2,664 research outputs found

    An Unsplit, Cell-Centered Godunov Method for Ideal MHD

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    We present a second-order Godunov algorithm for multidimensional, ideal MHD. Our algorithm is based on the unsplit formulation of Colella (J. Comput. Phys. vol. 87, 1990), with all of the primary dependent variables centered at the same location. To properly represent the divergence-free condition of the magnetic fields, we apply a discrete projection to the intermediate values of the field at cell faces, and apply a filter to the primary dependent variables at the end of each time step. We test the method against a suite of linear and nonlinear tests to ascertain accuracy and stability of the scheme under a variety of conditions. The test suite includes rotated planar linear waves, MHD shock tube problems, low-beta flux tubes, and a magnetized rotor problem. For all of these cases, we observe that the algorithm is second-order accurate for smooth solutions, converges to the correct weak solution for problems involving shocks, and exhibits no evidence of instability or loss of accuracy due to the possible presence of non-solenoidal fields.Comment: 37 Pages, 9 Figures, submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Comparison of latest and innovative silica-based consolidants for volcanic stones

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    This research explores the new perspectives in conservation and protection of two macroporous tuff stones, widely employed in the architectural heritage of Campania region, characterized by highly heterogeneous rock fabric and texture and a variable mineralogical composition that represent crucial factors responsible for their weak durability. The consolidation treatments were performed with a recently and widely used suspension of nano-silica crystals in water and with a lithium silicate solution that has received up to now scarce attention as a consolidant agent. Physical investigations (open porosity, Hg porosimetry, water absorption), morphological observations (SEM analyses) and visual appearance test (colorimetric measurements), along with assessments of performance indicators such as ultrasonic pulse velocity, surface cohesion test (peeling test) and durability test (salt crystallization), were carried out to investigate the consolidation effectiveness. Overall, lithium silicate consolidant showed a better behavior in terms of superficial cohesion, a most successful strengthening action and a considerable enhancement of salt resistance

    Band structure approach to the resonant x-ray scattering

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    We study the resonance behaviour of the forbidden 600 and 222 x-ray Bragg peaks in Ge using LDA band structure methods. These Bragg peaks remain forbidden in the resonant dipole scattering approximation even taking into account the non local nature of the band states. However they become allowed at resonance if the eigenstates of the unoccupied conduction band involve a hybridization of p like and d like atomic states. We show that the energy dependence of the resonant behaviour, including the phase of the scattering, is a direct measure of this p-d hybridization.and obtain quantitative agreement with experiment. A simple physical picture involving a product of dipole and quadrupolar transition matrix elements explains this behaviour and shows that it should be generally true for cases where the resonating atom is not at an inversion center. This has strong implications for the description of the resonance behavior of x-ray scattering in materials where the resonant atom is not at an inversion center such as V2O3 and in ferro and antiferro electric and piezo electric materials in general.Comment: 4 pages, 5figure

    Spontaneous bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the left hemi-mandible: Similarities with phossy jaw.

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    Intravenous bisphosphonates (BP) play a key role in the treatment of bone metastases. As a long-term side effects BP, a form of avascular osteonecrosis of the jaw has been reported. Although, invasive oral local procedures are often present in clinical history of patients suffering from bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ), about up to 50% of BRONJ are spontaneous. We report a case of a 68-year-old female with a spontaneous wide bone sequestration of the left mandibular body onset after infusion of zoledronic acid for 18 cycles for osseous metastasis due to metastatic anaplastic thyroidal carcinoma. Surprisingly the clinical aspects of the patient initially reminded us of the famous pathology described in 1899 called phossy jaw. This case is remarkable not only for the spontaneity of the osteonecrosis, but, above all, for the clinical similarity with cases of phossy jaw, described for the first time in the literature, thereby suggesting a potential common pathogenesis

    Quantum Fluctuations versus Topology - a Study in U(1)_2 Lattice Gauge Theory

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    Using the geometric definition of the topological charge we decompose the path integral of 2-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory into topological sectors. In a Monte Carlo simulation we compute the average value of the action as well as the distribution of its values for each sector separately. These numbers are compared with analytic lower bounds of the action which are relevant for classical configurations carrying topological charge. We find that quantum fluctuations entirely dominate the path integral. Our results for the probability distribution of the Monte Carlo generated configurations among the topological sectors can be understood by a semi-phenomenological argument.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Mass-loaded spherical accretion flows

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    We have calculated the evolution of spherical accretion flows undergoing mass-loading from embedded clouds through either conduction or hydrodynamical ablation. We have observed the effect of varying the ratios of the mass-loading timescale and the cooling timescale to the ballistic crossing timescale through the mass-loading region. We have also varied the ratio of the potential energy of a particle injected into the flow near the outer region of mass-loading to the temperature at which a minimum occurs in the cooling curve. The two types of mass-loading produce qualitatively different types of behaviour in the accretion flow, since mass-loading through conduction requires the ambient gas to be hot, whereas mass ablation from clumps occurs throughout the flow. Higher ratios of injected to accreted mass typically occur with hydrodynamical ablation, in agreement with previous work on wind-blown bubbles and supernova remnants. We find that mass-loading damps the radiative overstability of such flows, in agreement with our earlier work. If the mass-loading is high enough it can stabilize the accretion shock at a constant radius, yielding an almost isothermal subsonic post-shock flow. Such solutions may be relevant to cooling flows onto massive galaxies. Mass-loading can also lead to the formation of isolated shells of high temperature material, separated by gas at cooler temperatures

    Hepatic Kaposi sarcoma in AIDS: US and CT findings

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    Abdominal ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) were performed in two patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and necropsy-proved hepatic Kaposi sarcoma. At US, small (5-12-mm) hyperechoic nodules and dense periportal bands were seen in the liver. These lesions appeared hypoattenuated on baseline and dynamic CT scans and enhanced on delayed scans after a bolus injection of contrast material. Although nonspecific, these features strongly suggest tumor involvement in the liver in patients with AIDS and Kaposi sarcoma

    The Possibility of Emersion of the Outer Layers in a Massive Star Simultaneously with Iron-Core Collapse: A Hydrodynamic Model

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    We analyze the behavior of the outer envelope in a massive star during and after the collapse of its iron core into a protoneutron star (PNS) in terms of the equations of one-dimensional spherically symmetric ideal hydrodynamics. The profiles obtained in the studies of the evolution of massive stars up to the final stages of their existence, immediately before a supernova explosion (Boyes et al. 1999), are used as the initial data for the distribution of thermodynamic quantities in the envelope.We use a complex equation of state for matter with allowances made for arbitrary electron degeneracy and relativity, the appearance of electron-positron pairs, the presence of radiation, and the possibility of iron nuclei dissociating into free nucleons and helium nuclei. We performed calculations with the help of a numerical scheme based on Godunov's method. These calculations allowed us to ascertain whether the emersion of the outer envelope in a massive star is possible through the following two mechanisms: first, the decrease in the gravitational mass of the central PNS through neutrino-signal emission and, second, the effect of hot nucleon bubbles, which are most likely formed in the PNS corona, on the envelope emersion. We show that the second mechanism is highly efficient in the range of acceptable masses of the nucleon bubbles (0.01M\leq 0.01M_\odot) simulated in our hydrodynamic calculations in a rough, spherically symmetric approximation.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    El boom de los commodities en Chile y Argentina

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    Objetivo: Determinar si el boom del precio de los commodities generó un proceso de primarización de la economía de Chile y Argentina.Fil: Graña Colella, Santiago. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Silva Neira, L. I. OSPE; Chile