233 research outputs found

    Population responses to observed climate variability across multiple organismal groups

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    A major challenge in ecology is to understand how populations are affected by increased climate variability. Here, we assessed the effects of observed climate variability on different organismal groups (amphibians, insects, mammals, herbaceous plants and reptiles) by estimating the extent to which interannual variation in the annual population growth rates (CVλ) and the absolute value of the long-term population growth rate (|log λ|) were associated with short-term climate variability. We used empirical data (≥ 20 consecutive years of annual abundances) from 59 wild populations in the Northern Hemisphere, and quantified variabilities in population growth rates and climatic conditions (temperature and precipitation in active and inactive seasons) calculated over four- and eight-year sliding time windows. We observed a positive relationship between the variability of growth rate (CVλ) and the variability of temperature in the active season at the shorter timescale only. Moreover, |log λ| was positively associated with the variability of precipitation in the inactive season at both timescales. Otherwise, the direction of the relationships between population dynamics and climate variability (if any) depended largely on the season and organismal group in question. Both CVλ and |log λ| correlated negatively with species’ lifespan, indicating general differences in population dynamics between short-lived and long-lived species that were not related to climate variability. Our results suggest that although temporal variation in population growth rates and the magnitude of long-term population growth rates are partially associated with short-term interannual climate variability, demographic responses to climate fluctuations might still be population-specific rather than specific to given organismal groups, and driven by other factors than the observed climate variability

    Stationarity analysis of historical flood series in France and Spain (14th–20th centuries)

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    International audienceInterdisciplinary frameworks for studying natural hazards and their temporal trends have an important potential in data generation for risk assessment, land use planning, and therefore the sustainable management of resources. This paper focuses on the adjustments required because of the wide variety of scientific fields involved in the reconstruction and characterisation of flood events for the past 1000 years. The aim of this paper is to describe various methodological aspects of the study of flood events in their historical dimension, including the critical evaluation of old documentary and instrumental sources, flood-event classification and hydraulic modelling, and homogeneity and quality control tests. Standardized criteria for flood classification have been defined and applied to the Isère and Drac floods in France, from 1600 to 1950, and to the Ter, the Llobregat and the Segre floods, in Spain, from 1300 to 1980. The analysis on the Drac and Isère data series from 1600 to the present day showed that extraordinary and catastrophic floods were not distributed uniformly in time. However, the largest floods (general catastrophic floods) were homogeneously distributed in time within the period 1600–1900. No major flood occurred during the 20th century in these rivers. From 1300 to the present day, no homogeneous behaviour was observed for extraordinary floods in the Spanish rivers. The largest floods were uniformly distributed in time within the period 1300–1900, for the Segre and Ter rivers

    Understanding the Acceptability and Effect of Psychiatric Care via Telemedicine as an Alternative Option for Patients Living with Intellectual Disabilities in Group Homes

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    Telemedicine has become a popular alternative to in-person clinic visits in the field of psychiatry, but few studies examine the impact of telemedicine mental healthcare provided to patients with intellectual disabilities living in group homes. Our study aims to fill this gap in the literature. A ten-question survey was designed to evaluate the effect of telemedicine services on access to care, quality of care, and patient and caregiver stress. This survey was distributed to caregivers of patients living in group homes who received care at the University of Alabama Medical Center. The majority of respondents indicated that telemedicine visits improved access to care, did not result in lower quality care compared to in-person visits, and adequately addressed the needs of the patient. Our findings suggest that telemedicine is an acceptable method of delivery of healthcare for a significant proportion of caregivers of patients surveyed

    Examination of stick-slip scenario on lubricated spring-brake systems

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    Several complex mechanisms can be responsible for undesirable friction-induced vibrations in many mechanical systems. This paper presents a tribological and dynamic analysis of the stick-slip problem, under greased lubrication, taking into account the practical application of a spring-brake system used in electric tubular motors. The main functioning of these brakes is based on the frictional greased contact between a stationary cylinder and a torsional spring, which rotates inside it. The identification of the parameters that most affect the stick-slip appearance in greased contacts requires a complete understanding and appropriate analysis of the entire system, to identify the effects of all physical parameters on the system. Here the global dynamics and the local contact behaviour is analysed, providing an in-depth examination of the stick-slip phenomenon on a greased contact

