338 research outputs found

    Patients’ profile attack for laryngeal cancer attended in oral cancer center – UNESP

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    Um estudo foi realizado no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Araçatuba. Entre 88 casos de câncer atendidos no Centro de tratamento oncológico entre 1991 e 2003, 80 casos de câncer de laringe foram identificados em homens. Sexo, idade, uso de tabaco e álcool, realização de cirurgia e tratamentos oferecidos após a cirurgia foram dados obtidos de pacientes com um questionário padrão. O maior número de casos de câncer de laringe ocorreu em região glótica e necessitou de intervenção cirúrgica (laringectomia parcial ou total). A freqüência de câncer de laringe foi mais alta em fumantes e foi mais comum em idade entre 50 e 69 anos. O tratamento fonoaudiológico e a utilização de prótese estética ainda estão restritos a menor porcentagem dos pacientes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study was conducted in Oral Cancer Center, São Paulo State University – UNESP, Araçatuba Campus. Among 88 cancer cases seen at an oncology treatment center between 1991 and 2003, 80 laryngeal cancer cases were identified among men. Gender, age, tobacco and alcohol use, necessity of surgery and treatment proposed after surgery were data obtained from patients with a standardized questionnaire. The highest number laryngeal cancer cases occurred in glottic region and were necessary surgery intervention (partial or total laryngectomy). The frequency of laryngeal cancer was higher in tobacco smoking, and was more common in age among 50 and 69 years. The speech therapy and the use of esthetic prosthesis are still restrict to a minor percentage of the patients

    Color alteration of the paint used for iris painting in ocular prostheses

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    The purpose of this study was to assess color alteration of the paints used for iris painting in artificial eyes. Five disks of heat cured acrylic resin were confectioned by microwave energy for each paint analyzed, in a total of 40 specimens. Each specimen consisted of a colorless acrylic resin disk and another of equal size, of scleral white colored acrylic resin, with the painting interposed between the two disks. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated aging process in a chamber under ultraviolet radiation for 1,008 hours. To assess color variation, a reflective spectrophotometer was used. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All the paints underwent chromatic alteration. The oil paint presented the highest resistance to accelerated aging

    Evaluation of the color stability of two techniquesfor reproducing artificial irides after microwave polymerization

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    The use of ocular prostheses for ophthalmic patients aims to rebuild facial aesthetics and provide an artificial substitute to the visual organ. Natural intemperate conditions promote discoloration of artificial irides and many studies have attempted to produce irides with greater chromatic paint durability using different paint materials. OBJECTIVES: The present study evaluated the color stability of artificial irides obtained with two techniques (oil painting and digital image) and submitted to microwave polymerization. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty samples were fabricated simulating ocular prostheses. each sample was constituted by one disc of acrylic resin N1 and one disc of colorless acrylic resin with the iris interposed between the discs. The irides in brown and blue color were obtained by oil painting or digital image. The color stability was determined by a reflection spectrophotometer and measurements were taken before and after microwave polymerization. Statistical analysis of the techniques for reproducing artificial irides was performed by applying the normal data distribution test followed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (&#945;=.05). RESULTS: Chromatic alterations occurred in all specimens and statistically significant differences were observed between the oil-painted samples and those obtained by digital imaging. There was no statistical difference between the brown and blue colors. Independently of technique, all samples suffered color alterations after microwave polymerization. CONCLUSION: The digital imaging technique for reproducing irides presented better color stability after microwave polymerization

    Analysis of masticatory cycle efficiency in patients with old and new dentures

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    Background: The loss of vertical dimension of occlusion, wear of acrylic teeth and the maladaptation of old complete dentures on the tissues can influence chewing of edentulous individuals. The aim of the present study was to analyze the masticatory efficiency in patients with old complete dentures and after 6 months with new complete dentures. Methods: Twenty four edentulous patients between the ages of 65 to 80 years, with old complete dentures (maxillary and mandibular) and without temporomandibular dysfunction were selected. The patients included had decreased vertical dimension of occlusion and deficient dental occlusion. Each patient received artificial food fragments weighing 3 grams and chewed for 35 cycles. The food particles were expelled in granulometric meshes with openings of 2.0, 1.08, 0.42 and 0.20 mm. The analysis occurred with old complete dentures and after 6 months with new complete dentures. Results: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test with 5% significance were performed. After 6 months of wearing new complete dentures, the masticatory efficiency was significantly increased with 0.42 mm mesh, whereas the other meshes did not show increased masticatory efficiency. Conclusion: In general, there was no improvement in the masticatory efficiency of the edentulous individuals after 6 months with new complete dentures

