotes the formation of membrane spikes; similar effects have been reported for ABL overexpression. RIN1 binds to the ABL SH3 and SH2 domains, and these interactions stimulate ABL2 catalytic activity. This leads to increased phosphorylation of CRK and CRKL, inhibiting these cytoskeletal regulators by promoting intramolecular over intermolecular associations. Activated RAS participates in a stable RAS-RIN1-ABL2 complex and stimulates the tyrosine kinase-activation function of RIN1. Deletion of the RAS binding domain (RBD) strongly stimulated the ABL2 activation function of RIN1, suggesting that RAS activation results from the relief of RIN1 autoinhibition. The ABL binding domain of RIN1 (RIN1-ABD) increased the activity of ABL2 immune complexes and purified RIN1-ABD-stimulated ABL2 kinase activity toward CRK. Mammary epithelial cells (MECs) from Rin1−/− mice showed accelerated cell adhesion and increased motility in comparison to wild-type cells. Knockdown of RIN1 in epithelial-cell lines blocked the induction of CRKL phosphorylation, confirming that RIN1 normally functions as an inhibitor of cell motility.Conclusions: RIN1 is a directly binding ABL tyrosine kinase activator in cells as well as in a defined-component assay. In response to environmental changes, this novel signal pathway mediates actin remodeling associated with adhesion and migration of epithelial cells

    Mutational mapping of RAS-responsive domains of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenylyl cyclase

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    Large deletion and small insertion mutations in the adenylyl cyclase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to map regions required for activation by RAS protein in vitro. The amino-terminal 605 amino acids were found to be dispensable for responsiveness to RAS protein. All other deletions in adenylyl cyclase destroyed its ability to respond to RAS. Small insertion mutations within the leucine-rich repeat region also prevented RAS responsiveness, while other insertions did not


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    La presente invenzione ha per oggetto un metodo per la stima di presenza di pioggia del tipo precisato nel preambolo della prima rivendicazione. In particolare, la presente invenzione ha per oggetto un metodo per la stima di presenza di pioggia basato sulla misura della degradazione del segnale sulla tratta in discesa di collegamenti satellitari con regolazione adattiva dei parametri atmosferici di riferimento

    Crystal structures of oligonucleotides including the integrase processing site of the Moloney murine leukemia virus

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    In the first step of retroviral integration, integrase cleaves the linear viral DNA within its long terminal repeat (LTR) immediately 3′ to the CA dinucleotide step, resulting in a reactive 3′ OH on one strand and a 5′ two base overhang on the complementary strand. In order to investigate the structural properties of the 3′ end processing site within the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) LTR d(TCTTTCATT), a host-guest crystallographic method was employed to determine the structures of four self-complementary 16 bp oligonucleotides including LTR sequences (underlined), d(TTTCATTGCAATGAAA), d(CTTTCATTAATGAAAG), d(TCTTTCATATGAAAGA) and d(CACAATGATCATTGTG), the guests, complexed with the N-terminal fragment of MMLV reverse transcriptase, the host. The structures of the LTR-containing oligonucleotides were compared to those of non-LTR oligonucleotides crystallized in the same lattice. Properties unique to the CA dinucleotide step within the LTR sequence, independent of its position from the end of the duplex, include a positive roll angle and negative slide value. This propensity for the CA dinucleotide step within the MMLV LTR sequence to adopt only positive roll angles is likely influenced by the more rigid, invariable 3′ and 5′ flanking TT dinucleotide steps and may be important for specific recognition and/or cleavage by the MMLV integrase

    Imatinib inhibits VEGF-independent angiogenesis by targeting neuropilin 1-dependent ABL1 activation in endothelial cells.

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    To enable new blood vessel growth, endothelial cells (ECs) express neuropilin 1 (NRP1), and NRP1 associates with the receptor tyrosine kinase VEGFR2 after binding the vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) to enhance arteriogenesis. We report that NRP1 contributes to angiogenesis through a novel mechanism. In human and mouse ECs, the integrin ligand fibronectin (FN) stimulated actin remodeling and phosphorylation of the focal adhesion component paxillin (PXN) in a VEGF/VEGFR2-independent but NRP1-dependent manner. NRP1 formed a complex with ABL1 that was responsible for FN-dependent PXN activation and actin remodeling. This complex promoted EC motility in vitro and during angiogenesis on FN substrates in vivo. Accordingly, both physiological and pathological angiogenesis in the retina were inhibited by treatment with Imatinib, a small molecule inhibitor of ABL1 which is widely used to prevent the proliferation of tumor cells that express BCR-ABL fusion proteins. The finding that NRP1 regulates angiogenesis in a VEGF- and VEGFR2-independent fashion via ABL1 suggests that ABL1 inhibition provides a novel opportunity for anti-angiogenic therapy to complement VEGF or VEGFR2 blockade in eye disease or solid tumor growth

    Rainfall Field Reconstruction by Opportunistic Use of the Rain-Induced Attenuation on Microwave Satellite Signals: The July 2021 Extreme Rain Event in Germany as a Case Study

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    This paper presents a practical application of an opportunistic technique for the estimation of rainfall intensity and accumulated precipitation. The proposed technique is based upon signal strength measurements made by commercial-grade interactive satellite terminals. By applying some processing, the rain-induced attenuation on the microwave downlink from the satellite is first evaluated; then the rain attenuation is eventually mapped into a rainfall rate estimate via a tropospheric model. This methodology has been applied to a test area of 30×30 km2 around the city of Dortmund (North Rhine-Westphalia, upper basin of Ermscher river), for the heavy rain event that devastated western Germany in July, 2021. A rainfall map on this area is obtained from the measurements collected by a set of satellite terminals deployed in the region, and successfully compared with a map obtained with a conventional weather radar

    Initiation of HIV Reverse Transcription

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    Reverse transcription of retroviral genomes into double stranded DNA is a key event for viral replication. The very first stage of HIV reverse transcription, the initiation step, involves viral and cellular partners that are selectively packaged into the viral particle, leading to an RNA/protein complex with very specific structural and functional features, some of which being, in the case of HIV-1, linked to particular isolates. Recent understanding of the tight spatio-temporal regulation of reverse transcription and its importance for viral infectivity further points toward reverse transcription and potentially its initiation step as an important drug target