55 research outputs found

    Sources of antibiotic resistance: zoonotic, human, environment

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    Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that must be managed under the One Health perspective. Retrospectively, it is assumed that microbial populations able to cope with compounds with antimicrobial activity and susceptible bacteria lived in equilibrium for a thousand years. This situation would change in the middle 1940s of the twentieth century when one of the most important revolutions of modern medicine started - the use of a natural antimicrobial compound, the penicillin, to treat infectious bacterial diseases. Over the years, the massive use of antibiotics in human and animal medicine, as well as in animal production for both growth promotion and infection prophylaxis/metaphylaxis, accelerated and shaped one of the most successful evolutionary case studies. As a result of an impressive combination of genome and community dynamics, bacteria with acquired antibiotic resistance are nowadays widespread across different environmental compartments (water, soil, wildlife) as well as in the human food chain (poultry, livestock, aquaculture, produce). Hence, the evolutionary success of these bacteria turned to represent a major threat to the human health. This review discusses some of the drivers and paths of antibiotic resistance dissemination across zoonotic, human, and environmental sources.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Boosting OMD for Almost Free Authentication of Associated Data

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    We propose pure OMD (p-OMD) as a new variant of the Offset Merkle-DamgĂ„rd (OMD) authenticated encryption scheme. Our new scheme inherits all desirable security features of OMD while having a more compact structure and providing higher efficiency. The original OMD scheme, as submitted to the CAESAR competition, couples a single pass of a variant of the Merkle-DamgĂ„rd (MD) iteration with the counter-based XOR MAC algorithm to provide privacy and authenticity. Our improved p-OMD scheme dispenses with the XOR MAC algorithm and is purely based on the MD iteration; hence, the name ``pure'' OMD. To process a message of ℓ\ell blocks and associated data of aa blocks, OMD needs ℓ+a+2\ell+a+2 calls to the compression function while p-OMD only requires max{ℓ,a\ell, a}+22 calls. Therefore, for a typical case where ℓ≄a\ell \geq a, p-OMD makes just ℓ+2\ell+2 calls to the compression function; that is, associated data is processed almost freely compared to OMD. We prove the security of p-OMD under the same standard assumption (pseudo-randomness of the compression function) as made in OMD; moreover, the security bound for p-OMD is the same as that of OMD, showing that the modifications made to boost the performance are without any loss of security

    Solar Radiation Maps

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    [EN]Solar maps are very interesting tools to describe the characteristics of a region from the solar radiation point of view, and can be applied in atmospheric sciences and for energy engineering. To make them possible, a solar radiation numerical model is proposed. This one allows us to estimate radiation values on any point on earth. The model takes into account the terrain surface conditions and the cast shadows. The procedure uses 2-D adaptive triangles meshes built refining according to surface and albedo characteristics. Solar irradiance values are obtained for clear sky conditions. Using clear sky index as a conversion factor, real sky values are computed in terms of irradiance or irradiation with a desired time step. Finally, the solar radiation maps are obtained for all the domain

    Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems Using Quantum Period Finding

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    Due to Shor's algorithm, quantum computers are a severe threat for public key cryptography. This motivated the cryptographic community to search for quantum-safe solutions. On the other hand, the impact of quantum computing on secret key cryptography is much less understood. In this paper, we consider attacks where an adversary can query an oracle implementing a cryptographic primitive in a quantum superposition of different states. This model gives a lot of power to the adversary, but recent results show that it is nonetheless possible to build secure cryptosystems in it. We study applications of a quantum procedure called Simon's algorithm (the simplest quantum period finding algorithm) in order to attack symmetric cryptosystems in this model. Following previous works in this direction, we show that several classical attacks based on finding collisions can be dramatically sped up using Simon's algorithm: finding a collision requires Ω(2n/2)\Omega(2^{n/2}) queries in the classical setting, but when collisions happen with some hidden periodicity, they can be found with only O(n)O(n) queries in the quantum model. We obtain attacks with very strong implications. First, we show that the most widely used modes of operation for authentication and authenticated encryption e.g. CBC-MAC, PMAC, GMAC, GCM, and OCB) are completely broken in this security model. Our attacks are also applicable to many CAESAR candidates: CLOC, AEZ, COPA, OTR, POET, OMD, and Minalpher. This is quite surprising compared to the situation with encryption modes: Anand et al. show that standard modes are secure with a quantum-secure PRF. Second, we show that Simon's algorithm can also be applied to slide attacks, leading to an exponential speed-up of a classical symmetric cryptanalysis technique in the quantum model.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Time-scaled evolutionary analysis of the transmission and antibiotic resistance dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus CC398

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    Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex 398 (CC398) is associated with disease in humans and livestock, and its origins and transmission have generated considerable interest. We performed a time-scaled phylogenetic analysis of CC398, including sequenced isolates from the United Kingdom (Scotland), along with publicly available genomes. Using state-of-the-art methods for mapping traits onto phylogenies, we quantified transitions between host species to identify sink and source populations for CC398 and employed a novel approach to investigate the gain and loss of antibiotic resistance in CC398 over time. We identified distinct human- and livestock-associated CC398 clades and observed multiple transmissions of CC398 from livestock to humans and between countries, lending quantitative support to previous reports. Of note, we identified a subclade within the livestock-associated clade comprised of isolates from hospital environments and newborn babies, suggesting that livestock-associated CC398 is capable of onward transmission in hospitals. In addition, our analysis revealed significant differences in the dynamics of resistance to methicillin and tetracycline related to contrasting historical patterns of antibiotic usage between the livestock industry and human medicine. We also identified significant differences in patterns of gain and loss of different tetracycline resistance determinants, which we ascribe to epistatic interactions between the resistance genes and/or differences in the modes of inheritance of the resistance determinants

    Comparison of three different approaches for the optimization of the CSP plant scheduling

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    Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is a promising technology for the exploitation of solar energy. The coupling with Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems allows to shift the generation of CSP plants toward more convenient periods, increasing their capacity factor and dispatch flexibility. The participation of CSP plants in the day-ahead electricity market is therefore potentially feasible with the advantage of increasing their revenues. However, inappropriate control strategies could be adopted due to the uncertainties in solar energy availability and market prices. A comparative analysis is therefore carried out in this paper with the aim of investigating the best approach to deal with the solar energy uncertainty. In particular, three different approaches are compared: deterministic, robust and stochastic. Two different weather forecast services are considered referring to the meteorological conditions occurring in a location near Rome. A 50 MW CSP plant is evaluated as a case study and the Italian electricity spot market is considered. The results show that both robust and stochastic approaches increase the revenues of the CSP plant and minimize the risk of occurrence of unmet energy compared to a deterministic approach. The stochastic approach is strongly influenced by the weather forecast modeling and the consequent distribution of weather forecast uncertainty. The stochastic approach attains the highest profits by adopting weather forecast services characterized by a robust statistical inference. On the other hand, robust optimization achieves highest profits if weather forecast is characterized by low accuracy and more distributed errors

    La radiazione solare globale al suolo in Italia nel 1995. Valori medi mensili stimati dalle immagini fornite dal satellite Meteosat

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
