1,611 research outputs found

    Von Kants Einfluss auf die deutsche Kultur

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    Tłumaczenia dokonano na podstawie H. Cohen: Von Kants Einfluss auf die deutsche Kultur. Rede bei der Marburger Universitäts-Feier des Geburtstages Sr. Majestät des Kaisers und Königs am 17. März 1883 gehalten. Berlin 1883.[...] Pozwolę sobie dzisiaj Państwu powiedzieć o wpływie Kanta na kulturę niemiecką - w jubileuszowym roku wydania pisma Kanta, które w swym tytule wypowiada już zarówno istotną myśl przewodnią, jak i reformatorską świadomość autora: „Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, która będzie mogła wystąpić jako nauka”. Rzeczywiście, tytuł ten pozwala się przekonać o historycznym wpływie Kanta. Celem Kanta nie było zakończenie wszelkich filozoficznych przedsięwzięć, ani też wyczarowanie w języku swej książki ducha przyszłego myślenia. Chciał on napisać Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, metodyczne wprowadzenie. Na roszczeniu ograniczenia metafizyki, „która będzie mogła wystąpić jako nauka”, polega jego dziejowa misja. W zwrocie „jako nauka” zawiera się to, co wyróżnia system Kanta: metoda Kantowska. Odtąd nie boskie szaleństwo winno uskrzydlać geniusza mądrości, nie dumna rezygnacja scio me veram intelligere philosophiam z poczucia prawdy ostatecznych podstaw mądrości, lecz metafizyka powinna stać się nauką, ma zostać wprowadzona na „stałą drogę nauki”. Taki wyjątkowo historyczny sens ma myślenie Kantowskie. Tymczasem z tego wynika właśnie, w jakim kierunku i sposobie - i nie jest to metafora - jak szybko rozchodzi się historyczny wpływ Kanta [...

    Algebraic nonlinear collective motion

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    Finite-dimensional Lie algebras of vector fields determine geometrical collective models in quantum and classical physics. Every set of vector fields on Euclidean space that generates the Lie algebra sl(3, R) and contains the angular momentum algebra so(3) is determined. The subset of divergence-free sl(3, R) vector fields is proven to be indexed by a real number Λ\Lambda. The Λ=0\Lambda=0 solution is the linear representation that corresponds to the Riemann ellipsoidal model. The nonlinear group action on Euclidean space transforms a certain family of deformed droplets among themselves. For positive Λ\Lambda, the droplets have a neck that becomes more pronounced as Λ\Lambda increases; for negative Λ\Lambda, the droplets contain a spherical bubble of radius Λ1/3|\Lambda|^{{1/3}}. The nonlinear vector field algebra is extended to the nonlinear general collective motion algebra gcm(3) which includes the inertia tensor. The quantum algebraic models of nonlinear nuclear collective motion are given by irreducible unitary representations of the nonlinear gcm(3) Lie algebra. These representations model fissioning isotopes (Λ>0\Lambda>0) and bubble and two-fluid nuclei (Λ<0\Lambda<0).Comment: 32pages, 4 figures not include

    Nitrous oxide cycling in the Arabian Sea

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    Depth profiles of dissolved nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured in the central and western Arabian Sea during four cruises in May and July–August 1995 and May–July 1997 as part of the German contribution to the Arabian Sea Process Study of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. The vertical distribution of N2O in the water column on a transect along 65°E showed a characteristic double-peak structure, indicating production of N2O associated with steep oxygen gradients at the top and bottom of the oxygen minimum zone. We propose a general scheme consisting of four ocean compartments to explain the N2O cycling as a result of nitrification and denitrification processes in the water column of the Arabian Sea. We observed a seasonal N2O accumulation at 600–800 m near the shelf break in the western Arabian Sea. We propose that, in the western Arabian Sea, N2O might also be formed during bacterial oxidation of organic matter by the reduction of IO3 − to I−, indicating that the biogeochemical cycling of N2O in the Arabian Sea during the SW monsoon might be more complex than previously thought. A compilation of sources and sinks of N2O in the Arabian Sea suggested that the N2O budget is reasonably balanced

    Challenges in network science: Applications to infrastructures, climate, social systems and economics

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    Network theory has become one of the most visible theoretical frameworks that can be applied to the description, analysis, understanding, design and repair of multi-level complex systems. Complex networks occur everywhere, in man-made and human social systems, in organic and inorganic matter, from nano to macro scales, and in natural and anthropogenic structures. New applications are developed at an ever-increasing rate and the promise for future growth is high, since increasingly we interact with one another within these vital and complex environments. Despite all the great successes of this field, crucial aspects of multi-level complex systems have been largely ignored. Important challenges of network science are to take into account many of these missing realistic features such as strong coupling between networks (networks are not isolated), the dynamics of networks (networks are not static), interrelationships between structure, dynamics and function of networks, interdependencies in given networks (and other classes of links, including different signs of interactions), and spatial properties (including geographical aspects) of networks. This aim of this paper is to introduce and discuss the challenges that future network science needs to address, and how different disciplines will be accordingly affected. Graphical abstrac

    The Grizzly, January 29, 2004

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    Myrin Library is Hit with Catastrophe • Myrin Library Water Damage: Photo Essay • Kerry Led in Iowa Caucuses • Opinions: Ursinus Greeks vs. Pop Culture; Farewell to E-Follett; Winter Weathered Out • Iowa Caucus Results • New Theater Production Sure to be a Hit! • Ursinus College Leadership Studies Program • Students Meet with Wynton Marsalis • A Prime Example of a Team Leader • UC Wrestling Recognizedhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1551/thumbnail.jp

    Deficiency of caspase recruitment domain family, member 11 (CARD11), causes profound combined immunodeficiency in human subjects.

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    BACKGROUND: Profound combined immunodeficiency can present with normal numbers of T and B cells, and therefore the functional defect of the cellular and humoral immune response is often not recognized until the first severe clinical manifestation. Here we report a patient of consanguineous descent presenting at 13 months of age with hypogammaglobulinemia, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, and a suggestive family history. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify the genetic alteration in a patient with combined immunodeficiency and characterize human caspase recruitment domain family, member 11 (CARD11), deficiency. METHODS: Molecular, immunologic, and functional assays were performed. RESULTS: The immunologic characterization revealed only subtle changes in the T-cell and natural killer cell compartment, whereas B-cell differentiation, although normal in number, was distinctively blocked at the transitional stage. Genetic evaluation revealed a homozygous deletion of exon 21 in CARD11 as the underlying defect. This deletion abrogated protein expression and activation of the canonical nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway in lymphocytes after antigen receptor or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation, whereas CD40 signaling in B cells was preserved. The abrogated activation of the canonical NF-κB pathway was associated with severely impaired upregulation of inducible T-cell costimulator, OX40, cytokine production, proliferation of T cells, and B cell-activating factor receptor expression on B cells. CONCLUSION: Thus in patients with CARD11 deficiency, the combination of impaired activation and especially upregulation of inducible T-cell costimulator on T cells, together with severely disturbed peripheral B-cell differentiation, apparently leads to a defective T-cell/B-cell cooperation and probably germinal center formation and clinically results in severe immunodeficiency. This report discloses the crucial and nonredundant role of canonical NF-κB activation and specifically CARD11 in the antigen-specific immune response in human subjects