    Assessment of the flexural strength of two heat-curing acrylic resins for artificial eyes

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    Prosthetic eyes are artificial substitutes for the eyeball, made of heat-curing acrylic resin, serving to improve the esthetic appearance of the mutilated patient and his/her inclusion in society. The aim of this study was to assess the flexural strength of two heat-curing acrylic resins used for manufacturing prosthetic eyes. Thirty-six specimens measuring 64 x 10 x 3.3 mm were obtained and divided into four groups: acrylic resin for artificial sclera N1(Artigos Odontológicos Clássico, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), heat-cure water technique (GI) and microwave-cured (GII); colorless acrylic resin for prosthetic eyes (Artigos Odontológicos Clássico, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), heat-cure water technique (GIII) and microwave-cured (GIV). Mechanical tests using three point loads were performed in a test machine (EMIC, São José dos Pinhais, PR, Brazil). The analysis of variance and the Tukey test were used to identify significant differences (p < 0.01). Groups GII and GIV presented, respectively, the highest (98.70 ± 11.90 MPa) and lowest means (71.07 ± 8.93 MPa), with a statistically significant difference. The cure method used for the prosthetic eye resins did not interfere in their flexural strength. It was concluded that all the resins assessed presented sufficient flexural strength values to be recommended for the manufacture of prosthetic eyes

    Variação da Morbidade de Doenças Respiratórias em Função da Variação da Temperatura entre os Meses de Abril e Maio em São Paulo

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    Este estudo visa fornecer subsídios para o impacto destas mudanças climáticas mesmo em uma situação específica, na entrada do inverno na região metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo, sobre a morbidade respiratória, por afecção das vias aéreas superiores (AVAS) em crianças menores que 13 anos. Os meses analisados são abril e maio, onde a entrada do inverno tem-se tornado mais acentuada, devido a um intenso aquecimento em abril nas últimas décadas em contraste com um aquecimento muito mais suave de maio. Esta tendência de aumento da diferença entre ambos os meses pode acarretar em uma tendência de aumento da morbidade por doenças respiratórias por AVAS no mês de maio. Notar que o pico de morbidade por doenças respiratórias se encontra em maio, possivelmente devido ao problema de termo-regulação em indivíduos adaptados ao clima/tempo mais ameno de abril. Pessoas com problemas de termorregulação são as mais sensíveis, gerando doenças respiratórias e cardiovasculares, sendo a população infantil e a geriátrica as mais susceptíveis. Portanto, esta tendência de aumento da diferença pode aumentar a ida aos hospitais em maior número no mês de maio, gerando impactos em hospitais e, por conseguinte, em políticas públicas

    Clima urbano e saúde: uma revisão sistematizada da literatura recente

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    Foi feita revisão sistematizada de 67 artigos sobre o tema Clima Urbano e Saúde a partir de busca nas plataformas Web of Science e Pub Med. Os artigos foram organizados por data de publicação, país de realização do estudo, por temas: metodologias; evidências de riscos à saúde por estresse térmico e por doenças infecciosas relacionadas ao clima; mitigação dos extremos do clima urbano por vegetação e outras formas; cobenefícios e articulações políticas.A systematized review of 67 articles on urban climate and health was carried out from searches in the Web of Science and PubMed platforms. The articles were organized by date of publication, by the country where the study was undertaken and by subject: methods; evidences of health risks from thermal stress and climate-related infectious diseases; mitigation of extreme urban climate conditions through vegetation and other means; co-benefits and political articulations