    Theory of heterogeneous / homogeneous catalytic reaction with presaturation

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    In this communication we present a theoretical study of chemical reactions in a system of solid particles, immersed in a fluid environment. Our primary concern here is investigation of the systems of catalytic particles in a liquid media; however with some slight modifications our results are applicable to aerosol systems as well. We consider a second-order reaction, which proceeds both homogeneously in the environment, and heterogeneously at surfaces of catalyst particles. The Langmuir adsorption-desorption kinetics is considered explicitly. For definiteness, we are considering the so-called "three-step mechanism'' of the heterogeneous reaction.Мы рассматриваем одну реакцию второго порядка, которая протекает как гомогенно в окружающей среде, так и гетерогенно на поверхностях каталитических частиц. Адсорбционно-десорбционная ленгмюровская кинетика учитывается явно. Для определённости мы рассматриваем так называемый "трёхступенчатый механизм'' гетерогенной реакции.Ми розглядаємо одну реакцію другого порядку, що протікає як гомогенно в оточуючому середовищі, так і гетерогенно на поверхнях каталітичних частин. Адсорбційно-дисорбційна ленгмюрівська кінетика враховується явно. Для визначеності ми розглядаємо так званий "триступінчатий механізм'' гетерогенної реакції

    HIFI observations of warm gas in DR21: Shock versus radiative heating

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    The molecular gas in the DR21 massive star formation region is known to be affected by the strong UV field from the central star cluster and by a fast outflow creating a bright shock. The relative contribution of both heating mechanisms is the matter of a long debate. By better sampling the excitation ladder of various tracers we provide a quantitative distinction between the different heating mechanisms. HIFI observations of mid-J transitions of CO and HCO+ isotopes allow us to bridge the gap in excitation energies between observations from the ground, characterizing the cooler gas, and existing ISO LWS spectra, constraining the properties of the hot gas. Comparing the detailed line profiles allows to identify the physical structure of the different components. In spite of the known shock-excitation of H2 and the clearly visible strong outflow, we find that the emission of all lines up to > 2 THz can be explained by purely radiative heating of the material. However, the new Herschel/HIFI observations reveal two types of excitation conditions. We find hot and dense clumps close to the central cluster, probably dynamically affected by the outflow, and a more widespread distribution of cooler, but nevertheless dense, molecular clumps.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&

    Using Bayesian mark-recapture modelling to quantify the strength and duration of post-release effects in reintroduced populations

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    Translocated animals often suffer elevated mortality during some acclimation period after release. Such post-release effects must be accounted for when estimating normal survival rates and therefore predicting population persistence. The standard approach for doing this is to nominate a fixed acclimation period, and either i) exclude survival data over that period, or ii) use model selection criteria to test whether survival differs over that period. We present a more flexible approach where the acclimation period is treated as unknown and is estimated simultaneously with the pre- and post-acclimation survival probabilities. We illustrate this approach using survival data for six reintroduced populations involving three New Zealand forest bird species. Analyses of the complete data sets (22–73 surveys conducted over 4–14 years) indicated that significant post-release effects occurred in at least one sex in five of the six populations, with 30–84% mortality attributable to post-release effects over acclimation periods ranging from 1 to 9 months. When we applied the approach to just the first year of data for each population, the estimated normal survival rates were consistent with those obtained from the complete data sets, and always at least as accurate as our previous approach of excluding data up to the next breeding season after translocation. The flexible approach therefore appears to be effective for accounting for post-release effects in survival estimation, and is beneficial in quantifying both the strength and duration of those effects so that pre- and post-release management strategies are better informed

    First detection of ND in the solar-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422

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    In the past decade, much progress has been made in characterising the processes leading to the enhanced deuterium fractionation observed in the ISM and in particular in the cold, dense parts of star forming regions such as protostellar envelopes. Very high molecular D/H ratios have been found for saturated molecules and ions. However, little is known about the deuterium fractionation in radicals, even though simple radicals often represent an intermediate stage in the formation of more complex, saturated molecules. The imidogen radical NH is such an intermediate species for the ammonia synthesis in the gas phase. Herschel/HIFI represents a unique opportunity to study the deuteration and formation mechanisms of such species, which are not observable from the ground. We searched here for the deuterated radical ND in order to determine the deuterium fractionation of imidogen and constrain the deuteration mechanism of this species. We observed the solar-mass Class 0 protostar IRAS16293-2422 with the heterodyne instrument HIFI as part of the Herschel key programme CHESS (Chemical HErschel Surveys of Star forming regions). The deuterated form of the imidogen radical ND was detected and securely identified with 2 hyperfine component groups of its fundamental transition in absorption against the continuum background emitted from the nascent protostar. The 3 groups of hyperfine components of its hydrogenated counterpart NH were also detected in absorption. We derive a very high deuterium fractionation with an [ND]/[NH] ratio of between 30 and 100%. The deuterium fractionation of imidogen is of the same order of magnitude as that in other molecules, which suggests that an efficient deuterium fractionation mechanism is at play. We discuss two possible formation pathways for ND, by means of either the reaction of N+ with HD, or deuteron/proton exchange with NH.Comment: Accepted; To appear in A&A Herschel/HIFI Special Issu