    Bond strength between acrylic resin and maxillofacial silicone

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    The development of implant dentistry improved the possibilities of rehabilitation with maxillofacial prosthesis. However, clinically it is difficult to bond the silicone to the attachment system. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an adhesive system on the bond strength between acrylic resin and facial silicone. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 120 samples were fabricated with auto-polymerized acrylic resin and MDX 4-4210 facial silicone. Both materials were bonded through mechanical retentions and/or application of primers (DC 1205 primer and Sofreliner primer S) and adhesive (Silastic Medical Adhesive Type A) or not (control group). Samples were divided into 12 groups according to the method used to attach the silicone to the acrylic resin. All samples were subjected to a T-peel test in a universal testing machine. Failures were classified as adhesive, cohesive or mixed. The data were evaluated by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey's HSD test (&#945;=.05). RESULTS: The highest bond strength values (5.95 N/mm; 3.07 N/mm; 4.75 N/mm) were recorded for the samples that received a Sofreliner primer application. These values were significantly higher when the samples had no scratches and did not receive the application of Silastic Medical Adhesive Type A. CONCLUSIONS: The most common type of failure was adhesive. The use of Sofreliner primer increased the bond strength between the auto-polymerized acrylic resin and the Silastic MDX 4-4210 facial silicone

    Influence of the enclosure, polishing and period of storage, about the roughness of the acrylic resins in the making of ocular prosthetics

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    A proposta desse estudo foi avaliar a rugosidade de resinas acrílicas próprias para confecção de próteses oculares, submetidas a dois diferentes métodos de inclusão e polimento, antes e após 60 dias de armazenagem. Foram confeccionados 24 corpos-de-prova, obtidos a partir de discos em resina acrílica incolor confeccionados em prensa semi-automática. Os discos foram incluídos em muflas próprias para microondas, utilizando dois diferentes tipos de materiais para revestimento, gesso especial e silicone de condensação. Após a presa final do gesso, as muflas foram abertas, os discos retirados e a resina prensada e polimerizada em forno microondas. Após o resfriamento natural das muflas, os corpos-de-prova foram desincluídos e submetidos ao acabamento e polimento. Dos 24 corpos-de-prova obtidos, 12 receberam polimento mecânico e restante polimento químico. Os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao teste de rugosidade de superfície, antes e após um período de armazenagem de 60 dias, utilizando um rugosímetro digital portátil modelo RP100 (Tonka Sul Americana Ltda, Brasil). Para cada corpo-de-prova foram realizadas 3 leituras que posteriormente foram transformadas em valores médios. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados utilizando análise de variância seguido pelo teste de Tukey em nível de 5% de significância. Em todos os grupos houve um aumento na rugosidade superficial após 60 dias de armazenagem, porém estes valores só foram estatisticamente significantes para os corpos-de-prova polidos quimicamente. O grupo silicone proporcionou menores valores de rugosidade para os grupos quimicamente polidos. Independente do polimento empregado e do tempo de armazenagem, a inclusão com gesso proporcionou maiores valores de rugosidade superficial. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe proposal of that study was evaluate to roughness of own acrylic resins for making of eye prosthetics, submitted to two different approaches of enclosure and polishing, before and after 60 days of storage. They were concocted 24 samples, obtained from disks in colorless acrylic resin concocted in are-automatic press. The disks were included in muflas own for microwave, utilizing two different kinds of stuff for covering, special plaster and silicone of condensation. After final prey of the plaster, the muflas were open, the secluded disks and the resin presses and cured in oven microwave. After the natural cooling of the muflas, the samples were desincluídos and submitted to the finish and scouring. The 24 samples obtained, 12 received remaining mechanical and chemical polishing. The samples were submitted to the test of roughness of surface, before and after a period of storage of 60 days, utilizing a roughness readings digital portable model RP100 (Tonka South American Ltd, Protection, Brazil). For each samples were carried out 3 readings that sub -sequently were transformed in medium values. The results obtained were evaluated utilizing variance analysis followed by the test of Tukey in level of 5% of significance. In all of the groups had an increase in the roughness after 60 days of storage, however these alone values were statistically significant for the polished chemically. The group silicone provided decrease values of roughness for the chemically polite groups. Independent of the employed scouring and of the time of storage, the enclosure with plaster provided increase roughness values
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